This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Glen Beck wants the Communist Chinese to dominate the world.

Dr. Beck is constantly preching about the gold standard as he knows darn well the Communist Chinese are illegally gaining mining contracts to the tune of 90% of the worlds mining contracts. He also knows that they are trying to create a self sustaining economy, so that like the Soviets everyone will be based around them. This is illegal in fair competition practices. I could not imagine if the US would have done this and said because we are consuming more we should own more. The US never did that and has always allowed the proper fair competitive spread of mining resource ownership and country build up via soverign domestic ownership. Unlike the Communist Chinese which Glenn Beck so loves and adorns and wishes to dominate the world through the gold standard.

Rider I

Dr. Beck also many times thought  off wishing for a one world currency and that is why he wants a gold standard so the Communist Can win and then implement their one world currency and government of Communist elitiest.

eh, we do not want know stinking gold standard countries intellegence units can create gold your communist sympathizer.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My first try at publishing.

It has been a while since I wrote a research report. I have grown very out ot touch with a proper writing. This blog post and my last work as a piece work researcher and finder has forced me to lose my chops. As such, I will try and get my chops back. I was not able to sustain my masters degree education as I do not want to get bad marks and I have to re up on some mathematics. However, I can write a report on what I know. As I see in my life as my hiearchy of goals as Communist China as my main interest as, they are a major aggitator of international economic imbalance, along with one world currency and one world order through an elitiest union of prodominately men.

So I will write a 24 page report to rebuttal the Treasuries report on Communist China's currency manipylation. As I see the allowance of Communsit China to fraudulently create free trade agreements with countries as a major threat to internatioanl economic stability.

So as I was not able to have a go at it with my service bell curve. I will give a go at it with my skills to rebutt the treasuries department. It is simple I have written tons of them, plus I have statisitically rebutted people's ideas of their statistics as the area of interest for the definition of weight and bright line.

So I will write a rebuttal and then rebutt statistics against what the Treasure department has written. I guess my years of Communist Chinese work as a civilia should allow me to have a sort of balanced equation with some of the clerks who had to write the report with not as much enthusiasm for Communist Chinese business relations as I have. I do it I need to publish. I believe there is enough political clout currenty for me to get my documents published. I will use my friends pdf creator to make a paper cover and a ending page, with tables and statitics and graphs. This should be fun. I hope I do it. I find I am losing my mind the more I get into this study. I do not know it it is the constant feel that I am treading my wheels and seeing nothing accomplished or the syndrome one gets when they are fightinga gainst a much bigger entity than the one they are trying to defend.
I need to regrip my sanity.

What is the affect of Communist SOE's on individual start ups and ownership?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Should a peak be prevented to stop a major trough?

How to catch and stop a depressive trough part of a business cycle.

Economic Business Cycles As Part Of The Economic State Craft Tool Kit

The Benefits of Individuals Competiting against each other v. The Benefit of Single Entity dominace.

What is the Projected Power of Communist SOE's in comparison to Free Enterprises?

Elitiest Whims v Individual Whims

How SOE's that create Soverign Wealth funds cause dispartiy.

SOE's are entities that allow a small group of leaders to control economics and labor. This then allows them to shift them as per their elitist whims. This then allows them to steal from their people in forms of Sovereign Wealth funds. Which instead of paying their employees more money or even raising quality of the items to slow inflation, they centralize it and hurdle it at foreign competition markets. This hurling makes those markets less competitive.

The less competitive nature comes from Sovereign Wealth funds being able to direct funds towards area of foreign society that they wish to develop; that goes well with their wishes to send out their massive cold war weapons of SOE.  Thus once their domestic Soverign Wealth funds are full by doubly taxing their own people. They then use them in cohorts with SOE's to dominate foreign markets. This domination allows them to take in more foreign capital.

This then causes a furthe reaction of such in the foreign country to try and compete with the foreign SOE's and Soviegn wealth funds.

The main point in a few sentences since I have been draggind all day on this dary blog post is this.

SOE's centralize wealth away from individual whims which spread out wealth. They then use this centralization of welath to attack foreign market palces and cause the same reaction there. So the normal spread of welfare via free enterpriess and market share competition is not there for the domestic market or the international market place.

Now the actual impacts to centralization of wealth are many.
1. Money is taken out of the pockets of individuals
2. Elitiest use them for their own personal beliefs.
3. They also use them like credit cards allowing other countries to borrow money if they beleive in their ways.
5. This spread of wealht is not in community or capital leaders who are a better representative of the people that can fight with the spread of wealth against greed, corrpution or tryanny.
6. Goverments then spend the centralized money on weapons and cool toys for the eltities. Where as the labor does not get to have cool toys as they are being double taxed.
7. Folks are being doubly taxed. As seen in a number of SOE's their profits as Soviergn Wealth funds and other things up to the number of 10%  can be taken from the employees and actual business. This means that for those folks to make a living they might take a higher wage than what they are actually earning. Which then cauess the SOE's to have to borrow money from the tax pull of SOE banks to keep operating at a low cost to the product for sale.

IT has been about 6 hours now I am going to go.

If only I was making any value here so I could speak and collect citations to back it up. So far it is just a bunch of my ideas thrown on a open note book page, which I wield very unprofessionally as a non professional individual.

Start Up Companies v. Foreign Investment by Communist SOE's or Soverign Wealth funds.
A start company is a company that has been started by a domestic person. As such these things can be done through loans, investments or other means of gathering capital to create jobs and new market shares. These new start up companies help create more areas for foreign exportation as they will need new market shares for growth. So as they competitively look for domestic market shares it will force out bigger free enterprises in that industry to start to look abroad for bigger transactional sails. Which will help the US develop foreign economies, in which can create more domestic jobs.

This is something we have forgotten about as we have allowed bigger companies to take whole industries to foreign lands and then import them back to us while our start ups are barely able to compete for domestic shares to gather steam in industries to become big enough to also seek foreign markets to help develop and bring more positive capital inflow back in.

The erosion of US start ups has been mainly do to massive build up of cold war weapons of SOE's by the Communist Party of China as they are afraid to lose their dominance at home to freer more liberal economic parties who believe in more economic freedoms and domestic growth instead of massive sovereign wealth funds which transfer money out instead of in to conquer and create a never ending necessary need to keep expanding, instead of being able to start to consume through more spread out wealth via free enterprise that do not create sovereign wealth funds and allow the citizens to enjoy a higher quality of life with that money. This then can allow foreign countries to import more into Communist China as the country starts to increase consumption.

