This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Monday, January 24, 2011

So poor unemployed smart man cutting back.

So check this out. I have had Verizon since I was 18 or so and it was around $25 a month unlimited everything, or around there. Not it costs me about $80 a month for unlimited texting, online, and talking. However, I need a phone, especially if a possible employer calls me as I have not other lines of communication and in my industry last minute or even late night calls is a norm so attorney's want researchers who have cell phones. So BOOST MOBILE BABY $50 A MONTH. After 1.5 years $35 a month. WTF, I am dumb, dam loyalty in my genome. I could have been saving $540 a year. That's is a nice vacation with my best friend. Well I guess being poor is not always that bad. I mean I going to save myself $540 a year. So when I find a job I can allocate that to other necessaries, like stress relief, or I can even calculate that into my necessary budge to drop my hourly wages to try and be more competitive for a job.

Rider I
I love choices, and freedom. More choices less centralization, that is how wealth is spread out. I have to tell you since I new this recession was coming due to my 90's recession experience then my tracking after that, in which I did not have the dark heart to make money on folks, in the mortgage service bell curve. I did do recon for my poor years, in which I know where to get free clothes, food, shower, everything. Cause I am dam smart. Just to bad I am not a darn good capitalist. I guess it is that Mc loving in my genome. Darn Mc's always having to give back and do without for others. Stupid genome. However, I have found a way for me to survive and do very well for my future five kids, bare foot wife and farm land while being able to give back, spread wealth and be a great capitalist who believes in freedom. I am just going to capitalize on fighting greedy communists tyrannical leaders. See, everyone finds what their soul is meant to do in a free society. Some folks just depress their souls value inhibitions.

Rider I

Look at this it is amazing. I love freedom of choice:
That is competitive, free enterprises taking on the corporate greed and making sure the little folks can survive while the Corporate CEO's live a great life but not tyrannical life.

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