This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Why the Communist Chinese SOE free enterprise padded market is a bad developmental market.

This so called arse kissing idea that the Communist Chinese economic model is a miracle is beyond me. How one can say that the allowance of the worlds resources and wealth centralzied around a party with autrocities to political and economic freedom without minority to fault of such is unbelievable. The current Communist Chinese market model allowed so much centralization that markets collapsed when they removed their stocks and holdings at a high enough share to collapse them as seen in the US stock markets right before the crash we see the Communist MSS and SASAC stock movements as gathered by Knight I, who has gone underground for more ivory tower training like I am supposed to do. However, I just can't stop writing on this dam blog about my souls feelings about the Communist Chinese Economic model. Along with that the centralization of the world's wealth around a communist country has allowed them to use their massive SOE's to dominate and conquer other countries. Thus leaving less room for fair and competitive markets and actual imperalist economic models. Unlike free enterprises which can easily be competed against with competition laws. As SOE's are not affected by competition laws becuase they get a blanky and are national security issues.

Therefore, I could go on. However, I really need to go underground and hit the ivory tower. I have alreayd had to drop one class, due to insuffiecent study of time due to constant tracing of darn communist economics. I need to go to Communist Economic warfare tracers anamous or something. Miracle lol, make me laugh weak analysis as to motives and Marshallian Principles of Reality, darn it that is it, I am gone. No more I need to get into school and get my motorcycle to get my bills down for my lower wage job and graduate studies. Darn it.

Black ball me, wait to you see what dreams you have. Monks were not happy when they saw that bird fly, glad you changed your vote on that matter. It would not have mattered to me, as the cruise ship would have looked nice. However, the monks would have just found me and brought me back to get to work on my souls pure intention to spread wealth and stop Communist Chinese economic models from happening again.

Rider I

I have just been blacked balled and forced to hand in my wings.

I believe this is due to heavy outspoken dislike to the idea that the Communist are being allowed to compete unfairly to hold the worlds dominance in economics. Without prior or future proper strategic management of our labor, our potential our need for growth to maintain a happy and civil work force as through national growth of economics, along with our inability to maintain a high technological advancement of our industries and military as we have lost the worlds high technological industry to a four year trade deficit along with a massive huge loss to communist ownership of rare earth mines, when we should have been properly spreading the wealth out among the 180 countries that have rare earth deposits instead of allowing them to be centralized in the Communist country of China. I believe I have just lost all my abilities to work as a professional through the black ball.

So I am joing a Cruise ship and will be working on as the crew. I will probable stop off at an island and seek a work visa, to work on an island resort as a caretaker.

So long good luck to the teams out there. Remember try to be a good Shepard and not allow the Communist to dominate the world. Who taught me taught me to due what I did and my heart and soul is on this page. I can't help who I am. It just saddens me that I am so late and that no one before was able to stop such high communist economic control in the world so as to see the day the Rider I seat is black balled. Maybe I will see you on the cruise ship sometime. I heard it is free room and board plus travel.

Rider I
Let me know if  I am wrong, however, I saw the bird fly. Oh wait I forgot they can't black ball me as I am the reason why it was created, my natural born symbols hold higher over all, levels. My bad, cruise ship still sounds nice, but I have a world save. So your black balls are point less, thank you for the bird monk though I appreciate knowing who is with me and who is against me.

Glad to see you changed your vote. As I have never been taught and have no clue what I am doing just following my soul in my seeking of investigative reporting and collection of data, along with order given for more data. It would not be proper to black ball me. But if I have to use the symbols to make it fair I will, that is why I guess they are there. Who knows maybe being the rambuchous curious one upsets the properness, but if I was brought in and trained I would follow protocol. I just currently have none.

Today was a very bad day for me. Things did not go the way I planned, them. My value did not come in, I found out the motorcylce class is going to cost me more than I can get, then I had to put down some authority via folks trying to stop me from what I need to do. I am going to become a cloud nine general and I will be a business attorney to help fight the centralization of wealth, and to help companies obtain proper market shares with anti-trust and other corporate laws so, we can make sure to develop a good world without this Communist China model ever happening again. In which such economic autrocities as 90% of the worlds rare earth being developed in a Communits country that plays greedily for its centralized SOE's to rule instead of spreading out the wealth between 180 countries which would have kept the Communist in proper tranistioning check and balance and would have allowed substantially more market shares for the world along with more country economic soverignty as there would have been way less Communist SOE's in the world. The monks stand strong with me on my life's goal for freedom and spread of wealth, stopping me will be an endevour of feats I would not do, as one with such a pure and good intention is very hard to stop.
Today was one of the worsts days I have had in a while, it surprised me, I put my foot down and I am gripped again for tomorrow. See how the sun shines tomorrow.

Rider I

I am very frustrated with my educational pursuits along with work pursuits.

I will not be able to spend any time on this cite nor anymore saving free worlds like the US, Canada, India, Britain or France by creating cognition's for areas of populace in which Communist SOE's run by the MSS and SASAC are taking hold.

I am at current leaving my duties to the very capable Hippy and Cowboy from both the left and right sides that understand Communist Economic Warfare. I have to make an effort to get to my cloud 9 at current I am very upset and need to stop working on this cite. I have full respect and belief in the free worlds intelligence agents to understand what is going on and to place proper competition on the Communist Markets so the free world markets can grow at a healthy sustainable rate to check their Communist Economic Dominance over the world. I have literally placed my boot so far up each intelligence agency that I am sure the names I use in them will go down in history, or at least in the one I transmit to the most.

As such I need all owls to take over where I am leaving off. My mental studies can no longer handle the world load of this cite. As my work situation and night school are a drain to me and are not easy at this stage in my life as a higher level pursuit.

Rider I

I want all Owls on deck I belief that the Communist extremist are committing illegal actions to fight economic warfare.

As an owl we have never been allowed to break the law and we shall never. However, under the 1st Amendment we have the right to assemble against criminals, terroists, or even communist militants. I have belief to belive that from point in to point be we have a communist militant. As out of 8 unemployment checks I have received three, in which all three I have had to wait for a very long time to get. At first I thought ok maybe it was me making mistakes. I had prepared myself along time ago to deal with Communist militants in the US, especially California, as they have allowed the Communist militants in government positions. Therefore, I expect this, and even more hardship to stop them from imploding our economy further. However, as I believe a felony has been committed against me through mail fraud by losing or messing with my mail, I now seek all owls in proper positions to find and seek out through their legal and proper right to assembld against communist anarchist militants, who it would seem after 7 messed up unemploymetn checks of mine are some where down the line committing a felony against my person.

We do not commit crimes so as always abide and proceed with the frist amendment right to investigate and present. If any mail fraud is happening the Post office by leaders of the Post office or other Communist militants I would expect proper legal recourse. Which means tell me their names and what their soul aura is and i will deal with them. I do not like illegal actions being committed. This game was not nice with the Americna Communsit Party committed illegal actions for the Soviets and if the Communist Party are now committing illegal actions to help the CCP. I want justice.

I have prepared for this so again, I know where to get food while I am seeking a a new place of employment and I have a trade and barder with an elderly person for my room and baord and I already expected to lose my car. So I am not in danger of imploding. However, still who every in the government is giving orders to comit crimes against my person shall be brought to legal court justice or crow soul justice. One or the other. If the trace is so deep that they have communist militant anarchist in high position contacts, then I will take it to soul justice, properly and legally.

Illegality is not the way Americans play it is the way Communsit militants play and have always played. I do not take kindly to anyone committing crimes against someone who is not breaking the law by assemblying and addressing a serious threat to this country and the free world as our intellegence units are to busy trying to stop the Muslim brotherhood from destroying freedom via soul enslavement.

Dam it, 8th check this has happened. I want someones head, legally and properly.

I want proper grids made of all Communist Party associates and extreme socaialist terroist groups and all of their peers and families start the trace and pin pount probability we will run tests to see if they commit crimes and then find out if they are acting on their own reconissance or by order of higher power. If found to be higher power I have 25 Generals who are willing to legally and properly reprimand anyone who is calling out order to commit illegal crimes against a person especially one who speaks out so heavily against Communist anarchist implosion of the US and free world markets so the Communsit can domiante.

So be it, find them, illegality upsets me.

Rider I

I want all owls on board. We have just went through the biggest every world communist economic warfare hit. In which they are now using their Communist massive SOE's to devour and spread their economic controll. This is BS, that the owls have to get involved. However, like predicted and explained, they are currently cutting our intellegence budges and this will make it even worse. As such with the 1st Amendment being had having a right to assemble all Communist entities and known extemist lefts are to be under I. The extreme right are heavily regulated, by the government, the Communist have gone un touched and have proliferated for the last 10 years. We need to watch and report more on these matters.