Along these lines this allows smaller countries to also enjoy a higher quality of life as instead of having to create protection strategies of massive SOE's which will be seeing with the next ten years as Communist FreeTrade Agreements are actually fraudulent. Based on their neo mercantalist strategy they could never be a free trade partner by standards of old real freedom guards and not these knew weak ones. They do not even kick the hell out of anti americanist report writers or collectors anymore.

This higher quality of life for foreign countries would be by their individuals being bale to own their own enterprises and compete competitively with each other. What has given way to the uncompetitive nature of massive corporations and Communist SOE's as we never fully closed the deal and got rid of the Communist Cold War economic weapons. Has lead way to destruction of the small and medium business being able to grow strong and healthy to compete for international market share. As such we see less business climbing the ladder and more business stuck at the bottom as Corporations are allowed to exist in uncompetitive strategy to check and balance massive Communist conglomerated weapons of SOE's. Luckily we have the Competition Bureau can do.

Still though the idea that we constantly allow in foreign soverign wealthy funds and massive communist entities would seem to go against US normative policy of economics and long historical standing of freedom. The reason why we have lost cite of US economic and civil freedoms is basically as we now see the worlds biggest communits empire and user of Communist SOE's expanding. Where as the Soviets tryanical civl rights political party and the economic weapons where constantly watched and delt with properly so as to  be able to check and balance.

The idea is we need to spread out wealt through competition. In which will cause the smaller business to be able to compete with the bigger ones and corproations to push more to further disband Communist SOE's as they will not be able to compete with them. This then will give the big boys the sandwich affect. Causing them to see the Communist SOE's and unfair competition as it is.

The reality is that Soviergn wealth funds created by Communist SOE;s are not the people's money as the elitiest communist say they are. They are just a way for that single political party to control more of the world and implement their ideas. Instead of allowing that money to go back to the people and be sperad around through competition and individual whims. Which has been proven to actually cause the spread of welfare to raise much higher than centralized soverign wealth funds or soe's.

Rider I

Communist acquisition brings lower benefits than domestic start ups.

I got this one Judge, two sentences check this out. Start up entry allows individualism and dreams to flourish. Where as, Communist SOE's crush dreams and enslave individuals to a foreign state. did I get it?

Lets do a basic example here. CNOOC the Company that just jailed a researcher for doing research we could have gotten from satellites for a little bit more. As teams had to know what was coming into the US and destroying free enterprise investment. Then they still allowed them to invest, mainly because of someone is committing economic treason in this government and I know one I just have to find the group of co conspirators.

Example CNOOC invested in US oil companies at a certain percentage of stocks. This then allows them to have key interest in US companies to help destroy the company they invested in and allowed them to participate in free enterprise business warfare while CNOOC can  uses its cheating abilities as a cartel and government military instillation.

As such this investment took away our young millionaires abilities to become billionaires and compete with Chinese billionaires under communist rule in China. Thus again failing to uphold the American dream while allowing Communist SOE to destroy individualism. Where multiple young millionaires should have been sought to help them check and balance Chinese billionaires we just made the Communist Party richer and more powerful in US free enterprise business warfare.

Vodka and Worcester says, warlock is right and economic treason is a foot in the US. As Communist Chinese SOE's are supposed to be being disbanded not expanding in the US. Chinese free enterprises or individual investments are supposed to be being expanded too. We all know this, some folks are going to be made an example. We all know Communist cold war weapons of SOE's are supposed to be being disbanded. Yet, maybe some of those folks who wanted the Soviets and the CCP to invade the US to conquer it made it into politics more than likely they did.

So far the guillotine is being set up for one person, unless he can turn and tell us where the meat is. Cause shame to family loss of life or liberty and job marketability really is not a keen thing to helping destroy your own countries market place and sovereignty literally. There is no bigger a sovereignty than allowing a foreign entity to come in and own part of your country as a foreign governmental agency and not an individual citizen or actor or small group of such.

Why would someone destroy the ability of US citizens to gain to implement Communist Party control or gain in the US, as they killed millions of US citizens and hundreds of Democratic people in the world, while still suppressing human civil rights by the hundreds of millions. Oh yes do not forget the slave labor camps for religious folks who are against Communism. To bad Communist China does not have a really big Jewish population, I bet they would kick the CCP's butt. We should send Jewish people to Communist China. The CCP needs more Jews baby. I mean they send us constantly their immigrants on board COSCO ships with drugs and guns. We should return the favor and legally send them Jewish people.

Are there any Jewish missions in Communist China and how could we make them bigger?

As Communist hate religion and freedom loves, and there is no bigger religious economic freedom loves than the Jewish community. While US folks do not like illegal immigrants, or illegal drugs or illegal guns as they make the legal ones look bad and folks want to take them away from legal citizens.

Rider I

Where is Ali G when you need him.

Thus if Jewish folks become more powerful in Communist China they will want to stop Communist SOE's from destroying their free enterprises and therefore, cause the CCP to lose their main stay of power which is the SOE;s that create their sovereign wealth funds for communist party propaganda and international conquering.

The basic thought of this blog post is this. If we stop allowing something that is not supposed to exist as per freedom rules and long term statistics of errosion of freedom, then we could have more people who invest more right back into the market place with wishes for competition instead of dominace by government which creates unfair competition.

So the Commy's think we are going t9 lose to them again, eh.

I say they don't knoqabout the owl and the crows from the US christian budihist monk tribes, eh, you think were going to lose, eh, lol. Bells na

By the order of the odd fellows and the weird laides, I procliam bells Na to Communist Feudalist tryanny of SOE's.

Market cide and invasion of peacefull countries for expansionism shall not be tolerated by the Druids no more, we engage with the Communist of China for proper intellectual battle, you have many we have few, we are the Druids of ancient and Owls and Birds fly with us.

So people are talking like the West is going to lose or the west is done for, I still have my families six shooters and St Louie plaques, and those roots say we don't put up with crap, literally dumps are not liked, that is why we recycle. lol

Oh ya what you think we let you invade a peacefull country like Tiebet who had never  hurt anyone and get away with it. You think monks where dumbe they know their brother druids where hostiles so they created this great land of angry rebels from all over the planet baby, all for individual freedom of spirit and body. you imperalist empire one world order will not go much like Britian of old, Japan and Germany, or the Soviet Union, we hold true to our druid values of our wishes for each tribe to free on their own, in a voting system of intellectual competition instead of death and war torn. I, thats the way it should be.

It is all about fighting the war before it starts so when the empire thinks there gigantic cylical attack on the Druid Tribes of the world, will cause a major international recession of its insurance policy and our Guardia SioChana policies, well know it is going to be more like oh well, maybe we should not use haliburton because they are to expensive as we are in a small trough cycle instead of gigantic depression,  thats ok we need more competitive contracts anyways, by the way Cheney I love you guardians hair style, reminds me Master Karadean.

