Chairman is a sexist title unless it says Chairperson mmm ahh. So I call him Chief Economists, Like my Chief and Commander the President. Anyways enough smart talk to reading have not done a full analysts on calling him Chief and its impacts on in a full scale aggregate form, However, I like Chief makes it sound like he is the leader of the economic tribe as he is, I believe:
Let you know what I think in a few. My souls feels bad so I am going to read, was going to run but I think Chief E probable said some enlightening things and I would like to know. I would just be thinking about while I was running.
Rider I on Chief E's briefing of the Economic situation of course " this means the authors words" and [ means it is my thoughts and ideas]
Here we go:
"Only by understanding the factors that led to and amplified the crisis can we hope to guard against a repetition." [Ok I like it so far, factors that led hope to see a break down love the amplification hope to see big corporations that are to big to fail like I saw when I read ahead. You know I will take the domestic application and apply it to lets so SOE champions. Alright good stuff]
"Too-big-to-fail financial institutions were both a source (though by no means the only source) of the crisis and among the primary impediments to policymakers' efforts to contain it" [Cool now I know the sharp end of the brief will be about to big to fail financial institutions and how they were regulated]
"Triggers" & "Vulnerabilities" love that going to have us those words in my writings.
"the most prominent one was the prospect of significant losses on residential mortgage loans to subprime borrowers that became apparent shortly after house prices began to decline." [There is that pesky servy curve, I hope we correlate it to the .com servy curve. However, so far I gleam this will be specifically scoped to this servy curve and not the correlation to the /com sery curve]
"government's crisis-response toolkit" [that is cool, I am going to have use that too]
"2007" "triggered by fears"
[Great specific case examples good strong broad start for a link new form of bank run excellent analogy.]
[servy curve causes credit crunch as funds are pulled.
fear of bad assets in the form of mortgage loans cause trickle effect of fear.]
loans become based on assets liquidity and less on service or performance
as the service value dry's up financial firms hoard assets of liquidity
good stuff hope to hear about industries of liquidable assets like manufacturing. of course this sounds like a servy dried up then we relied on liquidity value which is less than 30% of our gdp industries as we have 70% servy curve
sorry laying down not easy to annotate and cite
"treasury" & "federal reserve" "toolkits" did their jobs
[However, they were not able to kick in and start working till the boat had big wholes and was already less based on service and more based on liquidable backed items.]
[Like I thought that servy curve drove a credit crunch because after the service industry dries up from demand employment servy curve foks could not get out loans and it started effecting other cloud economics as folks got that gut feeling of needing security as the service industry started to dry up and start close to past the red line of the supply demand of employment in the service industry and demand in the market place for the service]
"Shadow banks" I like that term I will have to do a research further into the mindset of that.
[Basic deficiencies in the understand of servy bell curves and how they drive our business cycle good like it all players agreed could not properly apply the last servy bell curve .com to the mortgage servy bell curve to properly see the risks and how the strong reliance on that curve would cause major financial trends of after servy curve demand supply hit red half way folks wanted liquid able assets and no more service fundings]
[It is like a feeding frenzy or a baseball bat hand over hand grab to everyone gets excited cause we were in a trough for so long that they just start going and forget about what happened during the last servy bell curve, don;t worry about that we will not be the last ones to get our hand on the top of the bat]
"Private-sector risk management also failed to keep up with financial innovation in many cases. An important example is the extension of the traditional originate-to-distribute business model to encompass increasingly complex securitized credit products, with wholesale market funding playing a key role. In general, the originate-to-distribute model breaks down the process of credit extension into components or stages--from origination to financing and to the post-financing monitoring of the borrower's ability to repay--in a manner reminiscent of how contemporary manufacturers distribute the stages of production across firms and locations." [That Chief E is good stuff]
". This general approach has been used in various forms for many years and can produce significant benefits, including lower credit costs and increased access of small and medium-sized borrowers to the broader capital markets."