The idea that Communism is a necessary evil is a false dichotomy.

The natural idea that we have allowed the Communist Party to compete so unfairly for so long due to improper force placed on political restructuring to balance the power back out to the people and their representatives instead of the CCP is the very reason why. The idea that Communism works in a fast manner to create an imperialist economic model. Imperialist as defined means unfair. Which then if allowed to be held as a so called or probable thought of necessary evil, causes it to be allowed to conquer. Where as if the Communist party was properly disbanded like all the other post communist countries. We should see I believe a necessary slow moving Democracy/Republic for the people's desires instead of the Communist Parties elite to conquer the world.

We can see this based on the ideas of free countries like the US. Where greater capitalist where allowed to own resources, transportation etc. This then allowed to basically fully based on the Democratic/Republic ideals of the individual desires of the day to build what the people needed based on a necessary need to spread the wealth of competitors as allowed by Senator Sherman's anti-trust laws. This in case and point would actually refute even the basic idea that SOE's should be allowed for real developing countries. In which allows to much centralization of wealth to the government and not enough pressure from the market forces of competition between individuals or free enterprise firms.

I have also heard out of a DI's mouth that the game between Communism and free markets will never be over. This again is another false dichotomy and shows defeatist mind set like many other DI's I and my team have personal counter traced. The idea that we should not properly place force and necessary very competitive needs of the free market on Communist Markets to shut down their uncompetitive SOE's is a defeatist mindset. The US has long down without massive SOE's or allowance of massive Corporate greed to centralize the worlds wealth. Up until recently since the Communist defeatist mindset has really gripped into free world intelligence. Where as before, it would have been unheard for a DI to get his arse literally kicked in the ring for having such a defeatist mind set as the game will never be over, or Communism is a necessary evil. Literally I have stories from old DI's in where defeatist DI's which were not called DI's then would get their arses kicked until their mindset was to fight for dear life instead of allowing their arse to be kicked in theoretical in cognition creation their countries arse to be kicked. What the intelligence world needs today is another Ring in the gym soe when defeatist cognition papers come up, they are taken to the ring the gloves come on and they are taught to feel what it is like to fight for dear life.

Literally Communism is not needed in this country. Freedom has long since held the title over social feudalism as the best spread of wealth, and decentralization of wealth. Communism is a serious threat to free world growth as we have seen little of that in the last 10 years, and our ability to defend against Communist massive feudalistic style population growth via defense spending. Which due to defeatist mind sets we have allowed the Communist not only to catch up and surpass us on populace military but also in high technological military thanks to defeatist mindsets and definitely I do not even need to be in there and I know there is not enough literally get your arse in the ring for writing a paper that allows the communist to spread and to dominate, while freedom is crushed and devoured by Communist Massive SOE's. I can bet you $1million dollars there has not been one arase kicked in the ring for writing a defeatist mindset and I bet DI's now a days do not even box anti-American written papers anymore.

What happened to the old schoolers who understood why free markets where going to win this and that we where going to win it very fast, strategically and legally proper through competitive spirit and American Patriotism. Now I hear whispers and defeatist mind sets the game will never be over, oh, it is a necessary evil. Y'all just lucky I can't come in right now and throw your arses in the ring women or men since there are lots of women writing to now a days that means they can get their arses kicked in the ring too.

Rider I
Dam defeatist think we are invincible, we have lost high technology advantage due to non arse kicking in the rings for anti-American economic written papers. We have never had populace advantage. Dam it, I sweat if I ever get to come up there there better be a ring in the gym where DI's teach their students what it is like to have to fight for their lives. Cause trust me you think those Communist and their massive unfair SOE's will not invade or pay off Mexico to invade, your dam weak and need arse kicking. It is reality we can win as long as we keep the tables equated for freedom of economics v communist markets.

How does Harley's inability to keep up with other motorcycles broad diversification of products affects its ability to gain market shares?

Harley without doing any research of my own based on pure good marketing of products I believe does not have any four wheelers, go carts, or cheap dirt bikes. Thus causing its ability to compete for market shares to decline. As the ability of a producer to produce more items allows it to lower its prices on other items. Which gives it a wider ability for econometrics. As I wish to purchase a Harley with my tax money, I have to look and see. Does Harley provide new motorbikes at $3,000. No it does not the cheapest one you can get is around $8,000 new. However, some of its competitors who play much better econometrics games, have bikes at substantially cheaper prices. Where as new models even a couple years old can be found for around $4,000. Which allows the competitors to sell at a much lower price due to the higher volume of sales. However, as Harley is made in the US and it has not found a great anti-trust econometrics attorney or clerks to fight against such tactics. I would say that $4,000 difference is because of non Harley diversification of market shares, and probable from foreign government subsidies for its countries competitors to enter market shares. However, if we look at such cheaper bikes as Honda, or Kawasaki, what we will see is not only do these companies own a myriad of other Enterprise with the same name for cognition such as trash dumps, entertainment companies and the rest but they are possible heavily helped by really good econometrics players. Which can turn a game into a new industry holding. Thus allowing them gain more market shares by under selling Harley. I hate to say it, but I would love to buy a Harley. However, as I am losing my car, and I can't afford to keep it through graduate school and working. I might have to buy a used Harley instead. Which is not a Harley as it is not new, that is a used Harley. Which means I probable will have more troubles and have to take care of it instead of growing with the bike and feeling it and knowing it I have to take somebodies Else's and figure it out.

Darn Harley you need to get some better econometrics clerks. Darn it. Play the game, I mean get some intel into Kawaski or Honda and see how they do it, darn it. We need better US home made competitors, for cheaper products which create more market shares which create more US domestic jobs.

There are two choices for free markets and free worlds.

We can keep constraining ourselves to high service bell curves, or we can start to lower the reliance on service bell curves and start to create a constraint on an economic balance of services v production which will allow us to balance out our economics and stability. While also as per cognition historical and principles of free markets help create surpluses in real developing markets to allow them to create a more secure quality of life for their people without heavy use of SOE's in competitive markets.

I guess I can say that in a free market SOE's are not used to compete for above poverty market shares. With minimal exceptions.

Rider i

The Difference between Communist Market place and Free Market place.

A free market place is compromised of a good spread of wealth through free enterprise. Which are held to a competitive standard for new free enterprise to enter the market place to compete via a very well equitable law of economic competition. These free enterprises are then followed by a safety net of smal SOE's which make sure that the lower class and those who fall from competition or loss of competition have a net to land on and can start to try and compete in the market place. This poverty level market share of SOE's allows for the most freedom of individual labors and the best spread of wealth among any every economic program experimented in the world.

The Communist market place of today is marked by high centralization of wealth in government owned entities. Which have conglomerates smaller SOE's to create massive centralization of market shares and wealth so the state can wield them to collect unfairly foreign market shares and wealth. This Communist style massive SOE creates not only a centralization of wealth domestically, in which causes massive pockets of no spread out economics due to centralized planning and horrible anti-free market and individual desire creations of economic atrocities. This then is then spread internationally. Where these uncompetitive economic atrocities are allowed to crash via uncompetitive dumping of their products into countries, which take jobs away from that country, then they uncompetitive come in and take over actually competitors via tehir massive centralization of their domestic wealth. Which then causes a centralization of international wealth as they devour landscapes and market shares that they collapsed using dumping tactics.

The two market places have been seen for a long time. The only differences are now that the Communist use more free enterprises to cloak their massive SOE activities. In which allows them to spread out a little bit better their domestic wealth and cover their tracts when centralizing international wealth. However, the Communist market place is still communist and still exists the same threat as before. The ability of the Communist SOE to centralize wealth away from individual desires and free enterprise into the hands of the military and intelligence units of the communist to wield them to conquer and create satellites so they can dominate the world and implement Karl Marx's sinister wish for a one world rule and international currency.

Thus the differences of the two markets have gone lost on our economic defenders of free world intelligence. They have succumb to some kind of defeatist mindset in which it is ok to allow the Communist to take over the world and cause massive centralization of international wealth by not allowing countries to create their own surplus when needing to develop. It has gone so far and so unseen to where the Communist now are considered to be developing. Even though they hold every rank in number from military, to production, to wealth, to anything. The only differences is there ability to spread wealth among their domestic market place. Which is an inherent problem with communist market places. As the national priority is not to allow free markets but to create massive so called SOE Champions to dominate and centralize the wealth around the CCP, so they can control dissenters and their ability to start to create a dominant one world rule.

