This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I will work for BEER'S.

Binary Eltromagnetc Entry Rotation System.

It is the idea to not only use the force of gravity and other theories harnessing it as such, but to also use the two metal rails entry rotation system. As this system is being developed on the ground to use rail gun energy to propell space ships, I wonder if it could be used to also help boost rentry via mining. The idea is mainly around the eletromagnetic rail guns system to help with the energy needed for massive pay loads. I believe it is just very tiny small part of the way bigger theories like FRETOS. In which might actually be able to gain some more energy if they implement the Binary Eltromagnetic Entry Rotation System.. More or less they need BEER's.

Rider I
Miningi s important to free enterprises and a free market, one must be allowed to own their own mines and compete fairl with others to own mines. The idea that governments or countries can own them, turns into another Stalin, Hitler or what we are now seeing with the single party totalatarian rule of the Communist party of China. A full out war to gain all the resources, due to state controll instead of individual and small group via non state actor competition.

When you have FRETOS, you might want to try BEER's to make it better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to bring the idea of debate to rural schools.

The idea of debate is hand in hand with Democracy. I myself played the game and loved the idea of its teachings. The format is exactly the same as adults have to do when governing over people who have voted them in.

However, I believe in many rural parts of the world we find that children and adults do not know how to hold their tongue or even properly debate something that is so important that weapons can be reached for.

I have seen this in many cultures, from religous to economic fanactics, etc. I have my two which are hard for me to do. However, luckily when I played the game that is exactly what we where debating on. Which made it a lot easier for me to get over my non tongue holding.

The idea would then be to bring debate to every school around the world. Thus causing a necessary need for angels to help produce debate.

For example, the areas in which learn english as a second language to do business with countries that speak english could have implemented a debate system. This idea could be very fun for second language speaker sto go to foreign countries to teach how to debate in rural areas. I know of people who go to countries to teach folks how to learn english. But I have not heard of these types of programs being started for debate.

As the corner stone of peace is the ability to hear ones side and allow a fair judgment in the matter I would find that debate is a necessary element that should be implemented in every school.

In which I have tried to have implemente in every US school, as it would substantially calm down violence among youth if they could learn to understand the system of democratically fighting. However, must schools in the US have shortened their years, and pay and teachers which means any necessary improvements to our cognition of our children is gone for at least 5 years. Thanks to a bad economic policy regarding economic service bell curve adjustment policy. Which I have not even begun to trace who is responsible for that matter. I am getting to that one though.

Rider I

post-industrial, service economy

What is a post industrial, service economy? I think the there shoul be a balance between the two. I mean new technology should be produced at home as it is very necessary for defense of cold war (econ war) or even miiltary wars.

Rider I

I sent this to the

Dear ESA Policy Administration,
       There is a flaw in our economic business cycle, that I think I have stumbled on. I have read papers that show people are onto the flaw but just have not properly addressed the matter yet. Therefore, I would like to address the problem in this short written letter:
       The current problem is that the US is relied upon a service bell curve, historically including,  the savings and loan, .com and mortgage service bell curves. These then create a boom bust as they start to flow money into the economy through the inflationary spending that was created by the prior one. This then leads us to a trough cycle as any graph showing you the major cycle can show, if you compare it to the actually service bell curve created by major legislation. This then forces the US to have to save itself using inflationary spending; each time. As such, our deficit has been rising and rising without the US being able to actually pay off its bills. Therefore, causing a major detriment from lost resource contracts, to lost ability of the US to keep judges and civil workers, etc.
     Therefore, as my service bell curve reliance matter is correct. The solution is simple enough. The policy matter that needs to be addressed is with the problem of having the curve go up and then crash down. If we could possible create another industrial boom that could catch the service bell curve before it normalized we could then go into a major growth cycle. The idea I am having is in regards to creating a industrial production cycle right at the peak of before the peak of the service bell curve. The problem is we would have to keep those production jobs here at home. Thus, we could then shift the reliance on the service bell curve from a service bell curves to a production bell curve. Then as the production bell curve starts to wain, we could create another industrial boom.
   The example I have is the upcoming service bell curve reliance; the health insurance. This service bell curve is going to be the biggest boom the US has every seen. As it is forcing a monopolized industry in which everyone will have to participate. Which means if not properly administrated and caught at the right time it will also create the US's biggest trough cycle. Thus, turning into a recession as we still have not paid off the inflationary debt from the savings and loans trough cycle.
  So the problem is we rely on a service bell curve without it having a buddy to hand off the business cycle too. This means, it gets tired and crashes out. Which takes the US economy with it. Therefore, we need to learn how to do a relay with our business cycle, macro curve.
  I am going to be writing a paper on this matter in my MA in Economics next year. It is mainly going to be based on a buddy system and a piggy back style administration of economic legislation. The main problem is the adjustment cycles are not properly being dealt with in the US Economic Macro Cycles.
  Give me an email if I can help, I am unemployed right now and looking for work. However, I am also trying to set up an Internet business in which I can generate enough money to get me through graduate school. My plan is to get an MA in Economics, and a combined JD and MBA in law.
Rider I

How to properly use a service bell curve boom to boost domestic production industries.

Conversely, in recent decades, the service sector has boasted a number of the economy’s
most dynamic industries—e.g., business services, communications, transportation, and
wholesale/retail trade. Analysis of these industries, like analysis of the most dynamic
industries in the manufacturing sector, can reveal the mechanics of the growth process

If that means cutting of heads of those people who want to give our tax dollars to foreign countries to produce it then so be it. We need to pay off our debt and at least balance our budget and touch down on solid ground, we have been under water for to long.

The Oil Industries and its application to US international markets.

Interests I have are basically around to comparing it to the green tech industry. Along with that the study will be provided along with other material in my economic warfare case against those who sold out 80% of the US's highest technological stimulus money to cause detrement to US industries and allow our competitor to seriously hurt us in the short and long run productivity and monetary affects, and our ability to gain resource contracts, as if we are not producing it we do not need, the resources, which means our defense equipment can easily have back doors placed in it as it comes from foreign production.

How to get Communist China to joinn in on the Service bell curve fun, to allow others to develop their economy?

Of course then again if they wish to dominate the world they can join in on the Druids fun and see how good their chances are of tracing us like Hitler tried to do.

"Since the 1960s, most G-7 countries have experienced a gradual slowing in average output growth , coupled with steady expansion in the services share of economic activity...."

Where is that darn Communist China in all the service bell curve high reliance fun?

You see throwing a wild one into the bunch always makes sure the blood does not get snooby, works the same for politics.

The US's Service Bell Curve Reliance is a Detrement to United States International Security.

I have to send out three resumes today, then I have to study for my Motorcycle License exam however, it is very easy and boring so I will work on this blog post also. I figure it has been a while since I was not ranting and actually wrote something worth reading. Then I am going to send it to the Naval Economics Department to see if they will read it and digest the main cognition of the article.

I came up with some ideas while preparing to battle with the motorcycle test study.
Dear College of USNA Department of Economics,
The United States of America Service Bell Curve Reliance is a Detrement to International Security 
The United States of America has long been a country that is relied upon its service sectors. Today, the United States of America rely's on our service bell curve for 70% of our GDP. This is because each time there is a slump in our macro business cycle the legislatures create laws to boost a service bell curve.  These cycles take the US in a pattern of deficit enlargment after each trough. However, our competitors, that use neo mercantalist economics, are able to wait until we go into a trough cycle and then rush into the international market place to gain more market shares. At a point of development this is a good thing for our competitors who need to develop also. However, in the case of Communist China it is a problem. This problem has become an international security mattter.
History of Reliance on the Service Bell Curve
Notes from this paper.