When one walks and observes throughts come to mind, its your thoughts as you walk that change time, every vibration no matter how small inside of you mind or you fingter tips is what matters. What you place into the world is what you gain back, excpet it.
Does Communit China really think the nomads of old and ancient no matter how many generations would allow again our tribes to be enslaved to a city state for few masters instead of the ability for us to be our own masters and own our own. Did you think your cognitions are not at the top of our list. These people with lost cultures understand what it means to be enslaved to state, no matter what their blood remebers and it always will. It is freedom or nothing.
I hold the helm of the Druids.
We fight intellctually for freedom and for differences.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Start to collection for Treasure Report Regarding Chinese reubttal.

Making speeches like the leaders against her report and calling her report inadequate is one thing. To fully implement a rebuttal one must write their own paper and go line by line and prove how each writ is improper or not fully thought through on the matters of the case with the present definitions. Already off cuff if the report below is the bright lines for the definitions of weighing such prosecution, I can reubttal a 12 page report on the matter. Along these lines if the report was processed with hartley taft in mind as regards to matter of processing, then one can see why it stated they did not manipulate. However, I believe a key US natioal security policy matter would hold more true and less pillow talk regarding the matters of hand if the FTA agreement proliferation and the necessary means to show the world exactly what the Communist are doing to gain advantages uncompetitively would be a better. report. I hope to see a full report on China as it is now our second competitor and biggest worry as to regards for economic world take over from us watch.

So with this mind I found the bright line. Now I will go line by line after my trade and barter for room and board and my job searches along with digestion of anti trust material at the law library and do a professional report. So if the Treasuries analysis on China is 6 pages long I would expect mine to be 24 pages long. The full extensive report should be done on our competitors for first place economy. It is of the most sacred and deepest national security concern as economics are the roots of everything.

here is the report as per the bright line who ever wrote chinas part should be taken to the cage and boxed if they are not manipulating their currency. I believe the depriciation stopped at strategic points but I will work on it. My professional report will show prowless and sent precedent for future economies that threaten use's 1st place like Britian did and Japan and the Soviets did. darn lilly sucker wrote it, you need a bull to write about a bull. 4 pages for our biggest economic threat geese I want a million dollars to be the buckaroo bonzi give it to me before the commy's finally beat the owl I eagle.
In-Depth Look - China Currency Manipulation - Bloomberg

4 pages is going to allow the rest of the world to engage in fraudelent free predatory trade with smaller countries that will have no protection from the worlds biggest neo mercantalist country. 4 f'ing pages is lilly sucking. I mean I played the punk in Soviet capital for beer and travel expenses 3-4 DAYS AT A TIME FOR THAT ONE. THIS TIME I WANT THREE GRADUATE DEGREES AND TO FIGHT ON THE ROAD AS A PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH PRESENTOR, I WANT KIDS YOU KNOW, SEE MY LITTLE PUNKS HAVE FUN AND OWN THEIR OWN CHILD HOOD BUSINESSES LIKE MUSIC OR SOMETHING ROOTY.  then they willlove me for rooting the bells out of them. hear it now i dont want to play piano, sit your punk arse down. then I come in one day and my little punk is rocking heavy metal attached to nano speakers on the walls blowing out my surround system, then i say darn right pull out the old conga and get down with his punk arse.

Not easy being the owl you know. Every little princess wanting me for the memoirs later on in life, guys wanting to kick my arse because I believe in freedom and worst of all, the best memories are erased so i can move to the next stage. thats alright i have total recall all the time. then i look up at the st louie on the wall, the two six shooters, and the picture on the wall, n maybe if the boy can play i might get have to clear my eyes.
kicking your dad's arse is a long standing tradition in my family, just comes normal intellectually like.

How to create a good strong home for US Free Enterprises.

First you have to deal with all of your own demons and flush them out. In the US economic demons are basically greed and more detremental communists that wish to destroy free enterprises.

Then you need to find a mate, someome who realtes and understands your mission. In the US that is the free world and its allied force for free enterprises and freedom of civil rights and economics.

Then you have to come up with a plan to get that mate to stick around and feel secure. In the US that is my competition board for free enterprises against Communist enslaved SOE's.

Then you have to secure a place for ones children and dreams and missions to come true. In the US that is personal savings and domestic market shares.

Then you need to go to churches and institutions that believe in strong homes so as to keep the bounds tight during times of demon style attacks. In the US this would be basic international couperation against poverty and enslavement. In which would help the mate's stay strong during this time of anti free world and anti free enterprise leadership via Communist SOE attacks and wish to reimplement Communist Party rule.

Then you hang out with your kids and teach them good aura cognitons so they do not become bad kids, punks are ok as everyone needs a little trouble now and then, as long as it is minor. In the US this is our ability for our leaders to spend time with our business making sure they have the edge of Communist Intellegence Units like SASAC andt the MSS don don don.

The one needs to take them to games, and teach them to have fun and things like this. In the US this is seminars and government sponsored agaencies to help them export and find bounds to stop international poverty while creating foreign market places and creating domestic jobs.

I guess that is a good structure, two family classes and one children rearing collegiate class later. I would hope I could do that off cuff.

Rider I

Source Code to Stop Cyclical destruction of the United States of America.

The Cyclical destruction like  only Mr. (hey now I am a Mr, soon a Dr. then we are really in trouble for lunaticing bird watchers, lol, bird watching is just as bad as whale watching unless you can get the birds to react to your presences when you are around them, that takes a lot of bird watching, who would take their son to go bird watching for hours and hours, and explain evey part of the forest starting with how to mend the treas if the roots die all the way up to the dam birds in the sky, guerilla jedi training, before jedi time,atoms and molecules, started with bird watching, shoot the birds and eat em, no, that would be bad for your aura and the chi, whats aura, can we shoot em, what are these for, for lunch and for other men with bad aura's, not for fun unless target practicing or tactical, whats tactical, just watch the birds, ok, you really think Mao and Stalin really would have stopped at the North, or even listend to old Tricky and the Monks, if was not for the owl?)

Ok so today at the Library.

I eat one cup of cereal for breakfast and one cup right now for linner. Then I will have one cup of tuna fish with hot source, and lemon juice. So the calories are on track. I have not seen my best friend for a couple of days so sweets and fast food are down too.

In the library I came up with some really good ideas and key platforms for my campaign to stop communist hegemony in the world so as to allow Democratic Republicanism instead. Without war of course just ideas and down home logic. Fight with words and logic not guns and toxics.

Total donation to country and world around  $231 dollars of research. If it is at cost is about $75 figures on who is counting. Me or the government. It cost money to be smart and have a lot of degrees or what is the point in being smart. Then again this is just discovery.