This is nothing new, except the cloaking via free world enterprise. The free world's intelligence I hope at best though that by allowing them to compete unfairly with their SOEs that they would conform on their own. That has failed and we have red lined. They have now overtaken more market shares in the world with their Communist SOE's than the Soviets did with their massive SOE's. It if a failure do to free world love and compassion, we trust a lot as we are so free in our pursuits of individual desires we do not think that a country would use their massive SOE's to do such a sinister economic weaponly planned event to take control.

As such the differences between free markets and communist markets are the SOE economic weapons competing unfairly against the best way to spread out wealth, our free enterprises.

Our free enterprises will not die, nor will the Communist dominate the world with their economic warfare strategy created by Karl's Marx's so long ago. The owls of Gulag's once flew proud and many where caught in the slavery, we will again fly high as many souls uncentralized to any government except for wishing for freedom of economics and civil rights here the call to stop CCP world economic dominance, for what it is worth. I have been waiting to create these announcements and meditation waves for a long time. It is now my honor to call for a world owl research project to stop Communist world domination once again.

To those who know, may energy of peace and freedom be with you and may you never fall prey to Marxist aura cognition of communal enslavement and centralization of wealth to cause disparity. Long Live the Rider I seat.

Rider I
To all slavery dissenters may the divine be by your side during your enslavement and if you do not feel it in this life time may your soul feel free when your root warfare creates freedom. Legally and properly.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to prove that project FWPI against the CCP is good for the world.

At current we have the CCP, which holds the world title for generating growth and controlling international wealth. We have the contender after a huge arse whooping from the CCP needs to make sure for the world and it souls that the title comes back to the free world for world development and growth. So how do we do this.
First we need to find a way to level out the competition. This is normal. As when competition becomes so unfair that it causes harm and pain to the world as we have just went through then that nation needs to level out. Much like we saw, Britain, and the US, Japan and the US and many other nations that had to level out do to such imbalanced international wealth that caused pain and suffering.

Thus we have a motivator. Which is that if we allow the Communist to greedily on without a proper intervention to balance out the international wealth we will see more very unstable international economics until the Communist party controls the international wealth. This is based on its constitution and principles of communizing the world under Communist Marxist rule.

So what do we need to do. Well we need to create a market place for more jobs and wealth for the free world. This idea that because the Chinese, Russians, Brazilians, India and others are poor countries is basically because of the level of Communist political movements in the state, which centralizes wealth based on centralized economic strategy instead of free market individual desires. All but India are very communistic in their economics with massive SOE's. Thus, to allow them to conquer and dominate the world in the new Bloc which is now called the Bric would be unfair for those countries who hold more free enterprise and free market values. As it would literally create more communist markets with more SOE's and only having massive Corporations to compete against the massive SOE's.

Thus we take a need to create a demand for US products. We can do this on the demand supply curve. We thus take our industries and what we can produce at point A. Then we gather what we can produce once we properly apply Marshallian Principle of Realities via Communist Politics to the Bloc I mean Bric. We then see that the lead Bric member the CCP itself has the worlds highest holding of rare earth holdings at 90%. Therefore, it would be easy to show that they are not longer a developing country and break them out of the Bric so they can't create such uncompetitive trade relations with the other Communistic market places. This then would allow the CCP which are current is very uncompetitive to have to stand on its own.

Thus this standing on its own would then allow us to start to properly show how they are uncompetitive using Marshallian Economic Principles of Realities towards their SOE's. As such we should then be able to move back into certain markets like machinery which we have been failing at, energy production and green tech all which we have lost substantially since the Soviet Union fell and the correlation between Communist Economic Warfare watch and Communist economics has inversely affected each other. Therefore, we can predict a point B. Which would be new market places that the US could compete in to create jobs and exports to be competitive.
We could run proper graphs for both point A and B in case we keep having weak economic intelligence being able to properly understand Marshallian Economic Principles of Reality when applied to Communist market places compared to free market individual desires based on free enterprise, which cost more when a free Enterprise is properly regulate under anti-trust laws from growing so big as to be uncompetitive for entrance to market by competitors, like Communist SOE;s which are considered national secrets and allowed to be barriers to entry to other firms at a competitive level.

Thus we then need a shield from the CCP and any communist markets to boot. So we can start to enter markets at a competitive growth level at which we have seen Communist markets grow and grow while free markets have lost infrastructure and civility of safety nets, along with massive defensive losses, which are necessary against Communist markets and feudalistic style population growth. Therefore, this can be done by concentrating efforts of anti-trust to stop the CCP from entering the countries that are currently developing rare earth resources.The other Bric members of course will be allowed to enter. However, they should properly have their SOE's treated like Communist markets when compared to free enterprises of the US and free market systems. As there is no way that a Communist SOE is comparable in competition to a free world enterprise. Thus causing proper and necessary trade and contractual agreements to be competitive. Thus, if so many contracts in a given real developing non Communist market place are uncompetitive given to non free market competition, via SOE's instead of free enterprise a proper argument can be brought up that it is not fair that our free enterprise have to die so Communist SOE's of state government can be declared the winner due to unfair competition.

This then should if proper economic intelligence units with some American Patriotism and less defeatist boot licking in them handle business; will create a competitive market places for US and free world economies to allow more production to be exported into the worlds that are developing rare earth minerals. Along with that if the economic intelligence units of the free world properly make sure that the real developing countries, are allowed to create surpluses at home, then it will allow them to produce and purchase more products in the international market place which then can create a higher demand for all goods. Unlike the current Communist economic warfare which brings in massive SOE's to set up business in the country to strip it of its ability to create competitive business that can help it create a trade surpluses. While the free world can't even trade with the real developing country because the Communist SOE's are sucking dry its political and value based surpluses.

Therefore, to create a shift in demand of US products from point A to point B we must remove the cognition that the Communist markets are developing markets and implement the real mindset that countries like Iraq, Mongolia, Budhistan and the rest are real developing countries. This then will balance out the Marshallian Economic Principles of Realities. Which will show the basic fundamental economics where Communist economics of high centralized SOE's like the CCP, or some of the other Bric members are not to be considered developing countries, as its their choice as elitist leaders to use SOE's for foreign economic invasion instead of allowing domestic individual markets and individual desires to create free enterprise which can then be competitive with real developing countries free enterprises. As a developing country that needs help and is invaded by a Communist SOE really can't help its own citizens free enterprise to compete against the SOE as Communist SOE's are to heavily backed by intelligence and military units, literally a red phone defense and barrier to real developing countries creating their own domestic surplus to help develop others.

So our free world economic intelligence units can grow a pair and stop allowing Communist SOE market places to be called developing, when all they are developing is massive SOE conglomerated economic weapons for foreign invasion to suck dry real developing countries. Instead of free world enterprises that wish for their real developing countries to gain a surplus so they can be domestically stable and create more market places by having their own wealth. It is easy for me to see. Communist market places care about crashing, entrance, and devouring. While free market free enterprises just want to trade and create domestic jobs we can export to them things they can't yet create themselves. Which then as the old guard had it planned before these new ones came in. Would allow US and free world markets to take their economic baskets around to real developing countries and trade with them. Creating at such a balanced economic stability as long as we properly treated the Communist market places as such.

Then again, if anyone has read the Communist Economic Wafare manuals. They will know that it was part of their plan some30 years ago and they have accomplished it. To be thought of as a constant developing market place in which would allow them have pity  so as to conquer enough market shares so as to completely force the free world to be economically in-superior to communist market places. As such creating sort of satellite economies based around the Communist party, like the Soviet Union just more under wraps with less face time of control and more back door control. Therefore, causing US and free world ability to create sovereign countries who can compete fairly in the world. Which means we have more communist satellite countries today than we did when the Soviets were around. As we could easily see the Communist SOE's of old now folks have lost their ability to track communist economics due to a very good cognition creation by the CCP that they are not a threat to global economic imbalances like the Soviets SOE's were, nor is the CCP a threat to the ability of free world or international individuals or groups of individuals to compete against Communist governments SOE's. Somehow I have lost track of why this cognition has been allowed.

Rider I

The threat to the free world.

The CCP which maintains the worlds rare earth resources would like to keep it that way. As such the free worlds poverty intervention and its ability to export is being blocked by CCP MSS and SASAC activities. At such a high rate to make the free world economic intellegence inapt to actually be able to stop Communist Economic World domination. Which pretty much every economists predict will happen very soon within the next 10 years, I say it is happening now, at the root state.

