With countries like Germany and China having massive reserves. Is the US to worried about domestic policy and not worried enough about international policy. As a matter of fact many times I have read that exporting jobs to China and other neo-mercantalist countries so they then can export the products to the US, is cheaper. However, the main talk has been about the domestic situation. While the actual international affects seem not to be alleviated. The reality is that the US's deficit spending and its allowance of massive amounts of exports of its jobs. Has spurred China's and Germany's reserves. This is because the US with its create a cheaper domestic economy has done just that. The US's quality of life has become inherently more cheap. With poverty hitting a high with a substantial increase as high paying jobs like technology and engineering flood out of the US for a pay scale that is divided by 6 in China. This concentration on domestic cheapness has created a sort of tunnel vision. In which we are not starting to come out of.
This tunnel vision is creating a sort of hostility of those countries that have benefited from the US's pro Cheap economy. Neo-mercantalist have been able to get away with otherwise cartel and anti-trust laws. The US and free markets have actually looked the other way while these things happen. However, this vision of a cheaper free market products. Has completely been lost on the US doing to much for its domestic economy and not enough for its international economy. For example, the basic new industry that was supposed to lift the US out of high unemployment was the green tech industry. However, as my citations on the right show through investigative research, the US spent substantially more money on foreign industry production because it would be cheaper to buy it back.
This cheaper to buy it back situation has been seen on the US's predominately freedom of economics views of how the individuals consumption and demands come first. However, it has not taken into account the fact that other countries have not been keeping up with the US's consumption of goods and imports. This is mainly because the US's has not looked properly at its international policy. If the US and other free markets would have looked at their international policy they would have seen that a substantial neo-mercanatlist reserve system is being created. This then can cause huge affects like what we have been seeing for around the last 20 or so years.
This affect again is my service bell curve with its employment multiplier into George Soros boom bust, which then creates to a huge credit crunch. While countries that have neo-mercantalist high reserves are able to float on buy and pick up new markets to keep the cycle going. This then is a primarily because the US has not done enough with its international policy. Primarily as the neo-mercantalist would wish its competitor to believe they have done as about as much with their domestic policy as they can. This is because the US's financial sectors are tight and we are producing at the highest rate we can for the market shares that are competitive for the US.
The US competitors wish to blame the US's domestic problem for reason so that the US keeps it tunnel vision going. This then will allow those other countries to further gain neo-mercantalist strategies while the US looks inwards instead of outwards. However, the problem is that they need to switch. The neo-mercnatlist need to look inwards and the US needs to look outwards. The US has spend the highest amounts of domestic spending that it has in many years. However, the domestic spending as shown through the green energy tunnel vision just slips out of the US's value.
The US's value does not lay at home with the spreading of its economy or new places for domestic business to create a stream of economics. It lays in the developing countries of the international sector that need to be developed and properly traded with. However, the neo-mercantalist wish to show the US as a bad business partner and that they can do it cheaper. This in turn is because the neo-mercantalist spend way to much time looking out. Thus, for the US to come out of its domestic cheap tunnel vision, we might have to upset some folks. It might even get bad because the neo-mercantalist will not want to lose their high imports. Again the US can't look inwards anymore. This is because it has become a sort of economic deprivation for the US. With its high inflation they are constantly taking away from its citizens quality of life as savings drop and wages fall extremely low with high unemployment.
This US domestic deprivation caused by a tunnel vision of cheaper, can easily be fixed. This is done through fair competition from the neo-mercantalist. The neo-mercantalist can easily start to look inwards to create their own high quality of life. As China's only reason for still being considered a developing country is because of its centralized wealth as compared to the US's spread out welfare and wealth pockets. This then means that the neo-mercantalist would have to compete farily for new developing markets that need raw materials and machinery to build their domestic economy. As such these neo-mercantalist should not follow the US and go into competitive deprecation game. This is because it will cause substantial harm to all players if they do.
As such the neo-mercantalist have nothing to worry about the US deprivation of its currency. This idea of unfair creation by the US is unthought. This is because the US does not have major industries that it has completely lost and will be hard to gain back. Also the US will not depreciate its currency enough to take them back. All the US will do is start to create a competitive outward look for the US to compete for market shares in the international arena that it is currently lacking in dried shares and starving business. This of course is not as bad as some countries. However, compared to the neo-mercantalist with their huge reserves and their trade surpluses it is well needed for the US to gain a fresh look and some new market shares in the international arena.
However, the US will have to deal with the fact that resources will become higher. Along with that the mere fact that by lowering the US's currency there will be some that are so afraid to give up some of their massive reserves to other countries that they might actually stiffen internatioal trade. Again though that is on them. The US needs to have new market shares. Expanding inside of the US's is almost very hard to do. However, the growth that is needed is the advancement of other countries market places which can easily be done if the US and free markets can be competitive against the neo-mercantalist. Thus the neo-mercantalist do not have to worry about losing their shares now. At most they should worry more about their domestic policies and advancing their countries infrastructures for the next round of market shares. This is substantially true for China. As their domestic market shares have huge amounts of growing room with such a small percentage of their population living in a good welfare. This is not the fault of anyone except for the Chinese government that their people still live in such high poverty. The Chinese however, have been doing a move to understand this and allowing their currency to join the advanced civilizations as they are the world's most advanced civilization. However, their size and inadequate domestic economies means they act like they are not.
The US has concentrated heavily on its domestic policy. This has been done to the point of a tunnel vision created around cheap products and a domestic policy that allows high technological manufacturingng jobs to flow out almost every month. The neo-mercantalist on the other hand with their high reserves can look inwards. At least for China this would seem the best policy. However, for Germany it would seem that a foreign investment program to help build developing countries would benefit everyone. As Germany can diversify their portfolio while creating new market places for all to trade with. The worst case scenario of the US looking out to help its deprived market shares and account balances, is that the neo-mercantalist do not play fair and they start a depreciation game. In which would be uncalled for as the US's currency should depreciate anyways as foreign countries have been investing in it to keep it high instead of properly diversifying their investments to help developing countries so we all have new markets. Thus it is possible that the international market place will get hit hard for the US doing what should have happened naturally. However, the US and free markets can't sustain such horrible account balances and high domestic economic policies of inflation. Therefore, the US and other deficit spending and trade countries have to look outwards. Again we will see who the pillars of the world are. If the neo-mercantalist start a depreciation competition against the US. We will be able to understand that their high investment in the US currency to keep it highly valued was truly because they did not want to play fair.
Therefore, the US is concentrating to much on its domestic policy and should look to international market share fair competition to help bring it out of the it's massive deficit in many areas of economics. While neo-mercantalist are concentrating way to much on their international outlook. In high point China especially. While other neo-mercantalist could easily invest more or create laws to help invest more in developing countries. Instead of investing in their trade surpluses. The US for a long time has consumed the world's burdens with high imports. It is time for the neo-mercantalist to join in and start to help consume so that developing countries can become stable, like the US and free markets have done for Germany and China.
Rider i
This Lockique is for public debate, proper legislation, better economic civil liberties, ever changing economic theories and a well respected resolve to what international SOE’s inherently do. [def. of lockique (Use Tomb search before reading]. If China allows I would attend a SASAC meeting. If I had one sentence, it would be: neo-mercantlism crashes,then devours free enterprises and free trade. or comparative advantage needs work. Root Economics (R) Rootologist. The Cosmic Economist.
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