Dictionary used to define common textually
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition (2003) You know I hope the new dictionaries carry cd's for quick cut and paste reference this retyping thing takes a long time. Don't forget to include a cut and paste citation. Then again it is all online. I think I just like the book definition because it feels solid to me.
Engaged: "1. involved in activity in activity : occupied, busy 2: pledged to be married [not yet ladies] : betrothed 3: greatly interested : committed 4: involved esp in a hostile encounter 5: partly ested : committed 6: being in gear: meshed
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Anti-competitive: tending to reduce or discourage competition
2Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
1Specific: 1a: constituting or falling into a specifiable category b: sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be refereed to a particular category 2a restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation or effect <~a diese to a hoarse> b: exerting a distinctive influence (as one body part or a disease) <~antibodies> 3: free form ambiguity; accurate <~a statement of faith> [declaration] 4: of, relating to, or constituting a species and esp. biological species 5a: being any of various arbitrary physical constants and esp. one relating a quantitative attribute to unit mass, volume, or area b: imposed at a fixed rate per unit (as a weighed count) <~import duties>-compare AD VALOREM
2Specific: 1a something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use b: a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease2a: a characteristic quality or trait b: details particulars
-specific: relating or applying specifically to or intended specifically for
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal actb: teh state of mind with which an act is done : volition 2: a usu. clearly formulated or planned intention: aim 3a Meaning, Significance b: connotation
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having teh mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Dangerous: 1: exposing to or involving danger 2: able or likely to inflict injury or harm
Probability: 1: the quality or state of being probable 2: something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable 3a(1): the ration of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes [specific algorithm of possibilities] (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities 4: a logical relation between statements such that evidence confirming one confirms the other to some degree.
Probable: 1: supported by evidence strong enough to establish presumption but not proof 2: establishing a probability <~evidence> 3: likely to be or become true or real
Probable cause: a reasonable ground that supposing that a charge is well-founded.
Achieving: 1: to carry out successfully: accomplish <~ a gradual increase in production> 2: to get or attain a the result of exertion : reach~vi : to achieve a desired end of aim: become successful
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Power: 1a (1): ability to act or produce an effect (2); ability to get extra base hits (3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right [which i hold none of as an unprofessional reader and writer] 2a: possession of control authority, or influence over others b: one having such power, specific: a sovereign state c: a controlling group : establishment - often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic: a force of armed men e: a large number of quantity 3a: physical might b: mental or moral efficacy c: political control or influence 4: an order of angels - see celestial hierarchy 6a: a source or means of supplying energy b: motive power c: the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 8: 1scope3 9: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true [Why the World Economic Crashed by .... . .....]
[It is like these definitions were written for me. LOL
Unfair: 1: marked by injustice, particularly, or deception : unjust 2: not equitable in business dealings
Injustice 1: absent of justice [or fair legal application]: violation of right or of the rights of another: unfairness 2: an unjust act: Wrong
Justice: the maintenance or administration of law esp: the establishment of determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity 2a: the quality of being just, impartial or fair b(1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) conformity to this principle or ideal c: the quality of conforming to law 3; CONFORMING TO TRUTH, FACT OR REASON
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
Sufficient: 1a: enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end b: being a sufficient condition 2 archaic qualified, competent
sufficient condition: 1: a proposition whose truth assures the truth of another proposition 2: a state of affairs whose existence assures the existence of another state of affairs
Prove: 1 to learn or find out by experience 2a: to test the truth, validity or genuineness of b: to test the worth or quality of : to compare against a standard -sometimes used with up or out c: to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result) 3a: to establish the existence, truth, or validity or (as by evidence or logic) b: to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth 4: to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable~vi: to turn out esp after trial or test
Necessary: 1a: of an inevitable nature: inescapable b(1): logically unavoidable (2): that cannot be denied without contradiction c:determined or produced by the previous condition of things 2: absolutely needed
contradiction: 1: an act or an instance of contradiction 2a: a proposition,statement,or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something b: a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other 3a: logical incongruity b: a situtation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another.
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal actb: the state of mind with which an act is done : volition 2: a usu. clearly formulated or planned intention: aim 3a Meaning, Significance b: connotation
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
I think later on sometime i will try and intertwine my individual investigation into the definitions and key phrases to test them and see if I should speak with an attorney.
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition (2003) You know I hope the new dictionaries carry cd's for quick cut and paste reference this retyping thing takes a long time. Don't forget to include a cut and paste citation. Then again it is all online. I think I just like the book definition because it feels solid to me.