As such the contraint of the free world to create its necessary FWPI program is a deadly threat to its ability to maintain a balanced funcitoning world in which the Communist Party does not have economic dominace over the world. Therefore, the owls are flown and it is time to make sure the balances is not in favor of the Communist party. All agents who believe the Communist should run the world and are allowing it via bad economics are to be properly dealt with under the law. Those that are found to be a deathly threat to be sent to the crows for examination of aura and ideals, to see if their mindset matches the newly found and failed tests of the CCP to wish to dominate the world via economic warfare and political dominace.

As such we most remove the constraint to the Rider I's FWPI program at all reasonable cost benefit analysis to the expansion and growth of the free world. As the Communist still are making their domestic policy a Communist poverished communal problem, to allow them to dominate the world via their SOE's and padded Free enterprises. All birds are on full detail. The hit has been predicted and it was allowed to happen even with prediction from Dr. Doom. Thus a problem looms, I figure it is either inadequate free market economics to defenend against Communist economics, or their is problem areas in our personnel who want the Communist or are content with the Communist dominating the world.

Birds are up, time is in. All overtime is necessary lights are to burn until the Communist party is no longer a world economic dominate threat as the Soviets where. All elders are to train owletts on proper methods and we are to move as the Communist are stopping the free world from being able to grow in a healthy growth cycle by boxing us in as the Soviets tried to do. However, the Communists have for some reason been allowed to go way further than the Soviets ever did.

Find out why, report as neccessary, all telecommunications are not be used, mediation for rests, and monk underground reports are to be sent, birds for messages, no satellite feeds, no traces of such existance of our being except this post which looks to be like some conspiracist weirdo cite on Communsit world domination. The Communist have control of the worlds internet, our free world souces are very behind on defending and rebutting such traces and attacks on information. So we use pagan style communicatios. All hollowed trees are to be filled with researchers after dark, on their own times. Those with children and wives are to be properly given light loads, those who are young bucks and ladies shall get to it.

This hit shall not go down without us making sure the Communsit do not dominate this world.

Rider I

Constrained Optimization of spreading of world's rare earth resources.

If we take that currently one country owns 93% of the worlds resources, and we need to spread those out what would be the constrained optimization. If there are 180 countries developing rare earth mines and one with pretty much all of the shares and wealth of rare earth holdings what is holding back from being able to properly spread the wealth.
If we take the greedy country as the CCP which owns 93% of the worlds wealth.
Then we take the 180 countries as the FWPI, free world poverty intervention. we needs some kind of problem that explains why we are not getting spread out wealth here.

so what is the objective function for the maximized constraint?

The reason why I love Democratic/Republican or at least a two party system.

The idea of freedom is that as much as possible, the weavers are supposed to represent the ideals of the constitution of the country and the beliefs of the people they represent. In the US's system our constitution is based on the idea of individual desires, and the best capable way to allow those individual desires to stay far behind that of the community. That is our history, our constitution and the very founding pillars of free socities that hold it up and give their lives for it. Freedom.

However, in a communist country it is the other way around. They have a few elite class, like Kings, who make the decicision cause supposedly for some reason they are smarter than the Dr., cookie maker, soldier, or normal citizen in representing the wishes of how the masses want their society to be built. This is a fatal flaw in Marxist theory. In which has stopped the Communist party from ever being able to hold power in the US. The basic idea that if the government is allowed to centralize wealth, industries, communications and defense so far away from the individual desires that it can easily be used to created a tryancy by a leader. I know because, being so enlightened is hard to deal with. It is everyday I look at something and see how I could take advantage of the matter for the betterment of me. However, I have given that up when I took my oath to protect this country from foreign or domestic attacks on our freedoms. Therefore, no matter how much I know I could easily gain power from all sides and all entities in this country be an easy 25 year strategy of small errosion. I will never do it. I will fight against those who give into their urges to oppress their people's natural divine given right to be represeted by the most respresentatives that they can get reasonable.

That is why I love this country. In one state, you have these laws, in another you have these, you have cultuer here you have culture there. It is freedomm that I love, not elitism or world domination.

Rider i

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Chinese New Years to everyone behind Communist Lines.

There is no running away in this country. Were monks and we capture beasts. There is the brave and the proud and the Ugly.

I need to read this to stay up on analysis points of view to check and balance their cognitions.

When does cutting dead weight become blood letting?

There is a point in time when programs need to be cut. For example such things as when the Socialist Party of Germany was a major threat to the US and world economy. This not a major threat anymore as the Socialist Party of Germany still exists and wishes for world domination. However, they do not hold enough power to be a major threat. As such funding for the program that makes sure they do not conquer the world should be cut.

However, when it comes to Communist World domination. This program has been blood lett. Which means that it was cut way to short way to early and we do not have enough assets, or cognition working on stopping the Communist world domination. It is so much a problem that no matter what economists you speak to they will all tell you yes I predict the Communist will take over the world very soon. However, they say it in ignorance and say China as if the Communist party is no longer a major threat to the world.

Excuse my language but his a an f'ing problem. I mean I can constantly trace investigative reporters across the world showing where there is no free world intelligence countering Communist intelligence. It is like the free worlds intelligence units see the MSS and SASAC like they are part of their agency. It is amazing, how many Communist intelligence bungles there are. This is not because of the few agents we have working on it which have to basically worry about Communist funding belligerent who then fund the oil sands instability and uncivilly. It is because our funding of free world intelligence on economic activities of the Communist is no where near that of the Communist MSS or SASAC. We spend tons on the extreme rigth college students, farmers and the clerks and dope dealers that weild the poor extremist Islamics against their own civility and economic stability. However, we barely touch in comparison to our rivals spenditures, the economic need to prepare assets and to counter move against the centralized economics intelligence units of the Communists SASAC and MSS.

No offense but this is a boot up the rear problem. As a matter of fact from my trace and satellite hacks. I believe we have maybe 4 people, and most of them are in India. One of them is writing hear with no training or power what so ever to do anything, against the Communist MSS and SASAC. Then I think there is maybe half a person between Britian and the USA and a quarter of a person in Canada that works on specifically countering MSS and SASAC activities via free enterprise and proper cognition of the public whole of who they are allowing into their market shares.I guess if you calculate me I would be even less than a quarter so maybe there is 3.78 people working on the MSS and SASAC economic warfare.

Sucks to be me. I am still so surprised that the Communist have allowed me to exist. Then again with the Priory, Owls, and the whole arena of free world intelligence agents knowing who I am I would suspect that this pimply on my arm and the benign tumor in my arse is not just there for play.

Rider I

The Intellegence Units that have allowed the Communist to centralize international wealth in their country are threatening world peace.

The Communist are have always been the world's worst offender against freedoms. This idea of weakness and defeatism mindset does not come from US ideals or values. It comes from years of Communist intelligence work to create the cognition. The idea that it is ok for the Communist to dominate the world and become the worlds most powerful economy, and our intelligence units are just fine with it and consider trying to compete against them dominating the world a threat to world peace shows literally defeatism and the mindset that those who wish to stop Communist world domination are wrong and those to wish to allow it are right. I am sorry, the free worlds dream is not to allow a Communist Party to dominate the world. It is to keep a peaceful check and balance through the free world until the Communist Party's wish for single world domination through one world international currency and one world government is gone.

Rider I
Simple, if you go against this website and its wishes to stop Communist world domination you have fallen prey to communist intelligence cognition creation of defeatism. And trust me I have met a lot of intelligence agents and read many articles in which they have fallen prey and victim and are happy in their defeatism. While US citizens and free world citizens lose their homes, their savings to inflation their ability to defend themselves via high technological advancements and we lose the ability to help develop countries in the idea of freedom of economics v. the idea of Communism. Plain and simple you have defeatist and you US freedom lovers who love the free world. Cut and dry easy.

How hard is it to give back when you have nothing?

Some folks give back to the poor, some folks give back to their religion, others give back to their country, and some give back to their families. However, when one has nothing how hard is it to spend day in and day trying to give back to an intelligence community of the world, CIA, MI6, SIR C, & CIB to stop Communist world domination. As there has been serious national economic security errors that have allowed the Communist Party to centralize the world's wealth and rare earth minerals.

To watch you friends go out and have lives, and do things, to hear your best friend complain about not going anywhere due to unemployment and educational fees. How hard is that. I would not know it is just my life and what I do, and what makes my soul tick. I guess, my dream is to be someone with titles and a show of life interest in a subject, of serious nature, like economic warfare. So when I stand up with my cloud 9 title, when I speak they know I worked very hard to gain that title and what I say comes from someone who did create an opinion based on in depth research and analysis.

