This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Definition of Account Balances

Rank↓Country↓CAB (billion US dollars)↓Year↓
1 People's Republic of China296.22009
2 Japan131.22009
3 Germany109.72009
4 Saudi Arabia95.7622009
5 Russia76.1632009
6 Iran70.7972009
7 Norway59.9832009
8 Netherlands52.522
9 Kuwait48.039
10 Singapore39.157
11 United Arab Emirates39.113
12 Sweden38.797
13 Republic of China (Taiwan)32.979
14 Algeria30.600
15 Malaysia29.181
16 Switzerland28.776
17 Hong Kong28.038
18 Libya23.786
19 Qatar21.374
20 Venezuela20.001
21 Thailand15.765
22 Canada12.726
23 Austria12.012
24 Finland11.268
25 Indonesia11.010
26 Belgium9.648
27 Azerbaijan9.019
28 Chile7.200
29 Angola6.936
30 Philippines6.351
31 Brunei5.990
32 South Korea5.954
33 Trinidad and Tobago5.380
34 Israel5.197
35 Luxembourg4.893
36 Argentina4.459
37 Uzbekistan4.267
38 Turkmenistan4.037
39 Denmark3.512
40 Nigeria3.466
41 Oman3.222
42 Bahrain2.906
43 Botswana1.974
44 Egypt1.862
45 Bolivia1.741
46 Gabon1.719
47 Brazil1.712
48 Peru1.515
49 Namibia1.356
50 Timor-Leste1.161
51 Ecuador1.064
52 Myanmar0.917
53 Bangladesh0.780
54 Equatorial Guinea0.541
55 Papua New Guinea0.259
56 Paraguay0.227
57 Bhutan0.132
58 Chad0.116
59 Mongolia0.098
60 Afghanistan0.081
61 Suriname0.071
62 Lesotho0.058
63 Nepal0.050
64 Kyrgyzstan−0.006
65 Guinea-Bissau−0.008
66 Solomon Islands−0.010
67 Kiribati−0.021
68 Tonga−0.025
69 Samoa−0.029
70 Comoros−0.031
71 Swaziland−0.041
72 São Tomé and Príncipe−0.044
73 Eritrea−0.049
74 Vanuatu−0.049
75 Belize−0.054
76 Sierra Leone−0.063
77 Haiti−0.066
78 Malawi−0.074
79 Central African Republic−0.075
80 Dominica−0.079
81 Gambia−0.080
82 Guinea−0.083
83 Morocco−0.099
84 Cape Verde−0.132
85 Liberia−0.137
86 Côte d'Ivoire−0.146
87 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines−0.147
88 Saint Kitts and Nevis−0.150
89 Burundi−0.156
90 Togo−0.160
91 Zimbabwe−0.165
92 Rwanda−0.168
93 Uruguay−0.186
94 Democratic Republic of the Congo−0.191
95 Guyana−0.195
96 Grenada−0.197
97 Antigua and Barbuda−0.211
98 Djibouti−0.211
99 Macedonia−0.234
100 Barbados−0.245
101 Seychelles−0.263
102 Saint Lucia−0.280
103 Cambodia−0.313
104 Niger−0.321
105 Mauritania−0.321
106 Uganda−0.331
107 Benin−0.372
108 Cameroon−0.383
109 Malta−0.403
110 Tajikistan−0.414
111 Maldives−0.476
112 Mali−0.502
113 Fiji−0.515
114 Mauritius−0.553
115 Burkina Faso−0.560
116 Syria−0.561
117 Armenia−0.591
118 Laos−0.711
119 Moldova−0.747
120 Mozambique−0.768
121 Zambia−0.810
122 Kenya−0.825
123 Ethiopia−0.868
124 Tunisia−0.925
125 Albania−0.994
126 Nicaragua−1.047
127 Madagascar−1.070
128 El Salvador−1.119
129 Senegal−1.161
130 Honduras−1.228
131 Yemen−1.328
132 Sri Lanka−1.370
133 Montenegro−1.381
134 Bahamas−1.440
135 Republic of the Congo−1.479
136 Tanzania−1.496
137 Costa Rica−1.519
138 Panama−1.571
139 Ghana−1.652
140 Guatemala−1.685
141 Jamaica−1.850
142 Bosnia and Herzegovina−1.920
143 Georgia−2.045
144 Cyprus−2.063
145 Dominican Republic−2.231
146 Slovenia−2.250
147 Jordan−2.778
148 Iceland−2.952
149 Belarus−3.060
150 Czech Republic−3.085
151 Lebanon−3.129
152 Estonia−3.776
153 Slovakia−4.070
154 Croatia−4.410
155 Ukraine−5.272
156 Lithuania−5.692
157 Sudan−5.812
158 Mexico−5.813
159 Colombia−5.862
160 Latvia−6.231
161 Serbia−6.334
162 Ireland−6.705
163 Pakistan−6.878
164 Hungary−6.932
165 Vietnam−6.992
166 Kazakhstan−7.184
167 Bulgaria−8.464
168 New Zealand−10.557
169 Turkey−112009
170 India−15.494
171 Poland−15.905
172 South Africa−20.557
173 Portugal−21.987
174 Romania−23.234
175 United Kingdom−32.372009
176 Australia−33.312009
177 Greece−34.432009
178 France−43.672009
179 Italy−55.442009
180 Spain−69.462009
181 United States−380.12009
The current account balance is the difference between a country's savings and its investment. "[If the current account balance is] positive, it measures the portion of a country's saving invested abroad; if negative, the portion of domestic investment financed by foreigners' savings." The current account balance is defined by the sum of the value of imports of goods and services plus net returns on investments abroad, minus the value of exports of goods and services, where all these elements are measured in the domestic currency.

This means that the US savings is the worst in the world. As we are dead last in account balances.

And you all cry for China and their poor domestic protection and their massive scale foreign SOE investments. With wanting to take away land and possible resources from little countries that have nothing even though China is the worlds biggest resource holder in the world now. HA. LOL funny.

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