I did economic crunching on cost of time for my donation via all three levels of anti trust books. It would have taken me about five months and I hope I find a job before then so I have to cut it down. As such I consolidated my research down to three books of diversified purpose of the newest intent. However, some of the books I was really interested in had already been checked out, as i do not have the $100 down payment to use the library check out fees. That is ok I can work around it. As such I figure I will take me about two weeks to get through all of the books and note taking. I have also found inside of the books I have started very good guides and boiled down books in which are not in the library that I will search out later for my library.

Oh I met the President today at the Library he came in and said welcome to the team you arse, everyone was all stunned and sat there, I just smiled and said darn straight. However, I do not work for them or the government and this is my individualistic revolution against economic international crime via cartels and anti trust violations. It feels good to be American. now that should be a good plot scheme for something.

Secretly paid cognitioners creating ideas of freedom and Democracy that are not part of the government but however, are enjoyed by the leaders as good things.

Then after he left I had person with a crow come up to me while I was leaving and hand me eagle feather. Weird stuff weird. Then a pyramid of a eagle a hawk and an owl flew over my head. Then followed a crow cackling.

You know you want to see my notes, you know you are so curious to read them and have me explain the scratch and purpose for specific books as per Communist Economic Expansionism via unfair competition. Oh you know you do.

Peace de la resitunce, the book and the word. and the communist goes Resistance is feudal, then I say feudal just like your economic ideas, lol dumb dumb da dumb. Then I say you don't know Americans do you. You say resistance is feudal we see  Sweet TWTEA Trading with the what feudal na the communist would never say that.

If they were smart they would realize I am helping the Chinese people by fighting against Communist world domination. Like tens of millions of Chinese who have secretly resigned from the Communist Party and received the secret owlets. whoops.

scooby snacks time, if you see smoke coming from the van that is just my carburetor it is bad, I like living down by the river in a van.

So it is ok to live the easy life and why fight its ok to be in second place. Bell's na.
Time to economically explore the world more.
Same thing since I was a dumb numb punk ain't nothing changed except the Soviet's. Chinese allow half free market with centralized constant control. We woory more about the extremist right wing religions in the world than we do the extremist left wing enslavers now, but hey, same game different day, only I can be right. There can only be one.
If you can't teach birds how to understand english then you are no punk of mine. I mean teaching dogs to speak English is easy try hamsters or birds. lol think your smart do ya, try that. I do not mean those big Patriots I however you spell parrots.

I want to learn guitar you will learn piano first as it is the roots enough with the roots I hate you I am going to my room, sure poo head you will love me later for my root teachings to your punk arse. Ya I will show you, hot wire the piano to an amplifier then learn to play heavy metal on the piano really fast. F u pops.

Source of coded revolting for today's Communist world domination. Ozzy Osbourne Paranoid made me worry about being enslaved to people like my father and never being able to own my own business.

Time machine is almost ready you numb skulls.

This was the first time I saved the US from one world domination. Darn idiots did not even see me and my crew running through the jungle until Ozzy was blazing upon them via toad amplifiers. Scared the hall out of them, just like I knew it would.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Brand Naming Communism.

As the SOE's of China are not controlled by the People and the funds go into Sovierng Wealth funds to create more control for the Communist party I would say that SOE's are the Communists Parties and not the People's of China.

Rider I

How to arrest Communist Entities for Committing Marketcide

Prosecute them with Anti trust laws.

Communist China's Counter Intellegence Economic Policies.

Main point. Is to press the US to weaken at home domestically so it will slow its high technological warfare and its national security policy of US jobs and pensions and retirements are and should be part of US daily individual labor. Along with creating an influx of US foreign insurance policy from world dominators that wish to own countries for their own.

Rider I


This one is for SENATOR SHERMAN'I and all of his great pupils

IF i had the helm during youe tribulations

all zuits are to reprot to corners for my vindication, ja all cowboys are to hold down the barns for proper taps and  bag reach

the citizen forced into state imrisonment, the employee forced to deal with slave type life to day to day. the us was created for inidividual ownership. i am the owl,

thanks for all the wahumbsi world conpiracy my improperly set up.WI II, today i seak vengence.

dude ist,     my duty

we are almost free just one more to go, the last world super power and your last project shall not stop freedom, you shamed brother.

RIP you dumb arsses

to freedom and free enterprises, individualism via equality of competition.


ao  good luck to all barell courts n remeber try and

I will yransmit in after anti trust readings. for freedom and individualism, we hold.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Next week is time to get rid of the and get the stallion.

I start figuring it out after anti trust readings and strategic job resume placement tomorrow.

I can't wait to feel the wind and the rain and the cold.

Rider I

Work what all day everyday aint a movement that it is not the three symbols of freedom.

Tomorrow night midnight we ride, I have a present for the west side and its submercibale problems:

Don't make it twice, you act before asking the Owl you pay.

You dare launch then touch my Ireland do ya while destorying our Africa?

Thank you for the report warlocks it is being handled. Very sensitive ground you know, especially if I had to move the tombs.

It has been almost a year and the trace is complete as per my warlockes. I am sorry,

you know the game from the tri symbols, we hold as ancient tradition against elitiest control it is freedom or nothing we are mutually destructive.

the owls do not take threats lightly

As always those opposing the tri may fight as individuals without mutual.

The symbol time table is as usuall

I shall judge fairly if one feels the love for the other.

if you wish not to engage in a crow battle I will call the nosvaratows and the achangels. my brother and sister.

You know the game my natural symbols of life, you ask the question cage or.....

All quantum jumpers stand by. We have a personal debt to setle, launching near a Lt Gen 6 Tree is offensive especially by the dark side cogntion that has created the Greys enemies. I want all Pluto's how crazy to stand by incase they do not take the whopping properly. I want pin point jumps to be down, as my best friend states it is freedom or nothing brother.
This is personal reuin my day off.

It wil be fair an competive as per Owl protocal. Which has been lost but know that I have won the dull it will come back or all traitors to freedom shall meet my quantum saber during dreams. LOL

All the dark earth agenst are do to be considered deadly for the next 24 hours. After such if not calculated starteically moved then shall they walk.

to to to the one one I hate studdoring, did anyone ever ask water waling Chinese gators looked like. I wonder why those ancient beings are in China and the US.

MMM, all swoard in samurai and kendo, I need your protection for fair individual frights, if chosen by the cognitioners. As such I will broadcasted in for judgmeen and watch of my fair assembly of my day off that was wronged.

I want all light on and champions fighting for inclusive cloaking, along with proper of cours as always flight from imperlaist.

As for the west and African areas send the fight club symbols threw.

All tap outs for those courts of extermities shall be accepted at full cost to court owner. It was not death that they calle for just fear and my court shall show some nano style.