It is not easy, but it takes one to fight one, legally and properly of course. I wonder if there is a women out there that thinks what I am doing is sexy and would stand by my side through poverty or riches to fight for freedom via economic theories and application.  No money, no honey I guess. My best friend right now when I first met her 4 years ago, I explained the full brief of my lives outline, how the first 2 years will be great financially, then after the third it will get harder, then the fourth it will be very hard. As I based it on the service bell curve cycle and Dr. Dooms Hypothesis. Not that hard to think that there would not be a surplus of jobs during these times. I guess for some who can't see past the day to day or the vacation or shop's that would make no sense. Maybe someday I will find a women that when I speak she already knows. Maybe not.

Rider I
Si misix Sir C's siblings, ahh. WTF communist world domination really?

Idaho MSS SASAC Invasion.

As the Sinomach is an extension of the Communist Political party via SASAC control and MSS economic intelligence. Does the United States of America wish to allow in an entity that less than 40 years ago killed millions of Soldiers that tried to stop SOE style enslavement into a friendly allies nation?

Does the US wish to keep allowing its leaders to seek MSS and SASAC help in its own country to destroy US's ability to stop Communist invasion of its base of values and ideals of freedom inside of this country.
Shall the intelligence of this country keep allowing the communist to have centralized wealth in the international community, so the Communist can dominate the world and leave the free world far behind to restart everything we have fought so hard to keep and protect and try and stop.

The US does not vote for communism, again and again, we seek freedom of individual desires not this idea of Communist Massive SOE's.

Rider I
Priory the Sion asks for spiritual leadership and prayer on these matters, to stop what ever evil sinister has lead this and other atrocities to the human soul of freedom of human kind occur. We need as much prayer and research for prayer on this soul cognition.

When Does Senator Sherman's sould become active to break Communist SOE greed?

Now that is when. When they are no longer using them for Domestic use and they dare rest their Communist SOE's after death and torture of those against them, in the heart of the Free world's bright light.

The Generation of Cosmic Economists.

Usually in economists generations we see them looking back to create theories for a better economic cognition. However, in this generation of economists, we see them looking forwards. This is primarily done by showing NASA's moon resource tests, and the NASA mineral carrying new space ship creations, along with many free private enterprises preparing to capitalize on space mining, camping, and exploration. These economists of this Cosmic age have also looked to the skys to see the green house affect and thus propose economic theories based hugely on the environment of the human kind. While old Mr ..... looks forwards to the end of Communist rule by kicking the CIA, MI6, Mounted Maples, and India's Intelligence and our leaders in the arse for centralizing the international wealth around a tyrannical entity that is supposed to be being disbanded from this earth for what they did to hundreds of millions of people based on things that they themselves no longer agree with or even hold. So as we theorize our selves into outer space to save the earths minerals for livable conditions, save the air for breathable conditions and stop human enslavement from single world order, WE SHALL BE DUBBED THE COSMIC GENERATION OF ECONOMISTS. We look out to look in, we see space as a new frontier to allow us to stay free and individuals, we see old enslavement of fuedal economics as outdated and causation of tortured souls, we are the few, the proud the nerdy COSMIC ECONOMISTS. SO seat of the Rider I dubs again.

How to create a more cognitive conceptual economic learning hall presentation.

Well I had my time as a Senator of 8,000 constituents with some polls, some debates a lot of walking around to departments to seek their opinions and expertise before I argued in the Student Associate Body hall. I think I might be able to get a movement in the Teachers Associate Body hall to get the Facility management to kick me some funds to spurse up my new place of hanging, hopefully. Then I would have to create a necessary placement of things for a proper competitive economic learning hall.

Rider I

What should the halls of an Economic Department look like.

Should they be bland and have 40 year old economic data on it. Or should it be intelligently intriguing, with ideas of cosmic economics regarding space mining and the necessary balance of fuel to resource acquisition, should there be places for good economics books, economic competition posters, comparison and contrasting of historical data and present data to show possible areas of economic need for new theories, should the stair ways be lined with, should there be places for international economic interns and job fairs, should an economic departments walls be plastered with good present relevant data, or should old historical data with no intriguing cognition's be on the walls of an economic department. I would say intrigue me, I do not want to see walls with boring old economic data. I want new ideas, inspiration works, and places to compete and to work or learn at.

Rider I
I need to get a grant or donor to donate to my school to update its economic department walls. I wonder if I could get Karl's Marx's face off the very boring and not intriguing wall. heheh, that sinister SOB and his economic theory to destroy free markets. The idea that great wall space is going to waste to intrigue and help inspire our young minds at my economic institution of learning is a dig for me. I think I found gold in a cognition, and maybe a removal of Marxism and its single dominate world rule by economic warfare destruction of free markets through SOE centralization, corporate greed exposure and then anarchy as disparity takes over from massive SOE and massive corporate greed centralization of wealth. However, old Sinister one world, did not expect the owls to stop his theory from happening and the destruction of the free world, through such great minds as Marshall, and now Mr. ....., or the present  but not for long seat holder of the Rider I. That is right I am coming for that seat up there you goubers.

I should start a rally against the picture of Karl's Marx. I wonder if those old World Democracy folks would be up for a good old anti Marxism, Remove the Sinister picture. The worst economic theorist ever. I do not want boring historical data. I want Cosmic Economists like me on the wall or places like Cosmic economists like me to go and compete or look at data that compares and contrasts areas we might be interested in studying to better, not this old economic data. Give me Cosmic movements. This is the generation of Cosmic economics as we figure out how to save human kind and extinguish Communist SOE and Corporate greed via competitive fair market places for all without a one world single currency Marxist view. I am a Cosmic Economist, and this is the generation of space economic invisionment, for resource gathering to save our planet from melt down and to stop governments from oppressing others via their Communist SOE's while making sure Senator Sherman's anti-trust laws are used against Corporations without laxitive allowance due to heavy Communist SOE uses. Darn it I am a Cosmic Economists and my generation is going to kick your arse.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

To me Idaho did not ask the MSS to come in and invade their market shars with massive Communits economic warfare weapons.

To me it is the same principle as the Alamo. We did not have enough intelligence on the units at the Alamo. In which then where allowed to surround the base and then attack.
Applied analogues idea to Idaho, Boise.
The US has been surrounded and completed dominated by Communist economics. So much so we have made a huge error in allowing them to horde and control the worlds rare earth resources. In which we have not allowed the proper spread of wealth to more than one country. As such causing a massive world reliance on the Communists. So when the Idaho leader went to China, he also was not properly prepared by intelligence units for his basket of exports or abilities to create US companies in Idaho to then seek export contracts with other countries besides the Communists. Same principle to me. When the Alamo folks went out and told the surrounding army what they had and that they would like to leave. Then they where slaughtered due to bad intelligence and seeking white flag help.

Economic Warfare based on Karl's Marxist very specific view of how to destroy free markets and military physical war are very analogous to me, in strategic purposes.

Basic Idea of this crows nest of collection of data.

1. The Communist are still an economic threat.
2. Our intelligence economic units are not at the level to refute or even rebut MSS economic warfare, at necessary levels to KGB massive communist economic warfare.
3. Efficiency at the level of massive Communist SOE's is detrimental to any free market. Senator Shermani,
4. I am a freaking nerd.
5. I LOVE ECONOMICS. I remember when i received my first degree in it. I used to just hang out with this wise old economists who would tutor me every day after school.
6. The idea that the cost benefit analysis that we should allow the Communist to dominate the world is good is bad.
7. Communist SOE's are dominating the world, in similar fashion to KGB Soviet style domination tactics.
8. Deadly is the idea of allowance of Centralized wealth to the Communist empire.
9. Our intelligence agents need to read the old economic warfare manuals and get some old owls up there, and stop being offended by my drilling on them, get over it I love everyone and wish harm on no one. I just want the best spread of wealth and I know Communist domination is not the way.
10. I am nerd.
11. The Communist Chinese failed every test of non wish for world dominance I gave them.
12. They are Communist. It is very probable they are trying to socialize the world using massive SOE's which will cause more centralization of wealth, which will then cause disparity and will then cause anarchy that will seak communist rule. I mean has not any read that sinister SOB of Marxism he explains how to raun a perfect economic warfare strategy against the free world.
12. I do not like Anarchy, or threats to the United States or the free world via soft power Marxist economic single world domination economic plan.
12. The MSS for some reason is way out doing the CIA in economic warfare via developmental engies of the free world v the Communist world.
13. I love the Chief and Commander because he takes my drilling and a wholeness in stride and understands I am just a big mouth American using the 1st Amendment. However, he also knows I am a red dog. That is cool.
14. I Love economics this is a great study.
15. High technological trade deficits to the Communist via rare earth centralization and lost international marke shares, has lead to the MSS Torch programs vis massive SOE;s to invade our heart because of non awareness of the CIA's to rebut in ex KGB CIA terms.
16. Is a free world market to always think the best of their rivals and underestimate their power. Alamo, Vietnam, and now Idaho.

