Wish I had this kind of time; very good.
Rider I
I find it interesting that such facts can be concluded as to a single political party dominance as to their central idea of a one party system. As to were the US, can lose so many jobs to SOE cartels. I just do not understand how the US public does not understand this and how this has not become a main stay issue in political elections.
It just makes no sense. Why has not the true detriment to this country become a main stay in the political questioning. Now I find that no one brings it forward. So my platform will be the natural fact of the effect of Chinese SOE cartels when I go to run.
Rider I
I sure hope that no intelligence bases are shut down during this blitzing period of recession.\
The truth is that the folks who were for China being allowed to gain free trade with Free market societies did not calculate in SOE cartel activities and were probable not even properly briefed on the matter. Because their SOE cartels are so gigantic in use that they create a sort of shadow so it just seems like normal business. However, when the birds fly above the cloak and look down you see the cartel activities taking place and causing more job loss than job creation.
The truth facts and evidence is that through this trade deficit to the SOE cartels it is causing more jobs lost than jobs produced. The idea was that we would allow China in then they would hopefully start to play fair. Well they have done a good job. However, their single political dominance will not allow them to play fair. They hold onto SOE cartels very tightly. It makes no sense at all. China has the worlds biggest market for consumption yet they also have some of the highest trade surpluses. This usually acquaints to centralize protection of market shares which is exactly what is happening.
The SOE cartels are being used in strict centralized strategy. It can easily be seen by applying Economic Warfare to the American business cycle as seen through actions taken by the SOE cartels of China (so called champions). It would be again my hypothesis that their strategy is very similar in tact to properly taken down the American economy through this Economic Blitzing.
This Lockique is for public debate, proper legislation, better economic civil liberties, ever changing economic theories and a well respected resolve to what international SOE’s inherently do. [def. of lockique (Use Tomb search before reading]. If China allows I would attend a SASAC meeting. If I had one sentence, it would be: neo-mercantlism crashes,then devours free enterprises and free trade. or comparative advantage needs work. Root Economics (R) Rootologist. The Cosmic Economist.
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- Change US policy towards Nuclear Waste.
This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A proper research project will be done for Communist Media and Education
I would like to know if they allow any at all private media in a balanced check or even any at all for private education. Which creates a freedom of speech, politics and ideas check and balance. As in a private institution, one may teach what this wish to teach.
Rider I
Rider I
Monday, August 30, 2010
By the way my skills come from over 6 degrees.
And yes I have a marketing degree to help proliferate a proper enlightenment of this topic of a rebuttal to the Chinese Premier accusations that the World Crash was the US's financial market's fault with taking any fault for their SOE cartels.
To Further cloak Cartel activities lower management levels are seekd to manage SOE's
This again creates a similar affect to the strategy of lowering trade surplus strategies to gain acquisitions of resources. However, this strategy is used to gain the upper most talented management skills in the world to cloak the strategy of SOE cartel champions (public cartels) via a systematic learning cycle in which the upper levels not obtainable by foreign management will actually learn and use the skills of their lower leveled managers who were able to be acquired via their massive soe cartel surpluses created by their cartel activities.
As such it is a good thing to see international business and managers from all over the world working together. However, the idea of SOE cartel champions (public cartels) still creates uncompetitive market places whether they hire lower management level publicly or internationally. This is the main stay that fair markets do not allow single political party soe cartels to become massive government arms of the military intellegence (redphones tactics) and the single political party.
Cloak is a cloak a cartel is a cartel. SOE's should not be allowed to create so called champions because of the massive detrement to possible red phone tactics.
As such it is a good thing to see international business and managers from all over the world working together. However, the idea of SOE cartel champions (public cartels) still creates uncompetitive market places whether they hire lower management level publicly or internationally. This is the main stay that fair markets do not allow single political party soe cartels to become massive government arms of the military intellegence (redphones tactics) and the single political party.
Cloak is a cloak a cartel is a cartel. SOE's should not be allowed to create so called champions because of the massive detrement to possible red phone tactics.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
We pay for trade deficits with our economic stability.
There should be no question that China has the biggest market in the world. Yet, we find China also has the biggest trade surplus in the world right before the crash and the cloak. Along these lines, China has been proven to actually pad their economy with SOE cartel activities and government subsidies which keep government ownership of market shares high while foreign companies can't compete. Along those lines this is truly founded in correlation to a whole international macro policy I would find. I have not yet dug this but I believe I can hypothesize what I would find would be post dated: that the worlds trade deficit to China would out way China's trade deficit to it. This would show in plain view of such a study that China is inherently using price fixing, market share blocking, and strategic centralized SOE cartels to keep it so. As such this benefits China, it allows them to be able to pad their economy and keep a central reliance on upwards of 40%-50% of their market shares. While the free markets allow China to sell products freely inside of their countries without properly calculating a multiplier effect to loss of jobs or taxes, and not properly using algorithm's to calculate a ripple effect of reliance and impacts.
The Free Market trade deficit to the worlds biggest market has caused the World Economic crash for the second time. This is as China has the worlds biggest population and worlds biggest market yet it does not allow the same percentage of market share's as per trade surplus trade deficit calculations as does the free market world to it. This is because, it creates monetary, fiscal, legal and political protection of its market places so it can keep its trade surplus. China usually around this time once everyone starts looking at them will loosen their market shares and play down the trade surplus by building underdeveloped countries. While still running very high trade surpluses with Free markets. This is done by the Communist Political party using the blitzkrieg economic theory. This is were the market is torn apart from a spike business cycle instead of a hill business cycle. As such this allows China to not focus on production and to focus on acquisition as it uses its financial surplus and new founded political strength to acquire more territory in the name of the Communist Political Party. Each crash is similar in the Communist Blitzkrieg strategy.
This is because after every spiked Free Market business cycle. The Communist Political party uses its new found padded economy and stability while the world can not compete against its contracts to acquire strategic ports for its SOE cartels. This is usually how it starts its roots into countries. Much like the SOE cartels did to the US. This allows them to keep SOE dumped products stored on cite for easy SOE contracting of price cutting strategies to keep money flowing into the SOE's to fund its cycle pyramid scheme. Then Communist SOE cartels will go after more resource contracts in the time that no one can compete against their SOE cartel's ability to act like monopsonies. This allows them to draw attention and political sympathy as ohh China is losing their trade surplus, they are being affected too. However, in reality the SOE cartels have just changed focus to the blitz part. Get in fast. This also draws attention away from the actual Blitz as by first glance countries see that China is being affected too. Yet, however, somehow they find a way for their SOE cartels to use positional economic warfare to set themselves up to do it all over again. Every time expanding bigger and bigger internationally with their Communist SOE cartels. While free market business can't compete with the cartels and it seems it would just be cheaper to have them do it.
This is were the weak get cut from the line of reasoning and strong stand up and start walking around to finish reading.
The US and free markets now at this time have to sell assets like bonds, buildings, whole blocks, technological advances, military strategic ports or other areas, and monetary currency to try and get out of the mess it is in. This selling of capital furthers the reliance on the SOE cartels and then again allows the SOE's to begin to build up another Trade surplus once the criticism and government research has blown over. Then the next round goes. Each time Free Markets losing strategic economic developments, technological advancements, economic sovereignty,a nd trading patterns as China eats them up without fair competition. Then after China has exhausted its abilities to blitz as other countries start to slowly come back from the spike of their business cycles creates by the reliance on Communist SOE cartels. The SOE cartels start again. This time they will not just gain trade surplus from their already conquered through SOE cartel markets but they will have gained their new conquests markets to conquer and control their Business cycles as well. This means that like prior worry, the Communist SOE cartels (or old school called blocs) will be able to actually squeeze out any countries leadership, opposition or check and balance through economic reliance on SOE communist cartels and their SOE funding pyramid scheme along with their redphone tactics. This will in the long run fulfill the leaked Communist Parties economic wishes for slowly eroding Free market influence and the creation of reliance on a central country and a single political party.
For those who think that this is a conspiracy. I would suggest you read up on the Cold war and why we were in it. We still heavily regulate Russia heavily for such tactics yet they have become closer to political freedom than China minus the KGD rush on leadership positions, ahh skull and bones do it too, happens, as long as their are two party checks on it. The US was at defense to Russia's use of what we used to call bloc tactics but now call cartel tactics and their ability to create unfair competition and heavy reliance on one main country with other countries becoming named satellites. Much like what the Communist Party of China has been able to start doing to free markets. As more and more Free markets are vulnerable to attacks of their business cycles, through SOE cartel strategies so as to create a blitz period for further advancement of Communist Political Party Economics.
The main stay is that the trade deficit being run is created by SOE cartels (or old schooly called blocs). Then this allows for the Communist to create a reliance and political empathy. This is followed by easily controlled and nudged free market business cycles to watch and wait for them to crash why the centrally padded and strategies of economics of the Communist Party reaches out its arms to acquire more territory.
I would propose a research project on .com trough activities of the Chinese SOE's and then correlate them to similar actions of the mortgage recession. I would hypothesize that after the .com China gained ports and advancements in technology with ease as no one could compete against their SOE cartel contract acquisitions. Then I would suppose they also slowed their trade surplus then too. As such correlated to the now I would suppose that China gained port's and resources much like the .com and every slowed their trade surplus then too. I would then wish that a person with more time than fractional would do a research project to create a cycle pattern for the Blitz and then prepare a proper prediction for when Chinese SOE cartels will kick back into trade surplus strategies.
Rider I
I need funding, straight to me for my research so I can present it to rebut these horrible self deprivation ideas I am hearing inside of the US. So far in my mainstream wishes to hear seminars on economics. I have not heard a proper theory about Communist SOE cartels and their activities of Blitzkrieg style economics.
I would gladly do a proper report and present it. Naturally I am a researcher. Which means it is easy for me to read apply and distinguish things. I may not be an economists or an attorney. However, I believe my ideas are unique in natural economics. I also would make the reports proper and politically correct without intrusion to insult unless the finder so wished for a brass report. Cause you know I can be brass and polite at the same time. I have a wall full of plaques and brass outlining around them. Brass.
The Free Market trade deficit to the worlds biggest market has caused the World Economic crash for the second time. This is as China has the worlds biggest population and worlds biggest market yet it does not allow the same percentage of market share's as per trade surplus trade deficit calculations as does the free market world to it. This is because, it creates monetary, fiscal, legal and political protection of its market places so it can keep its trade surplus. China usually around this time once everyone starts looking at them will loosen their market shares and play down the trade surplus by building underdeveloped countries. While still running very high trade surpluses with Free markets. This is done by the Communist Political party using the blitzkrieg economic theory. This is were the market is torn apart from a spike business cycle instead of a hill business cycle. As such this allows China to not focus on production and to focus on acquisition as it uses its financial surplus and new founded political strength to acquire more territory in the name of the Communist Political Party. Each crash is similar in the Communist Blitzkrieg strategy.
This is because after every spiked Free Market business cycle. The Communist Political party uses its new found padded economy and stability while the world can not compete against its contracts to acquire strategic ports for its SOE cartels. This is usually how it starts its roots into countries. Much like the SOE cartels did to the US. This allows them to keep SOE dumped products stored on cite for easy SOE contracting of price cutting strategies to keep money flowing into the SOE's to fund its cycle pyramid scheme. Then Communist SOE cartels will go after more resource contracts in the time that no one can compete against their SOE cartel's ability to act like monopsonies. This allows them to draw attention and political sympathy as ohh China is losing their trade surplus, they are being affected too. However, in reality the SOE cartels have just changed focus to the blitz part. Get in fast. This also draws attention away from the actual Blitz as by first glance countries see that China is being affected too. Yet, however, somehow they find a way for their SOE cartels to use positional economic warfare to set themselves up to do it all over again. Every time expanding bigger and bigger internationally with their Communist SOE cartels. While free market business can't compete with the cartels and it seems it would just be cheaper to have them do it.