"Given these historic relationships, it seems unlikely that the United States will be able to
balance its current account through continued growth in the services surplus without also
maintaining high levels of competitiveness in other sectors."

Also 1960's is a good start also to start to dig for historical evidence of root service reliance.

This should be an explanation of when the actual service bell curve reliance started, why, what it is, any other historical matters I find necessary for cognition that I can find.

Service Bell Curve as applied to GDP

This one might be placed into the above with a better subtitle, maybe.

Laws that have created Service Bell Curve Boosts

Going to work with three here, savings and loans, .com and mortage mainly because I had to live through each of these and felt each on in my personal life as a child.

The Enlargement of the US's Deficit After Each Service Bell Curve.

This is something I have seen via many economists reports. However, it would seem that none of them report on the matter or even see it. You see the service bell curve and it cycle, then you see an enlargement of deficit then you see a new service bell curve, that does nto solve deficit and then troughs out before it can clear the last one, then the deficit gets bigger and it happens again.

How the US's Service Bell Curve Help Other Countries Develop

Smaller countries like African or Indian, or others that need market shares should be allowed to gain them.
Hoewver, beasts should be treated like beasts.

Communist China's Reverting back to Cold War Tactics is an International Security Matter for US and Democratic Interests

Communist have stopped the Democratic transition to keep their single party kingship totalatarian style rule for cold war purposes of abroad relations instead of domestic voting and spread of wealth.

Solution and Conclusion
or maybe a solution part then a conclcusion that might be more professional

Like always I hate to write a paper and then just conclude by summarizing up the matters spoken about. As such, I will provide a conclusion that will allow others to build off the paper by writing further papers regarding the solution. These are my favorite kind of papers, so I would guess any other writer out there would love that too. As, if you love to write good ideas are great when they are cognited for you.

Mainly it is not so much as I am worried about the Communist invading the US as I am the US being under a single party totalatarian rule via cold war (econ war) tactics. That is the main theme this blog is trying to get but so far it is just a crows nest. I should finish this by the time I finish my motorcycle license. So I can celebrate two things. Two is better than.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Anti Supremecy clause in a real Democracy.

The anti supremecy states that no one party may use such high and strong legislation to destory the other. Along with this no one party may work with another party to destroy their domestic competition. If these lines are broken then it can cause all out war, and a full out civil war, causing the very necessity of Democracy to be broken and implaced a single party dominant system resembling a kingship or a dictorial ship, which is the very opposite of Democracy. It is the constant pull and push and struggle between more than one party that causes the very fabric of life to be protected from king type powers and allows all people to feel safe from corruption from one side of the other.

Lets simplify the factors, as I know a story. Lets say, that a person finds out that a representative of people are working closely with a foreign single party dominace to implement his party into power in a supremecy rule. Then, that person who has found out this is happening comes under economic attack which usually prempts a full scale assisnation by means of static aquistion in proven that the actual incident that killed the dissentor to a one party rule, just was in an accident. Well then that person goes to the opposition party and tells them. Then that person may not be fully shield from any attacks on his person. However, now the other party knows and they are able to start tracing players, characters and start to rip people's heads off legally and properly for gaining help from an outside entity to actually try and cuase a single party supremecy domestically.

See that is a basic debate war, gone very oppresive cause one sides player no longer wants to share or compete in debate to bring the best and most thorough regulations to writ for their people. And they would just rather have it their way.

Rider I
That is just one example that might be very real. How would one find such a player who is working with a foreign major single party supremecy ruler to try and destroy a democracy. Easy, just look at money and human resources and where it is all going. If you find a representatiave that seems to be going to a lot of functions where the foreign single party supremecy is, and then they are gaining huge amounts of money via enternet or they are giving huge amounts of money, then you have your player. Then you set up shop. You go to the Druid underground gain a warrant to tap their lines, and then access all resources for public officers to do the same. Then watch all the above to see what players are trying to create a domestic supremecy single party which would destroy civil rights committees and proper checks and balances.

The Use of SOE's in single party domiance hands cause war.

I have wrote a previous report on this matter. But I would really like to write a paper on how. The Bolshevikians and Nazi's used this principle, along with the Communist Chinese are using this principle and trying to errode the US's peaecfull system by getting Democrat politicains to use this idea to destory their peaecfull opposition with SOE and resource aquistion by political kings instead of spread out via individual ownership for less ability to act like a King and oppress with the power.

Rider I

I have decided to add another report to my list o mania.

This report would be regarding economic treason and how legislatures can pass the line between friendly state and traitor to their own people. My main example and specific point will be Senator Harry Reid. I have heard through the underground railroad of Druids, that Senator Reid went against the Steal Unions and other Unions representing high technological fields wishes to not give a communist entity $450,000 to expand in the US. When the domestic competitors where not gaining perks like the Communist entity was at home or even abroad.

I will finish this report after the list o mania. So fair it is treasury report, unless I sell my vehicle and buy the motorcycle then it is JFCOM, then it is a legal review on economic treason and how representatives can pass the line between friend state and economic traitor to their country. And yes, anti americans there is such a thing as economic treason, and yes it is a major thing. However, no one has ever had the balls to stand up to a major player and say, you have committed it. Then again, the last Druid King, was taken out after a very powerfull research report on how the Communist caused the world to collapse then a dull, then a vote to remove via intellectual and physical weakness, so there is a reason for this underground Democratic society. This reason is mainly to check and balance our public Democratic societ. I have seen many instances of economic treason which have caused major damages to the US's domestic share markets and aquistion potentials. However, again, we have seen a bunch of weak sheeps who have been to afraid to step up to the plate of the worlds biggest and riches single king domiante party the Communist party of China, and its agenda in the United States. Again, I have read their top secret report on their agenday for the US and how they wish to turn it into a puppet state of economic pileaging for their people and SOE's.

So that report should be fun. However, I still have to get the actual word and adobe program. Then I will set up a shield system of Druids so I will not be attacked by the main person I will writing at to seek econonomic warfare precedent set in research. The Druids are already ready and the system itself is being set up. I have also had the playing Druids completely bugged, and the real Druids, are at arms intellectually against this person for thei actions against their own side the Unions, and the people as a whole's economic market detrements, which was caused.

Rider I
On my algorythm like usuall the first one I presented after creating gold from energy then showing how my gold can actuall be pure and more able to be used for high technology than the natural one or even the replicated natural one to very small impurites. Mine is the same chemical compound and molecular structuer it just uses a different form of purer energy from the source to create it causing the molecules inside that hold the energy to act different and with more purity and fluidity than the other form of golden dawn creation.

Of course I am not the leader of anything because the female check and balance to me, is much smarter than me in technological advancments, that is why I am working on the plane shield, then again, she has already sent one of the ladies to take my ideas. However, the main one that I know she can't get is stored in a locked place inside of my mind that only a key indicator can release from my subconcsious as I was able to program my brain. In which can only be seen when I am at the barn. So, along with that she is not that mean. I am going to win, and then we will vote again, on who is the major and who is the minor leader.

To Democracy may someday the day come when children all over the world can go home without major mean folks trying to take power from each other through death. May the vote come to the world and our anciet society become a ceremonial activity someday.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Communist Party of China's unfair communist SOE's are not Charaterstics, it is just plain communism, like Soviet, or German style economic warfare units of SOE's and cartels. Instead of free enterprises regulated by the representatives of the people.