"quantity rather than the quality of the mortgages extended" [Yes it is coming together just like I said on the down side of the servy curve they start to sell cheaper as the market is saturated with employees so to get competition and keep jobs they have to under sell each other which then creates the loss in employment as the servy curve keeps drying up and they have to lay off more and more will it gets cheaper and cheaper, they then can use speculation sales to keep doing the same thing. Then banks and financial institutions start to see what is going on as it gets more predatory and they get scared cause watching hungry animals eat is scary, unless there is a proper agent Banks is the name (BCA's is the game) I will take a club soda maam]
[Then the banks started predatory events based on those who did not understand the baseball bat game is coming to a close and they started repacking the servy bell curve value and selling it to those who did not know or understand to apply historical bell curves to this one and the game was almost up]
[Then as the leverage starts to kick it in keeps the servy bell curve going down as employees find it harder to find easy accessible loans to sell to mortgagees to buy houses. While the other mortgagees that lost their jobs and high income have already caused the ripple effect of economics through the industrial arena and business cycle along with the financial sector as they wise up and start to remember the previous servy bell curve] So the servy bell curve starts to normalize that service industries job employment capacity. So that makes it even worse for the employment as the ripple effect starts to see less capital flowing as mortgagees no longer have jobs and banks are trying to balance their ledgers after the industry frenzy then the repackaging frenzy]
"The recent legislation addresses these issues by requiring that derivatives contracts be traded on exchanges or other regulated trading facilities when possible and that they be centrally cleared" [have to do further research on this as it centralizes the power of markets and forces clearance of such activity. Which instead of watching and regulating now wishes to control and can create a simple easy access point for pin point infiltration for economic warfare agents as a centrally controlled clearance agency could do. Why would we have to centralize the clearance? Is what I would like to know, defense team watch these new positions for possible foreign economic warfare units.
[So far I like it. Of course though I look on the macro approach of big institutions and the to big to fail as in SOE pressure on the industrial market as the big factor and not the private sector as much. In my clerkship I would have prepared briefs on the to big to fail SOE champions and cartels to their effect on the industrial business cycle which in turn leads to a forces frenzy in the service curve and the financial sectors, but then again I think I have a unique perspective] Private sector's in my mind were not the issue, it was the regulator agencies and statutes as stated, through the non consideration of the prior service bell curve and its implications to the next service bell curve]
the "SEC" toolkit comes in.
[Like the AIG being watched by different agencies leaves way for proper checks and balances and less pin point infiltration accuracy of economic ....... points by foreign operators. Chief E good pick up on the none watching of their financial assets and possible red lines as through the ripple effect of the servy curve]
[like the problem of improper data gathering means we need hounds to make sure private banks do not hide in the shadows and can be brought in the light away from Cheif E's bad sights, get hounds keep private banks out of the Chief's sights]
"macroprudential authority" new term
"Systematic failure" through aggregation of small points. Cheif E is on it.[ A proper analytical algo should be created to calculate small points and a data graph indicator and map sequence in moving from should be created to watch these small points in an aggregate.] [As such my pupils of adrenaline fueled economics this is an area of high importance to economic warfare, small points into aggregation. Proper plans should be created to attend to this vulnerability so as to secure a proper hill business cycle and curve this area of possible "vulnerability" of course they may already exist we just need to bring them to light]
"Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)" tookit
[Sounds like we may need a committee of in, between and from the OCC and the SEC to share and properly create data, maps, movements and predictions. Bringing together from different agencies with different directives can make it much harder to pin point infiltrate.]
"Some of the most significant and costly problems arose in the government-sponsored enterprises related to housing, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." [Chief E I am smiling as big as sun Sir. "duopolies" gaining government subsides probable created an artificial bubble]
Darn have to go my best friend is here. I just got to the best part, darn best friends. What are they good for showing up at the best analytical points. Its like an analysts nightmare, friend time or read friend time or read friend time or read. Oh got to go
"Some of the most significant and costly problems arose in the government-sponsored enterprises related to housing, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Although these two companies were subject to regulatory oversight, the statutory framework for that oversight was problematic. Fannie and Freddie were nominally private corporations, but they enjoyed cost advantages from the implicit federal guarantee on their liabilities; these cost advantages allowed them to act as a duopoly in a number of businesses, including providing credit guarantees and securitizing conforming mortgages. Their securities were exempt from a number of SEC registration and reporting requirements. Until mid-2008, their prudential regulator was the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which had a dual--and sometimes conflicting--mission of promoting home ownership and preserving the safety and soundness of Fannie and Freddie. As a practical matter, the dual mission made it more difficult for OFHEO to promote safety and soundness if its actions might limit the volume of mortgage origination's. Fannie and Freddie were permitted to operate with capital that was both of low quality and of inadequate size to buffer the risks in their portfolios. In addition, their balance sheets were allowed to grow rapidly, including through purchases of subprime mortgage-backed securities."
[This malfunction is similar to another big to big to fail type model with vertical straight line connections and protections.]