This is were the weak get cut from the line of reasoning and strong stand up and start walking around to finish reading.
The US and free markets now at this time have to sell assets like bonds, buildings, whole blocks, technological advances, military strategic ports or other areas, and monetary currency to try and get out of the mess it is in. This selling of capital furthers the reliance on the SOE cartels and then again allows the SOE's to begin to build up another Trade surplus once the criticism and government research has blown over. Then the next round goes. Each time Free Markets losing strategic economic developments, technological advancements, economic sovereignty,a nd trading patterns as China eats them up without fair competition. Then after China has exhausted its abilities to blitz as other countries start to slowly come back from the spike of their business cycles creates by the reliance on Communist SOE cartels. The SOE cartels start again. This time they will not just gain trade surplus from their already conquered through SOE cartel markets but they will have gained their new conquests markets to conquer and control their Business cycles as well. This means that like prior worry, the Communist SOE cartels (or old school called blocs) will be able to actually squeeze out any countries leadership, opposition or check and balance through economic reliance on SOE communist cartels and their SOE funding pyramid scheme along with their redphone tactics. This will in the long run fulfill the leaked Communist Parties economic wishes for slowly eroding Free market influence and the creation of reliance on a central country and a single political party.
For those who think that this is a conspiracy. I would suggest you read up on the Cold war and why we were in it. We still heavily regulate Russia heavily for such tactics yet they have become closer to political freedom than China minus the KGD rush on leadership positions, ahh skull and bones do it too, happens, as long as their are two party checks on it. The US was at defense to Russia's use of what we used to call bloc tactics but now call cartel tactics and their ability to create unfair competition and heavy reliance on one main country with other countries becoming named satellites. Much like what the Communist Party of China has been able to start doing to free markets. As more and more Free markets are vulnerable to attacks of their business cycles, through SOE cartel strategies so as to create a blitz period for further advancement of Communist Political Party Economics.
The main stay is that the trade deficit being run is created by SOE cartels (or old schooly called blocs). Then this allows for the Communist to create a reliance and political empathy. This is followed by easily controlled and nudged free market business cycles to watch and wait for them to crash why the centrally padded and strategies of economics of the Communist Party reaches out its arms to acquire more territory.
I would propose a research project on .com trough activities of the Chinese SOE's and then correlate them to similar actions of the mortgage recession. I would hypothesize that after the .com China gained ports and advancements in technology with ease as no one could compete against their SOE cartel contract acquisitions. Then I would suppose they also slowed their trade surplus then too. As such correlated to the now I would suppose that China gained port's and resources much like the .com and every slowed their trade surplus then too. I would then wish that a person with more time than fractional would do a research project to create a cycle pattern for the Blitz and then prepare a proper prediction for when Chinese SOE cartels will kick back into trade surplus strategies.
Rider I
I need funding, straight to me for my research so I can present it to rebut these horrible self deprivation ideas I am hearing inside of the US. So far in my mainstream wishes to hear seminars on economics. I have not heard a proper theory about Communist SOE cartels and their activities of Blitzkrieg style economics.
I would gladly do a proper report and present it. Naturally I am a researcher. Which means it is easy for me to read apply and distinguish things. I may not be an economists or an attorney. However, I believe my ideas are unique in natural economics. I also would make the reports proper and politically correct without intrusion to insult unless the finder so wished for a brass report. Cause you know I can be brass and polite at the same time. I have a wall full of plaques and brass outlining around them. Brass.
Possible times of SOE cartel attacks.
During the time when the leading indicators of a recession after the servy bell curve has run the American business cycle to the hill then starts to go down for a rest. It would be possible that if these indicators are seen a proper full scale intelligence attack could be implemented to artificially bubble it to stop the effects so as to peak it or to help emphasize the down turn into a spike:
"Leading indicators when a recession is about to occur
1. Average workweek for production workers in manufacturing.
2. Average weekly claims for unemployment insurance.
3. Manufacturer's new orders for consumer goods and materials.
4. Vendor performance, measured as a percentage of companies reporting slower deliveries from suppliers.
5. Index of consumer expectations.
6. New orders for non defense capital goods.
7. Number of new building permits issued for private housing units.
8. Stock prices-500 common stocks.
9. Interest rate spread-10 year governmnt bond less federal funds rate.
10. Money Supply M2."
"Only rough estimates"
Well in reality China can blame the US all it wants however, these leading indicators seem to me to be excessive brought on by the Chinese SOE cartel activities as they have the biggest market place in the world yet it is so well padded that they produce more than they consume which would seem impossible in a competitive market place while the free market societies seriously affected by the SOE cartels and their abusive red phone tactics actually consumer more than they produce, as they can't receive fair legal, political or market shares as has the Communist Political market in the free markets. Truly it is not the US financial institution or sector that is the problem. It is the illegal use of cartels to force the leading indicators of recession to be boom spike instead of a nice rolling hill. As such I fully reserve the right as a individual American to rebut the Premier of China and his Communist Economics when he says it is the US's fault for the world economic crash. As truly the Cartel abuses of the Communist party has caused the leading indicators to be like this blog blown up I am thinking of another world though oh yes inflammatory.
The financial sectors then respond to this by having to try and counteract act it with more service jobs which then link into servy bell curve blog below. As such if anyone is to blame it would be the worlds biggest market share, centralizing using of SOE cartels, controlling international price index's and intra domestic market shares while fully exploiting free markets to the point of serious detriment in regards to inflaming leading indicators in time of downturn to create recession.
The game is not played in the short term for Communist Constitutionality as based on Marxists constitutions values to spread Communism world wide in long term economic gain and strategy. Unlike a constitution that seeks freedom to be the constitution and not communal enslavement to the leaders without proper two tier political checks or citizenry leadership of industrial checks on government leaders: Night and Day, Sun and Moon, in natural law two are needed in each pair of coinciding invents to check each other and create a peaceful medium. The Communist Parties long single domination resembles no that of the truest form of leadership which is a two tier system with different ideas so as to check each other. Instead the Communist Party has long been allowed to seek its dominance and constant economic strategy to manifest the circular backwards theorizing views of Karl's Marx which wishes to take away two power checks as in its theories could only be logically assumed would happen if they were summarized and properly outlined it would lead to a single power dominance like every time we have seen the extreme left communist party gain power in a country without wishing to natural create a check partner
Rider I
"Leading indicators when a recession is about to occur
1. Average workweek for production workers in manufacturing.
2. Average weekly claims for unemployment insurance.
3. Manufacturer's new orders for consumer goods and materials.
4. Vendor performance, measured as a percentage of companies reporting slower deliveries from suppliers.
5. Index of consumer expectations.
6. New orders for non defense capital goods.
7. Number of new building permits issued for private housing units.
8. Stock prices-500 common stocks.
9. Interest rate spread-10 year governmnt bond less federal funds rate.
10. Money Supply M2."
"Only rough estimates"
Well in reality China can blame the US all it wants however, these leading indicators seem to me to be excessive brought on by the Chinese SOE cartel activities as they have the biggest market place in the world yet it is so well padded that they produce more than they consume which would seem impossible in a competitive market place while the free market societies seriously affected by the SOE cartels and their abusive red phone tactics actually consumer more than they produce, as they can't receive fair legal, political or market shares as has the Communist Political market in the free markets. Truly it is not the US financial institution or sector that is the problem. It is the illegal use of cartels to force the leading indicators of recession to be boom spike instead of a nice rolling hill. As such I fully reserve the right as a individual American to rebut the Premier of China and his Communist Economics when he says it is the US's fault for the world economic crash. As truly the Cartel abuses of the Communist party has caused the leading indicators to be like this blog blown up I am thinking of another world though oh yes inflammatory.
The financial sectors then respond to this by having to try and counteract act it with more service jobs which then link into servy bell curve blog below. As such if anyone is to blame it would be the worlds biggest market share, centralizing using of SOE cartels, controlling international price index's and intra domestic market shares while fully exploiting free markets to the point of serious detriment in regards to inflaming leading indicators in time of downturn to create recession.
The game is not played in the short term for Communist Constitutionality as based on Marxists constitutions values to spread Communism world wide in long term economic gain and strategy. Unlike a constitution that seeks freedom to be the constitution and not communal enslavement to the leaders without proper two tier political checks or citizenry leadership of industrial checks on government leaders: Night and Day, Sun and Moon, in natural law two are needed in each pair of coinciding invents to check each other and create a peaceful medium. The Communist Parties long single domination resembles no that of the truest form of leadership which is a two tier system with different ideas so as to check each other. Instead the Communist Party has long been allowed to seek its dominance and constant economic strategy to manifest the circular backwards theorizing views of Karl's Marx which wishes to take away two power checks as in its theories could only be logically assumed would happen if they were summarized and properly outlined it would lead to a single power dominance like every time we have seen the extreme left communist party gain power in a country without wishing to natural create a check partner
Rider I
Vulnerability of Free Market Business Cycles to Communist SOE cartels
Vulnerability of Free Market Business Cycles to
Communist SOE Cartels
Once time is found on a spare moment in the future. I will properly apply the servy bell curve to the American business cycle. Aslo vertically applying the affects on financial industries and other industries and areas of vulnerability that are not watched nor properly regulated. As then showing how a fractional time non economists however American individual could easily attack the american business cycle. As such wishing to create a sort of economi warfare game of cloak in dagger in which if read properly will inspire proper free market regulatory agencies to curve out the their business cycles instead of being peaked then spiked by outside governmental influence via SOE cartel activities. tell then my students. Will the Water be cold and beer as such?
I believe our American Business Cycle is vulnerable to attacks.
As it would be logical to assume if I the Rider I can sit fractional time and find the weakness in our economics it would be logical to infer that the Communist intelligence agency would be able to properly employ someone 8 hours a day 5 days a weak to work on it. Therefore, some old guards suggestions implemented with this guards suggestions might be in deed called for:
Business Cycle Administration in equivalent powers to SEC.
Some Declassified Government document as I would never write about a classified document in public:
" Effective Countermeasures Possible
While the array of possible unconventional forms of attack on our economy may seem impressive, such attacks could be effective only if adequately prepared and skillfully executed and if not prevented or counteracted by adequate measures [as I have analyzed our business cycle is not properly be counteracted to curve peaks and spikes, My Chief and Commander Sir I commend your work on our financial sector, however, truly it was a red hearing to our specifically narrowed weak spot our business cycle and the peaks and spikes that cause the consequential impacts you have fixed Chiefster]. The inherent momentum, adaptability and strength of our economy should make its protection against attacks relatively easy if foresight and determination will be used. [again the business cycle has a chip in its armor and is being exploited] The following broad measures could be envisaged for the prevention and countering of possible attacks:
1. Maintenance of a well balanced, fully productive and fully employed economy with continuous international and external readjustments preventing development of weak spots, [much like you got it the our business cycle as whole intricate industries to combine one business cycle] which could become targets of concentrated well-timed attacks.
2. Readiness of suitable controls [with a proper strategic outline for proper regulations to stop Foreign SOE cartel activities from creating unfair competition and nudge and push for peaks and spikes] for detecting of irregular foreign sponsored operations in our monetary [much like the American Communist Party was in the past], financial and commodity markets, and for prompt counteraction of eventual enemy-sponsored unconventional attacks in these markets [like a proper BCA or DOJ unit specially interested and prepared for tactical and narrowly fast research of SOE cartel monetary impacts and activities].