"Under the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises opinion issued
Time :2011-03-01 Source: Bureau of Publicity
CPC Central Committee and State Council forwarded
"The Central Propaganda Department, the State Council, the SASAC on strengthening and improving the new situation
State-owned and state holding enterprises Political Work "

Recently, the CPC Central Committee and State Council transmitted the "Central Propaganda Department, the State Council, the SASAC, strengthen and improve the situation on the state-owned and state holding enterprises under the Ideological and Political Work", and issued a circular urging all localities and departments with reality conscientiously implemented.

"The Central Propaganda Department, the State Council, the SASAC, strengthen and improve the situation on the state-owned and state holding enterprises under the Ideological and Political Work" reads as follows:

In order to thoroughly implement the party's congress and seventeenth sessions of the Third and Fourth, Fifth Plenum, push forward construction of socialist core value system for the state-owned and state holding enterprises (hereinafter referred to as state-owned enterprise) reform and development, harmony and stability to provide strong spiritual power and ideological guarantee, now under the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises made the following comments.

First, under the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises and general requirements of the importance of

1. Ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises in the whole party and the country's important position and role. State-owned enterprises are building a moderately prosperous society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important foundation for our party. Ideological and political work is a fine tradition of state-owned enterprises and the political advantages of state-owned enterprise reform, development and stability of the strong guarantee is the modern state-owned enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, a distinct characteristic. Since the reform and opening up state-owned enterprises to improve ideological and political work to strengthen, increase in innovation in the study and implementation of the Party's theoretical guidelines and policies to improve the ideological and moral quality of cadres and workers, scientific and cultural qualities and health qualities, and services to enterprise reform and development to ensure has played an important role. Under the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises, the working class ownership for upholding the status of the cadres and workers to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, to ensure the fast development of enterprises for the promotion of socialist core value system, and building a socialist harmonious society is of great significance.

2. Under the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises need urgency. At present, the social environment in which state-owned enterprises, has greatly changed the business environment, corporate joint-stock reform and labor reform deepens, migrant workers, employee groups such as dispatch personnel in large numbers, workforce structure, Changes and New Features shows, changing ideas in different ways that staff was evident. With the new situation and new tasks than the ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises there are still many weak links, such as work cover not in place institutional mechanisms work flow, and work is simple, lack of ground facilities, funding and poor, the quality to be improve the other, especially in some regions and enterprises exist to varying degrees, ignore and undermine the phenomenon of ideological and political work. There is an urgent requirement at all levels of Party committees, governments and party organizations in state-owned enterprises reform, development and stability of maintaining a high degree, to fully understand the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises urgency of the need to further enhance the good ideological and political state-owned enterprises sense of responsibility and mission.

3. Under the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprise general requirements. Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, closely around the Party and state work closely around the building of socialist core value system, closely integrated production management, reform and development the central task of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, uphold the Party's fundamental principle of the Working Class, people-oriented, respect people who care about people understand, adhere to solve ideological problems and solutions practical problems, and close to reality, life, and the masses, innovative forms of content, methods and means of innovation, institutional innovation, and strive to improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises and scientific level, train and bring ideals, morality, culture, discipline of the socialist workers, to promote the enterprise of scientific development, promote social harmony and stability and make new contributions.

4. The reform and innovation throughout the new situation to strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises the whole process. Our party has always attached great importance to ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises, in the long-term practice good experience accumulated a lot of good practices, we must vigorously carry forward. Meanwhile, in conjunction with the development of the situation and tasks change, study new situations, solve new problems and create new experiences, enhance the effectiveness and attractiveness of the work focused appeal. To meet the economic base, institutional environment, social conditions and modes of transmission profound changes in the new situation, to examine the eyes of the era of ideological and political work of state practice and development to strengthen and reform the idea of ​​seeking new ways to improve new methods of work to enrich connotation and denotation of the work. The masses of workers to adapt to the new psychological features extensive use of propaganda reports, exhibitions, sports activities, film and television films and so loved by the masses, vivid forms of education, the ideological, intellectual, interesting unified. To adapt to mass media especially the Internet, mobile phones and other new media widely popular new trend, the effective use of regular contact with the masses of workers, can be readily accepted channels of communication, better use of mass media in ideological and political work in the role. Consciousness to adapt to the masses of workers to participate in the growing awareness of the new changes, the masses of workers to build more than happy to participate in, facilitate the participation of a platform to attract broad participation of the masses of workers, strengthen self-education. To meet the "units" to "social man" into the new situation and pay attention to the street (community) organizations, and the formation of ideological and political work to do together.

Second, to strengthen and improve state-owned enterprises under the new situation the main task of ideological and political work

5. To promote the study of socialist core value system of education, cadres and workers of a firm conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics. Socialist core value system should run through the state-owned enterprises in all aspects of ideological and political work, make unremitting efforts to publicize the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, outreach activities, in-depth study and practice the scientific concept of development, so that the latest achievements of Marxism in China enjoys popular support; carry out the ideal faith, to guide the cadres and workers to firmly establish the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values; to carry out the national spirit centering on patriotism and to reform and innovation as the core spirit of the times, enhancing the awareness of cadres and workers of the country , citizenship; carry out the socialist concept of honor and public education, the promotion of Chinese working class and great character.

6. Situation and policies to strengthen education and encourage cadres and workers to actively join in the reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive. In connection with the development of international and domestic situation changes, the party and the introduction of major national policies and measures to promote the cause of the new progress of the new achievements, analysis of the economic and social development opportunities and challenges, explain the central decisions and arrangements to help the cadres and workers of the right understanding the situation, an accurate understanding of the party and the country's major policies. Common concern for the cadres and workers to the labor and employment, social security, income distribution, education, housing, safety and other hot issues, the party and the government's various policies and measures to make it clear to the interests of the people to understand about the arrangements, do a good job eliminating doubt and confusion, increase consensus work. Time to explain to cadres and workers of the new changes in business market and business environment reform and development of new tasks on enterprise development in the long-term planning and implementation steps, a firm doing a good job of cadres and workers of state-owned business confidence.

7. Strengthen the corporate culture to inspire the cadres and workers love their jobs, contributing to society's enthusiasm. To vigorously carry out social responsibility to educate, guide enterprises and workers of state-owned enterprises profound understanding of the special nature and historical mission, to correctly handle the state, enterprises, interest among employees to better fulfill the responsibility of state-owned economic enterprises, political responsibility, social responsibility. In close connection with the actual business, in-depth historical and cultural resources, mining enterprises, summarizes the concept of corporate value and continue to improve and enhance the appeal of corporate culture and influence of trade unions. To push forward with love and dedication, honesty and trustworthiness as the main content of professional ethics and practitioners to focus on clean and honest culture, cadres and workers sense of professionalism and integrity. To further carry forward the spirit of model workers and promotion of production and business line that emerged in the advanced model, widely publicized model workers and advanced workers deeds and lofty spirit, give full play to role models in the demonstration effect, the formation of labor glorious, sublime knowledge, talent valuable, creating a strong atmosphere of the great. To deepen the enterprise culture, civilization, workshops, team culture, civilization and spiritual civilization construction activities and workers, extensive "Create a learning enterprise, to become knowledge workers" activities, further volunteer service activities, the formation of cadres and workers in the love of learning, positive upward mobility, job meritorious deeds, contributing to society's culture. To organize the contents of a great variety of mass cultural and sports activities to participate in the meeting of cadres and workers in the spiritual and cultural needs, cultivate moral character.