Engaged: "1. involved in activity in activity : occupied, busy 2: pledged to be married [not yet ladies] : betrothed 3: greatly interested : committed 4: involved esp in a hostile encounter 5: partly ested : committed 6: being in gear: meshed
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Anti-competitive: tending to reduce or discourage competition
2Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
1Specific: 1a: constituting or falling into a specifiable category b: sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be refereed to a particular category 2a restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation or effect <~a diese to a hoarse> b: exerting a distinctive influence (as one body part or a disease) <~antibodies> 3: free form ambiguity; accurate <~a statement of faith> [declaration] 4: of, relating to, or constituting a species and esp. biological species 5a: being any of various arbitrary physical constants and esp. one relating a quantitative attribute to unit mass, volume, or area b: imposed at a fixed rate per unit (as a weighed count) <~import duties>-compare AD VALOREM
2Specific: 1a something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use b: a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease
-specific: relating or applying specifically to or intended specifically for
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having teh mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Dangerous: 1: exposing to or involving danger 2: able or likely to inflict injury or harm
Probability: 1: the quality or state of being probable 2: something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable 3a(1): the ration of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes [specific algorithm of possibilities] (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities 4: a logical relation between statements such that evidence confirming one confirms the other to some degree.
Probable: 1: supported by evidence strong enough to establish presumption but not proof 2: establishing a probability <~evidence> 3: likely to be or become true or real
Probable cause: a reasonable ground that supposing that a charge is well-founded.
Achieving: 1: to carry out successfully: accomplish <~ a gradual increase in production> 2: to get or attain a the result of exertion : reach
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
Power: 1a (1): ability to act or produce an effect (2); ability to get extra base hits (3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right [which i hold none of as an unprofessional reader and writer] 2a: possession of control authority, or influence over others b: one having such power, specific: a sovereign state c: a controlling group : establishment - often used in the phrase the powers that be d archaic: a force of armed men e: a large number of quantity 3a: physical might b: mental or moral efficacy c: political control or influence 4: an order of angels - see celestial hierarchy 6a: a source or means of supplying energy b: motive power c: the time rate at which work is done or energy emitted or transferred 8: 1scope3 9: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true [Why the World Economic Crashed by .... . .....]
[It is like these definitions were written for me. LOL
Unfair: 1: marked by injustice, particularly, or deception : unjust 2: not equitable in business dealings
Injustice 1: absent of justice [or fair legal application]: violation of right or of the rights of another: unfairness 2: an unjust act: Wrong
Justice: the maintenance or administration of law esp: the establishment of determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity 2a: the quality of being just, impartial or fair b(1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) conformity to this principle or ideal c: the quality of conforming to law 3; CONFORMING TO TRUTH, FACT OR REASON
Predatory: 1: one that prays, destroys or devours 2: an animal that lives by predation (predatory) 1 a: of, relating to , or practicing plunderer, pillage, or rapine b: inclined or intended to injure ore exploit others for personal gain or profit <~pricing practices> 2: living by predation: predaceous; also adapted to predation.
Conduct: 1: to bring by or as if by leading : guide <~tourist through a museum> 2a: lead from a position or command <~ a siege> <~a class> b: to direct or take part in the operation or management of <~an experiment> <~a business> <~an investigation> c: to direct the performance of <~an orchestra> <~an opera> 3a: to convey in a channel b: to act as a medium for conveying or transmitting 4: to cause (oneself) to act or behave in a particular and esp in a controlled manner ~vi 1 of a road or passage: to show the way : LEAD 2a: to act as leader or director b: to have the quality of transmitting light, heat, sound or electricity.
Sufficient: 1a: enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end b: being a sufficient condition 2 archaic qualified, competent
sufficient condition: 1: a proposition whose truth assures the truth of another proposition 2: a state of affairs whose existence assures the existence of another state of affairs
Prove: 1 to learn or find out by experience 2a: to test the truth, validity or genuineness of b: to test the worth or quality of : to compare against a standard -sometimes used with up or out c: to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result) 3a: to establish the existence, truth, or validity or (as by evidence or logic) b: to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth 4: to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable
Necessary: 1a: of an inevitable nature: inescapable b(1): logically unavoidable (2): that cannot be denied without contradiction c:determined or produced by the previous condition of things 2: absolutely needed
contradiction: 1: an act or an instance of contradiction 2a: a proposition,statement,or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something b: a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other 3a: logical incongruity b: a situtation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another.
1Intent: 1a: the act or fact of intending :purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act
2Intent: 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated 2: having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end of purpose <~on their work>
Monopolize: to get a monopoly of: assume complete possession or control
Monopoly: 1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2: exclusive ownership or control 3: a commodity controlled by one party 4: one that has a monopoly
I think later on sometime i will try and intertwine my individual investigation into the definitions and key phrases to test them and see if I should speak with an attorney.
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