To drinking, smoking, coasting when sober in machines planes or cars, to being different with different ideas and cultures and mixing it all up, to freedom of mutiplicty.
All my teams out there be safe baroom heroes not sinister 0's team. Cowboy not beating up thugs you have traced. Hippy make sure your pot intellectual party does not get the cops called on you. You tell those communies that enslavement is not cool. Then walk out of the room and bring back that 8 footer baby and blow their mind with the templars find of diversity when they are sitting on cloud nine.
Happy new years, stay safe teams baroom heroes not 0's.
Rider i
And if either of my top number 1's can turn any of your prey for the middle or balance then you get a new scroll of you choice regarding how we repelled the long standing alien invasion and their use of human kings and tech weapons (magic) to enslave the earth for the communal good for their people.
Cowboy everyone deserves a second chance if they have not red lined, Hippy it is all about competition not enslavement to one or two all. It is the freedom for ones soul to fly like a bird and make their own choices and be an adult and deal with them. You two I am expecting you to make a good impression on your padowan's. For the rest of you well stay safe, always remember predators do trace predators.
That was a good New Years. I was able to be a barroom hero and stop a full out brawl from starting. I used the old monk low tones and humble stance along with the readiness of a lion to physically impare both subjects. They both left peacefully and the dancing resumed. I was proud of myself.
I heard Cowboy got a thug into college. Cowboy you show me proof of his enrollment and you get your choice of ancient scrolls on the digest of how the pagans rebelled against the alien slave drivers.
However, I heard hippy was able to get two communists figures to denounce communism as they do not like slavery either and he was able to show them the light. He did not tell me if they used medicinal purposes for it or not. However, once he shows me either proof of enrollment for either a different party that is not an anarchist political party then he will gain two scrolls. The rest of the teams reported in most of them just hung out with their kids and families, while the youngsters were out and about. All good.
I have the monks preparing preempted cognitive scrolls that each of you might be interested in. Again you can always show interest in a different cognitive skill level or ideological principle and they will dig that out too.
Good luck for the II's. This year is my toughest year I have gone through for a while. At least that is my cognitive prediction of the necessary steps I must take to obtain enlightenment.
Glad to see my number ones spread the love of freedom last night. Keep up the good work. We need to educate this leaders on the idea of giving the communist our stimulus money and allowing them to conquer our domestic civilians business with it. Especially since the MSS are all for it. As such unless China is given the US citizens the same then it is not right. China is richer than we are and stronger than we are. This idea that we can keep giving to the communist as they do not wish to politically change their economic centralized strategies and have returned to old cold war economic SOE tactics, needs to be enlightened. Good luck. Team B Buddha and punk, I have a specific request in the intelligence department who is allowing this cognitive process to be created. I need to know if he is an American or a foreign puppet. Good luck, forget the hawk message team c is enough for that.
I spent the night planning out three vacations for this year. That I will be able to do on a projected earning for me this year based on my working and going to school or just going to school. Thus such fantastic cheap things as, hot springs, 10 camp grounds, mountain snowboarding $150-200 each. Road trips to for hiking around $100. Then of course the all to fun brick breaking , about $500 for the ammo and then gas plus expenses at the range. And that is my fun for this year. I might take a visit to Ireland as their is some warlock business I have to attend to there, especially since Greece has almost completely been dominated by the communist party, via economic warfare and physcological warfare. That should cost me around $1,000. However, that is unlikely. I also plan to attend many economic seminars this year as going to a place of high education and being able to interact is like going to a beach and sitting on a chair for some people, as to me seminars.
This Lockique is for public debate, proper legislation, better economic civil liberties, ever changing economic theories and a well respected resolve to what international SOE’s inherently do. [def. of lockique (Use Tomb search before reading]. If China allows I would attend a SASAC meeting. If I had one sentence, it would be: neo-mercantlism crashes,then devours free enterprises and free trade. or comparative advantage needs work. Root Economics (R) Rootologist. The Cosmic Economist.
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- Why the World Economy Crashed
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- Perfect Environmental Production, my gold mine to ...
- How to place solar panels on wind farms arms and p...
- How to create a generator that collects energy fro...
- Change US policy towards Nuclear Waste.
This one is for Detroit and all those who lost their Childrens homes to Communist EW.

This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection. "The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded. Currently being edited. If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.
Friday, December 31, 2010
There is no such thing as a win win in business.
I see the idea of win win coming out of the communist party like my bluff smoke and taste of my whiskey, it is just a smile and a ruse.
Lets do a quick analysis at base root of this idea of win win coming out of the communist party.
We have business person x and we have business person y with no variables added.
X has something for sale, y has a need. They both want to benefit from each others busines. However, just because both benefit from each others benefit does not mean it was a win win.
So x wants to sell it at the products highest price. While y wants to buy it at its lowest price. Thus a haggle ensues. Were they each come to a pass were one of them is taking less of a benefit than they had wanted. Thus the business transaction occurs and they both walk away feeling like they tried to compete the best for their benefit. However, again does not mean it is a win win. As such if the seller only has to go down a little and does not reach the price that the buyer wanted to buy at then the seller wins. However, if the buyer gets the product at the price they had wanted to spend then they win. Most of the time in todays free worlds the seller is winning as there is little to no haggling in market places. It is a set price if you do not want to pay the premium price for that product you can't buy it.
However, lets look at Senator Reids who is under investigation for treason for working with a foreign intellegence agency transaction with a Chinese SOE backed entity.
Senator Reid got involed to help a foreign entity obtain US tax dollars to crush their competitors and to create a benefit for that foreign entity company. Lets look at the variables.
Some questions to find variables
1. Why was Senator Reid involved in getting a business that is located in Texa's a loan when it is our countries competitors?
2. Why has over 80% of our green tech stimulus gone to foreign producers.
3. Why did the Senator think by allowing a foreign company to take US tax payer dollars and give it to our competitor was a good idea?
4. Has China ever given a US company $450 million to crush their countries domestic competitors?
5. Has China ever given 80% of their stimulus money for foreign countries to produce things and take away jobs and all the variables that come along with production?
Variables Texas political economy has long been on the conservative side thanks to religous folks who made it big in the energy sectors of oil. Digital A team I would like a projection, hold on (ya I am proper with it) I want a projection of Senator Reids little back door meetings with possible MSS agents and this business. In which I would theorize that this little using of US tax payer money to create a massive competitive extreme left leaning company in Texas would start to errode the political economy by its funding of domestic left leaning areas. Have to keep the balance. I know hippy you don't want to do it. Just get it done I will have cowboy take away your weed and bong. Get it done. I have one for the right coming up on a week you will enjoy and I will have to threaten to take cowboys boots and hat away. Even if Senator Reid did not know he was working with an MSS agent. I want them to learn just like we had to teach them about the KGB. MSS has not had its day in lights yet. So Senato Reid has stepped into the Texas and spit on the ground, cowboy would have my head much like you would hippie when I tell you about the next project if we did not follow through. I am guessing Senator Reid has no clue what a variable is and just saw it to strenghten an allies on the left through an extreme countries business holdings. Cause if he did know about variables he would have only given US tax dollars to US business so we can compete internationally against the communist and their business. Cowboy, I want all pictures if you have them presented in normal fashion. I also want further recon and analysis done on the possible soft tail. Hippie please do the grapsh and maps, with all known associates of the extreme left and left that that Chinese business might invest in to errode the political economy. Along with that cowboy wake up the old farts who are allowing their earnings to be used on literally fossil industries instead of competeting for the next generation of energy. We must keep the balance team. You padowans are allways allowed to help unless otherwise told. I have a hawk going to team B and C via the roach connection, love those little bugs then can carry a whole lot of gigabites on their backs. We must teach them. They obviously are ignorant as bad as it has gotten. Hippy just to give you an idea of where the next project for us is going to go the right needs to be balanced too. I need those reports on the Senator if he is involved in destorying this country and his country rivals by using outside foreign intellegence agency. Then he needs to be brought to public justice. We know the society is infilitrated and we were created as the true spirit of templars to check the powers that be and balance those in need. Not to watch and allow things to happen. Senator Reid could be working with them knowningly to destory the political balance, as that is what the communist not the true templars needed for them to destroy countries and cultures via economic warfare. Once they have no opposition then the ease of the Amerio, and the then the one world currency will easily allow the complete destruction of diversity and culturals via a one world communist government. Remeber what the Grey's showed us when a planetary systems leaders are allowed to have a one world government. Please get it done hippy. By the way hipper's I had the monks dig up an old report on how the Pagan's defeated the Alien communist enslavers and their resource enslavement via guess what you named it weed. You gona love that, if you give me a non biased report. Member what JAC said before the communist got him. "What makes the world free? The diversity and fair competition, not enslavement." RIP old boy.
Variable It is in the communist benefit to produce and force others to service as they gain a huge amounts of variables.
Production variables
Lets do a quick analysis at base root of this idea of win win coming out of the communist party.
We have business person x and we have business person y with no variables added.
X has something for sale, y has a need. They both want to benefit from each others busines. However, just because both benefit from each others benefit does not mean it was a win win.