8. Safeguard their legitimate interests and enhance the sense of ownership of the workers. Play the role of the workers as the masters of modern Chinese characteristics inherent requirement of the state-owned enterprise system, the more we deepen the enterprise reform, the more we should always put the working class wholeheartedly rely on the principle of respect for the dominant position of the masses of workers, according to the law protecting trade unions and political rights, economic rights, cultural rights, labor rights, and strive to create businesses and workers benefit-sharing mechanisms, the establishment of harmonious labor relations. To uphold and improve the employee congress as the basic form of democratic management system, establish and improve employee director of Supervisors, the implementation of public service enterprises, organize the employees participate in the democratic management, and establish and improve the interests of the coordination mechanism, expression mechanism, conflict mediation mechanism , rights protection mechanism, the normal growth of wages and payment security mechanism to ensure enterprise reform and development results to benefit all workers. We should actively explore close to the workers, service workers new ways to new ways, based on long-term development, combined with the actual individual workers, to help employees make career planning, intelligence and wisdom to create the conditions for the workers to play to achieve the common development of workers and enterprises. To care for their sufferings, listen to voices of workers, do more warm their hearts, and stabilize the people's good solid work to improve the production environment to meet the workers, strengthen labor protection and improve the living conditions and other aspects of reasonable requirements, the process of solving practical problems to solve ideological problems .

9. Emphasis on human care and psychological counseling to guide the cadres and workers handling relationships with the right to express interest demands. Attached great importance to pay close attention to cadres and workers of various psychological feelings and emotional reactions, according to the characteristics of different groups, mental health education, psychological counseling and improve network and provide timely and effective counseling services to guide cadres and workers of the right to treat themselves, others and society correct attitude toward the difficulties, setbacks and honor and nurture forge ahead, calm and rational, open and tolerant society of mind. To strengthen the psychological crisis intervention, and properly deal with serious mental crisis events. Large state-owned enterprises to create a psychological consultancy. Migrant workers is the state-owned enterprises an important part of the workforce, more attention should be given their love and protect their legitimate rights and interests, enrich their cultural life, improve their ability to protect themselves, and constantly enhance their sense of belonging and the enterprise identity. To do a good job of dispatching officers, employees and the difficulties of overseas workers and other groups, humane care and psychological counseling work.

Third, establish and improve ideological and political work of state responsibility for system and security mechanism

10. Improve the state-owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics, the system requirements of the modern ideological and political work pattern. State-owned enterprises to fully play the central role of the political party organizations, scientific ideological and political work allocation of resources to party committees (party) members of the team members of the board members and managers "two-way access, cross-office", "and part, A Pair of responsibility" the representation, establish and improve targeted, clear responsibility and authority, coordinated operation, the channel leading ideological and political work flow system and working mechanism. Put ideological and political work with the production and management, logistics, human resource development, entrepreneurship training, corporate culture, management, field service combined with the company, branch office, workshop and team work through various levels up to form the unified leadership of party committees, party and government share the responsibility for the party and government work group and make concerted efforts to part-time political work cadres as the backbone to the masses of workers characterized by broad participation in the great political work pattern.

11. Further strengthen the enterprise party committee (party) in the ideological and political work in the leadership responsibilities. Party state-owned enterprises (groups) on the overall responsibility for ideological and political work, party (party) secretary of the ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises primarily responsible. Leading groups and leading cadres talk about the Party spirit, conduct, for example, the exemplary practice the socialist core value system, honesty and self-consciously abide by the provisions of the concrete actions to win the trust of the masses of workers. Learning to actively organize and A Good Party building activities to enhance the scientific level of building party organizations in enterprises, to carry out ideological and political work to promote the party's political strength and organizational advantage into the core competitiveness and enhance their important practice . Accordance with the streamlined, efficient, coordinated and pragmatic principles, set the ideological and political work science agencies, large enterprises should set up a specialized agency of ideological and political work, the establishment of the actual situation of SMEs capable of sound party-integrated departments, to fulfill the ideological and political work responsibilities. To work closely with the center of enterprise reform and development tasks and milestones, the ideological and political work to develop the implementation of the overall plan, annual plans, take effective measures to ensure the ideological and political work of the mission requirements are implemented.

12. Grass-roots party organizations to fully mobilize the enterprise ideological and political work of the initiative and creativity. To effectively branch offices, workshops, team and other enterprises grassroots organizations to educate the masses, the important role of serving the masses, strict implementation of branch membership meeting, branch committees, party groups and the Party Lecture "Three will be a lesson" system, to promote " members area of ​​responsibility, "" Party Pioneer Kong "and other practices, and mobilize the masses of the party members to do the work, all workers unite and lead the business officer. Study of political theory to seriously organize educational activities and themes, the party's theoretical guidelines and policies communicated to each staff member, to the grassroots line. To organize regular seminars forum and do the daily one on one talk face to face communication and to understand the staff, learning and work, listen to staff comments and recommendations, identify the ideological and political work with the staff and think they hope that the worry meeting point, the real workers do their work hearts.

13. Implementation of corporate executive leadership, "A Pair of responsibility" of the ideological and political work responsibility system. State-owned enterprises to strengthen the executive leadership awareness of ideological and political work, a good job in the business work, consciously ideological and political work, so that the two combine and promote each other. Ideological and political work should include objective assessment system for enterprise management, the professionalism and ethical standards into the job responsibilities and work to resolve the ideological workers, work, life and other issues and do a good job on the production and management as important as task. Ideological and political work to actively participate in decision-making preparation, work planning, take the lead and promote the implementation of the relevant rules and regulations, to support political work department, supervise the administrative operations of departments and the workshop team to carry out ideological and political work, in terms of personnel, materials, funds, etc. to protect.

14. Play an active trade union and other mass organizations to carry out ideological and political work in the important role. Trade unions of state enterprises is the party with the bridge and link the masses of workers, represents the interests of workers to perform their functions according to law, in accordance with the promotion of enterprise development, the principle of safeguarding the interests of workers to organize workers to participate in democratic management and democratic supervision, and management of the enterprise to establish consultation system, in a timely manner to the interests of employees involved in making major decisions, it is important to develop rules for comments, suggestions and smooth channels for expressing their interests aspirations, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests; encourage and support workers to learn scientific and technical knowledge and job knowledge, and actively organize job skills to carry out competitions and sports activities to carry out healthy, keep improving the ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural qualities and health qualities; good model workers and advanced producers named in recognition of the work, pay attention to their exemplary role. Communist Youth League organizations, according to the characteristics of young workers to do the work, carry out the "Motherland and I forge ahead," the theme of education and other activities, members of youth organizations to learn the theory of the party line and policies, learning science and culture, unite and lead the young members force production and management practices play a role. Committee to organize women workers Heroine Jiangong activities, educate and guide the majority of female workers increased self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance spirit, improve quality, to make due contributions to the development of enterprise reform.

15. Strengthen political work team building. Including the party, trade unions, Communist Youth League and other professional staff, including the political cadres of state-owned enterprises, is the masses of workers to work directly for the first team, improve ideological and political work is the backbone. Need to decide according to their actual number of full-time political workers, in principle, should not be less than 1% of the total number of formal workers. To firmly establish the political cadres is the concept of corporate personnel, in accordance with the stable team, optimizing structure, improving the quality of the requirements, the implementation of ideological and political work force personnel training project, to take measures to attract and select good political quality, high level of knowledge, knowledge management will manage middle-aged cadres and outstanding college graduates on the job to the Lands. To be developed and implemented training programs for corporate political workers, and strive every 5 years of grassroots political cadres rotation again. To create political cadres exchange rotation system so that the rational flow of political cadres, tempered in different positions and increase their abilities to become compound talents. Concerned about the political workers to work and life, reasonably determine political workers wages, bonuses, ensuring political cadres in the study and training, job classification, job promotion and other aspects of production and management of cadres at the same level enjoy the same policy. Full-time political work cadres to adhere to the grassroots and the masses, improve service skills, and strive to become experts in ideological and political work. Part-time ideological and political work and political work cadres must work together with the business, operations at the same time do a good job, to devote sufficient time and energy to do ideological and political work.