3. Establish definite industrial mobilization standards against which the performance of individual plants could be assessed [much like if a certain industrial business cycle or American individual ownership goes bellow a certain market share create proper protocols to research possible SOE cartel activities into the unfair competition and the correlation of the loss of market shares, much like the inadequate research we have seen regarding our manufacturing market shares and the ripple effects of the SOE cartel abuses] so as to disclose companies falling behind suspiciously in preparations for possible emergency [ much like what I proposed my BCA would watch would be the industrial markers that show when an SOE cartel economic is upon us and how to properly research and present the facts, narrative and evidence of the effects and were the unfair advantage of price fixing, vertical or redphone tactics and government subsidies on a constant or even centralized strategic economic plans could be breaking US anti-trust laws]. Maintain up-to-date information on industries under foreign financial and license control and rosters of administrative personnel of such industries. [much like allowing an SOE into a country as it is further held in Communist Party leadership with goal of more red phones in mind.]
4. Improve the tracing down and counteracting of foreign propaganda campaigns [like intra country Chinese community run programs run by known intelligence agents wishing to further Chinese connection even though most of those Chinese immigrants ran from China because of the Communist Political Party oppression, or by back door funding of communist party officials, or by using inside extreme left infiltrated government officials to gleam important information to properly use that information to persuade things for the Communist Political Party and its SOE cartels], assure disclosure of possible alien influence on our associations and trade unions [much like an communist agent little boy blue taking hold certain trade unions to push for more communistic style economics so that the the Communist Political party SOE cartels will be able to slip right in past the guard as they will have a strong hold into theory and a wash of political sympathy] consider possible adoption of retaliatory legislation against abuse of our freedoms by foreign agents instigating subversive actions [like a head intelligence general using money, influence spies, to gain a strong hold for the SOE cartels (COSCO) to influence business counselors to the Pentagon and to shut down military bases and gain an empathy for the communist infiltration and biggest leak of technological advancement every in the US, were are the guards?]
5. Consolidate and reassert economic leadership abroad through trade, [much like what the Chinese intelligence agents are doing at a massive size equation wishing to create free trade so they can impose their SOE cartel strategies on more markets to gain more political control for their single Communist Party dominance and red phone tactics, while the US intellectual guards are in a sand box, I apologize] licensing and investment [as we have seen huge investments in Communist Leftist countries from China the US and free markets would also need to bolster its investments for trade unions and proper political freedoms so as to stop and place the wand down regarding single party dominance through economic SOE cartel strategy], encouraging acceptance of our institutions and techniques [allowing more US teachers incentives to teach abroad about political and economic freedoms in underdeveloped countries, much like the Confucius of the Communist we are seeing now teaching Marx's theories through slight encroachments of the mental cognitive processes so as to create a single party empathy instead of a strong stance for a bi party political systems with checks and balances], carrying our of thje [BCA] program [while furthering connections into free markets regarding the watching of free market business cycles and creating cooperation in free world economics to watch and properly regulated the spike and peak creation of SOE Cartels who wish for their single party dominance of economic control over a secure and stable political and financial international market place, as any country that would use their SOE in such a manner would be logical to conclude such motives and thoughts], strengthening allied countries [that are for free markets and none SOE cartels or red phone infiltration of SOE cartel's] and preventing their being used as bridgeheads for possible attacks [as my analysts has shown; SOE red phone tactics inside of a countries economics will make it very hard to defend its brothers and sisters if the Communist Single Party dominance wishes for Military pushes or wide spread single party political dominance, or to even take over new territories like Taiwan or South Korea, or free islands or even invading of Russia]
6. Bolster effectiveness of international institutions under our leadership [our free market cooperation, however, the Communist SOE cartels single party has been allowed to enter the table as such measures of practical importance of fact finding, evidence preparations and presentation become more vital, as the defenses are already planned and propagated in meeting rhetoric's] [....], improve exchange of information [to create as sort of BCA program where Free market societies pass and publish information in confidence and in public trust regarding Communist SOE Cartel financial and market share abuses] [...]
7. Prepare, and if necessary adopt, retaliatory measures against institutions and individuals of countries restricting economic freedoms by curtailing their financial, commercial and industrial operations in other countries to the scope permitted to foreign nationals and institutions in their own government controlled economies [much like what we have seen China do behind doors when using multiple SOE resource acquisitions companies to obtain contracts via a centralized strategy and red phone tactic of using their massive Countries SOE cartels to better secure the payment and development of the resources through huge SOE cartel's and so called state secrets of how if anything goes wrong they will just lend more money to keep it going as there is a bigger plan intended. One way to stop this is to enforce proper anti-cartel laws so that each country underdeveloped or corporations avoid of government ownership can have a fair chance at developing their economies or businesses without unfair competition from Communist SOE cartels] "
All [ are my ideas and thoughts and always need to be backed by your own research and ideas read the disclaimer, however, you may use my thoughts and ideas to start a research idea if you wish, as freedom of individual rights duss such allow for ]
Rider I
BCA importance of sharing information in a proper secure manner for each country to secure their own sovereign economic independence from each other from Free market Business cycle attacks by Communist SOE cartels is porper as:
"b. At the same time, some of our allies may be found vulnerable [free market business cycle is vulnerable to Communist SOE's creating peaks and spikes which create an influx of money and jobs for the holder of the SOE cartels] and exposed [the SOE cartels have down it twice and are setting up for the final peak and spike economic campaign by furthering strengthening their SOE so called champions (cartels) through centralizing their strategies, and conglomerating their market shares and market activities] to such attacks already now. Their success would evidently weaken our own relative position and our prospects to consolidate and increase our balance of economic [trade, commerce, monetary, and advancement as the markets to help underdeveloped countries become less and less as the Communist Party SOE red phone tactics take the markets and control them via Party dominance, and secreatble intra laws, which can easily be used to create peaks and spikes in free market business cycles which could lead to high unemployment and then civil unrest].
"c. Therefore, it is believed advisable to deal now with the possible danger and the eventual prevention of such attacks adequately and systematically both from our point of view and that of our allies;
i. The vulnerability of the US and its allies to unconventional economic attacks [on our vulnerable business cycles to creation of peaks and spikes by Communist SOE cartels] should be investigated with the assistance of [a sort of BCA program in equivalence to the SEC, yet however in the scope of the business cycle and each individual industrial business cycle, or bell curve like servy]"
Adequate measures and a proper international research and presentation program through a BCA has been formed and intelligently presented through the Scope of the Rider I. As such the actions of the Communist Political party, their rhetoric and their refusal to work in correlation with the international market places with regards to their massive production capabilities but very uncorrelated currency revaluation, along with a back turn to further strengthen SOE cartels into so called Champions (massive sized cartel leaders), while allowing these SOE cartels to keep taking more and more market shares shows a propensity for the free markets to create such a cooperation through military research and effects, economic research and effects, and some old salty dogs who know exactly how the Communist SOE cartel games are played. Still smoking and drinking you old dog, can't keep a good analysts down, you salty dog.
Rider I
Smoking and drinking doll, hello Asia I love you and want you to be free economically to own your own. Hugs and Kisses from the Rider I
Business Cycle Administration in equivalent powers to SEC.
Some Declassified Government document as I would never write about a classified document in public:
" Effective Countermeasures Possible
While the array of possible unconventional forms of attack on our economy may seem impressive, such attacks could be effective only if adequately prepared and skillfully executed and if not prevented or counteracted by adequate measures [as I have analyzed our business cycle is not properly be counteracted to curve peaks and spikes, My Chief and Commander Sir I commend your work on our financial sector, however, truly it was a red hearing to our specifically narrowed weak spot our business cycle and the peaks and spikes that cause the consequential impacts you have fixed Chiefster]. The inherent momentum, adaptability and strength of our economy should make its protection against attacks relatively easy if foresight and determination will be used. [again the business cycle has a chip in its armor and is being exploited] The following broad measures could be envisaged for the prevention and countering of possible attacks:
1. Maintenance of a well balanced, fully productive and fully employed economy with continuous international and external readjustments preventing development of weak spots, [much like you got it the our business cycle as whole intricate industries to combine one business cycle] which could become targets of concentrated well-timed attacks.
2. Readiness of suitable controls [with a proper strategic outline for proper regulations to stop Foreign SOE cartel activities from creating unfair competition and nudge and push for peaks and spikes] for detecting of irregular foreign sponsored operations in our monetary [much like the American Communist Party was in the past], financial and commodity markets, and for prompt counteraction of eventual enemy-sponsored unconventional attacks in these markets [like a proper BCA or DOJ unit specially interested and prepared for tactical and narrowly fast research of SOE cartel monetary impacts and activities].
3. Establish definite industrial mobilization standards against which the performance of individual plants could be assessed [much like if a certain industrial business cycle or American individual ownership goes bellow a certain market share create proper protocols to research possible SOE cartel activities into the unfair competition and the correlation of the loss of market shares, much like the inadequate research we have seen regarding our manufacturing market shares and the ripple effects of the SOE cartel abuses] so as to disclose companies falling behind suspiciously in preparations for possible emergency [ much like what I proposed my BCA would watch would be the industrial markers that show when an SOE cartel economic is upon us and how to properly research and present the facts, narrative and evidence of the effects and were the unfair advantage of price fixing, vertical or redphone tactics and government subsidies on a constant or even centralized strategic economic plans could be breaking US anti-trust laws]. Maintain up-to-date information on industries under foreign financial and license control and rosters of administrative personnel of such industries. [much like allowing an SOE into a country as it is further held in Communist Party leadership with goal of more red phones in mind.]
4. Improve the tracing down and counteracting of foreign propaganda campaigns [like intra country Chinese community run programs run by known intelligence agents wishing to further Chinese connection even though most of those Chinese immigrants ran from China because of the Communist Political Party oppression, or by back door funding of communist party officials, or by using inside extreme left infiltrated government officials to gleam important information to properly use that information to persuade things for the Communist Political Party and its SOE cartels], assure disclosure of possible alien influence on our associations and trade unions [much like an communist agent little boy blue taking hold certain trade unions to push for more communistic style economics so that the the Communist Political party SOE cartels will be able to slip right in past the guard as they will have a strong hold into theory and a wash of political sympathy] consider possible adoption of retaliatory legislation against abuse of our freedoms by foreign agents instigating subversive actions [like a head intelligence general using money, influence spies, to gain a strong hold for the SOE cartels (COSCO) to influence business counselors to the Pentagon and to shut down military bases and gain an empathy for the communist infiltration and biggest leak of technological advancement every in the US, were are the guards?]
5. Consolidate and reassert economic leadership abroad through trade, [much like what the Chinese intelligence agents are doing at a massive size equation wishing to create free trade so they can impose their SOE cartel strategies on more markets to gain more political control for their single Communist Party dominance and red phone tactics, while the US intellectual guards are in a sand box, I apologize] licensing and investment [as we have seen huge investments in Communist Leftist countries from China the US and free markets would also need to bolster its investments for trade unions and proper political freedoms so as to stop and place the wand down regarding single party dominance through economic SOE cartel strategy], encouraging acceptance of our institutions and techniques [allowing more US teachers incentives to teach abroad about political and economic freedoms in underdeveloped countries, much like the Confucius of the Communist we are seeing now teaching Marx's theories through slight encroachments of the mental cognitive processes so as to create a single party empathy instead of a strong stance for a bi party political systems with checks and balances], carrying our of thje [BCA] program [while furthering connections into free markets regarding the watching of free market business cycles and creating cooperation in free world economics to watch and properly regulated the spike and peak creation of SOE Cartels who wish for their single party dominance of economic control over a secure and stable political and financial international market place, as any country that would use their SOE in such a manner would be logical to conclude such motives and thoughts], strengthening allied countries [that are for free markets and none SOE cartels or red phone infiltration of SOE cartel's] and preventing their being used as bridgeheads for possible attacks [as my analysts has shown; SOE red phone tactics inside of a countries economics will make it very hard to defend its brothers and sisters if the Communist Single Party dominance wishes for Military pushes or wide spread single party political dominance, or to even take over new territories like Taiwan or South Korea, or free islands or even invading of Russia]
6. Bolster effectiveness of international institutions under our leadership [our free market cooperation, however, the Communist SOE cartels single party has been allowed to enter the table as such measures of practical importance of fact finding, evidence preparations and presentation become more vital, as the defenses are already planned and propagated in meeting rhetoric's] [....], improve exchange of information [to create as sort of BCA program where Free market societies pass and publish information in confidence and in public trust regarding Communist SOE Cartel financial and market share abuses] [...]