So x wants to sell it at the products highest price. While y wants to buy it at its lowest price. Thus a haggle ensues. Were they each come to a pass were one of them is taking less of a benefit than they had wanted. Thus the business transaction occurs and they both walk away feeling like they tried to compete the best for their benefit. However, again does not mean it is a win win. As such if the seller only has to go down a little and does not reach the price that the buyer wanted to buy at then the seller wins. However, if the buyer gets the product at the price they had wanted to spend then they win. Most of the time in todays free worlds the seller is winning as there is little to no haggling in market places. It is a set price if you do not want to pay the premium price for that product you can't buy it.
However, lets look at Senator Reids who is under investigation for treason for working with a foreign intellegence agency transaction with a Chinese SOE backed entity.
Senator Reid got involed to help a foreign entity obtain US tax dollars to crush their competitors and to create a benefit for that foreign entity company. Lets look at the variables.
Some questions to find variables
1. Why was Senator Reid involved in getting a business that is located in Texa's a loan when it is our countries competitors?
2. Why has over 80% of our green tech stimulus gone to foreign producers.
3. Why did the Senator think by allowing a foreign company to take US tax payer dollars and give it to our competitor was a good idea?
4. Has China ever given a US company $450 million to crush their countries domestic competitors?
5. Has China ever given 80% of their stimulus money for foreign countries to produce things and take away jobs and all the variables that come along with production?
Variables Texas political economy has long been on the conservative side thanks to religous folks who made it big in the energy sectors of oil. Digital A team I would like a projection, hold on (ya I am proper with it) I want a projection of Senator Reids little back door meetings with possible MSS agents and this business. In which I would theorize that this little using of US tax payer money to create a massive competitive extreme left leaning company in Texas would start to errode the political economy by its funding of domestic left leaning areas. Have to keep the balance. I know hippy you don't want to do it. Just get it done I will have cowboy take away your weed and bong. Get it done. I have one for the right coming up on a week you will enjoy and I will have to threaten to take cowboys boots and hat away. Even if Senator Reid did not know he was working with an MSS agent. I want them to learn just like we had to teach them about the KGB. MSS has not had its day in lights yet. So Senato Reid has stepped into the Texas and spit on the ground, cowboy would have my head much like you would hippie when I tell you about the next project if we did not follow through. I am guessing Senator Reid has no clue what a variable is and just saw it to strenghten an allies on the left through an extreme countries business holdings. Cause if he did know about variables he would have only given US tax dollars to US business so we can compete internationally against the communist and their business. Cowboy, I want all pictures if you have them presented in normal fashion. I also want further recon and analysis done on the possible soft tail. Hippie please do the grapsh and maps, with all known associates of the extreme left and left that that Chinese business might invest in to errode the political economy. Along with that cowboy wake up the old farts who are allowing their earnings to be used on literally fossil industries instead of competeting for the next generation of energy. We must keep the balance team. You padowans are allways allowed to help unless otherwise told. I have a hawk going to team B and C via the roach connection, love those little bugs then can carry a whole lot of gigabites on their backs. We must teach them. They obviously are ignorant as bad as it has gotten. Hippy just to give you an idea of where the next project for us is going to go the right needs to be balanced too. I need those reports on the Senator if he is involved in destorying this country and his country rivals by using outside foreign intellegence agency. Then he needs to be brought to public justice. We know the society is infilitrated and we were created as the true spirit of templars to check the powers that be and balance those in need. Not to watch and allow things to happen. Senator Reid could be working with them knowningly to destory the political balance, as that is what the communist not the true templars needed for them to destroy countries and cultures via economic warfare. Once they have no opposition then the ease of the Amerio, and the then the one world currency will easily allow the complete destruction of diversity and culturals via a one world communist government. Remeber what the Grey's showed us when a planetary systems leaders are allowed to have a one world government. Please get it done hippy. By the way hipper's I had the monks dig up an old report on how the Pagan's defeated the Alien communist enslavers and their resource enslavement via guess what you named it weed. You gona love that, if you give me a non biased report. Member what JAC said before the communist got him. "What makes the world free? The diversity and fair competition, not enslavement." RIP old boy.
Variable It is in the communist benefit to produce and force others to service as they gain a huge amounts of variables.
Production variables
Research Paper Outline-Hopefully first publish.
Book for outline quotations
Social Research Methods 4th Edition David Dooley
Dictionary Websters 11th Collegiate Dictionary
Noticular citations.
Primary study: Communist Economic Warfare
Secondary Study: Domination of the International Market Place
Are they using primary to accomplish secondary?
Put them to together and you have what I want to know.
Is the Communist Party of China Using Economic Warfare to Dominate the International Market?
Backdraft questions that the major question will hopefully answer without having to ask.
Does Chinese Communist Economic Warfare exist?
Is the heavy reliance on communist economics causing a service bell curve reliance?
Is the service bell curve constantly crashing?
Is the Service bell curve a stable industrial curve?
Is the idea of global communism causing economic imbalances?
Does the Chinese Communist Party use their state capitalism unfairly?
Does recapitalization of Chinese SOE's cause the rest of the world to bail out their business?
Is the international anti-trust regulations the proper way to balance any international imbalances?
Do the Communist gain ground when the free societies service bell curves send them through trough cycles?
Why do the Communist Need their massive conglomerated SOE's if they have very competitive free enterprises in those industries?
I like everybody that plays fair and likes economic and civil freedoms.
Now it is time to talk to the talk. I want a good audience so I have to pay in a loan take out around $15,000 on how to properly be educated to present to our Legislative branch; hopefully that is my MA.
Backdraft questions that the major question will hopefully answer without having to ask.
Does Chinese Communist Economic Warfare exist?
Is the heavy reliance on communist economics causing a service bell curve reliance?
Is the service bell curve constantly crashing?
Is the Service bell curve a stable industrial curve?
Is the idea of global communism causing economic imbalances?
Does the Chinese Communist Party use their state capitalism unfairly?
Does recapitalization of Chinese SOE's cause the rest of the world to bail out their business?
Is the international anti-trust regulations the proper way to balance any international imbalances?
Do the Communist gain ground when the free societies service bell curves send them through trough cycles?
Why do the Communist Need their massive conglomerated SOE's if they have very competitive free enterprises in those industries?
I like everybody that plays fair and likes economic and civil freedoms.
Now it is time to talk to the talk. I want a good audience so I have to pay in a loan take out around $15,000 on how to properly be educated to present to our Legislative branch; hopefully that is my MA.
Books on the side including what is Economic Warfare along with any other books that show that Communist China has the propensity to use economics to dominate (conquer) the international market place.
This should be easy I have a whole list. I will just have to get up the money. So far to start I need $3,000 to get into the program in which I hope teaches me how to properly write a Graduate Paper. Sallie Mae gave me a loan extension to file for deferment for unemployment. I hope they give me another loan for my prerequisite and grad classes. It has been another day and no unemployment check after the waiting period. My bills are about to hit, they are shutting off my phone very soon. Any Literature on anti-trust, cartel and other horizontal or vertical fair competition regulations. In which I will need to apply via strategies to the basic question of the possibility of the Communist implementing economic warfare to dominate the international market.
This will primarily concentrate on my graph schemes and theories of the service bell curve along with the other graphs that show and explain negative and positive capital inflows. Plus some other midnight rider thoughts I have to thumb through and find on data analysis.
I will look into my mythology research book and find a best fit for a static type data set anomaly already collected and just being applied. This is the part of the communist reason for such centralized economy. However, I will also need to do a proper statistical methodology.
"A model of academic achievement. Theories state suspected relations among concepts.
Constructs are reminders of the building blocks of theory consist of mental constructions of images that are in our mind's eye.
When measuring the construct in a way that gives varying values, we call the measure variable, a term we reserve to mean an indicator or a measure.
Theoretical variable refers to an abstract or unmeasurable concept or a construct such as academic achievement.
Those are abstract unmeasured aspects of people events or things.
Theories vary in their range, some including more constructs or causal links, and some fewer.
Exogenous construct causes come from outside the theory. Exogenous constructs have straight casual arrows leading away from but not to them. In their measured form, such variables go by the name independent variables because they are independent of (not caused by) the other variables in the model.
This linkage has many exceptions, and the degree of the concurrence remains to be estimated.
Endogenous construct causes appear in the model. The manifest or measured form of endogenous construct go by the name dependent variables because their values or levels depend on the causal variables.
Direct causal paths in a theory a simple, one-way causal connection between two constructs.
Reciprocal causation in a theory a two-way causal connection between tow constructs in which each causes the other.
Indirect Causation In a theory, a set of two or more causal connections by which one construct causes a second indirectly via one or more intervening constructs.
Intervening variable Measured variable in a hypothesis test, or a theoretical variable in a theory that is the effect of one variable and a casue of another.
Why have theories?
Action The word theory connotes ivory towers where theorists take flights of fancy that have little to do with real life or averae people. In fact, most theorists have real-world concens in mind when they develop their ideas and can justify their efforts by pointing to social choices that their work could affect. Indeed nothing, is so practical as a good theory.
Theories serve us in two major ways. First, theories meet our need to act even when we are uncertain. The necessity to act often forces us to guess about how the world works. Until we can replace our guesses with laws, we want to make our guesses the very best that they can be. We can think of theories as carefully reviewed and comprehensive guesses. Good theories have coherence, logic and internal consistency." research methodology book notes
Dictionary definition
"Coherence: integration of diverse elements, relationships or interest [to be consistent]
Logic: a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration: the science of formal principles of reasoning. (2) c interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable
Criteria: a standard on which a decision may be made or based 2 characterizing trait or mark.