16. Ideological and political work to increase funding for efforts in building security and positions. State-owned enterprises should be included in the daily enterprise of ideological and political work of the annual funding for the overall budget funding, the specific amount determined in accordance with business. To strengthen the business press, radio, television, web sites and library, activity rooms, palaces, clubs, cinemas, cultural, ideological and cultural fronts propaganda Square building, to enrich the cultural life of the cadres and workers to build more carriers. To increase business investment in the construction of the internal network, networking, mobile real-time communication platform for the creation of news, interviews, forums, blog, microblogging, Learning Center and other columns, build efficient, interactive and personalized network of ideological and political work. To strengthen the ideological and cultural positions of various categories of information management, so grasp the orientation, to improve conditions, optimization services, efficient use.

Fourth, strengthen ideological and political work on state-owned organization and leadership

17. Party committees and governments to strengthen ideological and political work on state-owned enterprises in the leadership. Party committees and governments at all levels should strengthen and improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises included in the agenda, conduct special studies regularly proposed guidance. Party and government leading cadres should often go to business workshops, in-depth investigation and study the masses of workers, continuing to explore state-owned enterprises under the new situation of ideological and political work in the new ideas. Party propaganda departments should strengthen ideological and political work on state-owned enterprises guidance, the Central Propaganda Department must coordinate with the Central Organization Department, the Central Commission Office, Human Resources and Social Security, the State Council, the SASAC, the National Federation of Trade Unions and other departments and units to further improve the national Political Talents professional evaluation and post evaluation in the work of political work to promote the implementation of the relevant treatment; in conjunction with the Central Organization Department, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Council, the SASAC, the National Federation of Trade Unions and other departments and units to carry out evaluation in accordance with relevant provisions of the recognition, awards made in the ideological and political work outstanding achievements made outstanding contributions to the outstanding enterprises and individuals.

18. Strengthening the state-owned assets regulator ideological and political work on state-owned organization and coordination. Different types of state-owned enterprises according to the actual situation and characteristics of guidance to encourage and support enterprises to carry out ideological and political work creatively, and urge enterprises to implement the responsibility system of ideological and political work, and improve the leadership system and working mechanism related. Ideological and political work should include enterprise performance evaluation system and enterprise management of the annual assessment of party and government leadership targets, evaluation and use of cadres as an important basis. Must coordinate with the Central Propaganda Department and other departments in the State-depth investigations and studies, based on the development of state-owned enterprise issued by ideological and political work evaluation system for the assessment work effectively to provide a scientific basis.

19. Will strengthen the ideological and political work of ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises Research. Various regions, industries, enterprises of ideological and political work will be a variety of ways, in-depth public opinion survey conducted business, track workers ideological trends, hot and difficult to detect problems, explore new ideological and political work of state-owned enterprise characteristics and patterns of raised measures to strengthen and improve the work proposed to provide services for the leading scientific decision making. China's political and ideological work will be valuable to summarize the academic achievements and to promote grass-roots level to create new experiences, and promote the level of ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises continues to increase.

20. Create a whole party and society care for and support the work of state-owned enterprises a strong ideological and political atmosphere. Ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises is a social system which needs the party and government departments, the enthusiastic support of all sectors of society and active participation. Discipline inspection at all levels, organizations, education, technology, industry and information technology, public security, justice, human resources and social security, health, letters and other departments and trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations and other mass organizations should combine their functions, to play their respective advantages, and promote improve ideological and political work of state-owned enterprises. Various types of culture and art, radio and television, journalism, publishing, online media and other units, the central authorities should vigorously promote the development of state-owned enterprise reform policies and decisions and arrangements to promote economic and social development of state-owned enterprises make an important contribution to promote the state-owned enterprises, especially line production and management of advanced models have emerged for the state-owned enterprises to develop public support for the ideological and political work, and create a good atmosphere.

All regions and departments must be practical, in accordance with the spirit of this advice to develop specific measures for implementation. Other ownership enterprises can refer to the ideological and political work of the implementation of this opinion.

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The Communist have dishonored their contracts with the WTO, UN and free world by not disbanding their economicwarfare weapons of Communsit SOE's and cartels, like COFCO, and other entities that do not deal in socialist welfare necessities. As such they hold onto their communist massive economic warfare weapons and should be thought of as hostile to the world market place, and dishonoring their contracts with the free world via trade. More or less they have lied tp place themselves in a strategic place to attack economically and militarily via high technological weapons like tech tonic and eletromagnetic weapons. The Communist party of China should be considered hostile and in acts of economic warfare. All other Cold war countries involved in heavy economic and high technological military weapons have disbanded major SOE's to allow for fair competition via free enterprises. There is no reason why Communist SOE's should still be around. China has enough competitive free enterprises to do just fine above everything else. They only keep the Communist SOE's to stay hostile to the world via cold war tacticis.

In my professional opinon as a tracker of Communist Economic Warfare, or Cold War, I declare Communist China hostile to the world in its use of massive unfair SOE cartels. They are not helping as much as they are causing problems constantly with their technological warfare and economic warfare as a wish to dominate not as  partner in economic competition but as a one single party rule over the world.
I see fit to properly reattach necessary requirements to all Communist Chinese made products. However, their citizens free enterprise business I see fit to allow to stay and be competitive as untouched. To punish the Chinese would not benefit peace and fair competition for the world. However, to treat the Communist Party of China as what they are would.

Rider I
In my unprofessional cloaked opinion, and my wish to express my speech and thoughts and use my first amendment rights, I say:  
And here is what I have to say to Huwei and COFCO both of which have attacked my family economically, 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saving the world from the Insurance service bell curve trough cycle.

     So I came up with this idea of how to save the US from going into a major trough cycle after the US's biggest monopolized service bell curve industrial peak. This idea is very new and something I have not seen in my studies. As you have heard about my service bell curve theory of the boom bust that causes us to go further into deficit. I have come up with a picture, which is a start. There is two lines, one line representing the insurance service bell curve, that bell curve is going to peak then trough, it is a given, like breathing. However, instead of having very deep breaths that casues us to pass out during the exhaultation, we should have normalized breathing patterns. As such, some time during the major service bell curve, we are going to need to create other lines in which to keep the US business cycle growing and out of the trough. In which would I wish I could draw it for you. It would like hills with no valleys, in which constantly grow, instead of trough out and cause us to pass out. So hopefully they will work on it.
    We need to stop another selling out like we saw in the green tech industry. Which was the newest highest energy technological feasable industry. In which we saw more than eighty percent of our tax dollars give to other countries. Which means our cushionary indutsry that was supposed to get us through the service bell curve will not be there as the Communist have taken the lead thanks to very bad ideas of giving our tax dollars away in our newest, for our, high technology energy. The problem with this is that, it was not better to give the world our industry, as it will not be the world that drags us into another trough cycle, it will be the US's ability to keep growing and consuming at a growth rate that will. Again showing where Communist unfair cartels have gained our tax dollars as our very bad energy economic analysis thought it would be cheaper to give them our money to create jobs there than hold them hear at home and create the worlds best and biggest green technolgoical centers hear. Now thanks to that, we have Communist MSS and SASAC Torch programs being built in the US as we could not maintain our own growth patter in high technology without their help, as they constantly beat us down and cause use to go more into deficit while we borrow more money from them and have to close down more military and intellegence bases, while not being able to keep up in the high technological defensive industries.
    This means the will not be able to sustain a growth period during those times. This is becuase if we do not stop that service bell curve from troughing out is is prediced via, our dot com trough taking our domestic military bases, and the mortage service bell curve trough taking out domestic intellegence bases, that, the insurance service bell curve will take our our international bases. Thus, leaving the world vulnerable to our economic disparity and the Communists and neo mercanalist to expand and to oppress other countries like we saw in Tiebet. Much like the Communist have their eyes on Japan, South Korea, and Thailand along with Vietnam.