By the way, for folks reading this do not do anything stupid. I mean you can do so much more with reading and writing and trying to prove things with facts or ideas, than being stupid. Stupidity is stupid.



The idea that the Communist are allowed to create barriers to entry against free enterprises.

The barrier to entry in Communist China is still high. It is so high that a good majority of FDI in Communist China is just from business actually having to move their just to be able to sell back to their own countries markets. In which causes a massive imbalanced due to Communist barriers to entry by imports of free enterprises.

As such the idea that the US would create a barrier to entry for their SOE's, and not free enterprise would not be that difficult to debate or hold. As, we really have allowed our whole economy to be exported to Communist China just to be imported back to us. So if the Communist do not wish to allow us to keep our value laidened idea of free enterprise and no SOE's in higher than poverty market shares then so be it. They are not the only country we can do business with. Along with this this defeatist mindset that we for some reason need the Communist because we export a lot to them is based on the fact that we can't create other necessary trade partners due to the Communists high unfair competitive markets. In which forces a heavy reliance on the Communist. Which is very dangerous and if you have read the old Communist Economic Warfare manuals to prevent the Communist from taking over the world. That is a major part of their plan. In which causes the free world to not be able to trade fairly or at a high enough trade to not have to be under the Communist economic warfare threat of rule.

As such we break now the hold and start to trade with others like the Communists have been doing at a higher rate and less allowance of our value centralized in the Communist country or we will probable lose all autonomy of state within the next 20 years to the Communists.
This fear of communist economic reprisal is also literally in the manuals. In which is sates a necessary need to create a defeatist mind set. In which to US citizens of today do not even realize that we are content with the Communist becoming the number one economic power in the world. Where as my grandfather and father in the Unions and enforces along with the owl side of my family elders. Would and do have a conniption that the Communists are taking over the worlds economic lead. After so many freedom lovers died to stop them. This shows the ability of the Communist party to effectively create a defeatist mind set in the populace of the US. In which US citizens care not about international competition or even that we are losing to the Communists who are not even supposed to be using Communist SOE's or even been a single part rule anymore. It is like our intelligence agency have literally gone to bed with them and we the children have woken up in the streets with no security, less schooling, less civility of judgements, and less defensive high technological weapons.  It is like mother went to bed with a jigglo and got played hard for her money and US as kids have had to take the full brunt of the matter.

So when I think about stopping Communist SOE's as a national security matter to the US. I do not see defeatism. As we have allowed them to grow not the other way around. As a matter of fact we need to grow and have been stunted heavily by them.  Which again would show the defeatist mind set of our leaders and populace who have no clue and sit there and allow it to happen. The US needs to be and has needed to be growing at a rate of 6-8% humbly to have kept up with the massive Communist international expansion. We have barely met a 2% crawl thanks to inapt economic workers to keep our international developments at a check and balance rate. Which again can be shown by the non development of rare earth countries and the allowance deadly so of a 90% rare earth holdings in Communist China.

Rider I
As such a simple SOE national security barrier to entry to me seems like a brave and American thing to do. The weak idea of defeatist mindset of being allowed to be forced to rely on the Communist why they go out and conquer the world and make it almost impossible for US free enterprise to export to necessary developmental countries is some no offense ladies but a stick and a you know what is a whole natural differences, as we are differently not acting like natural men in this matter. I do not like it. at all one bit no nop nop.

The movement to stop Communism is based on the ancient view that feudalism is a bad thing.

The idea that each person should have the way more than a majority ability to rule and manage their own lives. In which is not managed by a few ordained leaders or one sided party. It is the mainstay that the US has long fought against. The allowance of the people to have their will taken from them, creation of disparity and no possible way for them to every be able to get out of their enslavement to due what their hearts desires and chase their dreams. Which we see happening in a world of massive Communist SOE's and necessary corporate greed to stop Communist take over. However, in Senator Sherman's hay day, he would have put his boot up both sides for being so uncompetitive.

Rider I

China keeps saying they need more time to transition.

My love goes out to all Vietnam Vets and those afflicted by a belief which the very entity that still holds lasting economic weapons from states they no longer believe in. Unless they are playing to socialize the world then Communize it all over again. I apologize for the bottom post. However, as the Communist are massive root things service bell curve, I find it necessary to explain my feelings in full. As the Communists are now trying to heavily root their SOE economic weapons in our domestic economy. Even though they are considered national security entities at home and have arrested people for trying to look into them. How we allow something the Communist admit are an economic weapon in our free world to literally destroy more of our markets I will never know. I am just trying to express my views and try to save the real way to spread out wealth and keep individual desires and freedom at the highest possible means with the enslavement at the lowest possible means.  I apologize for this to those with memories. My uncle and I have some memories and he died from exposure to agent orange trying to protect the Vietnamese from Communist SOE infiltration and Communist single party dominance. I apologize again. I do not see our current foreign economic national security policy as applied to the Communist SOE's as productive to protecting this world from Communist dominance and single party rule v. the free worlds muti balanced power sharing slower moving more in depth debated balanced way of leadership. I know what I know and what I read, and what makes sense via natural laws.

In my mind our intelligence have no clue what they are talking about or doing when it comes to Communist world expansion. Along with that it would seem that they are working to allow the Communist to expand and become the worlds power instead of making sure there is fair competition between their free enterprises and ours. In a free market there is no bigger or better. There is just free enterprise. This is based on the fact of domestic and international shares become one under free enterprise for all to compete for. However, in a massive Communist style, countries protect their shares by using massive amounts of government subsidies and special interests.I think the policy of allowing free enterprise to be proliferated is a great idea. With the Communists current SOE's is ok. Even though over time I would expect that they would not be necessary to be owned by the Communist party. I think the Policy of 30 years of the Communist barreling allowing high echelon real votes for more representation which would make them less deadly to economic warfare as their system would be slowed via more debate and forensics also places fuel on my bellow civility post.

China has taken over 30 years to take its time to transition to make sure it gets the best of having the ability to compete in free markets with massive Communist SOE's. However, yet, instead of the Communist not disrespecting the honor of their contracts that allowed them in to the free trade without proper protection from their massive SOE's. They have proliferated their SOE's. Now they try and push into the literally heart of the US due to lack of good leadership to keep Communist SOE's out of the US. Even after we went through a massive war with the Communist via the cold war regarding the proliferation of SOE's and their expansion. Which is exactly what we are seeing now. However before we kept the communist out of the US. Now we are letting them in with their massive SOE's. Which deems all the patriots who fought and died to stop communism from expanding are now literally being pissed on in their graves. As the Communist SOE's are being invited on hand and knee to help a state by communizing one of their cities with a MSS intelligence high technological TORCH program. Which allows the Communist to take more US domestic market shares. Thus causing an inability for the US to be able to secure enough market shares domestically to be able to compete internationally with Communist SOE's that are already showing heavy signs of uncompetitive behavior. I really do not like when our soldiers and patriots graves are pissed on.

Rider I
How dare you piss on our patriots graves who fought and died to stop Communist SOE expansion in the free world. By now literally just saying here you go, you have destroyed our economies because of taking 30 years to transition with our intelligence leaders allowing it to happen, and now that you have crashed our economies with your communist scales of unfair economics, go ahead piss on our soldiers graves and hear communize Idaho with your massive proliferated conglomerated SOE. Sinomach was not one of those communist economic weapons our soldiers died trying to stop from being allowed to conquer the world, no it was a different kind of communist soe economic warfare weapon they fought and died for from stopping the invasion of one of our allies. Don't worry about. Go ahead be like the rest of the world and be anti-American in your own country and allow Communist SOE's into your states and economies. Just make sure you say excuse after you get done pissing on our soldiers graves. My uncle died from massive cancer tumors because of agent orange. Trying to stop the CCP and the Soviets from invading Vietnam and creating Communist SOE's instead of freedom of individuality, speech, and economics. Mo fo' I will reprimand you legally and properly for this pissing on our soldiers graves.
If China had any decency they would not try and bring that which we died and fought against to the heart of the USA.