[That paragraph explains my theory of SOE artificial private and government owned or new word (duopoly). The theory goes that because the government owns the company they will create laws to help it along and not properly regulate it or even worry about it because they think that it is to big to fail because the government owns it. However, because the government is cheating itself and its own marketplace other companies in the market place have to find ways to compete which could mean forcefully driving prices in before the half way slope of the service curve and red line to sell and repackage loans. This then protectionism by government allows for a multitude of detriments to the market place that is still left as the government treats its partial ownership in interest for its people and thinks that by protecting it with laws and without proper regulations that it will help. When in actuality it just makes it harder for the rest of the market to eat and therefore, causes intra self deprivation or what I first thought of once I looked into the mortgage service curve, self eating (in terms of the virtue of the government protecting the industry it owns and then creating the industries itself to self eat the country as it tries to compete]
[This idea of duopoly also relates into the conflict as stated above to promoting the industry and also regulating it, which can cause further detriments]
[I am good I mean I am pretty much reading into our Chief Economists views like a mirror to what I see going on in China which is affecting us in a macro scale.Please, pick me up I need a job that I can survive on and make my future wife interest proud of me. I am trainable and I would think obviously I have shown a drive and huge interest in helping the fair competition of our market place. I can also wait till it is the right time after grad school. So my presentations and speeches can be more effective with 6 degrees a wall full of awards and the proper graduates title hopefully coupled with a master title. Then my future kids and wife would think I was the big nerd and I could tell them stories of how hard I had to work and be very creative to get were I am. I bet that my kids and wife hopefully spoiled they will be will make fun of me and I will darlings you do not know how proud I am to be called a nerd from what I have had to deal with growing up]
[application from Chief E's to the macro in application to my studies is necessary for my summary application]
"Fannie and Freddie were permitted to operate with capital that was both of low quality and of inadequate size to buffer the risks in their portfolios"
[Ok so if I could find my logic on this blog cite I would say that is what I am saying about the Chinese Cartels. They are using such low credit lending and loans from other SOE banks that it is causing huge massive devastating effects to the financial markets of their domestic market place and the international marketplace as the world is so heavily dependant as almost to the point of satellite to their manufacturing dumping tactics, explain more in depth about improper checks and balances from SOE banks to the SOE cartels of the Chinese Communist Political Party.]
[I think Bernanke might be better than Green span. Just maybe he can balance us out. Greenspan was a good economists he leaves behind very big shoes to fill though. ]
"In addition, their balance sheets were allowed to grow rapidly, including through purchases of subprime mortgage-backed securities."
[Market share acquisitions favored for the SOE' can cause problems]
"Many of these statutory gaps have been addressed by the recently passed financial reform legislation."
[Gaps will still be left however, the service curve will not bubble in the mortgage industry so much as there will now be more guardians]
[However, this idea of macroprudential will still cause problems in the market share acquisition of mortgages as it will still be run and promoted by the government. The problems will still be there as long as the Fannie Mae and Indi Mac are allowed more shares than poverty and have grace to be regulated and owned by the same interest, the government. As all it would take in the future would be another piece of legalisation loosen up laws to the mortgage industry to create another feeding frenzy and Indi Mac and Fannie Mae would probable lead it again protecting themselves in blind along the way and they creating protection for the industry as a whole]
"Statutory gaps were an important reason for the buildup of risk in the system and for the inadequate response of the public sector to that buildup"
[Well Chief there was an incentive for the legislative gaps to be there in non as the government was gaining market shares for Fannie mae and Inid Mac in which the funds could be used for proper legalisation and political uses. What legislature would want to stop or slow a money making machine for the government and their proposed legislation along with the cloud economic legislating of economics that came along with that business?]
"But even when authorities did exist, they were not always used forcefully or effectively enough by regulators and supervisors"
[I wonder why?]
[It would seem that the US government is dependant on its service curves, through scope of the .com. After the came out of the trough. It did not want to stop something that was creating jobs for its country. That is the bases of the service curve and the feeding frenzy. As the US can't get manufacturing jobs because of well placed infiltrate communist agents, and unlogical theories of fair trade. The government had no choice but to not want to properly regulate the financial boom that was going on.]
