The spread of Communist SOE's has caused free world societies to lose ever more market shares in their domestic wealth of economic baskets. This then causes the free enterprise in the US to not be able to then compete fairly in the international market place because they can barely compete at home. Thus then allowing the Communist SOE's to go out and develop countries with their ways, while the free world sits in turmoil at home and allows Communist SOE's to look like heroes to small town American when they come in to create jobs and take more domestic shares from US free enterprise which furthers the inadequate ability of the US free enterprise to muster an international economic fair competitive market share competition. Thus causing lower wages, less social safety nets, and less individual ownership due to high inflation and forced labor in corporations that pay low or communist SOE'S that also pay low due to necessary need to cloak their communist governments funding.
Rider I
John Wayne is my hero and he would roll over in his grave if he saw the US allowing Communist SOE's to look like heroes in his country, while they caused the economic disparity they saw they are solving.
Rider I
John Wayne is my hero and he would roll over in his grave if he saw the US allowing Communist SOE's to look like heroes in his country, while they caused the economic disparity they saw they are solving.
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