Rider I

Not to mention smearing salt in the wounds of tens of thousands of refugees who left countries being invaded by the CCP and the Soviet Union because they wanted to own their own business and be able to speak their minds. Along with all of those who were tortured and left in labor camps for decades all because they did not like SOE's or Communist dictatorial tryancy. So you go ahead and piss on them because you are to weak to figure out a way to stop the Communist from crashing our economy and then building it back up with American innovation instead of Communist MSS Torch programs and Sovereign Wealth funds. Mo fo, legally and properly I will reprimand you.

The 30 years it has taken on an aural and signed contract to reform the Communist by the US looking past our difference has been to long. We have seen the Communist completely dominate the free world in which they now sit as the number one world economy. While US service bell curve after bell curve crashed to allow the Communist to grow. Causing more and more economic disparity by loss of homes, schooling, teachers, police officers and ability to maintain a good high technological medical program. It is one thing to be nice to adversary and rivals to allow them to have massive SOE intelligence port bases to help them get their free enterprises and domestic SOE's for development to help them develop. It is another to sit back and watch them invade via the very things we went to war against and they stated they would disband, All due respect to the CCP's and Soviet Soldiers who died on the field fighting for communism. However, this is the US and as you know we vote time and time again against SOE use in our country. So the allowance of the use of foreign Communist SOE's is very disrespectfully at the mass level of MSS Torch programs building whole self sustaining communistic cities. However, the US is not the country that wishes to conform to its rivals to trade with. We where perfectly happy with keeping communist soe and economics out of the the trade with free worlds. It was the Communist who wished to conform to our ways as they I guess saw the light of freedom of economics. Along with that fact that they are conglomerating SOE;s to specifically use them like cold war weapons to invaded via intelligence SOE bases. It makes me very upset to have to read about these things in the news. and civilian intelligence briefings.

The idea that the very thing that you wish to denounce and reform from, and the US has resisted strongly time and time again. Is now being used in the heart of the US not for domestic stability creation as the Communist China is in not need of such massive SOE's with such a massive quantity of billionaires and free enterprise that are competitive. But for specifically traced reason of dominance. Much like we have seen with the rare earth quota's.

It is my mind and point that if the US does not again stand up to the Communist SOE's invading and conquering the world like the Soviets and CCP did during the cold war again We will never be able to catch up and equate to a Communist society. Thus driving the US to become a communist society. Which currently both entities agree is a bad thing. As the US believes in free enterprise to spread the wealth, and so does the Communist party. As it was not supposed to be using its massive SOE's for such illegal activities as a 90% rare earth holdings or even the worlds worst civilized centralization of wealth via non competitive productivity.

This is not proper and is very upsetting to those who have died via an idea that the very country using it denounces, or is lieng about that to just cloak their activities and use it to rebuild the communist manifesto. Which can be seen by the earlier years actual use of disbanding SOE's. To the current arrogance leadership in which they now conglomerate the SOE's to be used as massive international uncompetitive weapons.

It is one thing to allow in COSCO and other entities for the Communist to transition. It is another thing to allow in an MSS high technological Torch program in the heart of the US so that the Communist can stay communist and not reform their economics. Which again, the US rejects communism time and time again via vote while Chinese people embrace free markets and actually are tyring to reject massive SOE's at home but can't do to still Communist totalitarian rule that cause Democratic and freedom lovers to be locked up in labor camps.

So to my leaders this is not a matter of civilty or sharing, this is a matter of you pissing on our soldiers graves because you are not strong enough to figure out a way to proliferate US free enterprise to compete internationally against Communist SOE's and padded free enterprises.

Rider I
That do not need their SOE's they are specifically using them like the Communist did during the cold war. To conquer and control and centralize international wealth away from the free market worlds and towards the Communist worlds so as to create a self sustained reliance on them much like the miniature version they are tyring to implement in Idaho.

The relationship between Communist China and the US has not been a beautiful thing. The US have constantly had to crash and be devoured through deficit spending and bond purchasing by the Communist to make it. Each time the US's citizens have to go without to allow the Communist to expand domestically. In which instead of the Communist now ending their Communism like they said they would when they were allowed to trade with free countries without being in the cold war. They have decided to go and create bigger economic weapons. This has caused US citizen and children massive amounts of hardship. Like lost jobs, lost possible earnings, lost industries, lost defensive abilities, lost potential future earnings due to having to pay back the decific and inflation bail outs.

The Communist being allowed to build SOE entities in our industries at above market levels domestically will cause the US to also have to create massive SOE's domestically. Which will lead to a centralization of wealth and a disparity of human quality. Just like we see in China currently due to SOE and communist policy and we have always seen in Communist invaded countries. This soft power invasion of the US is like a gas, that is spreading and seeping throughout the US. Causing massive amounts of lost middle class, to become poor class, in which causes the rich to get richer, the Communist to be able to expand more and the middle class US citizens and poor to be forced to live on less than a good quality of life.

Hot dog flavored star fish water. Allowing Communist expansion after so many freedom lovers and Democratic and republican humans died to stop them. Again all due respect to the Chinese domestic SOE's at poverty level. However the threat of these massive economic weapons is apparently going unnoticed. So I will keep blogging and sending things out. Till someone stands up and says WTF SOE's centralize wealth, which then causes economic disparity as the wealth is no longer spread out and the Communist arrest and jail outspoken party oppositions to their rule.

SOE's are communism at its finest. It centralizes the wealth away from individual ownership or a group of people of ownership, and places it in the hands of a few elite leaders like the SASAC, CCP, or MSS. All heavy economic communist intelligence agencies. Tell me why would a Ministry of security chief need a PHD in Economics if they where not doing pretty much what I am tracing. MSS is old school KGB with a suit and tie instead of boots and guns. Meaning the MSS now wields SOE's much better than the Soviets did and they do not use military at all, if not in very small special units that only go in after economic proper strategy has been completed, to make it as weak as possible.

We are not trying to embrace Communism and the centralization of wealth for a few elite political leaders,, nor are we tyring to embrace massive corporate greed for a few political leaders. We allow SOE;s at poverty level for the most freedom and the best safety nets. Massive SOE's are a serious threat to our way of life and ability to maintain a well spread out economic balance of wealth via free enterprises. Currently we see a lot of business in the Communist SOE entities Sinomach industry it wishes to move into. Basically as it is not profitable to move that product from China to the US. However, I would guess and hypothesis that given 5-10 years the spread of wealth via many free enterprise would be centralized to Sinomach heavily in that time frame. Thus again why communism fails and Marx's theorized right back into circles of feudalistic economics. SOE's do not solve for spread of wealth. They do not compete competitively due to political influence and protection.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How to become a Communist Economic analysis for Corporations and Free Enterprise of the world.
So the new niche market for big game economic players is the massive Communist SOE's. They have a 30 year plan to completely dominate the world and place themselves at the helm of the world through the Communist party to fulfill the Marxist Manifesto.

The idea of my capitalist dream is that I will be able to hone my skills so well that if I can pay for my titles in schools. That I will come out as a heavy hitter against Communist SOE's and how to compete against them and to take away their market shares via real developing countries SOE's and free enterprises of developed countries. Thus how does one do it. Well you listen to rock music in the middle night after work, then school, then if you become unemployed look for a new job and go to night school again. While in the middle of night turn the candle on and own it baby. Just go night after night deeper and deeper into Communist cognition of economists. With no shame for tyring to keep free enterprise cause you will probable figure out  that the true way to spread out wealth is through freedom of economics, massive anti-trust cartel breakers and a well groomed spread of free enterprises competing for market shares. Instead of the idea of massive Communist SOE's and huge corporate greed with their fingers in everything. Which does not cause a well spread of wealth, via soul or economics.
Just like having that skate board or favorite book no matter how tired or hurt ones brain or body gets just keep going. No matter how much you brain slips from the constant depth of communist economic world domination, just keep going and do not give up, until the lady has your pups, or the coins are on your I's.

That is how. maybe someday I will get my farm for capitalizing on the worlds economic problem creators the communist.

Rider I
All for the balance and for individual desires to stay paramount in this world and proliferated in countries that need to be developed. Own your own or they will own you.

It is a big niche. I mean we do not even have proper government guardians workong on it yet. Huge industrial advantage for a cloud 9 general prospect.

whoooo whooooo

I can't stop reading, and writing, ahhh darn 1st Amendment and the Mclovin in my genomes. Darn need for more knowledge, more knowledge.

Ah I found another good one.

Oh that is a good one. Really good gathering of knowledg in this one:

what are you reading over there:

Can I buy a copy of that from you. Go get that for me:


Free the souls and the minds, for each individuals desires that they find for their own hearts fires.

New tyranical monk law.