Validity: 1 having a legal efficacy or force executed with the proper legal authority and formalities 2a well grounded or justifiable being at once relevant and meaning ful 3 appropriate to the end in view 4 confroming to accepted principles of sound classification
Inference: the act of pasin from one process of judgment considered as true to another whose truth is believed to follow from that of the former b the act of passing from statistcal sample data to generalizations with caluclated degree of certaintity.
Principles: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine of assumption b(1)rule of code' of conduct b an ingredient that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality
Internal consistency: is the extent to which tests or procedures assess the same characteristic, skill or quality. It is a measure of the precision between the observers or of the measuring instruments used in a study. This type of reliability often helps researchers interpret data and predict the value of scores and the limits of the relationship among variables."
Back to the olodogy
"More than that, good theories integrate existing thoughts and data, taking into account both agreements and disagreemnets among observers [this is important I want to make sure to create more than a presumptional rebuttal, I must also outline the communist views that it was the free marjets fault for the crash, which is a blow back answer to the primary question] Well-researched and well-argued theories can persuade policy makers better than can wild guesses. Plausible theories can contribute to very important social policy decisions."
Back to it:
"Theroeis prove useful in a second way by guiding research. Scholars know that theories are only tentative, temporary ways of seeing o fthe world, awaiting futher research. But the world poses a great many questions. How does one single out of any one question for the study? Theory serves to specify the most crucial questions. Better theories point to better questions, that is, those that merit out interests and that will yield to our methods. Worthy questions do not already have the answers. To pursue an already answered question wastes our time and makes no new contribution. However, we should distinguish redundenat studies on an already answered question from those on a qeustion that remains unsolved. [much like the question I propose to imperically answer]
Good questions should also be answereable. Some important questions, such as What casues poverty? or What causes war? will provce too large to answer in any single study with our present methods. [that is why I propose just the economics between the Communsit Chinese and their ability to use it to conquer others economics. It is simple idea of a specific countries economics through the scope of constructs of the free world economics v. Communist economics along with the variables of free enterprise and market forces v the marxist centralized economic planning and SOE's.] Researchers divide great social problems into smaller questions that remains unsolved. [my question however, is just a smaller version of why the world economics crashed. It takes a small comparatively study of the communist manifest of economic warfare. Thus providing an answer to a very intriguing question. Is the Communist empire using economic warfare to dominate free market forces? However, the way I have framed my question allows me to interceed a new study into the area of economics. Which is economic warfare. As from what I have seen many economists have forgotten that it is questioned that the Communist did and do use their political ideas to implement economic strategies in the form of soft power warfare.] Good theories map a series of manageable tasks, which together will solve the great puzzle. [The manegable tasks at hand are the show communist ideas of complete domination and overthrow of opposition, then that economic warfare through soft power not hard power does exist, then data collection that the allowance of communist economics in the free world competition unchecked is harmfull, then show the harm. Whil rapping it up with the solution of use of Senator Sherman's life long work of the anti-trust laws and their amendments. Which was created to deal with capitalist communist and their massive uncompeitive marketplace entities and can easily be applied to state capitalist or communists as most know them.]
Answerable questions suggest cliams that can be disconfirmed. [Which the Communist party has already done] Good theories produce clear predictions that data can support or contradict. [the use of state capitalism v. free enterprise is causing economic imbalance due to unfair trade. Easy to collect easy to predict easy to see. Alos easy to contradict, except when I am done I suspect it will not be.] Good theories produce clear predictions that data can support or contradict. [much like my professional prediction I will use after this question is confirmed or disconfirmed regarding the service business cycles role in the US's boom busts and the prediction for the next one based on our debts and ability to keep gaining debt if we do not start paying it off.]
Good theories run the risk of being shown wrong. [I would expect nothing less from my opposition]
Theory serves to organize research [that is what I need for this blog cite and my presentation to the leaders of this free society.]
NOMOTHETIC refers to the study of general laws or properties. This approach strives to discover regular patterns that hold in different times and places. That research can use a common set of concepts or diminesions to describe [the futre movements of the theorized primary study]
IDIOGRAPHIC approach focues on the particular of the individual person, place, or time under study withuot trying to generalize or [&] discovery universal laws.
The process of theory based research
Steps in Making and Using theory
Theory-based research consists of a few repeating steps: induction, deduction, and tests.
In the induction phase, we connect general principles or relationships that might explain specific observations, anecdotes, or research results. In moving from the particular to the general, we are creating theory. Sometimes, we can trace such ideas to earlier theories or analogies borrowed from other disciplines.
Theory need not simply summarize observed relationships. Theory can also express the theorist's guesses about unobserved relations. The theorist may invent new concepts and predict new links between concepts. [only if the primary element of historical data is there] Thus, theory comes partially from data and partially from speculation.
The theorist's special interests and training will help orient him or her toward one or another broad area.
The next step in theory based research, draws specific assertions or claims form general theoritical principles. A theory that has many constructts and causal paths can provide more than one such claim. Drawing of specific asssertions from general principles.
Hypothesis Testing and Operationalization
To test a theory or any of its components, we must find a way to make concrete the constructs of each proposition and to observe them in some particular subject. [Thus making a presumable rebuttal much harder to muster with a specific concreate observation and test.] In order to translate a construct into a tangible, observable form, we must make an operational definition.
Operational definition: Procedure that translates a construct into manifest or observable form.
When we operationalize a proposition (that is, translate its constructs into observable form), it becomes a hypothesis. A hypothesis consists of a prediction about the relations among operational terms.
Hypothesis testing, the third basic step in social research, brings theory and reality face to face with each other. If the observed data do not fit our hypothesis, we are inclicned to reject the hypothesis and to doubt the theory from which we deduced it. Any mismatch of specific data with theory tends to lower our confidence in or falsify the theory, assuming that we have conduceted the hypothesis test well.
Since theory should hold for all cases within the theory's domain, only tests of the theory in all relevant cases would give conclusive proof. [I wonder if the idea of win win would suffice for this. As the communist have this idea that by doing business with them and allowing them to gain the production edge which allows them to gain the fuel edge, which then allows them to gain the one world currency edge, in which allows them to control through a single political ideological perpsective. Would that suffice, the baby and t-ball idea of win win. There is no win win in business. Someone is getting the upper hand each transaction. If I have x and you have y. We want to trade. I will only trade if I believe it benefits me, and you will only trade if it benefits you. Then we just have to see who wants to benefit less.]
Exogenous construct causes come from outside the theory. Exogenous constructs have straight casual arrows leading away from but not to them. In their measured form, such variables go by the name independent variables because they are independent of (not caused by) the other variables in the model.
This linkage has many exceptions, and the degree of the concurrence remains to be estimated.
Endogenous construct causes appear in the model. The manifest or measured form of endogenous construct go by the name dependent variables because their values or levels depend on the causal variables.
Direct causal paths in a theory a simple, one-way causal connection between two constructs.
Reciprocal causation in a theory a two-way causal connection between tow constructs in which each causes the other.
Indirect Causation In a theory, a set of two or more causal connections by which one construct causes a second indirectly via one or more intervening constructs.
Intervening variable Measured variable in a hypothesis test, or a theoretical variable in a theory that is the effect of one variable and a casue of another.
Why have theories?
Action The word theory connotes ivory towers where theorists take flights of fancy that have little to do with real life or averae people. In fact, most theorists have real-world concens in mind when they develop their ideas and can justify their efforts by pointing to social choices that their work could affect. Indeed nothing, is so practical as a good theory.
Theories serve us in two major ways. First, theories meet our need to act even when we are uncertain. The necessity to act often forces us to guess about how the world works. Until we can replace our guesses with laws, we want to make our guesses the very best that they can be. We can think of theories as carefully reviewed and comprehensive guesses. Good theories have coherence, logic and internal consistency." research methodology book notes
Dictionary definition
"Coherence: integration of diverse elements, relationships or interest [to be consistent]
Logic: a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration: the science of formal principles of reasoning. (2) c interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable
Criteria: a standard on which a decision may be made or based 2 characterizing trait or mark.
Validity: 1 having a legal efficacy or force executed with the proper legal authority and formalities 2a well grounded or justifiable being at once relevant and meaning ful 3 appropriate to the end in view 4 confroming to accepted principles of sound classification
Inference: the act of pasin from one process of judgment considered as true to another whose truth is believed to follow from that of the former b the act of passing from statistcal sample data to generalizations with caluclated degree of certaintity.
Principles: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine of assumption b(1)rule of code' of conduct b an ingredient that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality
Internal consistency: is the extent to which tests or procedures assess the same characteristic, skill or quality. It is a measure of the precision between the observers or of the measuring instruments used in a study. This type of reliability often helps researchers interpret data and predict the value of scores and the limits of the relationship among variables."
Back to the olodogy
"More than that, good theories integrate existing thoughts and data, taking into account both agreements and disagreemnets among observers [this is important I want to make sure to create more than a presumptional rebuttal, I must also outline the communist views that it was the free marjets fault for the crash, which is a blow back answer to the primary question] Well-researched and well-argued theories can persuade policy makers better than can wild guesses. Plausible theories can contribute to very important social policy decisions."
