"China has curtly dismissed a US proposal to address global economic imbalances, setting the stage for a potential showdown at next week’s G20 meeting in Seoul.
Cui Tiankai, a deputy foreign minister and one of China’s lead negotiators at the G20, said on Friday that the US plan for limiting current account surpluses and deficits to 4 per cent of gross domestic product harked back “to the days of planned economies”.
China’s opposition to the proposal, which had made some progress at a G20 finance ministers’ meeting last month, came amid a continuing rumble of protest from around the world at the US Federal Reserve’s plan to pump an extra $600bn into financial markets.
Officials from China, Germany and South Africa on Friday added their voices to a chorus of complaint that the Fed’s return to so-called quantitative easing would create instability and worsen imbalances by triggering surges of capital into other currencies."
[This is exaclty what the Communist and neo-mercantalist are doing by lending loans and also finding them loans so why can't the US do the same thing.]
"Tim Geithner, the US Treasury secretary, has proposed using what the US refers to as current account “guidelines” to accelerate global rebalancing, partly as a way of changing the debate away from simply pressing China to allow faster appreciation in the renminbi.
But on Thursday and Friday, governments focused instead on the global impact of the Fed’s action. “With all due respect, US policy is clueless,” Wolfgang Schäuble, German finance minister, told reporters. “It’s not that the Americans haven’t pumped enough liquidity into the market,” he said. “Now to say let’s pump more into the market is not going to solve their problems.”
[No you are right wolfy, what is going to solve our problems is dealing with countries of neo-mercanatlism unfair pumping of their capital into developing countries to create more jobs and market shares for them. While they unfairly keep the free markets and the US down and out so they can't obtain a substantial growth rate which is inherantly dependant on the US's exports to developing countries.]
"Pravin Gordhan, finance minister of South Africa, a key member of the emerging market bloc, said the decision “undermines the spirit of multilateral co-operation that G20 leaders have fought so hard to maintain during the current crisis”, and ran counter to the pledge made by G20 finance ministers to refrain from uncoordinated responses."
[That is funny because, the reality is that the countries that are holding the world's economic imabalnces at gun point are those with nigh reserves and will not use their reserves to a proper level to create domestic welfare for their ouwn citizens yet expand without allowing the free markets to play fair and expand for their growth rate needs. As Currently the US and other free markets growth rates needs have been so sick and riduclouse at a 2% rate that the US can't sustain its own country unless it starts trading more like the Neo-mercantalist countries do.]
"The US Treasury declined to comment on Friday.
Experts say the mood has soured since the G20 Toronto summit in June and worry that unless the summit can patch up differences on trade imbalances and exchange rates, the outlook for international economic agreement is poor.
Ousmène Mandeng of Ashmore Investment Management and a former senior International Monetary Fund official, said: “The G20 will also have to show [in Seoul] it can work on the issue or its very existence will be in question.”
[See now that is real. As there is one side the Free markets, who are deficit spending just to allow the neo-mercantalist to keep producing. Yet then when the Neo-mercantalsit like China get into a range where they should be deficit spending to allow other countires to produce and compete for their economic security and national soverignty they wish to keep their high reserves and not spread the wealth out via fair competition]
In recent weeks, there had been some hints that China was favourable to the idea of current account targets. Yi Gang, a deputy central bank governor, said China aimed to reduce its surplus to 4 per cent of GDP in the medium-term
But Mr Cui’s comments suggest that China’s senior leaders have decided to reject Mr Geithner’s proposal. “We believe it would not be a good approach to single out this issue and focus all attention on it,” he said.
Separately, the deputy foreign minister also had a stern message for European leaders, warning them not to attend next month’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Liu Xiaobo, an imprisoned Chinese democracy activist. "
Cui Tiankai, a deputy foreign minister and one of China’s lead negotiators at the G20, said on Friday that the US plan for limiting current account surpluses and deficits to 4 per cent of gross domestic product harked back “to the days of planned economies”.
“We believe a discussion about a current account target misses the whole point,” he added, in the first official comment by a senior Chinese official on the subject. “If you look at the global economy, there are many issues that merit more attention – for example, the question of quantitative easing.”