Can the idea of individual treason be turned into a macro idea of community treason.

This would be simply called pys warfare. The Communist have been great at it from pitty killings in the US to gain votes, or even mass drugging of US communities along with propoganda filled with slight slogans to gain votes. These are all well documented things the Communist foreign agencies have done to individuals in the US to try and get them to commit mass treason. However, in a Democracy/Republicans the idea that we have anti american rhetoric has just become a day to day life and through the 1st Amendment is something we have to deal with so we can allow folks to get it out instead of hold it in and go underground. Along with that it is very possible like what happened during the mass drugg affect of the KGB and the Chinese Intellegence units that it can work that they do change whole community ideas of country and sovierngty. So much so that at one point whole areas of the US where all for the Communist invading the US to make them all part of Soviet Russia or Communist China, just based on the good intellegence work from the Communist.

The idea however, that a country will kill itself for the betterment of another country is a whole new idea of treason. As it is less likely a form of Democracy/Republicans as voting or just our free bird spirit to fly into storms now and then even though we know they are coming during a high time of possible damage. Thus, we can then start to pin point specific players and specific rhetoric or even specific unfair business transactions or funding as regards to ones allegance to their country and citizens as compared to having allegance to another country that they are helping destroy and attack our country.

As such like we look at specific individuals for for treason and certain outcries or even out right telling. Is it possible that whole communities leaders are getting away with committing treason against their own country? Is the idea that destructing ones own country enough to cause someone to be considered a traitor. For example in the 50's at the hight of US Patriotism and love for their country after a very real scare of world domiantion by a one world order, of German Socalists. The US was held together very tight and the very thought that one would help another country destory their own countries business or market shares was considered treason and if my grandpa's stories on the union side are true folks literally got hurt for doing such things.

Today however, we see US leaders givening our tax dollars to a very real threat of the US to destroy our market places, take away our schools and childrens social programs, close down our free enterprises, all in the name so the Communist can expand into our country and into international community. At what point does someone have to be made a legal example so the whole does not have to pay for its treason to its self degredation?

In my nature as a US citizen with my q's of red white and blue on my shoulders. I do not understand how we could ever give hundres of millions of dollars to a foreign countries business after, their own country subsidized them and then we also gave them our stimulus money to destory our high technological market place. Would that be considered treason?

Treason as applied to the Market Place I believe would be the study, lets see if there is a common text on the matter.
 (Economic Treason)

Now the next question is how to actually get Economic Treason applied to those leaders and government agents who are destroying our market place and ability to compete and lead this country. Now necessary mens rea as working hand in hand with the Communits may not be needed for a quick kick in the governments elite leadership. However, I hear the masses calling for it, so someone needs to pay for it. As their King, someones head has to role to keep civility and calmness in the ranks.
Rider i

What constitues Economic Treason and failure Constitutional duties under Economic clauses of leaders and government actors?

Has there ever been a case of economic treason as applied to destruction of market place to allow another country to take over completely without competitive competition for US citizens.

The President has already created a Competitive Agency so, hopefully things will smooth out as I really do not want to call the hounds in. I would rather just have folks understand their behavior of destroying our marekts by helping our enemies or market competitors to destory US citizens busienss and individual onwership of labors.

At what line and point is drawn when US help is no longer help but actually Treason Upon US's citizens. As I know of no single US citizen who would give their tax dollars for a Communist enterprise to come in and crush their own fellow citizens market shares and ability to compete against massively government funded entities.

What is Economic Treason to a US citizen. Is it the helping of US citizen free enterprises and business competition by our leaders and government actors to destory US's business market shares?

Is Treason?
 betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance to the US's business owners and US's market shares?

How is it beneficial for US's citizens as leaders are just our representatives to give our international competition by the way which is kicking our arse literally, hand them hundres of millions of dollars to kick our butts at home when home field is the place where we need to build up skill, market sharea nd ability to be in the international field.
How is some ridiculous idea of diplomacy by allowing destruction and non allegiance to US business good.
The Communits do not give us anything, by the way we have to pay interest on all of it, along with that, that is my fing point, the Comunist Chinese own our butts so why would we want them to own more of it. We should have allegiance to our business to create domestic market shares to be able to better compete aginst a countries communist market place that is destorying our international and our US domestic market palces.


Things to look for when tracking a spy.

First of course is some kind of government or civilian job that has access to information that foreign governments would want and for some reason can't hack.

Second, if that person has a prior record of criminal behavior.

Third, if that person has a prior record of being dissacioted with things, or kicked out of things.

Fourth, if that person has some kind of sexual deviance.

Along with that money is a major factor for some spies.

The funny thing is if that is what our constructs are then it really does not narrow it down very much. There has to be a more narrowed and pin point evalulation of when folks spy.

Now a report I would like to read would be the report on why totalatrian spies like Communits China's government agents spy. I have brought in one big spy based on religion and proven that the Communists are just like the Nazi's. That would be a great report. Probable classified or top secret.

Like most human emotions go in cycles. I believe it is very hard for humans to change their cognitions that they had ben trianed as children. However, possible by schooling and peer pressures to change and the such. Therefore, another good indicator might be mood elevations or de elevations, or even characteritics of mental situations. Could it even be a possible outcry like most criminals.

The nature of the fact is that most humans want to tell on themselves and do in some for or another. This is a basic interrogation tactic, to look for twitches during specificly geared questions, or sweat or many other facets.

However, is there a much bigger, issue with actual destruction of country by spying. How do they cry out to say stop me I am hurting something? Is there a way that Master Officers can speak in specific tones or daily conversation to see if they can get them to react, like speek patriotically about the country, take them specific places of patriotism, or other places.

Some spies, like to involve themselves very heavily in the culture they are counter spying for. This is a big factor if it can be identified. Other factors might include such things as fraudlent slips during conversations as they are not there. Or even many other factors of very big outcrys of possible traitors.

Is is possible that a great HR officer can keep their employees from become a traitor by being very well studied on sociological behaviors, and thus being able to counter these major outcrys before they turn into something worse. ?

How does counterintellegence work as compared to cognition and principle technological traps for checking for spies and properly tracing information that is being taken to give to the country wishing to steal?

I sent this to Joseph Nye.