Back to it:
"Theroeis prove useful in a second way by guiding research. Scholars know that theories are only tentative, temporary ways of seeing o fthe world, awaiting futher research. But the world poses a great many questions. How does one single out of any one question for the study? Theory serves to specify the most crucial questions. Better theories point to better questions, that is, those that merit out interests and that will yield to our methods. Worthy questions do not already have the answers. To pursue an already answered question wastes our time and makes no new contribution. However, we should distinguish redundenat studies on an already answered question from those on a qeustion that remains unsolved. [much like the question I propose to imperically answer]
Good questions should also be answereable. Some important questions, such as What casues poverty? or What causes war? will provce too large to answer in any single study with our present methods. [that is why I propose just the economics between the Communsit Chinese and their ability to use it to conquer others economics. It is simple idea of a specific countries economics through the scope of constructs of the free world economics v. Communist economics along with the variables of free enterprise and market forces v the marxist centralized economic planning and SOE's.] Researchers divide great social problems into smaller questions that remains unsolved. [my question however, is just a smaller version of why the world economics crashed. It takes a small comparatively study of the communist manifest of economic warfare. Thus providing an answer to a very intriguing question. Is the Communist empire using economic warfare to dominate free market forces? However, the way I have framed my question allows me to interceed a new study into the area of economics. Which is economic warfare. As from what I have seen many economists have forgotten that it is questioned that the Communist did and do use their political ideas to implement economic strategies in the form of soft power warfare.] Good theories map a series of manageable tasks, which together will solve the great puzzle. [The manegable tasks at hand are the show communist ideas of complete domination and overthrow of opposition, then that economic warfare through soft power not hard power does exist, then data collection that the allowance of communist economics in the free world competition unchecked is harmfull, then show the harm. Whil rapping it up with the solution of use of Senator Sherman's life long work of the anti-trust laws and their amendments. Which was created to deal with capitalist communist and their massive uncompeitive marketplace entities and can easily be applied to state capitalist or communists as most know them.]
Answerable questions suggest cliams that can be disconfirmed. [Which the Communist party has already done] Good theories produce clear predictions that data can support or contradict. [the use of state capitalism v. free enterprise is causing economic imbalance due to unfair trade. Easy to collect easy to predict easy to see. Alos easy to contradict, except when I am done I suspect it will not be.] Good theories produce clear predictions that data can support or contradict. [much like my professional prediction I will use after this question is confirmed or disconfirmed regarding the service business cycles role in the US's boom busts and the prediction for the next one based on our debts and ability to keep gaining debt if we do not start paying it off.]
Good theories run the risk of being shown wrong. [I would expect nothing less from my opposition]
Theory serves to organize research [that is what I need for this blog cite and my presentation to the leaders of this free society.]
NOMOTHETIC refers to the study of general laws or properties. This approach strives to discover regular patterns that hold in different times and places. That research can use a common set of concepts or diminesions to describe [the futre movements of the theorized primary study]
IDIOGRAPHIC approach focues on the particular of the individual person, place, or time under study withuot trying to generalize or [&] discovery universal laws.
The process of theory based research
Steps in Making and Using theory
Theory-based research consists of a few repeating steps: induction, deduction, and tests.
In the induction phase, we connect general principles or relationships that might explain specific observations, anecdotes, or research results. In moving from the particular to the general, we are creating theory. Sometimes, we can trace such ideas to earlier theories or analogies borrowed from other disciplines.
Theory need not simply summarize observed relationships. Theory can also express the theorist's guesses about unobserved relations. The theorist may invent new concepts and predict new links between concepts. [only if the primary element of historical data is there] Thus, theory comes partially from data and partially from speculation.
The theorist's special interests and training will help orient him or her toward one or another broad area.
The next step in theory based research, draws specific assertions or claims form general theoritical principles. A theory that has many constructts and causal paths can provide more than one such claim. Drawing of specific asssertions from general principles.
Hypothesis Testing and Operationalization
To test a theory or any of its components, we must find a way to make concrete the constructs of each proposition and to observe them in some particular subject. [Thus making a presumable rebuttal much harder to muster with a specific concreate observation and test.] In order to translate a construct into a tangible, observable form, we must make an operational definition.
Operational definition: Procedure that translates a construct into manifest or observable form.
When we operationalize a proposition (that is, translate its constructs into observable form), it becomes a hypothesis. A hypothesis consists of a prediction about the relations among operational terms.
Hypothesis testing, the third basic step in social research, brings theory and reality face to face with each other. If the observed data do not fit our hypothesis, we are inclicned to reject the hypothesis and to doubt the theory from which we deduced it. Any mismatch of specific data with theory tends to lower our confidence in or falsify the theory, assuming that we have conduceted the hypothesis test well.
Since theory should hold for all cases within the theory's domain, only tests of the theory in all relevant cases would give conclusive proof. [I wonder if the idea of win win would suffice for this. As the communist have this idea that by doing business with them and allowing them to gain the production edge which allows them to gain the fuel edge, which then allows them to gain the one world currency edge, in which allows them to control through a single political ideological perpsective. Would that suffice, the baby and t-ball idea of win win. There is no win win in business. Someone is getting the upper hand each transaction. If I have x and you have y. We want to trade. I will only trade if I believe it benefits me, and you will only trade if it benefits you. Then we just have to see who wants to benefit less.]
I will need to bring it all together to show a statistical trend in Chinese centralized economics on a propensity to use their economics to dominate (conquer) the international market place
My hope that is if I do the paper well and my graduate mentor agrees. That I may be able to present it to the actual United State Legislation branch to show a propensity to need to start to compete against China and their international development of the Communist party over the Democratic/Republic ideas of freedom.
I think that I should go one step above and beyond like I like to do. As this research question if it is found to be like my already literature review notes and analysis along with my statistical data reviews seems to show. Then there will need to be a solution. However, I shall not use the Moot Hartley Act style solution of embargoes or tariffs. On the contrary I shall use the brave and competitive spirit of the US in a strategy of how to compete this beast of an economic strategy from the Communist; without military, or otherwise hard power or soft power exclusions. As I believe I have traced the Japanese who we also mothered and when they became to big for their britches I think mom's had a good way to kindly deal with them. So I will need to think of how to streamline that into the paper.
As it is usual for me in my life and work to go above and beyond. I must also present a proper outline and then seek help for a professional economic presentation. I have many years in rhetorical competition. However, I would think the presentation of an economic paper to our leaders might have a different mood, look and all around presentation than down and out competition on the rhetoric field. What is the point of spending tens of thousands of dollars in research hours, tracing, tacking, presenting and creating a cognitive idea in the leaders if I can't finish it off with a proper research presentation. It is like taking a futer Misses I on a date and then not walking her to the door, that definitely means it is a no go. So I like this research project and I want it to stick with me so I should walk her to the door. Of course then again where I am from it is hard to find a girl that will pass the test of down home country and turn on a country station when she gets in the car. Hard to find in these parts.
1. Ansteels strategy of blocking foreign trade into the steel industry. Then conglomerating unfairly and through vertical and horiztonal acts with a very rare, rare earth minearls deposit SOE. Which means all other streel companies will have to go through Ansteel to get those minerals. Which then allows Ansteel to act like a monopsony and then a monopolistic style regualtor of the steel industry. In which they used this unfair business to place pressure points on US and Russian steel industries so they could unfairly infilitrate their economic infrastructure of steel with a 10-15 year plan to use Ansteels cartel like activities with its SOE congloermations to completely dominate the international marekt place. This then will allow their unfair anti-trust activities to slowly errod internationals steel companies. Especially now since the Communists very high quota on rare earth exports.
2. Their help of Venezeula's Hugo Chavez to illegally take over a free enterprise of the US and then turn around and unfairly create anti-trust contracts with the communist party in the name of the communist party international, one world domination.
2. Their help of Venezeula's Hugo Chavez to illegally take over a free enterprise of the US and then turn around and unfairly create anti-trust contracts with the communist party in the name of the communist party international, one world domination.
I am here to tell you I like whopping butt. I am to old to do it in the cage anymore. However, I read and write baby and presenta'sheon.
The reason why the Communist are a threat to international currency mutiplicty.
Since the US has allowed the communist to compete unfairly in the international market places with their extensive use of massive conglomerated SOE's and centralized economic strategies to do so. This has allowed the Communist to fold any free society equitable need for fuel. This is because the free societies have been forced to rely on the service bell curve. Which inherently needs less fuel to use. As the producing country which gains the most positive capital inflows and the most need for resources; also gains the most strength in military as per production per unit and the ability to produce it streamlined, while being able to get up their military factors faster. This also is a threat because it allows the Communist to hold much more sway over OPEC than the free societies currently do. We can see this with Communist China's current economic business with Saudi Arabia. Which is the US's best ally on OPEC. Soon the Communist while be easily able to sway the Saudi Arabians to stop using US dollars to trade and start using an international currency or even the communist currency. This is because it is the same plan that the Soviets had. They know through their communist politics that they will become the center of the international market place which will make their communist views, and military vary powerful. Which will then take the balanced free world of conservative ideas and liberal ideas and through it into kaos as the extreme political views of the communist start to take hold. We have already started to see this again like the cold war in Hungary via the right party and their ideas of the 1st amendment as whispered for by the MSS, and also in Venezuela were we see our closest and hopeful for a balanced democracy/republic being torn apart by the MSS. Much like we witnessed the KGB doing to parts of the world it found needed.