Officials from China, Germany and South Africa on Friday added their voices to a chorus of complaint that the Fed’s return to so-called quantitative easing would create instability and worsen imbalances by triggering surges of capital into other currencies."
[This is exaclty what the Communist and neo-mercantalist are doing by lending loans and also finding them loans so why can't the US do the same thing.]
"Tim Geithner, the US Treasury secretary, has proposed using what the US refers to as current account “guidelines” to accelerate global rebalancing, partly as a way of changing the debate away from simply pressing China to allow faster appreciation in the renminbi.
But on Thursday and Friday, governments focused instead on the global impact of the Fed’s action. “With all due respect, US policy is clueless,” Wolfgang Schäuble, German finance minister, told reporters. “It’s not that the Americans haven’t pumped enough liquidity into the market,” he said. “Now to say let’s pump more into the market is not going to solve their problems.”
[No you are right wolfy, what is going to solve our problems is dealing with countries of neo-mercanatlism unfair pumping of their capital into developing countries to create more jobs and market shares for them. While they unfairly keep the free markets and the US down and out so they can't obtain a substantial growth rate which is inherantly dependant on the US's exports to developing countries.]
"Pravin Gordhan, finance minister of South Africa, a key member of the emerging market bloc, said the decision “undermines the spirit of multilateral co-operation that G20 leaders have fought so hard to maintain during the current crisis”, and ran counter to the pledge made by G20 finance ministers to refrain from uncoordinated responses."
[That is funny because, the reality is that the countries that are holding the world's economic imabalnces at gun point are those with nigh reserves and will not use their reserves to a proper level to create domestic welfare for their ouwn citizens yet expand without allowing the free markets to play fair and expand for their growth rate needs. As Currently the US and other free markets growth rates needs have been so sick and riduclouse at a 2% rate that the US can't sustain its own country unless it starts trading more like the Neo-mercantalist countries do.]
"The US Treasury declined to comment on Friday.
Experts say the mood has soured since the G20 Toronto summit in June and worry that unless the summit can patch up differences on trade imbalances and exchange rates, the outlook for international economic agreement is poor.
Ousmène Mandeng of Ashmore Investment Management and a former senior International Monetary Fund official, said: “The G20 will also have to show [in Seoul] it can work on the issue or its very existence will be in question.”
[See now that is real. As there is one side the Free markets, who are deficit spending just to allow the neo-mercantalist to keep producing. Yet then when the Neo-mercantalsit like China get into a range where they should be deficit spending to allow other countires to produce and compete for their economic security and national soverignty they wish to keep their high reserves and not spread the wealth out via fair competition]
In recent weeks, there had been some hints that China was favourable to the idea of current account targets. Yi Gang, a deputy central bank governor, said China aimed to reduce its surplus to 4 per cent of GDP in the medium-term
But Mr Cui’s comments suggest that China’s senior leaders have decided to reject Mr Geithner’s proposal. “We believe it would not be a good approach to single out this issue and focus all attention on it,” he said.
Separately, the deputy foreign minister also had a stern message for European leaders, warning them not to attend next month’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Liu Xiaobo, an imprisoned Chinese democracy activist. "
[That is ok the Communist have been acting like they are still in need of protection and they did not want to help the world economy either and have been pointing the finger outwards the whole time. They only wish to help if it allows them to keep and create dominace. Were the free markest care not about domiance yet existance of soverignty. Which all free markets have been losing due to a high international imbalance of some neo-mercantalist keeping high produciton rates and low service rates while the free markets can't even create international value as it is dammed up.]
I could not just find just one sentence to cite from in this article so I cited the whole thing. As such we see the the Communist are still on a path of Economic Warfare, from not wishing to speak out their uncompetitive actions to threatening other countries via economics's through attending a very peace prize. It would be a shame to allow the Communist to get away with such action as we have seen. Based on their bullying of the world's highest resource contracts gained uncompetitive and via ani-trust violations, to the very necessity that China wishes to act like their international imbalances still have nothing to do with the worlds biggest crash since the the German's neo-mercantilst days before they tried to take over the world. We see a similar action in the Communist party international imbalance as we did the German's prior to world war 1. Which is a necessary talking point.