7. Prepare, and if necessary adopt, retaliatory measures against institutions and individuals of countries restricting economic freedoms by curtailing their financial, commercial and industrial operations in other countries to the scope permitted to foreign nationals and institutions in their own government controlled economies [much like what we have seen China do behind doors when using multiple SOE resource acquisitions companies to obtain contracts via a centralized strategy and red phone tactic of using their massive Countries SOE cartels to better secure the payment and development of the resources through huge SOE cartel's and so called state secrets of how if anything goes wrong they will just lend more money to keep it going as there is a bigger plan intended. One way to stop this is to enforce proper anti-cartel laws so that each country underdeveloped or corporations avoid of government ownership can have a fair chance at developing their economies or businesses without unfair competition from Communist SOE cartels] "
All [ are my ideas and thoughts and always need to be backed by your own research and ideas read the disclaimer, however, you may use my thoughts and ideas to start a research idea if you wish, as freedom of individual rights duss such allow for ]
Rider I
BCA importance of sharing information in a proper secure manner for each country to secure their own sovereign economic independence from each other from Free market Business cycle attacks by Communist SOE cartels is porper as:
"b. At the same time, some of our allies may be found vulnerable [free market business cycle is vulnerable to Communist SOE's creating peaks and spikes which create an influx of money and jobs for the holder of the SOE cartels] and exposed [the SOE cartels have down it twice and are setting up for the final peak and spike economic campaign by furthering strengthening their SOE so called champions (cartels) through centralizing their strategies, and conglomerating their market shares and market activities] to such attacks already now. Their success would evidently weaken our own relative position and our prospects to consolidate and increase our balance of economic [trade, commerce, monetary, and advancement as the markets to help underdeveloped countries become less and less as the Communist Party SOE red phone tactics take the markets and control them via Party dominance, and secreatble intra laws, which can easily be used to create peaks and spikes in free market business cycles which could lead to high unemployment and then civil unrest].
"c. Therefore, it is believed advisable to deal now with the possible danger and the eventual prevention of such attacks adequately and systematically both from our point of view and that of our allies;
i. The vulnerability of the US and its allies to unconventional economic attacks [on our vulnerable business cycles to creation of peaks and spikes by Communist SOE cartels] should be investigated with the assistance of [a sort of BCA program in equivalence to the SEC, yet however in the scope of the business cycle and each individual industrial business cycle, or bell curve like servy]"
Adequate measures and a proper international research and presentation program through a BCA has been formed and intelligently presented through the Scope of the Rider I. As such the actions of the Communist Political party, their rhetoric and their refusal to work in correlation with the international market places with regards to their massive production capabilities but very uncorrelated currency revaluation, along with a back turn to further strengthen SOE cartels into so called Champions (massive sized cartel leaders), while allowing these SOE cartels to keep taking more and more market shares shows a propensity for the free markets to create such a cooperation through military research and effects, economic research and effects, and some old salty dogs who know exactly how the Communist SOE cartel games are played. Still smoking and drinking you old dog, can't keep a good analysts down, you salty dog.
Rider I
Smoking and drinking doll, hello Asia I love you and want you to be free economically to own your own. Hugs and Kisses from the Rider I
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Unfair Competition, Trade Surplus, Credit Crunch, one country believes win, win, win.
Credit Crunches as Applied to Trade Surpluses and Public SOE Cartels
In a series of creations of service bell curves I would believe that a credit crunch theory should be included in a proper conclusion of market aspects regarding the unbalanced trade deficits. As such the imbalanced trade deficit causes certain countries to depend on service bell curves for intra capital and things to do for their free market shares. Then the nature of the service curves causes capital to peak as more and more are employed in the curve and have more capital to spend. This causes banks to create a lending frenzy as they hope not to be the last hand on the blade of grass held with the difficult task, or straw theory. Which would be the last bank to properly cash in on the rising peak before it starts to its downward decent to a spike. As such, a necessary evaluation is proper so a nice and neat rounding of the peak and spike can be properly maintained by an agency with equivalent ideas to my Business Cycle Administration idea.
The very big trade deficits as calculated through a fallacious comparative advantage scope creates imbalances which is enough to cause recessions; which is an excessive downturn point. This is due to one country creating a mass of international value through the holding of manufacturing of goods while the rest have to create interior type spending or wealth from advancement of civilization (however, this has been shown to also be a detriment as the country with the biggest trade surplus will be able to hold onto its business cycles the best, tech advance or manufacture advance). This then leads that country to invest in what all the other banks are investing in too. As such even that country will not be fully untouched by its own creation of unequally trade deficits or market shares. This allows that country to act like it was the Free market's fault as some of its markets go under from the same investments. However, the trade deficit as it leaves one country with the ability to produce more and have gained more financial reserves will allow that country to weather the credit crunch and even come out on top of that.
So, where did all the capital go. If my oppositions theory was correct that it was just the free markets fault then all countries should be in the same boat. However, the credit crunch itself could cause a transfer of capital to a centralized country. As the trade deficit (reached in this case by SOE Cartel activity) has left that country with an advantage in economic intra stability it would be seen that even countries capital's in a stimulus point would still be going to that country. As such we have seen a huge funding of government credit in countries. Yet, the private systems in free markets have kept to a slower pace of lending. This is because there is not a demand for it. There is low amount of people who can afford to take out normal loans even if the banks could loan them the money in hopes the stream will pick back up.
This means that the capital that allowed the banks to think the peak style blade of grass, or straw grabbing was a smart move, has all gone somewhere . Well then, we would have to look prior to the actual credit crunch to see where the capital went and why it is still going there. I will not spend much time on this matter. As this whole blog cite is dedicated to the idea that the SOE cartels of China have specifically with centralized business plans created an unfair market. Thus taking international capital without leaving way for a fair chance to gain it back through a competitive marketplace. As such the capital has landed in the hands of the very country with the trade surplus.
They then have the ability to quantify credit to foreign countries as they hold foreign financial reserves and the better end of the recessions market strength. This also allows them to create a sort of credit lending as the world is going through a credit crunch for their SOE's.As the SOE banks are controlled horizontally the same as the SOE business, by the government. However, like other countries in the world they will not lend as much to its private sector as the capital is not there to be asked for. This because they have also seen a credit crunch in their private sector; just not for their SOE sector. This means that while the rest of the world goes through artificial credit crunches as their governments lend credit first. Those countries will eventually fall into the credit crunch as the jobs are still abroad, the new service industry is still not ringing and the government has to stop inflating its currency.
This means that why the oppositions to the Communist SOE cartels are playing properly and all waiting behind the lines of the market place for the rolling hills to start to rise again. China has took off before the gun was fired. They are beating out the credit crunch by creating a sustained artificial government lending through their SOE banks lending in majority to their SOE business. Which will just be given more money if they fail or will actually be conglomerated under bigger names to further cloak and make legitimate their cartel actions. This means that the actual credit crunch again has played right back into the hands of the SOE cartel abusers as that country will be able to keep its market shares of international and domestic without having to reshape and regroup like the rest of the world because of their Public SOE's. This allows that country to gain the favor of the trade surplus then the credit crunch in similar SOE cartel style padding. While the rest of the world abides by anti-cartel and antitrust laws to keep a fair and competitive international market place.
The actions of a free market are normal like the breathing of a lung they go up and they go down (however we could go for a proper synapse program to curve the peak and spike though). So without proper regulations of SOE public cartels it allows certain countries wishes, intentions and actions to create SOE champions, to play unfair and to create unfair competition between the international markets. This then causes detriments of possible prolonged credit crunches and an artificial reliance on a centralized country for mass trade deficits and international production of value, causing again and again a relapse into the same cycle. The SOE bank's of China have been known to not show all data on their lending as equally as other banks might be. This I believe is not proper. The cycle must be stopped as the last two have been pretty bad for the free market countries, and even China's private markets. Ahh though they have been great for the Chinese SOE cartels conglomerating, streamlining and crushing economic competition through the wishes of SOE economic champions; which to me is more like SOE cartels.
Rider I
I am working on a liquidity one however, I am still trying to regain the mental strength to rebuild the Chinese Communist Economic Blitzkrieg theory. That took all day and it will again. I am going to spend time with my family this weekend so I have to push it back another week.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Rider I is an individual with hopes and dreams of either working to properly secure safe, fair and competitive domestic and international markets or to further his advancement of a life long economic theory know as Indivisimus Maximus in achievement of the Nobel Peace price in economics and a current creation for a defense of SOE Cartel Economic Blitzkrieg. As such the Rider I is not at this time a professional, it does not have a license in law nor does it have enough experience in economics to be stated as the Rider I said so. All information stands alone on its own and all who read should create their own individual ideas and oppositions as debate is truly the truest form of forensics and learning. Socrates.
Therefore, as the research firewall has been denoted as one individual I would say that the relevance of this blog post is purely to create an interest and not to advice. The file storage on the side of the page is to help back my thoughts and ideas as I find out more about Chinese Cartel activities and possible relations to the world economic crash. At times it will use those files to create punchy and straight forwards statements. These statements are made as the Rider I as spent many months searching reading and analyzing the information that is being presented. However, at times the Rider I may make assumptions that seem logical regarding the extension of a thought. These thoughts are merely one individuals ideas with great hopes of being able to help one day secure a properly free and competitive market place.
The confidential nature of this cite is because it is directed to what the Rider I believes is an extreme left economic group. In which has shown propensity for physical anger and violence for those who do not follow the beliefs of the extreme beliefs of a book written by Karl Marx's.
The Rider I has no relationship to the government of which it rides and has no relationship to any documents or analysts that is placed on the blog. There should be no thoughts that the Rider I is working with any such activities to create a conspiracy. The Rider I stands alone and merely assumes relationships based on similar ideas and thoughts of the things that it seeks out to find and analyze.
The Rider I does understand that there are restrictions to the 1st Amendment as through the scope of an individual. As such the Rider I will try and abide by those laws and regulations at all times. As there are grey lines if a reader or onlooker who feels they cannot post a blog due to the same reason the Rider I uses its name in pseudonym then please fell free to send me a pseudonym written reprimand for passing over any lines the 1st Amendment provides for. As the Rider I is navigated by a human and is prone to errors like even computers make.
As such the Rider I wishes for you to enjoy its thoughts ideas and analizations or analogues creations in hopes it is understood that the Rider I is not a professional, wishes not to be recognized as an arm of any institution (unless one would like to pick it up and place it in its perspective place, which the Rider I would humble bow to), that the Rider I understands the nature of speaking out against extreme parts of either political wing, and that it is understood that the 1st Amendment does come with reasonable restrictions that will duly be followed as closely as a human who makes errors can do.
I am saddened that neither my first blog or this one has created any comments opposition or even debate on this cite. I do show a high propensity for knowing a lot about economic warfare and in scope will learn more about cartel activities. However, that does not mean the Rider I understands everything and does not want to be taught through debate. Even though the Rider I does keep an ego so big when it walks around it bruises its ego.
Rider I
Communist SOE cartels Interferin with Foreign Economic Relations Open Investigation
"Once totalitarian countries would be able to increase their foreign trade, the fact that they can export and import without full competitive restraints would enable them to dump below cost or to buy presumptively at higher price in foreign markets and thus to interfere seriously with free competitive economic systems. Applying unconventional trading techniques successfully used [....] large totalitarian unions could monopolize, one by one, the trade of adjacent smaller countries, penetrate them economically and later politically and thus gradually restrict the markets accessible to the United States. During this process, our foreign investments would gradually be lost and our terms of trade impaired and our economy eventually forced into isolation. Accompanied by depressions and social unrest, such piecemeal attack on our markets could become long range scheme for world conquest without war."