Therefore, this unfair competition by the communist entities and centralized strategies will allow them to create an unfair single currency. Which is bad. As that means they will be able to control it via their communist massive surplus and neo-mercantalist economics. Also it will mean that countries can easily be abused and discriminated against because there will be no other way to trade in the international market place. Especially since the communist party is an extreme one view dominate dictorialship. Thus meaning that if a country dissents against the communist they can easily move their currency by shadow agents to give that dissenting country bad abilities for contracts. Which can turn a positive capital inflow which allows that country to build and expand quickly into a negative capital inflow which causes that country implode and have to erode safety nets and welfare, like we have been seeing in the free societies. However the status-quo allows for the use of many different currencies. Which is part of a free world international sovereignty to use. Folks just like using the US because of our political ability to keep its currency from being used against the countries applying it for trade. The EU and pound have also found it a similar international trade, as they are much less likely to use it as economic warfare against those that dissent against the, Basically because in free world societies our system is based on dissent. We actually thrive on dissent because it makes us stronger as we have to prove our side with empirical ideas which makes the idea stronger or they have to disprove the idea which creates a stronger idea.
Thus it would be a bad thing to have a one world international currency, not just because mother freedom would be out in the cold along with the other free societies that folks love to use for their trade. But, primarily because it would make it a lot easier for countries to discriminate while furthering the world grip of the communist centralized party.
Rider i
Again my culture does not wish for a one world government nor a one world currency. Along with that the only imperialist hegemony we wish for is the wish of all to vote and for all to have equal individual rights, while keeping economic freedom for the market forces to move freely. If that is imperialism then so be it our hegemony is better than the communists or extreme Islamics views of enslavement of market forces, individuals or spirituality.
Therefore, this unfair competition by the communist entities and centralized strategies will allow them to create an unfair single currency. Which is bad. As that means they will be able to control it via their communist massive surplus and neo-mercantalist economics. Also it will mean that countries can easily be abused and discriminated against because there will be no other way to trade in the international market place. Especially since the communist party is an extreme one view dominate dictorialship. Thus meaning that if a country dissents against the communist they can easily move their currency by shadow agents to give that dissenting country bad abilities for contracts. Which can turn a positive capital inflow which allows that country to build and expand quickly into a negative capital inflow which causes that country implode and have to erode safety nets and welfare, like we have been seeing in the free societies. However the status-quo allows for the use of many different currencies. Which is part of a free world international sovereignty to use. Folks just like using the US because of our political ability to keep its currency from being used against the countries applying it for trade. The EU and pound have also found it a similar international trade, as they are much less likely to use it as economic warfare against those that dissent against the, Basically because in free world societies our system is based on dissent. We actually thrive on dissent because it makes us stronger as we have to prove our side with empirical ideas which makes the idea stronger or they have to disprove the idea which creates a stronger idea.
Thus it would be a bad thing to have a one world international currency, not just because mother freedom would be out in the cold along with the other free societies that folks love to use for their trade. But, primarily because it would make it a lot easier for countries to discriminate while furthering the world grip of the communist centralized party.
Rider i
Again my culture does not wish for a one world government nor a one world currency. Along with that the only imperialist hegemony we wish for is the wish of all to vote and for all to have equal individual rights, while keeping economic freedom for the market forces to move freely. If that is imperialism then so be it our hegemony is better than the communists or extreme Islamics views of enslavement of market forces, individuals or spirituality.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
We should leave Hugo and our International Investments at a stand still.
Then we should start giving more development to India and its oil wells. So they can combat the massive Communist infiltration with jobs and more we can gain more help for a developing democratic/republic country. Why are we still dealing with Hugo Chavez? Who needs his oil. He sells the oil to communist countries at bare people rape rates and then he overcharges the US. All for the name of the international communist party. I like India, I do not like Hugo Chavez big mouth or stealing of American free enterprise nor disrespect for the country that has feed his countries with economics by supporting the communist party with international illegal contracts and unfair business practices. I like India I think she likes me.
Rider i
I have some communist friends. However, the stupid or ignorant Communist who do not know how to understand the some one elses views as opposition and not a threat usually are not my friends. Especially when I try and make friends with someone wearing a Che Guerra shirt and they are complete idiots about Karl Marx's theory and could only tell you they like Che because he is a communist not knowing why. Those types of folks usually I do not make friends with. However, intellectual communist who can give a good run for their money until you pull out the enslavement bit are nice folks. I would not want them working government or politics as per their extreme anti-freedom of economic views, but hey folks are allowed their cultural opinion as long as they do not do anything illegal like take orders or direction from a foreign communist party to destroy the US or to gain information through espionage. Which one of my friends I can't wait till I catch him. It is going to be great and he knows it. You going down you communal enslavist. I like having different friends it makes lifes conversations interesting and I can learn were vulnerabilities are in extreme points of view. Plus usually when I try and play devils advocate to some of my freedom of economics friends for communism they show me cons and pros of my research and gathering.
Our infrastructure investment with Hugo should stand still all contracts should hold gruond and water. We should start to diversify away from his country. However at the same time that is exactly what the Hugo and the Communist party wants. If Venezuelas long time mother figure leaves it now, the democratic/republic side of it will fail to communist manifesto and Hugo's greed for power. Which means as we have failed both Cuba and we are now failing Venezuela to stop the tryanical economic enslavement of communism we should not pull out completely. However, if Hugo is using his powers for Communist overthrow via the first party of the communist anarchist cook book, then we should start to look in India to check further communist reign inside of it via helping out with its oil infrastructure if it would like to buddy up with the US.
Hugo's mouth is getting bigger as he is getting more and more used by the central communist party. Which means as they use him more for China communist political agenda he will feel safer as he will think they need him because of his way to great of deals on his countries economic values. In which he is actually economically raping his people for the communist centralized party. In which he is trying to make up the economic pilleage by forcing the US through its deals with it to pay for it.. Like forcing a US company to be overthrown by communist forces and then lose 100 million in back pay.
By the way my friend in India is not a communist. My friend in California is. I figured if I wanted to know my opposition I needed to be friend one and see if the reseearch anayslis of cognitive side affects of the belief in Marx's is true. So far it is.
Rider i
I have some communist friends. However, the stupid or ignorant Communist who do not know how to understand the some one elses views as opposition and not a threat usually are not my friends. Especially when I try and make friends with someone wearing a Che Guerra shirt and they are complete idiots about Karl Marx's theory and could only tell you they like Che because he is a communist not knowing why. Those types of folks usually I do not make friends with. However, intellectual communist who can give a good run for their money until you pull out the enslavement bit are nice folks. I would not want them working government or politics as per their extreme anti-freedom of economic views, but hey folks are allowed their cultural opinion as long as they do not do anything illegal like take orders or direction from a foreign communist party to destroy the US or to gain information through espionage. Which one of my friends I can't wait till I catch him. It is going to be great and he knows it. You going down you communal enslavist. I like having different friends it makes lifes conversations interesting and I can learn were vulnerabilities are in extreme points of view. Plus usually when I try and play devils advocate to some of my freedom of economics friends for communism they show me cons and pros of my research and gathering.
Our infrastructure investment with Hugo should stand still all contracts should hold gruond and water. We should start to diversify away from his country. However at the same time that is exactly what the Hugo and the Communist party wants. If Venezuelas long time mother figure leaves it now, the democratic/republic side of it will fail to communist manifesto and Hugo's greed for power. Which means as we have failed both Cuba and we are now failing Venezuela to stop the tryanical economic enslavement of communism we should not pull out completely. However, if Hugo is using his powers for Communist overthrow via the first party of the communist anarchist cook book, then we should start to look in India to check further communist reign inside of it via helping out with its oil infrastructure if it would like to buddy up with the US.
Hugo's mouth is getting bigger as he is getting more and more used by the central communist party. Which means as they use him more for China communist political agenda he will feel safer as he will think they need him because of his way to great of deals on his countries economic values. In which he is actually economically raping his people for the communist centralized party. In which he is trying to make up the economic pilleage by forcing the US through its deals with it to pay for it.. Like forcing a US company to be overthrown by communist forces and then lose 100 million in back pay.
By the way my friend in India is not a communist. My friend in California is. I figured if I wanted to know my opposition I needed to be friend one and see if the reseearch anayslis of cognitive side affects of the belief in Marx's is true. So far it is.
It with ease that I am able to tell you I love this country and its faults and mutiple cultures.
I love freedom even in my time of greatest anger after possible bulgerly attempt. I am able to tell this to you because I am free not controlled by communist idealistic ideas of what is good for the commune. I live by what is good for the individual is good for the commune. As through nature each organism and living gathering of such works on their own individual labors and owns them. In such creating the structure of nature by following the path of one's own nature through the freedom of economics and the best ability to compete fairly, as nature is a competition. Every molecure is constantly competeting for space. Some compete slower than others and make solid orgranisms, others compete faster and make liquid. However, each in their own is still competeting for space, constantly moving for their own nature working with and against its natural partners. I love this country and I can see exactly what is happening to it by doing what all good scientist have done.
Staring in history creating a probable list of outcomes and predictions then collecting datat to prove or disprove the hypothesis created via the list of outcomes. The outcome that makes the most sense is the MSS have taken up were the KGB left off. However, with a new era of guards we have seem to have forgotten how the game table works in the communist favors because they do not care to compete fairly because they think they are the center of the universe and all other things revolve around them. Much like the soviets did, now the Chinese Communists are doing the same thing.