[It is like this the US was in a desert, then they came to an oasis and they drank way to fast way to heavily without properly looking at the international macro of what happened after the .com. As we all know or should now drinking to much or to fast after not having any causes internal problems]
"A number of triggers of the crisis were linked to deficiencies in the protection of consumers in the financial marketplace, notably in subprime mortgage lending"
[Again government control needing the service curve to make money made it natural for them to not want to properly look into its money maker]
"notably those relating to the quality of capital and the amount of capital required for banks' trading book assets--and more attention to the liquidity risks faced by banks and other financial institutions would have made the financial system as a whole more resilient."
[This is a good idea, Proper liquidity assets should be the root factor for banks]
"we are playing a key role in ongoing international efforts to ensure that systemically critical financial institutions hold more and higher-quality capital, have enough liquidity to survive highly stressed conditions, and meet demanding standards for company-wide risk management."
[I like that that is good. Of the top of my head though that would mean that Chinese GDP banks would hold high liquidity value as they deal with SOE cartels and then business that dump under SOE cartel padding laws, creating a higher liquidity value under stress than a service business like insurance or mortgage. That is a problem, I need to analyze deeper on that. Very possible outcome long game end conclusion that a country would make after a crash and then would place the highest value on the country holding the most manufacturing as that is liquidable no matter what as services disappear and evaporate very easily. Possible economic warfare vulnerability, defense team effort needed]
"To improve both our consolidated supervision and our ability to identify potential risks to the financial system, we have made substantial changes to our supervisory framework. So that we can better understand linkages among firms and markets that have the potential to undermine the stability of the financial system, we have adopted a more explicitly multidisciplinary approach, making use of the Federal Reserve's broad expertise in economics, financial markets, payment systems, and bank supervision."
[This linkage idea of investigation is very good. Being able to understand those that can undermine the stability is a good thing]
[Yes Sir, love the case by case individual analyzes oh ya. New jobs hire me Sir, I will only take the scariest more dangerous cases though, nerd with a gun watch out just kidding lol]
[May I suggest an algorithm company that can take data and create maps, predictions and analysis as the data is inputted without having to do overly burdened calculations and inputting, The Zargos wine goes well with the wild flower of the rain forest. Good wine very old, flower in a salad is good also and is supposed to make ones brain very sharp with no side effects and able to hold in depth past level 10 for a normal person. What the actual increment of a subhuman intelligent person holding level 10-20 already lets say, the worlds problems seem likes sands of time at the tip of ones fingers. More or less that fanty analogue is related to a computer program that makes the world seem like some really nice dinner.]
[Further suggestions would be to hold tests and key indicators for when banks, or major holders of banks interest are going to fail or are doing something that is of detriment. Then the programs that use the proper alog's will show a basic outline of what is happening and the areas of instability. This way the proper folks can watch for any further signs down the road of the indicators leading to the truth of the nature.]
"Crisis management"
[I have a question were did all that capital go and who is storing it all up in regards to unfair competition, that is basically a leading question. However, it is stated we had to recapitalize. I see it like we had to inflate our money so that our value could be held by those that are Using unfair tactics that would necessary allow for us to regain the money through fair competition]
[I hear a lot of good stuff but nothing regarding the root economics that has started the very key factor that you yourself stated was the service industry that caused this ripple effect. The only thing is the next wave of service curve will be different. However, it will still cause the same effects, in a different way. Don't tell me that is not true as all of this was done after the .com service curve and that did not stop this one.All we are doing is throwing up walls and guards around a massive title wave.]
"A second cost of too-big-to-fail is that it creates an uneven playing field between big and small firms. This unfair competition, together with the incentive to grow that too-big-to-fail provides, increases risk and artificially raises the market share of too-big-to-fail firms, to the detriment of economic efficiency as well as financial stability"
"Among the tools that will be used to achieve this goal are more-rigorous capital and liquidity requirements, including higher standards for systemically critical firms; tougher regulation and supervision of the largest firms, including restrictions on activities and on the structure of compensation packages; and measures to increase transparency and market discipline."
[I do not believe the idea of telling firms what they can pay their people is proper if they did not fail and if they are not paying back government capital. This expression should be narrowed. As the government does not have the right to tell folks what they can earn if they do not need the governments help. Rest seems good.]
"in response to persistent sluggishness in the labor market and what at the time was perceived as a potential risk of deflation"
[This is brought on by the service curve.]
"It is frankly quite difficult to determine the causes of booms and busts in asset prices"
[no it is not look at the service curve and the correlation to the housing speculation. As employment goes up the curve the service curve drives up the prices, as the prices are driven up so does the asset prices. Oh Chief E, you need to spend more time with the service curve]
[I mean Chief E it runs this darn country and our allies business cycles]
"The high rate of foreign investment in the United States also likely played a role in the housing boom."