Cited from government unclassified documents.
Chinese Premier specifically blames the US financial markets for the world crash and took no blame for its SOE excessive use of Cartel activities on dumping and price fixing in the international market. The specific blaming of the US for the World economic crash wasis aimed at takening out the US international dollar leadership to replace it with a more easily accessible dollar donation to the Communist Block mainly China and Russia and those countries that it is now helping develop. This is the old Communist Economic Warfare strategy. Which is to blame the leader for the fault and tray and take away its ability to lead.
The Communist Bloc have been able to do this as they are the two biggest currency holders of the US dollar. Both Russia and China have correlated to keep buying US debt so that China can keep dumping and creating price fixing in the international market place. This may not be an obvious cross board strategy. However, it is what is happening. The US has lost its jobs and tax reserves to the Communist Bloc and in specific the activities of the Chinese SOE cartels. This means that the US does not have the ability to create its own taxes and international value as it has substantially less jobs now than it did before the Communist SOE cartels were allowed to illegal use cartel activities and behind the scenes red phone price fixing tactics.
As such this huge currency grab by the Chinese in specific has allowed them more sway in intra US economic infrastructure. As this reliance on the Communist SOE cartels has created a peak spike relation in business cycle and has furthered created a medium to high rise in currency inflation. This is as a long term economic strategy by the Communist to gain the International favor of their one political party dominance. So that they can use that international currency of the IMF which they are proposing to stop any proper check on the Communist Cartels as China is currently one of the biggest abusers of SOE cartels in developing countries and developed countries resource markets. As stated in previous blog articles. China wishes to use its SOE so called Champions (cartels) to penetrate underdeveloped or developed markets in which they considered secretable markets at home.
The Chinese Communist Party is the richest political party in the world. They do not wish to give their stance to use their whole country for political domination. As in Cold War I they know the only thing stopping them from being able to walk into any country with their massive SOE cartels and secure economic infrastructures in the name of the Communist Party and the red phone tactics is the US. This is because we are a specifically tailored by our founding fathers and mothers to be a two big tier political system. This allows the US to keep a proper check on such countries as China and Russia (as Russia is still struggling to grasp a two tier system in rifle grip mentality). Therefore, it is only natural for the two of the biggest holders of the US currency reserves and the US's biggest and closest friendly enemy (Cold War's baby fun yet serious) to want to create instability in the US dollar system; through inflation, crashing markets with specific blame and the blitzing of countries economic infrastructures with Chinese SOE cartels (which again I do not think that Russia and China do this across the board, I do think the currency attack is, but not the SOE cartel activities, as the Communist Blocs are still there they have hugely been deflated and disbanded). While furthering setting the Chinese Communist Political party deeper and deeper into the US's financial system through Communist SOE financial banks and investing companies. This was seen by a similar version of the mass currency accumulation that we see today right before the crash happened.
This ideas of building up of currency or stock by a SOE cartel member allows that Cartel to be able to drop harder the stock market or economy when it starts to crash as massive amounts of foreign SOE cartels spending is artificial created to create a bubble. The Chinese government acts like it cannot see the same very similar cyclical patterns that economists use to predict the breath and exhalation of the free market's. Yet, it would seem to me that a country with Cartel activities deeply ingrained in a market could easily create moves like quickening its accession of job imports, buying massive amounts of stocks, using dumping tactics to make it harder to get new jobs in the country. Then once the proper red flags are flown that the market is about to go into a down turn. It is easily able to use its SOE's to proper influx a spike after they created a peak and watch it crash as they have padded their economy domestically with SOE's padding huge amounts of market shares. Then again these strategies would not be to the analysts extent or even to the management's extent it would be to the red phone politics of Communist SOE's and Communist SOE banks. Were it would be easy for a Communist Red Chair with no political equivalent to check them to call in an economic maneuver to help crash the US's economy to place their own political and military ideas in for front of the World necessity to have a stable, fair and competitive international market place.
A proper analysts of all SOE finances as to correlation of proper necessity to the .com and mortgage should already be done and posted to the public. Yet, ah last the government seems not to have an equivalent to the Rider I in its shield and sword of economics. Therefore, it is concluded that the actual increase in Communist US currency holdings assisted by dumping tactics SOE cartel red phone strategies could easily lead to the US's dollar inflation, and the SOE cartels financial departments could easily take a normal hill business cycle and turn it into a peak and then a spike with properly placed nudges and strategies by SOE financing companies. As ti would be advantageous for China to properly crash the US economy about three times to show that it should be the dominate one as it has created a centralized SOE cartel (or so called Champion) economic padding, while being able to properly us a artificial style stimulus of SOE's anytime they are needed to keep the padding up. While also further purporting to be a free country while the Communist Party keeps a death grip on their SOE's leadership positions, political chairs and any non party PCB that does not comply with Communist Party red phone tactics.
It is not the gain of now that such single party tactics consist of but the zen garden of strategy in which their mental thoughts and strategic projections of thoughts come forth to death grip international markets through cartel activities. Were once we new this and properly regulated now we have forgotten and called forth needless intra economic deprivations.
This has been a Rider I production
Cited from government unclassified documents.
Chinese Premier specifically blames the US financial markets for the world crash and took no blame for its SOE excessive use of Cartel activities on dumping and price fixing in the international market. The specific blaming of the US for the World economic crash wasis aimed at takening out the US international dollar leadership to replace it with a more easily accessible dollar donation to the Communist Block mainly China and Russia and those countries that it is now helping develop. This is the old Communist Economic Warfare strategy. Which is to blame the leader for the fault and tray and take away its ability to lead.
The Communist Bloc have been able to do this as they are the two biggest currency holders of the US dollar. Both Russia and China have correlated to keep buying US debt so that China can keep dumping and creating price fixing in the international market place. This may not be an obvious cross board strategy. However, it is what is happening. The US has lost its jobs and tax reserves to the Communist Bloc and in specific the activities of the Chinese SOE cartels. This means that the US does not have the ability to create its own taxes and international value as it has substantially less jobs now than it did before the Communist SOE cartels were allowed to illegal use cartel activities and behind the scenes red phone price fixing tactics.
As such this huge currency grab by the Chinese in specific has allowed them more sway in intra US economic infrastructure. As this reliance on the Communist SOE cartels has created a peak spike relation in business cycle and has furthered created a medium to high rise in currency inflation. This is as a long term economic strategy by the Communist to gain the International favor of their one political party dominance. So that they can use that international currency of the IMF which they are proposing to stop any proper check on the Communist Cartels as China is currently one of the biggest abusers of SOE cartels in developing countries and developed countries resource markets. As stated in previous blog articles. China wishes to use its SOE so called Champions (cartels) to penetrate underdeveloped or developed markets in which they considered secretable markets at home.
The Chinese Communist Party is the richest political party in the world. They do not wish to give their stance to use their whole country for political domination. As in Cold War I they know the only thing stopping them from being able to walk into any country with their massive SOE cartels and secure economic infrastructures in the name of the Communist Party and the red phone tactics is the US. This is because we are a specifically tailored by our founding fathers and mothers to be a two big tier political system. This allows the US to keep a proper check on such countries as China and Russia (as Russia is still struggling to grasp a two tier system in rifle grip mentality). Therefore, it is only natural for the two of the biggest holders of the US currency reserves and the US's biggest and closest friendly enemy (Cold War's baby fun yet serious) to want to create instability in the US dollar system; through inflation, crashing markets with specific blame and the blitzing of countries economic infrastructures with Chinese SOE cartels (which again I do not think that Russia and China do this across the board, I do think the currency attack is, but not the SOE cartel activities, as the Communist Blocs are still there they have hugely been deflated and disbanded). While furthering setting the Chinese Communist Political party deeper and deeper into the US's financial system through Communist SOE financial banks and investing companies. This was seen by a similar version of the mass currency accumulation that we see today right before the crash happened.
This ideas of building up of currency or stock by a SOE cartel member allows that Cartel to be able to drop harder the stock market or economy when it starts to crash as massive amounts of foreign SOE cartels spending is artificial created to create a bubble. The Chinese government acts like it cannot see the same very similar cyclical patterns that economists use to predict the breath and exhalation of the free market's. Yet, it would seem to me that a country with Cartel activities deeply ingrained in a market could easily create moves like quickening its accession of job imports, buying massive amounts of stocks, using dumping tactics to make it harder to get new jobs in the country. Then once the proper red flags are flown that the market is about to go into a down turn. It is easily able to use its SOE's to proper influx a spike after they created a peak and watch it crash as they have padded their economy domestically with SOE's padding huge amounts of market shares. Then again these strategies would not be to the analysts extent or even to the management's extent it would be to the red phone politics of Communist SOE's and Communist SOE banks. Were it would be easy for a Communist Red Chair with no political equivalent to check them to call in an economic maneuver to help crash the US's economy to place their own political and military ideas in for front of the World necessity to have a stable, fair and competitive international market place.
A proper analysts of all SOE finances as to correlation of proper necessity to the .com and mortgage should already be done and posted to the public. Yet, ah last the government seems not to have an equivalent to the Rider I in its shield and sword of economics. Therefore, it is concluded that the actual increase in Communist US currency holdings assisted by dumping tactics SOE cartel red phone strategies could easily lead to the US's dollar inflation, and the SOE cartels financial departments could easily take a normal hill business cycle and turn it into a peak and then a spike with properly placed nudges and strategies by SOE financing companies. As ti would be advantageous for China to properly crash the US economy about three times to show that it should be the dominate one as it has created a centralized SOE cartel (or so called Champion) economic padding, while being able to properly us a artificial style stimulus of SOE's anytime they are needed to keep the padding up. While also further purporting to be a free country while the Communist Party keeps a death grip on their SOE's leadership positions, political chairs and any non party PCB that does not comply with Communist Party red phone tactics.
It is not the gain of now that such single party tactics consist of but the zen garden of strategy in which their mental thoughts and strategic projections of thoughts come forth to death grip international markets through cartel activities. Were once we new this and properly regulated now we have forgotten and called forth needless intra economic deprivations.
This has been a Rider I production
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Verticle or Horizontal action as applied to cartels in my individual theory
Vertical or Horizontal Straight Lines
As Applied to Communist SOE Cartels
In my opinion. A straight line of businesses created by more than one business interlocked by a certain centralized agency overseeing each in the line however so wishing to have each be seen as separate is acting distinctly in a vertical or horizontal straight line fashion. As such if one business that is over seen by the same entity or centralized owner then interacts with other business down a supply line, to a manufacturing line, to the actual market place is a representation of straight line business activity.
As such individually defined I would see that the Chinese SOE cartels owned and operated by the Communist Political party of China do act in a straight line of business interaction. This is done through full market scope.
First, the Chinese SOE's wish to gain contracts acting like they are separate business from separate directives.
They must gain either funding from a few centralized SOE banks or from allowance of SOE centralized boards like the SASAC or their communist political controlled boards.
They then use more than one SOE for higher aimed resource needs to curtail the contract bidding to a higher ratio of SOE assured contract acquisition.
Then after that contract is assured the SOE cartels use an SOE cartel shipping line that is also funded and padded by SOE banks and communist political party laws and regulations.
Once those resources then get to the port they use an SOE port facility to dock and unload the resources.
From their the SOE's are shipped via SOE lines to manufacturing plants of SOE origins.
After that the product is then manufactured in SOE's style and then the SOE business seeks buyers or contracts to further their manufacturing needs to sell more as they have already created it in an SOE bank funded style of dumping tactics.
Once they have found a buyer they then ship the goods via an SOE shipping line.
Along those lines currently the SOE cartels are seeking to enter every country in the world through an SOE port system to further link the SOE straight line of business dealings.