Staring in history creating a probable list of outcomes and predictions then collecting datat to prove or disprove the hypothesis created via the list of outcomes. The outcome that makes the most sense is the MSS have taken up were the KGB left off. However, with a new era of guards we have seem to have forgotten how the game table works in the communist favors because they do not care to compete fairly because they think they are the center of the universe and all other things revolve around them. Much like the soviets did, now the Chinese Communists are doing the same thing.
It is not the Chinese we have to worry about.
It is the ability of the Communist party to easily maneuver other arms of the communist party and act them like a single entity in favor of the richest Communist party. Much like what the Soviet did, during the first cold war. Thus this easily allows the Chinese Communist party to use its international fellow communist to destroy free socities and economies via the implosion theory. Which was proven during many espionage trials and cases during the cold war, without Senator McCarthies help.
China's Rare earth quota should be equivalen to US jobs.
If China wants to create a rare earth quota even though they internationally and domestically own the majority of stock in necessary minerals to produce high tech products. Which is the last industry the free world has to gain capital inflows. Then we should create a quota on job exports to China as they are communist whic is our long run civil rights and economic freedom enemy and rival. Along with that we should create a quota on Chinese cheap product dumping. Probable a quota on job exports to china would be better. Which should be quota of no job export.
Rider i
told you our leaders are so weak. China is going to take the last industry from the free world and completely conquer the international market place for political, economic and military purposes.
If China wants to create a rare earth quota even though they internationally and domestically own the majority of stock in necessary minerals to produce high tech products. Which is the last industry the free world has to gain capital inflows. Then we should create a quota on job exports to China as they are communist whic is our long run civil rights and economic freedom enemy and rival. Along with that we should create a quota on Chinese cheap product dumping. Probable a quota on job exports to china would be better. Which should be quota of no job export.
Rider i
told you our leaders are so weak. China is going to take the last industry from the free world and completely conquer the international market place for political, economic and military purposes.
This cite will be edited for all angry blog writing.
I lost my job, my best friend is dating other people, I am going to lose my phone and car, I can't figure out how to leverage my car into a cheaper vehicle of a motorcycle. My credit score is about to be killed, they will not allow me to apply for a second bachelors degree in what I want to learn, not even a competitive application for one chair, Hugo Chavez a fear of mine in the Latin world just did exactly what I have always feared for Venezuela, it is not my country so I can't do anything, some hoodlums ran up on my house then started stocking my house like they do every year because we live on a very old cow farm I called the police like I usually do as it is proper to always call in the calvary even if I have to protect my own. Which means I might have a in house burglary so I might have to use my guns, and then go to court for killing someone. This is not a good year for me. My angry and impolite comments will be taken down. As it really disheartens this research blog into a more of a stupid angry blog. Along with that, if my credit score is messed up my plan to get three more graduate degrees will be squashed and I will have to go with the Alaska plan of watching out for the communist invasion. I heard you can fish, n hunt and carry a 50 caliber all year long. Bad year for me. I apologize to my opposition for being more rude than usual. If someone runs up on my house again and scares me or my grandma I will defend my self as I am scared. If they do not listen to my orders and precise direction under gun point while I arrest them and wait for the police to show up and if they make any movements were I thin they are reaching for a weapon or if it looks like they are sneaking up on my house with a weapon, I will protect my own. It is my right given to me by the US culture and it is a bill of rights written by the monks of the foundation of my ancient culture. The proper procedure liberals as i know it is. Under duress of possible harm from criminal, point gun direct to lay down, place handcuffs on, if they do not obey hold under gun point until the police show up. If they try and run away without actions of weapon movement with their hands in the air then use stun gun, instead of regular gun, then handcuff them under stun and wait for police. Then if they are not stupid enough to act like a big shot and pull a weapon, they get the lecture on how to get their life straight and stop hanging out with the other souls that for some reason drive them to do wrong. Which consists of you must be poor, looks like you like research since you have been casing my house, go to school, learn how to be an analist and analize something for somebody and make some money. Stop wasting you life on nickel and dimes and get into school, your poor it is free if you want more you can take out loans. I did, most folks ask why I got a Criminal Justice degree it was so I could better understand myslef and also deal with folks who can't figure out how to make it legally. Cause being me I know they will try and test me, just comes with the territory of attacking the big dogs who are making mistakes, don't make it proper though. Makes me hate this time of year, folks always trying to get something for nothing. Then when the police show up, I just hope they do not arrest me to. Dam I hate this time of year. I guess the way I always thought of it was that why commit a stupid crime like that when what you gain is not worth the cost of the crime. It does not make sense to me. I would rather leave my neighborhood and find a job on a farm and save my money to do something than live my whole life hanging out with folks that make me want to go and hurt innocent folks. I am not no gangster neither is my grandma, yet each year like clock work they try. I am just glad they do not try that hard. It is better thy do not get in because of they do I will be very scared and it will be much harder to tell if they have a weapon.
Rider I
Rider I
My unemployment check did not come today.
It was supposed to come today. Maybe the post office is backlogged. What am I going to do if I do not get it. My car is already on the endangered list of my economics, my phone bill is past due, I had to place my student loans on hold, the only thing thanks to my strong family is my barter and trade system for my roof and board. If that check does not come it messes up my credit report. Which then messes up my ability to get a loan for my next degree. I asked if they have direct deposit which would save lots of money on ink and paper, along with save billions more in unemployment fraud through theft of mail. Which by my studes costs this country tons of money, which then takes the taxs payers money due to improper allocation of funds. What will I due if my credit is not there for me to climb the ladder. Free socities are built on credit the good souled nature of human being to borrow and pay back as their plan and strategy should allow them to obtain what they are seeking. If that check does not come it will be another weak. Then if they steal this one they will just steal the next one. What will I do? Why is this countries unemployment office not have a proper secure system of allocation of funds if it costs us billions of dollars a year. Why do I have to be scared because of bad management of unemployment allocation. How hard is it to set up a program in which all checks will be placed on debit cards of directly deposited to a persons account. It is not that hard and it would cost much less than the billions we lose through mail fraud each year over unemployment. DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING IN THIS COUNTRY?
You know what I will have to do. I will have to find a loan shark and pay like 50% interest on a loan till I get a way to secure my unemployment check as no one is hiring on livable wages, and how can I take a job making way less than I am receiving from unemployment, I would not be able to live.
Rider i
I need our unemploymetn checks to be secured you weak leaders. This is the first management area of this life study I have found lacking. You shall fix it, I will fix you.
12-30-10 It has been a whole month and a day since I was laid off. I still have not yet recieved my unemployment. My bills are pilled up for the whole month. They are not going to give me my proper paid in dues for the first month. Which means my whole credit score and possible making it is gone. I can only hope to get my unemployment check and then start to pay down the bills that have pilled up because of a poorly managed unemployment system. Obviously if the people have been unemployed the first month they should recieve their unemployment for that month then start the weekly checks. Along with that I really think my checks have been stolen or maybe it is the mail because of holiday time. Either way there is ways around all of this. 1st treat the communist like communists. 2. If the unemployed is laid off the first month then send them the pay for that month so they can pay their back bills. As now I have late fees, and they will just keep adding up and I will not be able to catch up. 3. Create a more secure system so folks have a choice between checks, credit cards, or direct deposit. This will save trillions of dollars.
No pay, nobody paying livable wages, can't get a bachelors degree due to discrmination, hope I can get a loan to due the prerequest for a MA in Economics then get accepted while looking for a day job. As I have worked full time and gone to school at night previously.
You know what I will have to do. I will have to find a loan shark and pay like 50% interest on a loan till I get a way to secure my unemployment check as no one is hiring on livable wages, and how can I take a job making way less than I am receiving from unemployment, I would not be able to live.
Rider i
I need our unemploymetn checks to be secured you weak leaders. This is the first management area of this life study I have found lacking. You shall fix it, I will fix you.
12-30-10 It has been a whole month and a day since I was laid off. I still have not yet recieved my unemployment. My bills are pilled up for the whole month. They are not going to give me my proper paid in dues for the first month. Which means my whole credit score and possible making it is gone. I can only hope to get my unemployment check and then start to pay down the bills that have pilled up because of a poorly managed unemployment system. Obviously if the people have been unemployed the first month they should recieve their unemployment for that month then start the weekly checks. Along with that I really think my checks have been stolen or maybe it is the mail because of holiday time. Either way there is ways around all of this. 1st treat the communist like communists. 2. If the unemployed is laid off the first month then send them the pay for that month so they can pay their back bills. As now I have late fees, and they will just keep adding up and I will not be able to catch up. 3. Create a more secure system so folks have a choice between checks, credit cards, or direct deposit. This will save trillions of dollars.
No pay, nobody paying livable wages, can't get a bachelors degree due to discrmination, hope I can get a loan to due the prerequest for a MA in Economics then get accepted while looking for a day job. As I have worked full time and gone to school at night previously.
Here is what I hear from our weak leaders.