(As a fellow soft power analysis for four years in competition with others, not as great as him in that capacity but my power lies in the 1st Amendment as the Owl not in age or experience, I decided to hand him his arse in a hand basket like the Communist Chinese are doing to us, great books on soft power though, it is just his Communist Chinese cognitions that worry me very much)
Dr. I am about to give you a good go for if you care to enjoy a down home argument, make my day,
You speak so calm and like it is ok to allow the transition of power from freedom and Democracy to Communism. The reason why the power has been shifting was not necessarily the Chinese or the Asia's industrial revolution as much as it is and was their totalitarian Communist Political structure that centrally controls the prices, market share and economic international conquering. These ideas and the way your project you ideas is not really good for US hegemony and most important realist liberal hegemony in the world. The allowance of the Communist in China to unfairly compete with free markets has done such detriments as allow them to catch up via Communist espionage in all our high technological industries. So much so that the Communist are the leaders in electromagnetic warfare much like the Communist empire before them the Soviets,. Also your idea that the Communist will not overtake the US or as your tone and presentation presents it that it is not a threat to free world liberalism, makes me an actual detriment to the free world.
You are correct at the global finance in the recession, is the decline in US power. However, that is because of poor weak leaders like yourself, who after the fall of the Soviet totalitarian empire, forgot the Communist Chinese want the same thing the Soviets want. Which is to collect states under their control and party dominance via economic warfare, as applied through fraudulently stated free trade agreements which have surpassed any free world FTA proliferation. Along with the fact that the Communist still want a single currency based on Karls Marxist idea of destruction of free world economics through massive SOE' holdings instead of quality of life and balance of nature, as we hold it now. Also as you sound like the type that does not know just like we can produce, atom smashing or other things, we can create gold and that is why we are no longer on the gold standard. It is just like cellular regeneration which we do now for organs however, it is easier with sold metals.
The thing you do not understand is that your so called un-American idea of the Return of Asia to the worlds hegemony, is that our insurance policy for the world will not work as long as we do not take the Communist Chinese like a real threat as the  Soviets are, the facts are that the service bell curves of the savings and loans, .com and mortgage have been on a constant upward trend that has started a constant downward trend in deficit spending via inflationary free world markets from Communist Chinese SOE and centrally controlled free enterprises. This then will lead directly into our depression. Which is the insurance bell curve. If we know anything things happen in cycles much like a fine women. As such, if the last three bell curves where any predicts of this recession like Dr. Doom predicted and then George Soros dissected as an easy boom bust theory. Then I am specifically pin pointing to the Service bell Curve theory, then you will see that the Home front Cognition of the new video game is going to happen.
Our military will be completely replaced on the world board. Your projections are incorrect and very detrimental to the US by a defeatist mindset that we can't be defeated and if we are then so what. The realest idea that Communist wish to destroy free markets is real and paramount.
My rebuttal to your idea that our military will not be attacked is easily refuted. The last three bell curves have seen our military recede heavily at home. So much so that the West coast sold off its middle southern bases, and middle Navy bases. In which was just recently shown to be seriously detrimental to the US, as the Communist Chinese projected its dominance off the coast of Catalina in Southern California through a submarine ballistic missile test. In which as I was on Catalina, our interceptors where late and it would have easily hit LA, or Orange county. Plus if you know anything about satellite warfare and eletromagnetics. The Communist can easily hack our ballistic missiles and their military bases are so hard and proper that their interceptor planes can collect missiles faster and better than our weakened net. Which has left the Middle Southern California completely unblanketed from first strikes.
Along with that fact that this recession is seeing the massive destruction of intelligence bases. In which we saw the Washington post take a big act in helping destroy our intelligence bases like JFCOM which are specific in international cooperation without NATO influence since the Communist have gained massive international influence in international clout and soft power.
To show you how you are complete wrong is to easily apply the military detriments and our Democratic/Republic process. As such if the past is any predictor of the future, After the insurance service bell curve boom, then it will bust and adjust our deficit spending will increase as the boom will not be enough to get us even close to where our current last service bell curve has taken us from its boom. Each boom bust drives us deeper into debt. As such, like we have seen the shut down and consolidation of the US military during the last three communist cycle attacks. You will see unless stopped and weak leaders and cognitioner's like your self get a grip and become realists. That we need to think of them as a major threat to the US hegemony and free world idea of freedom, Communist want to destroy us, that is Karl's Marxist theory and that is what communism stands for. What you old timers did not learn from your teachers I do not know. Maybe it was all the good KGB LSD and mushrooms that the Communist Chinese and Russians imported during the Vietnam war to attack our votes. I do not know.
However, this cycle attack is a major threat to the US. People like you who sit there and calmly say, China is no threat, when they have more submersibles that can attack our underwater radar systems with ease. They have more espionage agents. And their Communist SOE's have more market shares than any of our free enterprises, as Communist SOE's are one entity under communist rule. Along with that how people like you can say the Communist are not acting like the Nazi's is beyond me. HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR LABOR CAMPS WHERE THEY TAKE DEMOCRATIC REFORMERS AND PEOPLE WHO SPEAK OUT AGAINST COMMUNIST TOTALITARIAN CONTROL. DO you know that the German Socialist Party created massive SOE's to centralize the wealth of Germany for government control while taking away any dissenters like the Jewish free enterprises, guess you have not heard of the Falun Gong and the reason why the Communist hate them. They were the biggest group at a compelte number check to Communist who owned free enterprises, then again what are you doing? Much like exactly what the Communist Chinese are doing. Do you know that the Germany Socialist party, actual centralized the worlds resources as much as it could, where as the Communist own 90% of the worlds rare earth resources thanks to weak cognitioner's like yourself.
So, sorry for being brass, but I do not depressions, nor do I like communist hegemony. I am a realist liberal who is real, what you are doing with our projections of books and lectures that China is no threat, is horrible. I STANDING AS THE NEW OWL OF THIS COUNTRY SUGGEST YOU WRITE A BOOK AND REPORT AND LECTURES TO REDEEM YOURSELF. I NEED AS MANY COGNITIONer'S AS POSSIBLE WORKING TO STOP THIS CYCLE ATTACK ON THE US.
Van Johns who was a Maoist rebel and Communist sympathizer allows our high tech stimulus money to be spent at the amount of 80% for foreign jobs. When that was supposed to be our industrial service bell curve to squash the cyclical service bell curve and to even out the necessary adjustment cycles so as not to cause such bad receding American hegemony.
What is the wrong you, open your I's.
You help us save this great light of freedom and the Crown Jewel of the Monks and owls by not speaking so lightly with regards to Communist China. Also when speak about China you direct them as they are and call them Communist China. I need everyone help to stop this cylical attack. Or please shut your mouth and stop talking like China is not a major and the worlds biggest threat to economic and civil freedoms. As they have much more power and influence and the key cognition's and mens rea to become the Next Soviet union. Soft power is good, Dr. but your soft power is a little to soft. Maybe some more cognition's like calling the Chinese Communist Chinese as they are, and not saying they are not a threat. Cause they are the biggest threat. Along with that get your darn realest facts straight. We are not going to be able to help anyone of if we do not stop the next service bell curve from tanking our economy into a depression. I can only hope my whooting in the 1st and foremost Amendment is causing a spur in cognitioners sides to see the reality of Communist China. Please stop kissing their butts, soft power is one thing, boot licking is another.
Trying to stop my cognition's by saying they are not like the German Socialist Party is not a good idea for this countries economic and civil rights health. Along with all of our Owl I's in the world. Darn Dr. get a grip and be real. No need to apologize Dr. just go kick arse like you are great at doing as a cognitioner, please stop kicking our own arses with your cognitions about Communist China is not threat who cares if they take over the world attidude. You just had your arse handed to you in a basket, much like the Communist Chinese are doing to us by taking our jobs and taxes via Communist neo mercantalist economic warfare then handing it back to us with interest and debt attached. So if you feel pain your butt that means I did my job, now get to work saving this darn world and country. Darn it.
It you want more just let me know, I can drill you all day baby.