First, the Chinese SOE's wish to gain contracts acting like they are separate business from separate directives.
They must gain either funding from a few centralized SOE banks or from allowance of SOE centralized boards like the SASAC or their communist political controlled boards.
They then use more than one SOE for higher aimed resource needs to curtail the contract bidding to a higher ratio of SOE assured contract acquisition.
Then after that contract is assured the SOE cartels use an SOE cartel shipping line that is also funded and padded by SOE banks and communist political party laws and regulations.
Once those resources then get to the port they use an SOE port facility to dock and unload the resources.
From their the SOE's are shipped via SOE lines to manufacturing plants of SOE origins.
After that the product is then manufactured in SOE's style and then the SOE business seeks buyers or contracts to further their manufacturing needs to sell more as they have already created it in an SOE bank funded style of dumping tactics.
Once they have found a buyer they then ship the goods via an SOE shipping line.
Along those lines currently the SOE cartels are seeking to enter every country in the world through an SOE port system to further link the SOE straight line of business dealings.
As such the last line of strait line business dealings is the fact that any strategies of straight line dealing or horizontal SOE to SOE style contracts is called a state secret and they are not made public. So the civilians who have to compete with them and pay for their loan interest via SOE bank taxes and other pork belly SOE style collections can see were their SOE money government expenditures are going and coming from.
Therefore, in this manner of straight line business dealings it would be easy to knock off a few dollars as the only entities that are currently regulating them are heavily dominated by Communist Political Party members with very little opposition political parties in the SOE regulations. This could easily lead to price fixing or even market share fixing as they public straight line of business activities is cloaked in legal and political laws.
Therefore, in this manner of straight line business dealings it would be easy to knock off a few dollars as the only entities that are currently regulating them are heavily dominated by Communist Political Party members with very little opposition political parties in the SOE regulations. This could easily lead to price fixing or even market share fixing as they public straight line of business activities is cloaked in legal and political laws.
As such from ground to consumption the SOE cartels of China able to use horizontal or vertical business transactions under the cloak of state secrets without ever reporting the SOE documents or contracts to the public eye and media for proper freedom of press or freedom of enterprise scrutiny.
As such these are my beliefs and thoughts. A fully backed research article would be nice. However, I earn nothing from this cite and do it merely to keep my chops up and because my heart is in it in hopes someday someone will pick me up and train me.
Rider I
Vertical or Horizontal business transactions inherently allow for the determent's of price fixing, market share fixing and uncompetitive means. As such there is no more a symbol of vertical lines in the SOE cartel than ltitle red phones in the offices of all major SOE banks and SOE industries that connect straight to one single political party and military intellegence. This alone is enough to prove economic cartel activities. Because if the party needs an economic movement or strategy done quickly and properly or if the military intellegence needs an economic movement cloaked they can call directly to the SOE leaders and have it set up. True it is it is a cartel that the Chinese have used to acquire such wealth and oppress their political opposition so they may never be equals or proper checks and balances.
Prodated this post however, It would not matter the evidence needed for cartel actions is gathered in the past and presented in the future.
Prodated this post however, It would not matter the evidence needed for cartel actions is gathered in the past and presented in the future.
Government Market Shares at Poverty level create a political check.
Government Market Shares at Poverty Level Create a Political Check and Balance
Much like what we have seen with the Chinese SOE cartels financing their SOE's in specific political aims. Such as, Venezuela's new building of a cartel SOE front through stealing of the people's business, lands, banks and free media outlets which is meant to stop the voices and checks of any political opposition or even dissenters;. Which has been being funded by the SOE banks of China without the opposing political parties ability to dissent or even research into the mass stealing of Venezuela's market shares by a single political party dominance. This use of government owned industrial market shares creates a political vacuum which makes it hard for those who are not in power to get power, or for those in a different power group to be heard and have their votes actually count. Much like what we have seen in China where the Communist Political party has constantly used their SOE's to prop up their political motives and wishes for market share dominance of industries through single party dominance. Then allowing the Communist Political party to head the SOE's with Communist Political members much like a government cabinet position. However, these are in businesses of non poverty level market shares which then use political competition which regulates and strategies the SOE cartels business plans versus the free markets of domestic and international market places. Meaning that inherently the battle is one sided as the ones who create the laws also compete in the industry they are creating the laws for.
As such, the safest way to keep a political balance is to keep the SOE market shares at poverty level. So political means will not be competing against free market means for more political gain or funding for political wishes. Meaning that the government should only be allowed to use its SOE's to obtain safety and security and nourishment for the poor, elderly or sick. As this sort of SOE check and balance is what Americans call welfare. This idea of welfare market shares will not allow the governments SOE's to be used in abuse of credit crunches much like what we have been seeing in the SOE banks of China. Which constantly are funding SOE industries of China even though they are crippling their free markets and causing international uncompetitive activities through vertical cartel actions. Along with the SOE's that have been shown to actually be the burden of SOE banks and tax payers as they are in vast market shares way above a possible free market check and balance.
As such, if China was to even-out their SOE industrial market shares to equivalent checks to the private industries, or even lower it to a much smaller portion it would allow for more political opposition and freedom of ideas (which means more civil liberties). This is because the Chinese political party in power at that time could not use the mass amount of SOE market shares as an economic power and market share dominance for a political motivator for obedience to the single party dominance. Also it could not use the above poverty level market shares to crush oppositions market shares or businesses. Which has lead Chinese to a very political hard time for any opposition of the Communist Political party. Especially if they wish to fairly create an equal political party that can check each other for possible abuses in military, civil , economics, or civilian liberties. As truly a free society has the ability of check's and balances.
Therefore, the allowance of SOE's at higher than poverty nourishment creates an unequal political check. As it causes a distortion in political economics of freedom. Because more Communist Political members wish to become heads of SOE's and make big money. While the opposition to the Communist party has to try and compete against giant SOE cartels; which, steal market shares via legal and political means. Instead of being able to compete fairly for market shares were the best competitor wins. This has lead the Chinese to have a political imbalance as the only party that stood a chance against them 30 years ago was completely taken out by a civil war with no opposing political party placed back in to check the Communist Single party dominance.
Since then the Chinese Communist have claimed economic dominance through the SOE cartels that have become more and more streamlined and able to cloak themselves to work their way into the free market systems. This has allowed them to grab hold of economic domestic and international infrastructures and wait for the time when it is right for them to flex their mite for positional warfare. This wish for a non political balance and party level SOE market shares has allowed them to keep enough shares to be able to create a unbalanced international market place. However, they have allowed their citizens enough freedom as to make other countries think that their is no more Communist threat to the international market place; much like the ideas of laws passed by the California legislature for extremist left wing groups to work government positions.
Truly though, if the California Legislatures would have done their homework they would have seen that the Chinese Communist Political party is at its highest and most dangerous time and they are a threat to international commercial security and political balance. This is due to the nature that the world has seemed to have forgotten about the massive market shares that the Communist Political party of China still owns and controls through public cartel actions. This makes the Chinese Communist Political party the biggest and richest Political Party in the world. As they control, regulate, strategies, fund, run and even cloak the SOE cartels to their own political advantage. Meaning the American style of welfare SOE market share political check has gone without cause in China. This has been long enough to create a full scale party dominance with no political party big enough to check them in a proper two party freedom system that creates more civil freedoms through the two big tier check system. Instead of the one big tier and a few small tiers that currently exists in the worlds Richest Political Parties Cartel padded economy. As such to create a balanced political landscape SOE's should not be allowed to have more than poverty level market share for the sick, elderly and ill.
Rider I
I find this interesting.
I will further it at home and analize it later.
Mainly the idea of the study of social, political, and legal as applied to economics seems to be an area I should divulge into more for this investigation into the Chinese SOE cartels as I have already found legal and social aspects of a single party dominace that creates an economic nontarrif protection creating an uncompetitive competition between free and SOE cartels.
As such I have theorized that after the next American business cycle of the Business Cycle Administration (agency) is not created to resemble the SEC, that America will fall hard into another recession. However, after two hard crashes each showing more momentum for the downard spikes of the .com then the mortgage the next cycle relianc on a non interntional value industrial will cause a hard shift to have to compete with SOE cartels into SOE cartels. We have already seen this in many free countries like Japan starting an SOE cartel and other countries fully thinking in depth of stealing their people's banks, industries and economics in the name of the political party and the political bourgeuos, without a proper check from the civilian buirgeous. As such this short coffee break doss so intrigue me to further my study tonight on this article.
Mainly the idea of the study of social, political, and legal as applied to economics seems to be an area I should divulge into more for this investigation into the Chinese SOE cartels as I have already found legal and social aspects of a single party dominace that creates an economic nontarrif protection creating an uncompetitive competition between free and SOE cartels.
As such I have theorized that after the next American business cycle of the Business Cycle Administration (agency) is not created to resemble the SEC, that America will fall hard into another recession. However, after two hard crashes each showing more momentum for the downard spikes of the .com then the mortgage the next cycle relianc on a non interntional value industrial will cause a hard shift to have to compete with SOE cartels into SOE cartels. We have already seen this in many free countries like Japan starting an SOE cartel and other countries fully thinking in depth of stealing their people's banks, industries and economics in the name of the political party and the political bourgeuos, without a proper check from the civilian buirgeous. As such this short coffee break doss so intrigue me to further my study tonight on this article.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Positional Warfare as applied to SOE Cartels.
Positional Warfare As Applied to Chinese SOE Cartel's
As the Chinese Communist Party is using economies of force in their SOE's to concentrate certain actions to procure special strategic economic infrastructures in the world. It would be seen to be that the Cartel activities is seeking positional warfare. As the Chinese themselves have declared such industries of economic infrastructure like manufacturing, automobile, telecommunications, energy (oil) to be of STATE SECRETE NATURE. It would show their mentality of wishing for positional warfare when tehy actually try to acquire certain industries they deem secretable in foreign countries. As any humble country would not try and take over its neighbors so called secretable industry if they were not seeking positional warfare.
Positional warfare is that which allows a certain military positions to carry out what it deems to be national or political gains. As such which is China wishing to have free trade with Taiwan when they can in no way actually compete against China without proper root industries being sheltered or at least monitored from the Chinese SOE cartels. As such China will be able to create a positional warfare strategy and has already done so. It would be deemed proper to assume that China wishes to fulfill a full scale economic warfare dominance of Taiwan by creating a sort of safety by China providing everything for Taiwan while they are actually just taking their national value through dumping, and credit crunches.
Dumping creates a positional warfare strategy in economics because it weakens its intended market. This is done by creating reliance in so called secretable industries that China protects but wishes to infiltrate in their neighbors. Once this has been done and the majority of jobs in those industries are in the hands of the Chinese and the SOE cartels. They then can place themselves in the position to advance faster and further in technological advancements of that industry. As such for example, in the US we have allowed Chinese markets to take a huge chunk of technological advanced jobs. This has allowed the Chinese to become top notch producers of technology while the US depends on it for its computers and other technological resources. This then allows China to have the technology and the jobs and the assets of human know how. This human know how turns into advanced industries over time. While the Chinese industries are being more depend on and the dependant countries do not have enough manufacturing of those industries to keep up with the advancements as more human assets are working with the technology in China than their neighbors.
China then creates a credit crunch on their neighbor. This is done as the country under economic warfare.
has lost its ground on its job market and industrial advancements as China has taken them through dumping tactics. This forces that country to either raise higher taxes, depend more on the whole to own industries to compete or to have to borrow money from the very country that has illegally and unfairly taken their jobs through cartel activities; at worst all the symptoms can become relevant and then lead to heavy recessions or crashes, until China is impacted by it and they have to loosen up or they will also crash. However, by this time China has gained positional advantages for industrial know how, monetary, and even military advantage as today technology cancels out technology leaving way to only guerrilla warfare hand to hand in big conflicts.