[No likely there Chief E. it did purposely.]
"The high rate of foreign investment in the United States also likely played a role in the housing boom. For many years, the United States has run large trade deficits while some emerging-market economies, notably some Asian nations and some oil producers, have run large trade surpluses. Such a trade pattern is necessarily coupled with financial flows from the surplus to the deficit countries. International investment position statistics show that the excess savings of Asian nations have predominantly been put into U.S. government and agency debt and mortgage-backed securities, which would tend to lower real long-term interest rates, including mortgage rates. In international comparisons, there appears to be a strong connection between house price booms and significant capital inflows, in contrast to the aforementioned weak relationship found between monetary policy and house prices.12" [read cited document]
"To achieve both sustained growth and stability, we need to provide a framework which promotes the appropriate mix of prudence, risk-taking, and innovation in our financial system" [good conclusion]
[My thoughts before my summary.
I think that the idea that the Duopolies need to be regulated better is a good idea. However, I think that it is an idea that will see little undertaken even if proper agencies are actually created. As was stated their was proper agencies and enforcement capabilities however they were not being used to properly curve the sharpened edges of the service curve. This is because again when the government gets involved and does not see the root yet only works on the cloud then it leaves way to poof or service bell curve which always goes up and then down like our Business service curve. However, to link in the fact of nature of the mass repackaging of bad loans that created an inability for some banks to hold laudable assets. I can see this in a major fashion as applied to our national GDP. As the Chinese SOE banks have hard time holding liquidity except for investments in SOE's which have before gone bankrupt in a similar manner much like how some of our to big to fail firms did. I would see that an international agency to work on these matters is a great idea. I would like to scope however.
This scope is that it is much easier for a government to regulate a to big to fail company if the government has little to no ties to it except for its economic benefits of international and domestic economic value. This has been shown again and again in each recession. Every time a business owned by the government gets involved proper enforcement and regulatory matters do not get involved and enforced because of political matters. As it is well known that jobs in the government have to hold water as to the political movements. Therefore, if you get an industrial movement going on and duopolies are involved. It would be very unlikely that a worker would specifically wish to enforce regulations and rules without placing their necks on the line. By the way I would like to know if anyone lost their job in trying to do such a thing in the Mortgage crisis or the .com trough.
This speech was very comprehensive and laid ways for a great understand of possible aras that need specifically narrowed work. As such I have also been able to pull out areas that seem vulnerable to foreign economic warfare movements. This vulnerabilities will be outlined in my proper summary either later on tonight or tomorrow.
Good speech Chief Economists Bernanke. Proud to serve underneath you Chief. Lets get this American Business cycle curved off and properly headed for a bunny hill ride instead of the peak point spike point we have started to see. ]
[My Suggestions to Chief E Bernanke, as I am a Mr. I:
I believe spending time with the service curve of the mortgage and .com will help you watch, defend, sculpt and properly lead this countries economics. As such I would then look to past service business cycles and try and see if there are any major correlations in other areas of economics much like you did with the mortgage service industry then linking it into the financial sector. After that I would create a proper prediction of how the next service curve which again it looks like it will be with all the hostile and bustle about the insurance service industry and the Green tech manufacturing industry falling horrible from bad advise to invest more US green stimulus for creation of jobs, manufacturing and technology abroad than they did at home, as some folks seem to forget not every one can be in the R&D or technology field and we have over 5 million folks who just need to go to work and produce something of value that are currently unemployed. Back to the suggestions after that clawing. That is my deepest sincerest regards Chief that the service industrial bell curve and business cycle be properly micro scoped and seen how it drives the US economy ever further than this. Then though the proper mass propagating of such terrific ideas of investigation do need to be read by folks that make laws, and folks that read and observe too]
Rider I
This papper seems like a good one for a mental process creation and any clues or pointers to possible areas of economic warfare or vulnerabilites as such.
This Lockique is for public debate, proper legislation, better economic civil liberties, ever changing economic theories and a well respected resolve to what international SOE’s inherently do. [def. of lockique (Use Tomb search before reading]. If China allows I would attend a SASAC meeting. If I had one sentence, it would be: neo-mercantlism crashes,then devours free enterprises and free trade. or comparative advantage needs work. Root Economics (R) Rootologist. The Cosmic Economist.
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