Unions and the Pubs Self Degredation economic warfare.

Unions go back  to the cowboy days when folks used to run cattle and that was the US's business, along with rail road unions and stage coach unions. It was a way for people to gather against capital which could pay bandits to hurt their families for not working for less and slaving, or even to band together for blatant slavery like what happened to American Irish, Chinese and African Americans.

Today Unions are similar to lobby action groups political groups like the Republicans and Democrats and many other groups as allowed under the 1st Amendment right to assemble. These groups similar to how Pubs and Dems Unionize for power in politics specifically Unionize for power in employment so as to not allow Big Government like the Republican party or Democrat party from stealing from them when they should be other there trying to lead us to more jobs and greenier fields. I am a Red dog, but I am an American before I am part of any Union.

As such as a very powerfully historical figure in this society with my seat and picture along with our great founding fathers on our currency. I will be forced to have to erroded political action groups, like the Democrats and Republicans Parties powers if they errode Unions Powers from their political action to regulate very bad employers and economic leaders like we have seen the last three service bell curves.

This is easily done as seen in Heller v DC when ever American roots are attacked, I write, and am cited by the author of the Supreme court, as I write very well one to two page briefs that pin point like I was taught to do by the Monks.

Not only is it a threat to US roots and political structure by allowing the Communist party to gain more strength as the less educated and harder worked do not understand that anarchist parties threat to the US's ideals of freedom as compared to them just wanting their ability to unionize to protect themselves like the old cowboys and rail road workers did. But it is a major National security issue. As Unions allow the people to tell employers how they feel without going underground. As when Unions became checks and balances to the Republicans and Democrats via the Trinity of Unions Hoover, Hoffa and R Kennedy, they had to literally go to civil wars to stop capatalist greediers from exploiting them and their families. Trust me I know, the Owls blood line is tied directly into movements of quality of life for the US citizens.

It is not right to see these republicans and lesser cognitioners try and blame our woes on our Unions when they have been fighting against Communism at the highest ranks to stop the exploitation of foreign workers by our capatalist leaders which destroys our tax bases and jobs, along with national secrurity industries like high technology. Which has been in deficit the last three years thanks to Unions losing their powers. It is stupid that these people who are not good enough leaders to lead their people to more jobs and more market shares steal and whip their own people.

There will be a check and balance if the Political parties allow the workers to lose their power, trust me.

Rider I
Great men did not die to have their grandchildrens homes destroyed by weak leaders. Cowboys stick together and protect each others families from big government and big greed. Always have always will, when on the trial we stand as one, when homefront is economically attacked we stand as neighbors.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why small and medium business are better for African investments as compared to Communist SOE's.

The start mining companies are able to act more with the locals so they do not bring foreign employees. They are also able to help start up other mining companies by having to pay a good wage so as not to have bad employees. Where as corporate mongers or even Communist SOE's are more likely to exploit African workers and bring in foreign workers. Also this allows the domestic government to have an easier time managing the business and working hand and hand to create more free enterprises to compete against them so their citizens can also compete. Freedom not corporate greed or Communist SOE's.

Rider I

The only factor is the ability of a good free world agency to regulate Communist SOE contracts and their uncompetitive ability to give foreign Sovern Wealth funds along with Communist SOE contracts, which is illegal, as no one can compete with foreign Soverign Wealth funds tied into Communist SOE's. It makes it impossible for the local domestic competition and foreign competition. The Soveirgn Wealth funds when carteld with Communist SOE's along with monopsonic style contract bidding by many centralized managed and owned Communist SOE's makes it very hard for small and medium business to start up abroad or to help them start up domestically.

Along those lines the royalities then are not necessary calcuated by the business entity itself, as there is a long line where the Communist SOE's can spread out the non competitive royalties by cartelling with each state. Which then ties them into a long string of international anti trust laws. As one SOE can so called when it is good for them own a whole market from shipping to manufacturing of the part to spread out costs, however, when in legal battles, they are just one entity acting withou the others. That is not fair to domestic people who are exploited, or to domestic African workes who can't compete competitively to own their own mines and help via philanthrophy to develop their own countries. Like the US did with its individual ownership of resources.

some ideas floating around from a trip a long time ago.

I mean that is the US dream to be able to work a days wage to earn for family and security and savings so they can someday compete against their employer in the market place if they reach the cognition of their employer. Not to have to be exploited to never own anything, or to have corporate greed hold them down for pennywise business.

I say small and medium and starts allow more freedom and a better quality of life for that individual desire and whims along with dreams. I would also think that it would allow less civil uprisings and more domestic soverignty of government.

Along those lines a great paper would be on this matte cognitioners get on it. I am business folding clothes and living the poor life. I have to go scrub pots and pans here in a couple of minutes.

Austin her to tell you the power is in the people, the will of the competition will win. It just takes some time to get a grip on Communist SOE's as currently we do not properly regulate Corporations because we are afraid of Communist SOE take overs. We are getting there. The dream is to spread out individualism and ownership, not corporatize the world, or COmmunizee the world. That is the American dream own your piece of land your own compeitive business and do what you love, hang with the kids and play ball games or dance and do other things. It comes natural for us to not like Corporations and to deal with them. However, all these macro battles have forced the government to allow more corporations of gigantic size to deal with whole country Communist Soverign wealth funds and Communist SOE's. Makes it hard for a little guy to compete let alone climb up to competitive international levels.

That is why I will never a politician, Communist will not illegally fund me via enternet and the Corporations will not give me money, So I will stay out if you just donate a million to stop Communist expansion and create a freerer world than the one I see being created Under Yellow Star.

I will do more damage as a cognitioner anyways. Speaking freely as a gentlmen instead of ranting as a crow.  I am crow I know.