Then China realizes they are showing their true colors so they start to back off and act like they are not committing positional warfare through economic force of economic warfare. However, Lockeans know have traced it and grasped it and we are on it. By the second time China is not the only country who has seen this and now their are other countries starting to mirror their positional, economies of force & economic warfare.This has been shown through Venezuela preparing to act out against its fellow new Latin union.
This positional warfare leads China at an advantage if it ever was to declare war or even to need to defend a belligerent country like North Korea from war. As the positional warfare end game if for China to gain grasp in countries that are of opposition to its single party rule. They will use economies of force through economic infrastructure ownership of their SOE's to force concession.
This forced concession can be done easily. Lets say one of the industries that China says is so sacred to their economy that their SOE's own the majority of it: Steal. If China was to take hold of an oppositions steal industry they could easily either erode through strategic management, as they could receive funding that does not represent their liquidity or even net gain as Chinese SOE's do nad have been known to loan money to SOE's for strategic political or so called economic national interests. As such the Chinese SOE cartels get a hold of a steal industrial company through their SOE not an individual ownership or corporation avoid of government ownership. This then would allow them to make bad managerial decisions enough to slowly erode the business or to cause fluctuations in the market place as to ripple effect certain down river industries they wish to affect through SOE managerial decisions ("An unconventional enemy could use even conventional business transactions for unconventional suprise attacks. The unconventional nature of such attacks need not lie in the action itself but in its timing, scope, execution and objective". As such, an example of Chinese Politics not taking into account national sovereignty or even proper business was the Venezuela economic erosion of an American energy business that owned oil rigs of the Venezuela coast. Venezuela happened to not pay the business and allow it to start to go under while the business kept providing service in hopes they would get paid, as Venezuela is a whole country. However, Venezuela was then backed by Chinese SOE bank management to be allowed to steal the rigs from the American business event though China stated they would loan them over 20 billion dollars. This is one factor of allowance of the SOE management being allowed to own or even have substantial dealings with certain industries. The single party dominance would easily come through. As it could be possible that the allowance of the Chinese SOE's to own a single industrial economic infrastructure could lead way for the only things that could compete would be the very country in which they owned. This would erode the beliefs of Lockean countries world wide that wish for more economic freedoms and less totalitarian government economics.
In furtherance of the detriment to the allowance of this positional warfare would be a military issue. As it might become a conflict between the Chinese government ownership through an SOE if a sovereign country needed to build arms in a fast manner. This could allow the Chinese easy access to sabotage any proper build up of miiltary weapons. Along with that, as the biggest problem is their SOE's very close connection to their SOE banks it would be another detriment to think that fluff economic would happen causing problems in the economy of the country that has its economic infrastructure owned by one of the cartels.
It is well know that such countries of mass scale should keep certain economic infrastructures free from foreign government ownership. However, allowing individuals of that country or even individuals of foreign countries to own is much more savory than allowing the managerial economic warfare arm of the Communist Party to gain a strong foot hold in countries that are in opposition to a single party constant dominance.
As such positional warfare is the wish for the dominance of certain key strategic areas of a certain point. Economies of force is the use of a strategic mass of points or controls to create an end effect of control. Economic Warfare can no longer be seen as the ancient form of just blockades and the string spaghetti of sanctions. Now that government owned cartels have been placed in the spot light by a Lockean Warrior of how State Owned Enterprise can be used to create positional warfare.
I believe a specific study in managerial warfare or infiltration type hostile take overs would be a nice cup of tea after this blog article. As such, I shall think about the idea over a pipe full of tobacco. However, managerial warfare is easily best situated in a sort of Trojan hoarse for economics or businesses. Therefore, positional warfare is a necessary aspect of economic warfare. I have no way and no how done proper relief to the study. However, I believe I have dug and found water.
Rider I
Positional Warfare
Economies of Force
Economic Warfare
Credit Crunch
Curious managerial SOE bank style tactics for political gain.
"Chavez said the $20 billion financing from China is separate from a $12 billion bilateral investment fund, without providing details."
"Venezuela state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA and China National Petroleum Corp. signed a joint-venture agreement in Caracas"
However, an American independent business from government ownership gets treated this way:
"Venezuela will nationalize a fleet of oil rigs belonging to U.S. company Helmerich and Payne"
"He has also taken over assets in telecommunications, power, steel and banking" curious
"He has threatened to nationalize Polar, the top brewer and food processor in the country of 30 million. The government has also seized a bank belonging to an owner of the leading opposition TV station and put an arrest warrant out for his partner, who is now on the run."
Love it the more than man steals from his people to give to his bourgeois leadership to live fat on and gain raises and fatter nicer houses, the more the country falls and goes under. Then he blames it on individual ownership and freedom of economics. What a shame to revert back to feudalism through popular politics instead of divine inspiration. Were once was the Church now is the Chinese SOE banks to declare national leaderships bourgeoisie's. Personally I prefer hard work, family and the right to individual live ones dreams over stealing of individual liberty of economics.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My wish to clean up my blog when time permits.
As each time I enter my blog I mainly search out evidence or analysis on my theoretical ideas in a logical pattern to me at that time. I can see that it might be hard for others to follow the evidence log on the side bar. As such I would like to break it up into categories and then headline each category so it will be neater and nicer to read and much faster to access for those backyard get together debates over whisky and cigars.. There is a long list of to dues for my cite including blog posts, analysts and before all of those I must muster the mental strength to sit in front of my work station for a whole 8-10 hours again to write , analyze and correct my CCEB theory. So I have a lot do do. At some point in time I have to stop I figure out after I finish this list of things to do. I will place this cite on hold as I have to study for my graduate school entrance test. I like economics, international business and law. So I am hoping to find a good combination. However, with my mass attention towards this blog my time is not there. As such. I give myself to the end of this year to finish this. Even though, I believe I should be able to get it don in about a month or so. I need to get into grad school, so I can write my book and then get into my carrier this working and living close to the poverty level is not fun and very hard on the dating life, as I want to get married and have five kids.
Rider I
Rider I
Analysis of competing hypothesis
As my hypothesis is that the Communist SOE cartels intrinsically caused the crash and lead the inadvertent cycle patterns that have created this crash system. I should also do a basic analysts of the competing hypothesis that it was the free market stock crash that caused the world economy to crash, along with the illegal actions of the mortgage industry. I would guess since we have already prosecuted mortgage executives, and stock market executives for their part in the crash. It will be very easy for me to find the competing theory of why the world economy crashed. My theory has not been that easy. As I believe I am the only person in the world doing an open investigation into the Communist's SO'E's activities causing the world economy to crash. So I would find I should probable spend a good 8 hours one Saturday, making a good go of it to understand the competing theory. Which I am biased on because I have been watching the SOE padded market since I was a kid. However, I do see the points about the mortgage and stock market's. Just I see it as a not full theory involving a wholestic style approach. So my theory envelopes all three theories. Communist SOE cartels, stock market and mortgage (servy bell). So before I write why the World Economy Crashed in a full cited backed theory. I believe a good go about it for all my competing economists theories should be proper. Then again I am beast, just kidding I like wearing nice clothes and eating good food like the rest of my predecessors, some of which who were beasts too. The funny thing is truly I think I have a unique genuinue open investigation going on here.
Check this out a single political party can prosecute folks for political secrets.
That is funny. If I find out a secret about a politician in America we can share it freely. Or even if we find out an economically secret about a Political party or politician we can share it freely as they are public figures and get to be scrutinized so they fly straight.
However, in China:
"Under the new law, this definition is further explained as “information concerning state security and interests and [that], if leaked, would damage state security and interests in the areas of politics, economy and national defense, among others"
So in China the Political party is the state. Well sure glad that is backwards. I mean is that a contradiction or what. The political party is considered the state and thus gets to charge with criminal actions as if it was a military or intellectual property. Funny. I wonder how that works for keeping the Communist Political Party in power. I bet they use it to crush competition.
This is some of the new updated State Secret's laws. I would find that the financing part as it is a public entity would be cartel activity. As if such stated is a public trade or otherwise it should produce the proper financial statments of loans assets etc.
Anyways here is some of it;
"On the issuance of the "Central Commercial Secret Protection Interim Provisions" of the notice
Use google translate to read it:
However, in China:
"Under the new law, this definition is further explained as “information concerning state security and interests and [that], if leaked, would damage state security and interests in the areas of politics, economy and national defense, among others"
So in China the Political party is the state. Well sure glad that is backwards. I mean is that a contradiction or what. The political party is considered the state and thus gets to charge with criminal actions as if it was a military or intellectual property. Funny. I wonder how that works for keeping the Communist Political Party in power. I bet they use it to crush competition.
This is some of the new updated State Secret's laws. I would find that the financing part as it is a public entity would be cartel activity. As if such stated is a public trade or otherwise it should produce the proper financial statments of loans assets etc.
Anyways here is some of it;
"On the issuance of the "Central Commercial Secret Protection Interim Provisions" of the notice
Use google translate to read it:
"But Chinese rules say any information on state-run firms is a state secret and invites punishment for violation."
Again showing cartel activitiesl like most private cartels that lobby for laws that take pressure off of them. China just blatatnly arrests people for even looking into them. I am looking for the full text on the State Secret laws right now. That should be fun to read.
"It can be used to imprison journalists and others for publishing information authorities find unwelcome, whether that information is a matter of national security or not."
"The American consul who finally did meet him told Xue’s wife that monitors had not allowed them to discuss the case and that Xue seemed “in bad shape.” No wonder. In blatant violation of Chinese law, he had already been tortured. Xue managed to show subsequent consuls cigarette burns on his arm that his captors had inflicted when he refused to confess. He also said that the secret police ultimately coerced him into signing false documents."
"It was closed not only to the public and Xue’s family but also to American officials, in violation of both the consular agreement and Chinese law." Again taking laws in specific sided application regarding economics as if we could not have just tooken pictures of space of were all the oil fields are. As is open public information to all American's and many free information countries of the world. That is what happnes when a country has vague laws and then applies them expost facto.
That sounds like cartel activity to me.
Again showing cartel activitiesl like most private cartels that lobby for laws that take pressure off of them. China just blatatnly arrests people for even looking into them. I am looking for the full text on the State Secret laws right now. That should be fun to read.
"It can be used to imprison journalists and others for publishing information authorities find unwelcome, whether that information is a matter of national security or not."
"The American consul who finally did meet him told Xue’s wife that monitors had not allowed them to discuss the case and that Xue seemed “in bad shape.” No wonder. In blatant violation of Chinese law, he had already been tortured. Xue managed to show subsequent consuls cigarette burns on his arm that his captors had inflicted when he refused to confess. He also said that the secret police ultimately coerced him into signing false documents."
"It was closed not only to the public and Xue’s family but also to American officials, in violation of both the consular agreement and Chinese law." Again taking laws in specific sided application regarding economics as if we could not have just tooken pictures of space of were all the oil fields are. As is open public information to all American's and many free information countries of the world. That is what happnes when a country has vague laws and then applies them expost facto.
That sounds like cartel activity to me.
"China's authoritarianism is becoming a global model, and it is a model in conflict with the values that Americans hold dear."
"Second, to make it clear to foreign businesses that market intelligence-gathering activities inside of China, particularly those that involve SOEs, will be held under extremely close scrutiny."
This is another form of protecitonism as regular private business can have normal investigations done on them for investment purpose. However, due to vague laws on SOE's any found investigating them could be prosecuted if they are a serious competitor or analizing for serious competitors.
This is another form of protecitonism as regular private business can have normal investigations done on them for investment purpose. However, due to vague laws on SOE's any found investigating them could be prosecuted if they are a serious competitor or analizing for serious competitors.
CCP and MSS are Done Reading and writing. definitions
Dictionary used to define common textually
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition (2003) You know I hope the new dictionaries carry cd's for quick cut and paste reference this retyping thing takes a long time. Don't forget to include a cut and paste citation. Then again it is all online. I think I just like the book definition because it feels solid to me.