   We need those other lines to create a growth cycle and not a trough cycle.

Just saying, two lines is natural, one is not. We have day and night, two mates make a family, two eyes, two legs; mainly things are natural in pairs. As such, the service bell curve of the insurance needs a buddy, to stop the trough cycle and the exhaustation from the exhaltations. Good luck, I wish I could get paid to explain this better. I am going to write it on the down so when I get to my MA in economics I can use it for my noble peace prize paper explaining how to balance economic legislation with service and industrial production in a mate scheme instead of this one sided legislation we have been seeing. I am your Druid King, crazy but peace loving and sometimes I come up with really good ideas. Good luck.

Dome disclaimers
I am not for the force of a monopolized industry. As it leads to way to many precedents like forcing everyone to be in the military as it is a much more necessary industry than a luxury health insurance. However, for those who take offense and can't get deep in depth. I am for the non discrimination and did send in my ideas that would have funded and had the same end game for getting those who need health insurance instead of forcing everyone to have health insurance. here is my main analogy for my beliefs. Health insurance is like car insurance for me, the car is analogous to a health problem once you get a health problem you should be able to get health insurnace. However, if you do not have a car do you have to pay for insurance. This then would be simple solved by causing the trillion dollar industry of the insurance just simple not to discriminate against those who need health insurance. Simple enough, if you need to get an arm surgey, then you go and get health insurance that helps you pay off the bill in a small manner, in which you then have to have for the rest of you life, or if you get some kind fo other health problem the same thing. However, for those who are in poverty level market shares or dierer straights of medical problems should get it at safety net.

Also, the idea of the service bell curve reliance is not something I was for in the first place. I prefered a staple reliance on industries like the green tech industry. In which, we could create a positive capital inflow without loss of domestic housing speculation booms, or masssive interests from investments. However, I voted and  lost and we voted again and i lost. and the last process of the courts is going on right now to regulate the legislation and I am going to battle on the ground of this country not liking forced monopolies, to the slipper slope of complete communism from food, to housing to military. However, then again I do agree with some of the other terms as I am a big union man and I do love employees rights. If an employer highers you they should provide health care. Unless under a poverty level employment market share at a certain amount of employees.

Disclaimer, I love Democracy and peace, if it goes through I just want to stop the detrements which will be the trough cycle. I can do this by creating another cushionary cycle to cause the trough cycle to be stopped and press us back into a growth cycle. Would I call for another force or something like that,hells na. I can create legislation that could easily cause a boom in an industry without using inflationary tactics or even having to give that industry funds. It is called down home loveof ones country and fair competition with others in our market shares.
Ok I feel better, as I know folks are nuts out there and some folks can't see the depth so links are needed for them.

lets see I have a body. That body is used every day by me, I have had insurance on that buddy for two years out of my life. If I was to get hurt badly should the insurance companies or tax payers pay for my bodily injury. as currently they would have to. Soif we are all forced to buy insurance then there will be enough money to pay for everyone. However, this is an over exageration.Currently as it stans inusarnce companies could pay foreveryone with the clients they have. as such a tired program of those who pre pay get it cheaper and those who pay after necessity pat more would still work. This would be why I used the horrible analogy of a car.

So how would we get the non discrimination end game in the new part of the insurance? Simple those who had preconditions should not be discriminated against. However then these companies would have less money to research on as they would actually have to do what they claim do to and that is be there when folks have health problems. How does it work then. Medicare is overwhelmed by illegals and so is the emergency, causing us health costs to go way above manageable costs.

If an arm and a leg surgery costs, $50,000 then that person, should be able to get health insurance to help thempat for it. Would they raise their rates yes, then the state could create allowances for national insurances to have bigger blocks. What do you mean by bigger blocks, well insurance providers could by and sell insurance debts like mortgages, In which they could become more competitive to help drive down prices. This then will create alot more health insurance agencies, as currently you have major players and very little mom and pop providers. How would they mkae money, well, on basic block insurance from the gov. The mom and pops or others could provide insurance and low payments at time of need for health insurance via contracts. Then theses same new smaller more competitive agencies would be able to thrive on emergency room contracts, in which guardians or even after compliant and before leaving the emergency room would have to have insurance and a payment plan, in which could garnish wages if not paid.

There you go, no force end game non discrimination, all happy, state shifts burden, and relieves debt, without force.

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Business Idea

Which means the treasury report rebutting the idea that Communist China did not manipulate their currency is still a far way off. Along with JFCOM saviors brief, as the next trough, the Bric set is going to move and we are going to receed like we did with our militray bases after the .com service bell curvec and now our intellegence bases like we are doing during this mortage service bell curve. And since dear old three gov worker syndicate of not understanding the serivce bell curve, gave away all of our green tech stimulus for the worlds newest high tech energy sector. We are in trouble. I could have told you a long time agao that these countries where going to want Democracy, it was only a matter of time that other countries saw Saddam Dictatorships fall and the new bright shining star of Iraq with world trade and massive new embassies from all around the world working there to help the Iraq's gain a vote and fair competition against all competitors. That is why the green tech was so important, right now we should be about a billion dollars ahead in the green tech sector ready to balance out the impacts of the Iraq war Democracy win. Instead we are doomed, which means we will feel the affects of the next service bell curve.

As such, I figure I might as well fight against it like I always do as I love Democracy and Republicanist ideas of pure voting systems. So, I have found professional looking business cites where I can start my research cite that I have always wanted to to while still posting economic warfare traces in a professional manner that will hopefully win me some awards or at least some good interns in research firms, as the firm I am currently in which is the firm of me myself and I, is no good at paying I just get cheap wine, bad times, and really upset I have to sell my jeep and can't afford the cool books I want to read. Poor me, who cares, so the cite I think I am going to work with is this one.
I like the idea that I can set up a business on it. I want to create a business of what I do. Which is I think I am good at finding key issues in reports then searching for other reports that are key to the issue presented by the person wanting the research. I figure, I can do it for $10 a page. Which means I could easily earn $40 an hour if I can write four pages well. I could even charge more for different styles, for example if they want in on lined papers with head notes I could charge $10.05, if they just want ideas and notes I could charge less and give them an outline, like at $6.50 a page. I do not know, it sounds better than being broke and having no job. As the economy goes up I probable will specialize in start up medical industrial areas. Maybe I could even get a contract with some big named stock agencies to do reports on possible start ups doing well in the upcoming death bell of US recession out of the international world.

Save JFCOM, Mr. Professional and save the cognition of Communist Chinese are still manipulating their currency. I mean they admit they are, they have whole SOE';s and Soverign wealth funds and government agencies that specificially manipulate the currency to better the cartel activity in my current unprofessional vulgar opinion. Don't believe me this is a story telling cite, I am King of One for all those crazies that means I am a Druid which means and I am my one King, like all other Americans.

So one last time before I move on to the pro style, f you.

I have to get myself a gig.

I have to find a symbol and a name. I think the Royal I Research and analsis not commreically marketable at all. So I have to come up with a symbol that when folks think research they think me, when they think anlysis they think me. I mean, postits, Coke, and many other companies spent lots of time coming up with a name that was so marketable that it just became generic and the brand became a keystone in commerce. So to take my mind off the negativity I feel, I will think of a good name, and symbol for a couple of days before I start to erase the vulgarness and fictional stories, intertwined with relevant no professional ideas.