Leaders screaming trench warfare over such trivial aspects to our economy. They both go at each other on their extreme political views. However, I hear not the machinery of the proud American bright light showing the way for economic freedom by working against such ideological perpsectives of extremist economic enslavement ideas as communist massive SOE's and their centralized government ownership. Which is ever spreading through their political and military wishes. I hear the halls filled with oh you said this oh you said that, oh no he went there oh let me kiss his butt there, oh we have to whip our people because of our bad economic leadership so who should we whip? That is what I hear a bunch of cryers and non proud leaders is what I see in this country. Our Chief and Commander set out goals for his countries leadership to follow like creating more exports finding new countries to develop for our exports, helping developing countries out with loans so we could gain a new trade of democracy/republic and gain interest, in which like we did with Africa if they become a good trade partner we might just dissolve the debt if they grow to be a proud democratic/republic country in which they learn how to share politics. That is not what I see from our leadership. I hear our Chief went and got us 50,000 jobs from India. Then I hear the communist juts passed us in free trade agreements and they have created substantial in the hundreds of thousands of jobs for their country and trillions of dollars with of positive capital inflows via loans and import trade. Then I hear that our govenator Arnold and his predecessor went to China to try and buy high technology from them when we have a megalive project of American owned companies trying and building better technology than theirs. However, they can't gain any stimulus money becase we spent 80 MOTHER BLEEPING % OF IT ON CHINA'S INDUSTRIES. That is what I hear. Everyone is allowing the communist party to come back and retrace the steps of the soviets in a different style world domination, using US old economic soft power strategies tied in whith Marx and the old Socialist party of Germanies strategy of blitz, destroy infilitrate then conquer using soe and centralized economics. That is what I see and hear. Then I hear our leaders oh were in trench warfare. What playing patty cake with each other while your citizens economics and jobs are being unfairly taken by communist economic warfare strategy. It is all on this page well documented, what can't you read what they are doing. WTF then I have to deal with more gangsters being created in my neighborhood becasue the jobs the poor folks like me used to be able to get are being taken by midddle class folks with more experience and will take less than a poor person will. I mean how are these people suppsed to compete for jobs when the middle class has lost its manufacturing, export, and now over the last four years high technological industries. Would someone pick me up and donate to me or something so I can concetrate primarily on kick these leaders butts and get me out of this neighborhood so I can stop worrying about poor folks trying to steal from me because I took out loans and know and understand credit movements. I just want to fight against both parties and their oh patty cake trench warfare while their citizens set and wait on welfare for the next service bell curve becasue they are not willing to compete for the root of our economic infrastructure.
I do not know what is worse the poor people each year I have to prevent from hurting my grandmother by staying up all knight or the dam leaders that give them no choices as the programs and schools and jobs are being backlogged. As a big dog I will take it out on our leaders and hope the poor folks get caught by the watchers so they do not hurt anyone and at least get learning inside of the cage. I am coming for you bolshevikian economci enslavers on both the democratic and republicn side. Oh yes pubs do not think just becuase you are a republicna that I have not traced you and your ties to the communist MSS or other extreme communist agendas.
Here is the best part. They use the idea of globilzation withou the proper calculations of political and mitiltary values of economic warfare. The old guard had the communist agenday to a t. The new guard is so fickled about the communist that they do not even calculate economic warfare. Or they are so scared to compete with China that they don't have a clue to go about it. That is why if I make it out of this place alive and I make it through my next three degrees of mutiplicty of education and come out strong and healthy from my motorcycle days, then I am whopping butt, and I have already started taken names and making a list and i will check it twice.
I do not know what is worse the poor people each year I have to prevent from hurting my grandmother by staying up all knight or the dam leaders that give them no choices as the programs and schools and jobs are being backlogged. As a big dog I will take it out on our leaders and hope the poor folks get caught by the watchers so they do not hurt anyone and at least get learning inside of the cage. I am coming for you bolshevikian economci enslavers on both the democratic and republicn side. Oh yes pubs do not think just becuase you are a republicna that I have not traced you and your ties to the communist MSS or other extreme communist agendas.
Here is the best part. They use the idea of globilzation withou the proper calculations of political and mitiltary values of economic warfare. The old guard had the communist agenday to a t. The new guard is so fickled about the communist that they do not even calculate economic warfare. Or they are so scared to compete with China that they don't have a clue to go about it. That is why if I make it out of this place alive and I make it through my next three degrees of mutiplicty of education and come out strong and healthy from my motorcycle days, then I am whopping butt, and I have already started taken names and making a list and i will check it twice.
This time a year where I live.
I do not live in a neighborhood surrounded by tall buildings built by greedy land owners who want nothing but to pack people in layer by layer causing high stress and even worse civil problems. However, I do live in an area with high illegal immigration. Again I have done studies leading back to the European and Irish immigrations it is not a racial thing. It is a socio economic thing. Trust me I am $85, ooo in debt for my 6 college degrees. My family have always been hard working and such close together. Doing the legal thing and just working to try and make it. My grandfather was one of the last teamsters to still be able to make a good living as a truck driver. As we live in a property that is bigger than the condos and apartments around us all the poor people which is funny that are in my same position of unemployment and low income think we are rich. Around this time there are folks who go out and still from people. They justify it however they do. They still from the poor and the rich alike. They kill mame and torture innocent citizens in the cities.
China may have rural poverty. However, the US has a much bigger problem which is urban poverty. This is because rural poverty still allows them to work the land live and be happy. However, in urban poverty it is much more harsh. As they are thrown together in poor neighborhoods with little to no park systems and high liquor stores. This then makes people very upset during these times. We see constantly in reports that around the holidays urban poverty is reached out through these young people who's families are usually immigrants as they can't get jobs so they stick together like tribes to protect against the other tribes that try and hurt them and those around them. This is something that I guess you would have to grow up to understand. I never joined a tribe as I believed in music and skating and the such. However, I had many friends who did. I even had a few who were stupid enought to join tribes in which killed each other over pieces of spray painting or even ground they would never own as they were always doing illegal things. This was not my cup of brew. As I preferred the enlightened path. Learning music and enjoying the fruits of nature through skate boards, surf boards and snow boars. Which I had to work summer and part time jobs mowing lawns to earn.
However, these people see my blood lines ability to hold a nice piece of property from family to family, which each elder male has had to buy from the one previously and they think we are rich. You need to seize and desist with that. I am not rich nor is my family. Of course I know people from all walks of life. From the top of the leadership to the a guy who I helped get into school and off the street through helping join and attend a jr college. I am not going to say that through friends, family, and my eduction which for the stupids I took out loans and worked part time jobs to pay for. Which I am going to take out another loan to pay for my next degree. It is sad this time of year when people steal from others. You have no feeling of what it is like to come home and folks have taken everything from you unless you have been there. I have seen a lot in my life, and use immigrants from guerrilla war torn areas I have seen such things in sad times of my life too. This is not the way. Education and learning is the way out and the way to survive. Taking what is not yours or living off the underground is not the way for folks to climb up the ladder. There is a better way, our safety net allows for folks like us to do it. All you need is a good ambition and good research on root activities. I know were to get food, when my family had no jobs during the recessions, I know were to take a shower when the water was turned off, I know were to go dig ditches if I have no unemployment or temporary places to provide for my bills. I do not need fancy rocks, nor clothes nor shoes as I understand that wisdom is better than gold. As one can only obtain the comforts of life by excelling at what ones soul loves to do. If you are a killer then join the military and rank up they earn good pay. If you are hurt by folks then find a way to work and help folks.
It is sad last year in my neighborhood folks were shot, stolen from and it is just sad. To have to worry if you leave your house and you come home that someone who can't figure out how to make it without hurting others. I work hard for mine, so should you. Taking what someone else earned and saved for is not hard work. It is easy anyone can do it.
Rider i
What I am getting at hear is that I am not saying poor China anymore. We have neighborhoods with not enough police officers, we have schools with not enough teachers, we have people dying because folks can't get a job and turn to violence. I do not hear China's poor me anymore, and I never did.
When I say I am the Royal i that just means I am an American, Each of us is royalty in their own right thanks to our freedom fighters through soft power, when I say I am Saint Cuthbert, you have to understand who Saint Cuthhert was. He was a man who devoted his life to the educational institution to make sure all cultures and individuals could be educated. It makes me sad to think that China is still trying to pull the poor card and developing card when I see my country losing its safety net because of unfair trade with a communist country. When death is on your door step because of poverty, or when you wake up to here the police and find a body being placed in an ambulance or when your schools lose their funding have to close, and the libraries that kids need can't afford books and leaders like the energy secretary, Senator Reid, and the Commerce secretary still baby googly eye China and their unfair communist trade. It is bull that I have to hear people suffer and cause war because of weak leadership who protect their own interests and are scared of the communist. STAND UP AND BE A LEADER DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. STOP COWERING, YOU WEAK LEADERS.
I am going to take a life time of pain and suffering being at the bottom and then middle then back to the bottom each time we go through a service bell crash and start to theoretically through legal and research papers start shoving it up your weak leaders messed up minds. It is going to be like this. You see this, you see our neighbor hoods with trash piled up high, gangs forming because we have no jobs, people being scared because our strong have to turn evil to make it instead of having green places to graze, you see this you sob's do you? Do you see what I see? Communist China is not my problem nor is it the leaders of the United State of America's problems. We need to stop babying like they are our countries people. They are worldly of course and deserve respect. However, when their trade is so politically extreme do to genocidal socio enslavement ideas of Karl Marx that is when a red line should have been drawn. It never was now we suffered as a country more because of weak leaders and their inability to deal with communist unfair trade. THe Chinese Communist even have the nerve to blame freedom of economics on the world crash when they are constantly using their government and communist owned entities to crush and devour free markets for their political and military purposes. Check the smaller countries like Greece and Ireland and see what political party is taking a hold on both sides right and left. Trace em I did you weak SOB's. It is not ok, I hate the feeling of watching my people be scared and hurting because of the Communist and we have no jobs, not enough safety net for our schools or to help those close to turning evil. This is BS, time to get to work if this neighborhood or the bolsheviks do not kill me first.