Engaged: "1. involved in activity in activity : occupied, busy 2: pledged to be married [not yet ladies] : betrothed 3: greatly interested : committed 4: involved esp in a hostile encounter 5: partly ested : committed 6: being in gear: meshed
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Anti-competitive: tending to reduce or discourage competition
2Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
1Specific: 1a: constituting or falling into a specifiable category b: sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be refereed to a particular category 2a restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation or effect <~a diese to a hoarse> b: exerting a distinctive influence (as one body part or a disease) <~antibodies> 3: free form ambiguity; accurate <~a statement of faith> [declaration] 4: of, relating to, or constituting a species and esp. biological species 5a: being any of various arbitrary physical constants and esp. one relating a quantitative attribute to unit mass, volume, or area b: imposed at a fixed rate per unit (as a weighed count) <~import duties>-compare AD VALOREM
2Specific: 1a something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use b: a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease2a: a characteristic quality or trait b: details particulars
-specific: relating or applying specifically to or intended specifically for
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal actb: teh state of mind with which an act is done : volition 2: a usu. clearly formulated or planned intention: aim 3a Meaning, Significance b: connotation
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having teh mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Dangerous: 1: exposing to or involving danger 2: able or likely to inflict injury or harm
Probability: 1: the quality or state of being probable 2: something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable 3a(1): the ration of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes [specific algorithm of possibilities] (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities 4: a logical relation between statements such that evidence confirming one confirms the other to some degree.
Probable: 1: supported by evidence strong enough to establish presumption but not proof 2: establishing a probability <~evidence> 3: likely to be or become true or real
Probable cause: a reasonable ground that supposing that a charge is well-founded.
Achieving: 1: to carry out successfully: accomplish <~ a gradual increase in production> 2: to get or attain a the result of exertion : reach~vi : to achieve a desired end of aim: become successful
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Power: 1a (1): ability to act or produce an effect (2); ability to get extra base hits (3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right [which i hold none of as an unprofessional reader and writer] 2a: possession of control authority, or influence over others b: one having such power, specific: a sovereign state c: a controlling group : establishment - often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic: a force of armed men e: a large number of quantity 3a: physical might b: mental or moral efficacy c: political control or influence 4: an order of angels - see celestial hierarchy 6a: a source or means of supplying energy b: motive power c: the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 8: 1scope3 9: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true [Why the World Economic Crashed by .... . .....]
[It is like these definitions were written for me. LOL
Unfair: 1: marked by injustice, particularly, or deception : unjust 2: not equitable in business dealings
Injustice 1: absent of justice [or fair legal application]: violation of right or of the rights of another: unfairness 2: an unjust act: Wrong
Justice: the maintenance or administration of law esp: the establishment of determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity 2a: the quality of being just, impartial or fair b(1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) conformity to this principle or ideal c: the quality of conforming to law 3; CONFORMING TO TRUTH, FACT OR REASON
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
Sufficient: 1a: enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end b: being a sufficient condition 2 archaic qualified, competent
sufficient condition: 1: a proposition whose truth assures the truth of another proposition 2: a state of affairs whose existence assures the existence of another state of affairs
Prove: 1 to learn or find out by experience 2a: to test the truth, validity or genuineness of b: to test the worth or quality of : to compare against a standard -sometimes used with up or out c: to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result) 3a: to establish the existence, truth, or validity or (as by evidence or logic) b: to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth 4: to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable~vi: to turn out esp after trial or test
Necessary: 1a: of an inevitable nature: inescapable b(1): logically unavoidable (2): that cannot be denied without contradiction c:determined or produced by the previous condition of things 2: absolutely needed
contradiction: 1: an act or an instance of contradiction 2a: a proposition,statement,or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something b: a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other 3a: logical incongruity b: a situtation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another.
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal actb: the state of mind with which an act is done : volition 2: a usu. clearly formulated or planned intention: aim 3a Meaning, Significance b: connotation
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
I think later on sometime i will try and intertwine my individual investigation into the definitions and key phrases to test them and see if I should speak with an attorney.
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition (2003) You know I hope the new dictionaries carry cd's for quick cut and paste reference this retyping thing takes a long time. Don't forget to include a cut and paste citation. Then again it is all online. I think I just like the book definition because it feels solid to me.
Engaged: "1. involved in activity in activity : occupied, busy 2: pledged to be married [not yet ladies] : betrothed 3: greatly interested : committed 4: involved esp in a hostile encounter 5: partly ested : committed 6: being in gear: meshed
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Anti-competitive: tending to reduce or discourage competition
2Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
1Specific: 1a: constituting or falling into a specifiable category b: sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be refereed to a particular category 2a restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation or effect <~a diese to a hoarse> b: exerting a distinctive influence (as one body part or a disease) <~antibodies> 3: free form ambiguity; accurate <~a statement of faith> [declaration] 4: of, relating to, or constituting a species and esp. biological species 5a: being any of various arbitrary physical constants and esp. one relating a quantitative attribute to unit mass, volume, or area b: imposed at a fixed rate per unit (as a weighed count) <~import duties>-compare AD VALOREM
2Specific: 1a something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use b: a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease
-specific: relating or applying specifically to or intended specifically for
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having teh mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Dangerous: 1: exposing to or involving danger 2: able or likely to inflict injury or harm
Probability: 1: the quality or state of being probable 2: something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable 3a(1): the ration of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes [specific algorithm of possibilities] (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities 4: a logical relation between statements such that evidence confirming one confirms the other to some degree.
Probable: 1: supported by evidence strong enough to establish presumption but not proof 2: establishing a probability <~evidence> 3: likely to be or become true or real
Probable cause: a reasonable ground that supposing that a charge is well-founded.
Achieving: 1: to carry out successfully: accomplish <~ a gradual increase in production> 2: to get or attain a the result of exertion : reach
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Power: 1a (1): ability to act or produce an effect (2); ability to get extra base hits (3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right [which i hold none of as an unprofessional reader and writer] 2a: possession of control authority, or influence over others b: one having such power, specific: a sovereign state c: a controlling group : establishment - often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic: a force of armed men e: a large number of quantity 3a: physical might b: mental or moral efficacy c: political control or influence 4: an order of angels - see celestial hierarchy 6a: a source or means of supplying energy b: motive power c: the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 8: 1scope3 9: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true [Why the World Economic Crashed by .... . .....]
[It is like these definitions were written for me. LOL
Unfair: 1: marked by injustice, particularly, or deception : unjust 2: not equitable in business dealings
Injustice 1: absent of justice [or fair legal application]: violation of right or of the rights of another: unfairness 2: an unjust act: Wrong
Justice: the maintenance or administration of law esp: the establishment of determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity 2a: the quality of being just, impartial or fair b(1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) conformity to this principle or ideal c: the quality of conforming to law 3; CONFORMING TO TRUTH, FACT OR REASON
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
Sufficient: 1a: enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end b: being a sufficient condition 2 archaic qualified, competent
sufficient condition: 1: a proposition whose truth assures the truth of another proposition 2: a state of affairs whose existence assures the existence of another state of affairs
Prove: 1 to learn or find out by experience 2a: to test the truth, validity or genuineness of b: to test the worth or quality of : to compare against a standard -sometimes used with up or out c: to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result) 3a: to establish the existence, truth, or validity or (as by evidence or logic) b: to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth 4: to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable
Necessary: 1a: of an inevitable nature: inescapable b(1): logically unavoidable (2): that cannot be denied without contradiction c:determined or produced by the previous condition of things 2: absolutely needed
contradiction: 1: an act or an instance of contradiction 2a: a proposition,statement,or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something b: a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other 3a: logical incongruity b: a situtation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another.
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
I think later on sometime i will try and intertwine my individual investigation into the definitions and key phrases to test them and see if I should speak with an attorney.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Exercise name the quotation and create research paper on the terms.
Do you know your Economic terms?
(1) "A Combination of firms that acts as if it were a single firm"
As such the actions of the SOE cartels of China now wish to conglomerate themselves to further their market shares and maintain a high level above 25% of their market shares for the State Owned Enterprise. The SOE's wish to keep their cartel market shares in the industries that once a (2) "product is consumed by one individual it may not be consumed by another individual" like manufacturing products, hotels, or other private industry market shares. They can do this because the relation of the SOE cartel who sell at a (3) "price lower tha[n] what is costs to produce it [at]" because the SOE banks are (4) "charging of different prices to different individuals or groups of individuals" for loans compared to what the SOE banks charge the SOE's.
As the SOE banks give loans to SOE producers based on government ownership and not on liquidity of fair competition. This gives the SOE's a high level of market shares in industries were (5) "payments by households for goods and services" are predominately for personal consumption of individual use.
A (6) "Table showing the output resulting from various combinations of factors of production or inputs" would easily be able to show that these loans at different interest rates or even no interest rates at all hugely affect the ability of domestic or even foreign private industries to compete in the SOE cartels market shares. This creates a wall blocking off any real economic stability in market share ownership.
(7)"The merging of two relatively unrelated business" in the SOE market shares has stopped proper economic balance in the world. As China is allowed to use their massive SOE's to acquire more market shares at home then use them abroad unfairly to acquire more market shares in foreign countries. This has placed a hamper on other countries (8) "Princple[s] that the consumer's wishes to rule what's produced." As (9) "A model of oligopoly in which barriers to entry and barriers to exit, not the structure of the market, determines a firms price and output decisions." Which is the market theories we seen in foreign countries in relation to the Chinese barriers to entry of their market place. Which leads to a "inflation that occurs when the economy is below potential output" as countries cannot gain fair market shares of employment and jobs along as the Chinese use (10) "A Combination of firms that acts as if it were a single firm."
This "inflation that occurs when the economy is below potential output" leads to high levels of (11) "unemployment resulting from fluctuations in economic activity" once (12) "the demand for factors of productivity by firms, which depends upon consumers demands" has lost its gusto from the lack of job opportunities from countries losing their jobs to the Chinese SOE's (13) "[...] Combination of firms that acts as if it were a single firm."
This (14) "inflation that occurs when the economy is below potential output" also is furthered by a (15) "curve that shows the maximum amount of labor, measured in labor hours, that a firm will hire" when it is correlated to (16) "the upward or downward movement of economic growth activity, or real GDP, that occurs around the growth trend" of American to the industry that (17) "perform[s] any of the business functions auxiliary to production or services." As that certain industry takes up about 70% of free markets market shares. This leads to (18) "something that roues or incites to activity" through (19) "the deliberate change in either spending or taxes to stimulate or slow down the economy." In which President Obama has no other choice but to do. As if the US would have fallen into (20) "a large recession" it would have fallen to. The Chinese (21) "[...] Combination of firms that acts as if it were a single firm" that wish to start (22) "a merger in which a company buys another company and the purchaser has the right of direct control over the resulting operation" of our economic infrastructures. Which would have left the US and her allies very vulnerable to (23)" economic polices followed during wartime [...leaving] (24) "The purpose [...] to capture critical economic resources so that the military can operate at full efficiency and/or deprive the enemy forces of those resources so that they cannot fight the war properly" accomplished as SOE's are controlled by the government of China could easily slowly erode the economic sovereignty and ability of the US to be a watcher of the world for checks and balances through a bipartisan country.
I would like a full paper written using these terms on our scope. Which is currently Chinese Cartel Activities as applied to their SOE's. Please do your best. The outline should be to use the actual words in concert with the numbers like this (21) "word". Good luck I did not make that this easy. The Bottle whiskey and box of cigars goes to my best researcher. Who will it be? Good luck, I think our voted in secretary is going to spend a nice size on this grade. Of course smaller grades will be given at less quantity of value.
Rider i
Time to Ride students enjoy the intellectual challenge.
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