Ok here is my moto, straight forward down to earth truth.
Here it is, When you Think Research and Analysis I want you to think of me. Plainest brain washing in the world. My card will also have to circle around the cognition of the worlds research and analysis so I will do an etymology of the sounds and the prouncination and the linking of the worlds to see what I can get to make my card the, card. I figure I will have to evidence of my report skills, so I will place some economic warfare traces that I did that cognitioned the Mc's to do a proper computer trace of the Communists, along with the SOE trace of Ansteel and possible the relization of an OPEC member mainly Venezuela stabbing OPEC and the world in the back and doing special business with them at $5 a barrel. That one is stretching it though the first two are solid. Then as I go through grad school I want to perfect my service bell curve theory and show how the US could have saved itself from the trough if it could have capatalized on the new highest technological energy industry green tech. Then show how certain characters might have completely caused us to go into a adjustment cycle without anything to help us along in which will cause a depression. That should be good, I will refine my issue papersa and pick up some of my tools off my book shelf to refresh my professional side, as I am very deep in the side right now.

Rider I

I think the best thing I have done for myself was invest in my 6 degrees. I have spread my knowledge out as much as possible with a way overload of credits in education. Thus, also with my plan to obtain three more, I figure with this wide array of knowledge I should be able to break blocs where others who are just adapted for one study are stuck. This is what I thrive on the management type of the business, in which others have problems and I can come in look at it and get it done. Would be nice then again

Ah sh sh it one for the road f you.

So when I was merandering around the trees, and looking at the stars I found a new way to present to the people who will pay millions in the future to hear one of my speeches. Of course you have the ile and chair laser projections for near cited and those who liked to be fully enveloped in the seminer. Then on another note I could do a nature one, where the birds fly in and the project after flying around in pattern making chirping noise then land in front of the stage and then project my slides while I present behind them and smile, thinking dam I am good. It would be even funnier if one of them pooed on me, and one brought me a laser pointer.

My competition business, seems to be a very small niche I have found once again, as you have major companies which costs thousands of dollars, but it is the poor market shares I will advertise to and hopefully gain market shares. The profits of the company are about, $110,000 a year. So that should be good that is what I expected. the main thing will be gaining contracts and proper aliances. I figure I will have to do research reports on the necessary market niche I wish to work for. I have some great ideas, like actually walking around and handing out cards of my business to folks who have trouble using the internet for business and actually help them and offer them one on one lessons via tutoring to do their own research or have me do it for them. I mean I have worked at so many small businesss where the people who own them can barely even research online and pay so much money to these people for easy two minute searches that I could do for $20 or so. I mean this is a niche, I am posting this as I love competition and I understand in a matter of such that all folks need to make business and there are hundreds of millions of folks out there so lets compete if you have the ability and you think you can out due my massive ability to analize and report. By the way, game is on are you playing.

The idea here is that anyone can do this if you have the ability to prepare very intense and specific reports, I currently can trace like no other but my report writing skill is bad. However, at a point when the economy is going up and the new service bell curve will bloom me through my graduate school I need to start a business I love. I love to search and trace, and write, I love to help folks be competitive in business and most of all I love to make money. I am currently doing all except the last one. So I need to capatalize, the only thing is I am very nice and have never been good at making money off of people, I am better at fighting and controlling money than I am at charging people. Then again, I am the bravindido of navido, I can do it. I will hire my friend who is a latin speaking person to help me as I live in a predominate spanish speaking area. I will pay him one dollar less than what I recieve so I will make one dollar off of him for each page, unless he just cuts my throat and goes and does it himself, however, we are good friends and he is more of nice guy than I am, so I doubt it, we will have to work up the courage to ask for money together.

I got it they can pay him a smaller payment pay me in food and I will get the big contracts for the poor middle class and I can allow him to work on the spanish levels. Then we can collaberate ideas when necessary. I will create a set of business and ideas of how we can write reports for them. I figure that if a report is about 10 pages or so that it costs them about $100 it should not be that bad if we can promise them very good information. As most business do not even know where to get help free advertising or how to do it. I have seen so many small business go under because they did not have the proper report writers working for them. I mean, if they are a smaller shop we can do the pages for $5, if they are bigger $10. I will speak with my spanish speaking buddy and see if he is game to start. I will have to legalize my slogan, tradmark and copyright my ideas. Then I will speak with him, as he loves my marketing ideas especially when we helped that                 to almost compeltely dominate against a major player when we where in school.

Ok so two people will not hack it we might get end trails, especially over snacks for the shop as I have found a place for less than $80 a month with eletricity and enternet plus water paid for a small office with one office and a front space. That would mean my friend who speaks vietnamese would be good as I live near a place there, however, they are very frugal people, that is alright he can get money from people, then I have a friend who speaks Hindu, which would be good for artesia business, so that is now up to me my spanish speaking friend, my vietnamse speaking friend and my hindi speaking friend, need one more, I could get my buddy who is good with fashion and style to help out yet, I no he is to much for poor market shares, I know this really cute women who needs a job and writes great reports, for the beach scene. So that is five people in a two office space. I figure I could have coaches, couple of wall desks, a refrigator, a phone system, video games on the wall mounted tv, and of course, a bar in my and my spanish friends office, cause we wil be the big bread winners. I think it will work, then we can go international as they all speak international languages and we can start to help foreign poor peoples companies to compete against big, still vulgar website f you.
I bet you we could hundreds of millions in places like India, or even Vietnam teaching folks how to stream line research on the enternet, or due reports for them. The thing is we would have to set up a loyal work team so the atmospher would have to be Big niche style, so they want to stay on, which means, if I go international I will just get houses to work out of with swimming pools, and throug parties for nerds from the colleges, as my team wil be the prime rider teams for poor business to expand. Along with that with my connection in the many facets of street to marble, I could do well through grad school. Just hope I am not caught napping and one of my fellow folks does not take it from me, my vietnamese friend who is very competitive might run with it, so I have to lock it down some how. I can't wait to drink jagger bombs and write reports to help small business expand. I mean if I get enough client tell in certain areas I could network whole places against major entities like Corporations or even SOE's. I could also do entrapment marketing where I market such things as the economy is doing great there are tons of marketing shares via news article reports and papers dropped in front of possible prey and then have one of the properly researched and etiquetted team members drop by to see if they need any reports.

Remember when you think of research and analysis I want you to think of us. Can't see me if I have a team, better for voting anyways, I would hate to get in a fight over dorrito style and lose my whole idea.

Freedom Marketing Reports at Poverty levels, would be a good search term it seems. As the best words for my online business would be to actually to use the words free as those wishing for free reports are the market share I am looking to get to buy my reports. Free would mean I might have to drop my prices down to prewritten reports that I can sell over and over again for less than ten dollars, and then specific reports for a page number which would be based on the specific area as each area would have a normal page research collection and production number for the clients accounting futures.

That is a major thing I saw in small business was their inability to be able to actually predict their next weeks pay scales and create a constant flow of funds. This is a major part of savings for people. Like a restaurant I worked with for a very short period. The owner when things where good would go out and splurge on vacations and toys. Then when things where bad his employees had to deal with it then it affected his product. As such, I kept trying to tell him when things are good you need to save pay roll so that everyone will stay happy, along with that you need to invest in a bigger market net so that more people will cycle through your business. He did not listen to me, it is like I have 6 degrees and because I am hired to wash dishes or some like that because everyone else has PHD's and Masters who are the waiters and accountants my opinion on business does not matter. What ever, if folks pay me they will listen.