I have a contract signed for retaken if of individual donation funds if proper accounting principles are not met. You let me know, if you want to do it like spit on ground cloak style hand shake on the hand of the world and bird. No problem, trust me it will all go to education and presentation. I know I have six degrees, and I worked odd jobs to get all of them, if I can work odd gigs speaking at pubs, and lecuture halls and educational faclities, sounds like home and odd to me.

There was three shelves of anti trust law at the Law Library.

I figure, I spent about 3 hours there at $25 an hour for paraprofessional as I am not a professional for my personal time which I could have charged at going rate at $75 an hour, it costs me around $75 plus parking was rounded $8.75 and gas and wear and tear was $2.20 so the total cost for my person was $85.95 sense. I got over 5 pages of notes for areas to further research on the net, along with the actual idea of intent to create a better the anti-trust field. As there seems to be very little literatue on the matter of international anti trust.

I will further my research now that I am at home and have gone to the boiling pot to gather intel straight from legal books on areas of interest and media data collection.

I also really want to go back and finish reading the books on the Anti-trust law during this time of detox since I am not working out. I can apply for jobs online and spend my lunch breaks looking for work then spend the rest of the time taking notes with my common cognition on the matter of Communist SOE's from the book on the shelf. I figure if I can read one page a minute, or two minutes at a vague interval along with taking another 30 seconds spread out for annotation of important areas I figure at most 2 minutes 30 seconds for a page, which is way off as most of the pages I will be speed reading a very high rate, but lets do a non paid area here. Since I have my intern, I have great experience and a great resume, I just need to publish and digest some, ideas. I figure what I have digested here on my cite, along with what I will digest at the public law libary should be good to help me publish intent with great ideas of how to help the Communist finish transitioning their economy while also trying to get out of their heads the idea that it is ok to have 100 gigantic uncompetitive Communist SOE's to keep forever. Not cool not part of the deal.

So that is what I spent my weekend doing. I figure if I was doing this for cost to country it would be the same, however, if I was doing this for donation of dream and accounting of such million dollar donation I could easily have recieved around $75 an hour for my time minus without parking or driving as at that rate it should be included for a non professional. Along with that, if I was working for SOE head hunters to gain more market shares for international free enterprises of small or medium size business I would have made around $ 225 doing what I love.

I also had the idea of reading areas to create a non profit to for an anti trust agency to help companies defend and attack forign entities regarding international anti trust. Which then it would be much easier to get donations. However, I would not be able to live the dream of writing and publishing under an umbrella and lecturing officials and citizens of the world regarding my cognitions. Of course, dreams are hard to come by, unless you are speaking Communist nightmares then I have them frequently.

Darn it. So Monday to the library and finish reading the Anti trust section. I figure if my nemuses and oppresses opposition Karls Marx could create a world domination theory based on enslavement of humans to the elitiest leaders, for state capital and expnasion instead of fair trade. I can at least try and though a stone at his life long umbrella from Engels. F' it. If I get hired I will cut the reading and just do MMA and school. However, I am cutting my bills and I figure by the time someone hires me my bills should be at about market level for a poor person. even though with my skills I should be able to live like a middle class person. But with cut through competition being allowed at the expense of US and free world quality of life via cutting of employers marekt shares for communist expansion and via social net killing for deficit management. What the hell.

Rider I
Plus, Ihave a good plan to get my motorcylc which should allow me to keep some dignity in my credit report for my car being sold instead of completely repoed.

Foreign State Immunity of SOE's in Countries.

They are out of line so it is time to make them feel find withs some real competition now that they are not babies anymore. heheheh time to whoop their arses. Think pops is old, ya even in a wheel chair I will whoop your arse. LOL

Today If my best friend does not call me to attention, I will be doing a data collection on Communist Foreign SOE's and the impact of domestic lives because of non ability to seek proper product liabilty. I will start off in the law libary where I will walk too right now. Again I am not an attorney just an non professional economic researcher who wants some legal ideas. This as always is a non professional blog pots and should never be taken for any advice, except the Intellegence agenceis which I constantly boot the buttox, who then can take what ever I say as a starter point, as I pay their salaires and they work for me and the rest of the citizens like me.

Rider I

This is another pefect example of my blog post of where SOE's and the proliferation of such cause war. As such one countries SOE's harm another countries citizens, then they are taking through the necessary legal procedures and they will not pay as per the laws of the market place they are in. However, if you are in their country and break the law you are arrested for not paying. Bull Shhhhpt, if the debtors of a Communist SOE do not pay they should be arrested like free enterprises in foreign market places that do not pay. However, then you get the US government who is a free enterprise government telling their people you will just have to stick up your rear ends because the Communist SOE's are not going to pay and we are not going to help you as your regulators and governors. Well then that is juts darn right unfair. Free enterprises people being arrested or banned from every coming into Communist China, while Communist SOE's can sell us bad products, kill our children, murder our witness, and hey nothing happens to the Communist SOE's, not anymore after this trough cycle and the blatant dispresct for oral and written agreements by the Commuhnist party and the blatant disrespect for the legal and civil rights for all individuals from the Communist party, the Owls have decided to meet, and what as meeting it is going to be because I am the lead shepard and I get the smoking pipe, and jacket for the lectures, along with that, we have set up a nice monk underground to protect and cloak the meeting, so F the Communist SOE's and their blanky cheating.

Money does not trump all in a free society, freedom trumps all the precedent for it so. Legally and proper of course.

hahahloe hehe:

Turn off the dimmer and turn on the lights international awakening.

Foreign Communist SOE's are recieving unfair treatment by free world governments as compared to free enterprises, main eye, immunity. Horrible worded bu this is not a paid for or even professional cite so. I am capatlist if you want my best work you need to pay me. Then i can word things like: United States Legal Immunities for Communist StateOwnedEnterprises's. However, f you and your none paying selves for reading my free crowsness of date, just fing joking. I would also like to do a United States Political Immunity for Communist SOE's. However, being poor and no incentive except the constant dreams regarding Communits torture and imprisoned victoms praying for Democracy/Republicanism. I just might have to do it. This one was a bad nightmare so off to the library after I pick up some more words.

branch off

leaf with air based on one word in branch document. Probable the necessary I just have to keep looking for the root.

I need to get to the library of law, so I have pulled up three good common text documents and will now highlught and annotate for specific root warfare notes on matters concerning to Communist SOE activities.

I just had a thought while I am trying to drag myself from all these branches and leaves I found for my legal research. I have four sentences I am taking to the law library to look into. Why is it that when folks get in a heated battle with Communist SOE's sometimes they commit suicide, even those who do not have to worry about money seem to just up and hang themselves in a hotel room owned by mmm lets see, well. off to the library have to post two more leafs then gone. That is why I believe in a CWP baby. F em.