Rider i
AKA Saint Cuthbert
All rights reserved to the producer as there was no cut and paste block on the article. As such prior dialogue and post dialogue were used to create a source of new ideas based on China's actions being similar to the German's actions during the last big recession and World War 1.
Ya you know why Germany and China are together. Because they want to keep their reserves to keep their dominace. Which is funny because countries blame the US for being the world's leaders and all the problems. Yet, you know why we lead. because we are humble to those in need. Which is currently being shown a different perspect of why other countires do not lead. Specifically China and Germany. The reality is that Neo-mercantalism or on the other hand international imbalances need to be spoke on. As the US is not the problem. As foreign countries spur on the US consumption and buy its debt to keep its currency high so that it and free markets can't compete with them and then crash after the service industries which allows things like German financial and Chinese financial centralized mangement to aquire free market shares and enterprises. Which is funny they cry for a non G20 centralized solution yet their economies unfairly are dependant on them. Seems again, the US is the good guy and the German's and Chinese are the bad guys. Funny how being humble till slapped and spit on and on the ground being beat works in one's favor.
It is funny how the Communist used their high reserves to buy votes for talking points and clout right before the G20 for France and other countries. By buying massive amounts of products from these countries.
However, mother Liberty France has the contracts lets see if she rings true to freedom of economics, and the problem with neo-mercantalism causing international economic imbalances,which lead to domiance by some while others can't compete. Let' see if those leaders talk about the real problem or take more slaps and spits from the neo-mercantalist countries.
Told you man am I good Heaven gates, the neo-mercantalist while use their high reserves to conquer and dominate the international market place. While also using their high reserves to buy friends. While the US looks like the Soviet Union as we use all of our political clout to fight terroist that are in their back yard. While at home we have our own problems. I mean the neo-mercanatlist actually make money on their forieng adventures while the US has to spend way to much money to secure them and the profit balances is very similar to the Soveit style international economic models. Jimmy Cricket, geese wally, oh Ford Fairlane back at you mo's.
Oh, milk shake me.
If you can't career me, I can merc it for you behind the scenes with notes. Let me know, I am trying to get over there anyway for a while.
All rights reserved to the producer as there was no cut and paste block on the article. As such prior dialogue and post dialogue were used to create a source of new ideas based on China's actions being similar to the German's actions during the last big recession and World War 1.
Ya you know why Germany and China are together. Because they want to keep their reserves to keep their dominace. Which is funny because countries blame the US for being the world's leaders and all the problems. Yet, you know why we lead. because we are humble to those in need. Which is currently being shown a different perspect of why other countires do not lead. Specifically China and Germany. The reality is that Neo-mercantalism or on the other hand international imbalances need to be spoke on. As the US is not the problem. As foreign countries spur on the US consumption and buy its debt to keep its currency high so that it and free markets can't compete with them and then crash after the service industries which allows things like German financial and Chinese financial centralized mangement to aquire free market shares and enterprises. Which is funny they cry for a non G20 centralized solution yet their economies unfairly are dependant on them. Seems again, the US is the good guy and the German's and Chinese are the bad guys. Funny how being humble till slapped and spit on and on the ground being beat works in one's favor.
It is funny how the Communist used their high reserves to buy votes for talking points and clout right before the G20 for France and other countries. By buying massive amounts of products from these countries.
However, mother Liberty France has the contracts lets see if she rings true to freedom of economics, and the problem with neo-mercantalism causing international economic imbalances,which lead to domiance by some while others can't compete. Let' see if those leaders talk about the real problem or take more slaps and spits from the neo-mercantalist countries.
Told you man am I good Heaven gates, the neo-mercantalist while use their high reserves to conquer and dominate the international market place. While also using their high reserves to buy friends. While the US looks like the Soviet Union as we use all of our political clout to fight terroist that are in their back yard. While at home we have our own problems. I mean the neo-mercanatlist actually make money on their forieng adventures while the US has to spend way to much money to secure them and the profit balances is very similar to the Soveit style international economic models. Jimmy Cricket, geese wally, oh Ford Fairlane back at you mo's.
Oh, milk shake me.
If you can't career me, I can merc it for you behind the scenes with notes. Let me know, I am trying to get over there anyway for a while.
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