Actually no that is wrong I read the data wrong. It shows that the best play around with words would just simply be Market Research, as my competitors seem not to use that for their wording. So maybe I could do just simple name like "Freedom in Market Research for Poor folks", Even the rich folks like that. I like that, then I could place my logo which could be somebody on a beach on a beach chair, with a cell phone in hand.

My key goal here is to obtain the poverty business level market shares. Those moms and pops that are barely paying their mortage and given their kids money to go to the movies. These are the people that are plentifully in my country and most countries. I figured this out when I was searching why Kawaski and the other Asian motorcycle companies did so well and Harley was barely moving forward. What I cam up with is well, there is more poor folks than rich folks. So it would make sense to try and get into that market share, I figure, if I can sell prewritten reports of and data mines for $5-10 of along with a collection of titles of websites and other materials specifically to business to help them out then I will be doing good. Along with that if they want specific research reports they could then contact my company and ask for a page by page with them in mind. This is how I think I will do my break out. Just create plain out data collection reports on areas that all small poor business should look at to help their business, then walk around and try and sell them for $5-10. I used to do this when I was a door to door sales person. However, I had to try and sell some really crudy stuff, and it was not my product. The whole time I was like I do not even believe in this product so how can I sell it, I was like I could create my own product some day and walk around and sell it. I figure, if I can use my motorcycle which gets horrible gas mileage at 60 mpg a day I could about 30 miles each day and use a mutiplier affect for over head and bring a PBJ with me and a water bottle along with my music player. Then I could just hit up every strip mall and small business area around. I figure by the end of the weak I should at least covered around 150 miles. I believe I should create a mapping of all business centers then create an epic center, and the circle chart in which I can follow. Summer is comming up, so I could definetly write the reports based on how to get the biggest market share which is teens from 15 on up to collegte students as they have the most expendable income and need to feed their adventure sides. I could make a five dollar report, which is smaller then create a ten dollar report which is bigger.

I would need to make it look professional then ride my bike to an area, lock the helmet and wheels and then walk around, I mean I like going on walk abouts and as I am not going to be able to get into grad school for some time, I could use this time to be selling my own product while I am looking for a job.

Well, there are more streams and rivers than there are beaches in the US , and world. So maybe I should have a person with a cell phone near a river and some trees, with a bird flying in the air. That would probable be better, then again. Everybody no matter what culture you are loves to go to the river, in mass of course there are those that hate water and outdoors. Maybe I could make two symbols, front river, back beach, same type, the human would have to be a non male or female character with less emphases on the characctre and more on the stream of water and outdoors as again no mattre who you are unless the few of course, being outdoors in open spaces usually makes the human soul feel free, of course there are the exceptions. I am going for masses hear.

I think I would want to also wrap my reports in a sort of sealed bag to make them look nicer and so they do not spoil in my back pack when riding around in hot weather. That means overhead goes up, I have gas, rent, motor, insurance, food and chasing possible wife, along with ammo, MMA, and Gym fees, and wine, maybe a cigar once every six months, oh ya off road vehicle, lincoln low rider, jeep 4by4, new camaroe, college funds for children, constant schooling and 3 grad degrees left, so all in all, I will probable just overhead the first three, rest are just dreams.

It is not easy being the only person speaking out with such disgust.

I started out very professional and low key. Then after I was laid off and could not find a job, I came closer to this cyclical game I have been tracing. As such, even if the players do not see it which I doubt becuase they pay belly full stuffed folks to sit around and trace things all day. As such, I started writing and reading more the cursing just came out naturally so I let it flow. The ideas of tribes, clans, parties or what every you want to call them having more power over the other tries or parties seems to be such a disgusting thing that I could not help it but curse. No one has every said anything regarding the matter, as they are either to week or to scared to engage in intellectual combat with me. The idea that some punks out there in their own cultures and ideas could suppress others from being able to have peacefully battles via voting upsets me to the point of such disgust that I just f ing cause. Then I traced very big entities in which I found where key players. I started playing the game much like a cloak and dagger affect. To my detrement know I have been hit for over $20,000 worth of economic damage. Yet it does not stop me it just evovles my intellectual battle more. The first time I was hit I became scared, and thought I had done something wrong. Then I realized no, they are trying to bully me into stopping talking tash on the real tribal or parties or religions or what every the f you want to call them. I will not be bullied, as a matter of fact after this last one, which has upset me very deeply. I am just taking the cloak off and putting the gloves on which all in all will make me more powerfull much like I was when I first started this tracing blog. I have lost ability to engage via persuasion but gained movement through anger and inner soul. I know will move where I need to move before I get into graduate school which is a professional power hitting entity. In which I stand strong on professional and properly backed research and presentation.

I am not an oppressor but in my legal name I wish to professional theoritical hammer the it out of them with my briefs, presentations and properly cited work.

It has been a long expression of anger for what I have found via words and my first amendment. I have kept the proper entities in touch, sometimes to the point of being a very big pain in the arse. However, as always before I started I had read cases where folks let it all hang out for something they believed in a peacefully yet vulgar manner. The Supreme court stated it is a civil rights battle, legally and softly, no biggy, wish they did not but they can. As such I have felt great, each knight before bed carrying on in my vulgar ways reading and writing.

This has to change, there are folks out that that wish for me to partake in their end trails and devour them. However, I would rather be a good christian budhist more christian, than a darn good Druid. As such, two days i will collect the data from this cite. and I will create another one.

I will then erasee all vulgarity and leave it standing as a statute to this part of my life in which I said f off to all tribes, parties religions or what ever they want to call themselves that wish to oppress people or even not allow a proper peaceuflly battle of voting. So again one more time before I take it down, f you all.
Rider I

I am tired of playing this big brother allowing neighborhood hollagan bullying us.

Mexico threatens all the time. They threatened us when we tightened boarder security, they threatened us when we stopped their low paying unequal uncompetitive trucking agents from being far from their home and forcing our trucking agents to be far from their homes with no loads and having to dead head home back broke and sad and depressed.

These mo fo's. Threatens all the time. I think it is time to turn the tables.

Tell them this, if they do not lock down their boarders so the US's citizens and agents are not getting shot, or having their families threatened. Then all of Mexico's jobs will move to Brazil, via massive tarrifs. So F' your truck tarriffs. I do not like bullying mo fo. President Obama may have buckled but dam in hell if the Druid king will. So f you and your illegal immigrant colonization and your truck driving black market dumping of citizens all over our country and illegal things to destroy our economy.

You secure that or trust me you your little mo fo saber is going to be nothing to the angels wings.

Rider I

Thanks for buckling after this long hard fight to save our Unions. We have less then 7% of the populace holding the middle class together, and you just f ed us some more. Thanks Chief, you know they all voted for you and trusted in you that you would stand up to the Mexican bullies. F it I will do it.

those mo fo's hurt our people constantly even though they literally have taken the shirts off our backs and they constantly wish for more, you buckled

Hurt my business, and threaten my women and children and constantly allowing in your guerillas to colonize this country via old empire destruction strategies. F that, I am on, I am tired of these mo fo's threaten the US. We are a time of high national security and did Mexico even rais their boarder guards or even stop their illegal immigrants from committing felons and causing massive economic disparage among US youth which have the highest unemployment rate in the civil world via over 50% of our youth 24 and younger are unemployed thanks to illegal immigration taking all those jobs.

I wonder what it would feel like to Mexico's President if his people where constantly being tortured by our people and constantly being pileaged and stolen and brought back to the US. Or even if the US constantly had illegal guerillas going into Mexico. Of course though we would not be there to colonize as we do not do that, we would just be their to kick your guerillas mo fo arses. I think we should repay the detrement done to the US by Mexico and their bullying strategy. Mo fo's.