As anyone can lead this great free country from a peasant farmer boy to a hard core constitutional professional.
However, that is freedom. Yet, a tool in each leaders tool bet should be at least one cloud 9 general In which understands many facets of business, military, technology and intelligence. As all clerks are is an extension of the Leaders intelligence. They can have as many clerks as they want under their proper allotment by their area. However, at least one should a dam smart down to earth cloud 9 general.

How does a clerk allow his leader to allow in the third biggest Communist economic weapon, which is owned by a country that locks up people who believe in democracy or freedom of speech, which also killed hundreds of millions of democratic and freedom lovers for enslavement of human kind. What are you telling you leader. WTF. There is no amount of jobs or negative capital inflows that could allow me to say with a straight face that we should allow a Communist SOE to take root in our area. None, nada nothing, not a billion dollars darling. No we fight and we create muster to export via free enterprise, or we allow in a Chinese free enterprise or public entity avoid of Communist government ownership.
Of Course then again if I looked at these leaders clerks resumes, they probable could not even touch mine and are probable politically based. Hopefully I am wrong about their resumes, however, no CI on there I know.

Rider i

The Communist Chinese use their SOE's to expand the Communists Regimes economic grip on Democratic Labor Camps.

The Communist Chinese place Democratic or folks who they deem a threat because of research and presentation to regarding their Communist SOE's unfair economic capabilities in a labor camp. In which forces them to do what ever the Communist Party wants. They are pretty much like Hitler except instead of Jewish folks it is the right to the 1st Amendment that they lock up. For example me, there is not a day goes by that i worry about being extradited for actually being able to stop a few Communist infiltrations in India and currently trying to stop them in the US.

The Communist then use the people of freedom of speech in labor camps to build cheap products. These products are then sold under an SOE entity. In which then goes through out the world and is allowed to compete uncompetitive for international market shares with other individuals free enterprise due to the labor camps.

Thus if the Communist SOE's are so national security that folks who speak out or research about them get arrested for life.

SO WHAT IF ME AND MY TEAM TRY AND DO AN INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON SINOMACH LIKE WE DO ON OTHER CORPORATIONS OR ANTI-TRUST VIOLATING ENTITIES. Do you think they will arrest me for doing serious 1st Amendment surveillance of a an entity, along massive in depth analysis of their personnel and all movements of materials. Like we do for other competitive corporations, when they seek to gather free citizen watching intelligence on their competitors. No probable not, they will probable just send a team to handle me. Then again, I bet the Idaho government does not even have a full disclosure of where all the money has gone and complete backing of all financial details. Let along that Pub probable does not even know how to do a CI report on a business. In which the owner of killed millions of American troops not less than 40 years ago and currently impressions people for believe in Democracy and speaking out against the SOE's and communist political party.
Dam, who is this guys clerk?

The Cause of Disparity of Spreading of Wealth due to Communist SOE's.

The spread of Communist SOE's has caused free world societies to lose ever more market shares in their domestic wealth of economic baskets. This then causes the free enterprise in the US to not be able to then compete fairly in the international market place because they can barely compete at home. Thus then allowing the Communist SOE's to go out and develop countries with their ways, while the free world sits in turmoil at home and allows Communist SOE's to look like heroes to small town American when they come in to create jobs and take more domestic shares from US free enterprise which furthers the inadequate ability of the US free enterprise to muster an international economic fair competitive market share competition. Thus causing lower wages, less social safety nets, and less individual ownership due to high inflation and forced labor in corporations that pay low or communist SOE'S that also pay low due to necessary need to cloak their communist governments funding.

Rider I

John Wayne is my hero and he would roll over in his grave if he saw the US allowing Communist SOE's to look like heroes in his country, while they caused the economic disparity they saw they are solving.

I do not feel the fruits of my labors. As the Lt Gen 6' Trees before me.

We plant and trim roots to keep individual economic freedom and civil rights on  a holding pattern till all continents have fair and competitive market places with difference currencies, cultures, ideas, and materials. The idea that one country should create everything really does culture wipe whole areas much like a one world currency would culture wipe the entire planet over time and a one world government would genome wipe via health  scares and ideas of population control and other leader elite greedy. It is normal for leaders to be powerful and want to use that power to try and help. However, usually if there is not enough checks and balances and representations it leads to bad outcomes much like Communist SOE's being allowed in free market competitiveness.

That can be arranged.

Rider i

How to be an owlet, if you where not curious in the womb or have not been found by the aurasticitcals.(oracles)

First you have to find the economic problem that is attacking your countries freedom by communist powers. I.e. the use of corporations for greed of communist countries, or in this case an economic warfare Red Dawn invasion by the MSS intelligence unit to set up a torch program and an city based around a communist SOE entity instead of a free enterprise of China. This is this birds project tonight. I have school tomorrow, however, I will try and send out all 653 emails regarding the communists soe's invasion into the industry of that area. After which I will contact all high technological companies and explain the difference of a Communist SOE like Sinomach and a free enterprise. Thus then explain how the allowance of a Communist entity in the long run will dwindle ability for shares domestically thus causing the base of necessity to be lost, then further causing international market shares to be lost as they can't compete due to the inability to fund as per enough market shares. Same principle as the Soviets economic warfare wishes for invasion.

So to start I must create the enlightenment. I have to scope it down to a specific interest, so as to hope to gain interest of at least one person in the entity I am contacting to read and research further into why we are allowing Communist SOE's into the US free markets unfairly and uncompetively. So out of 653, I would hope at least 20 people actually read and act on the enlightenment. That is about as good as one can get in a free country, as everyone thinks they are safe and that someone else will deal with it. When our intelligence units do not have the proper Communist economic defense or offensive units anymore thanks to the Soviet Collapse, in which has forned the idea that the Communist SOE's still do not pose the same threat that they did before, to economic stability, sovereignty, and growth of free enterprises.

Rider I
That is a basic working of the power of the 1st Amendment. You can say the best most specific boiled down thing in the world then place it in front of a free human and they will still just go about their individual desires, and not even worry about what was sent. That is why I love this country, we are so free we are secure. At the same time there has to be some a-wholes who look out. I guess nature just made the type of a-wholes who have the same resembles of symbols really not like the idea of enslavement of their souls. Who knows maybe it is the curiosity gene. That is how I explain all of our key symbols in exact places on our souls human machines. Just the same curiosity in the womb. Funny how the symbols are all really in very similar places, and the stigmata is not really noticeable unless they show it to you. The stories of stigmata due to high intelligence enlightenment are funny as all. I guess when you are scared things become very funny. Time to drink NOS and work. The dirt bike trails where great, have to try and get together to do it again. Thanks to all those supporting folks who enjoy relaxing just as hard as they work.

Opporation Unify Free World front against Communist World SOE domination.

Same game as before stop the invasion of countries via Communits SOE's through the proper intellectual legal and enlightenment battle of exactly what the centralization of wealth via SOE's and Communis single political party does.

Get on it Unify the front and move forward, we need to stop Communist Dominace, once again. Goubers.

Rider i
 Rich playboys have nothing on the symbolism of the freedom kings and queens. Patch, Bird, world. Lets all ride together for freedom.
Lets ride my children need a better economic unified USA for free enterprises so they can if they wish compete via their own ownerhsip of labors without having to be slaves to Communist SOE's or Corporate Greedyness. Get your boogy's on.
Gouber Patrol
We Can regualte Corporate Greed but once Communist SOE's are in they are impossible to regulate or get out without having to deal with military and intellegence units.
Full I's on the prize of freedom of economics and individual ownership of labors.
Once again the Communist SOE expansionism is deemed a threat to freedom of liberty.
To Stop the Implosion of free diverse cultures, and the invasion of developing countries by Communits SOE's we must unify against unfair scales of economy.

Putting the Boot down on the Idaho invasion of a full scale MSS torch program via our inability to make sure our countreis jobs stay stable so we do not need no stinking Communist SOE's we believe in free enterprises and economic freedom.

Would the Idaho invasion by SOE Sinomach to buy up a whole area and move a Communist SOE Intellegence Torch program into the US be considered an economic red dawn? I think it would, SOE's are owned by the Communists, and are not free enterprise. Thus it is the Communist Chinese Political party who would own that part of Idaho, becasue Idaho can;t figure out how to not allow Communist SOE's in but deal with Chinese free enterprise.

Goning to go get some NOS, and then it is time to ride I have over 653 entities to contact and let them know that their industry is being infilitrated by Communist SOE unfair competitions and then ask them to do a proper 20 year outlook on allowing a Communist entity which is not a corporation but an extension of the Communist party in their market places. Well Hoss, I have walked the walked, sought the training now again it is time to start raining.