Howe stupid are Communist each time they use their theory folks get hurt. each time we use the idea of freedom and many theories of freedom well countries grow extremely well. Do you know what it is like to live in a one bedroom place with four people and two animals because our leaders can't figure that each time we go through a service bell curve peak then crash the whole middle class collapses while the poor get poorer and the rich and leaders get stronger. All in the name of international communism. As Locke's and Smith's idea of free trade to not work when communism is in the equation. It has been proven, tested and time and again shown we need to realize that communism is a bad economic theory. Safety nets are needed but not whole use of entities to destroy other countries entities via Senator Sherman's whole life studies, in which he tried to stop.
Worst part of this whole thing is. You take away my people's only happy thing. Which is education when you are little. All kids say they hate it. However, to be able to go to school and see your friends and get out of the house and the stress and the neighborhoods is the best time for many kids. Now you take away from their leaders of mind and purpose the teachers quality of life all because you are to weak to stand up to the communist and say, we are sorry but your communist economics has caused this world crash. Your massive SOE and their use like nuclear weapons your constant acquisition illegally of international resource deposits through cartel and anti-trust violations has caused the world harm through the centralization of your wealth and the uneven spreading of it through out your domestic population. The balance of free societies v. communist societies who are either transitioning or just now deciding to use communist economics as a weapon is unbalanced. The Free societies need to stand up and fight for their people's rights. I am not say to do the Hartley Taft way. That was not good. However, I am saying we need to Bockeroo Bonzai like we did with Japan when their competition became detrimental to free societies as they were transitioning and we need to start developing more countries through butter and economics, and compete against the Communist. Because they have overwhelmed the free societies in butter and economics development which allows them to maintain a high yield of positive capital income. We need positive capital income. Our last industrial sector the high tech sector has been in deficit for 4 years now. If we do not save that one we are lost and our boat is sinking because of weak leadership, it is not just the Democrats or the Republicans or the moderates it is the economic help and advisement along with the many other sectors of report creation or the watching of our leaders that is lacking.
Rider I
China may have rural poverty. However, the US has a much bigger problem which is urban poverty. This is because rural poverty still allows them to work the land live and be happy. However, in urban poverty it is much more harsh. As they are thrown together in poor neighborhoods with little to no park systems and high liquor stores. This then makes people very upset during these times. We see constantly in reports that around the holidays urban poverty is reached out through these young people who's families are usually immigrants as they can't get jobs so they stick together like tribes to protect against the other tribes that try and hurt them and those around them. This is something that I guess you would have to grow up to understand. I never joined a tribe as I believed in music and skating and the such. However, I had many friends who did. I even had a few who were stupid enought to join tribes in which killed each other over pieces of spray painting or even ground they would never own as they were always doing illegal things. This was not my cup of brew. As I preferred the enlightened path. Learning music and enjoying the fruits of nature through skate boards, surf boards and snow boars. Which I had to work summer and part time jobs mowing lawns to earn.
However, these people see my blood lines ability to hold a nice piece of property from family to family, which each elder male has had to buy from the one previously and they think we are rich. You need to seize and desist with that. I am not rich nor is my family. Of course I know people from all walks of life. From the top of the leadership to the a guy who I helped get into school and off the street through helping join and attend a jr college. I am not going to say that through friends, family, and my eduction which for the stupids I took out loans and worked part time jobs to pay for. Which I am going to take out another loan to pay for my next degree. It is sad this time of year when people steal from others. You have no feeling of what it is like to come home and folks have taken everything from you unless you have been there. I have seen a lot in my life, and use immigrants from guerrilla war torn areas I have seen such things in sad times of my life too. This is not the way. Education and learning is the way out and the way to survive. Taking what is not yours or living off the underground is not the way for folks to climb up the ladder. There is a better way, our safety net allows for folks like us to do it. All you need is a good ambition and good research on root activities. I know were to get food, when my family had no jobs during the recessions, I know were to take a shower when the water was turned off, I know were to go dig ditches if I have no unemployment or temporary places to provide for my bills. I do not need fancy rocks, nor clothes nor shoes as I understand that wisdom is better than gold. As one can only obtain the comforts of life by excelling at what ones soul loves to do. If you are a killer then join the military and rank up they earn good pay. If you are hurt by folks then find a way to work and help folks.
It is sad last year in my neighborhood folks were shot, stolen from and it is just sad. To have to worry if you leave your house and you come home that someone who can't figure out how to make it without hurting others. I work hard for mine, so should you. Taking what someone else earned and saved for is not hard work. It is easy anyone can do it.
Rider i
What I am getting at hear is that I am not saying poor China anymore. We have neighborhoods with not enough police officers, we have schools with not enough teachers, we have people dying because folks can't get a job and turn to violence. I do not hear China's poor me anymore, and I never did.
When I say I am the Royal i that just means I am an American, Each of us is royalty in their own right thanks to our freedom fighters through soft power, when I say I am Saint Cuthbert, you have to understand who Saint Cuthhert was. He was a man who devoted his life to the educational institution to make sure all cultures and individuals could be educated. It makes me sad to think that China is still trying to pull the poor card and developing card when I see my country losing its safety net because of unfair trade with a communist country. When death is on your door step because of poverty, or when you wake up to here the police and find a body being placed in an ambulance or when your schools lose their funding have to close, and the libraries that kids need can't afford books and leaders like the energy secretary, Senator Reid, and the Commerce secretary still baby googly eye China and their unfair communist trade. It is bull that I have to hear people suffer and cause war because of weak leadership who protect their own interests and are scared of the communist. STAND UP AND BE A LEADER DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. STOP COWERING, YOU WEAK LEADERS.
I am going to take a life time of pain and suffering being at the bottom and then middle then back to the bottom each time we go through a service bell crash and start to theoretically through legal and research papers start shoving it up your weak leaders messed up minds. It is going to be like this. You see this, you see our neighbor hoods with trash piled up high, gangs forming because we have no jobs, people being scared because our strong have to turn evil to make it instead of having green places to graze, you see this you sob's do you? Do you see what I see? Communist China is not my problem nor is it the leaders of the United State of America's problems. We need to stop babying like they are our countries people. They are worldly of course and deserve respect. However, when their trade is so politically extreme do to genocidal socio enslavement ideas of Karl Marx that is when a red line should have been drawn. It never was now we suffered as a country more because of weak leaders and their inability to deal with communist unfair trade. THe Chinese Communist even have the nerve to blame freedom of economics on the world crash when they are constantly using their government and communist owned entities to crush and devour free markets for their political and military purposes. Check the smaller countries like Greece and Ireland and see what political party is taking a hold on both sides right and left. Trace em I did you weak SOB's. It is not ok, I hate the feeling of watching my people be scared and hurting because of the Communist and we have no jobs, not enough safety net for our schools or to help those close to turning evil. This is BS, time to get to work if this neighborhood or the bolsheviks do not kill me first.
Howe stupid are Communist each time they use their theory folks get hurt. each time we use the idea of freedom and many theories of freedom well countries grow extremely well. Do you know what it is like to live in a one bedroom place with four people and two animals because our leaders can't figure that each time we go through a service bell curve peak then crash the whole middle class collapses while the poor get poorer and the rich and leaders get stronger. All in the name of international communism. As Locke's and Smith's idea of free trade to not work when communism is in the equation. It has been proven, tested and time and again shown we need to realize that communism is a bad economic theory. Safety nets are needed but not whole use of entities to destroy other countries entities via Senator Sherman's whole life studies, in which he tried to stop.
Worst part of this whole thing is. You take away my people's only happy thing. Which is education when you are little. All kids say they hate it. However, to be able to go to school and see your friends and get out of the house and the stress and the neighborhoods is the best time for many kids. Now you take away from their leaders of mind and purpose the teachers quality of life all because you are to weak to stand up to the communist and say, we are sorry but your communist economics has caused this world crash. Your massive SOE and their use like nuclear weapons your constant acquisition illegally of international resource deposits through cartel and anti-trust violations has caused the world harm through the centralization of your wealth and the uneven spreading of it through out your domestic population. The balance of free societies v. communist societies who are either transitioning or just now deciding to use communist economics as a weapon is unbalanced. The Free societies need to stand up and fight for their people's rights. I am not say to do the Hartley Taft way. That was not good. However, I am saying we need to Bockeroo Bonzai like we did with Japan when their competition became detrimental to free societies as they were transitioning and we need to start developing more countries through butter and economics, and compete against the Communist. Because they have overwhelmed the free societies in butter and economics development which allows them to maintain a high yield of positive capital income. We need positive capital income. Our last industrial sector the high tech sector has been in deficit for 4 years now. If we do not save that one we are lost and our boat is sinking because of weak leadership, it is not just the Democrats or the Republicans or the moderates it is the economic help and advisement along with the many other sectors of report creation or the watching of our leaders that is lacking.
Rider I
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
How to Sue Senator Reid and the Green Technological Senator. Along with the economic secretary
Our Chief and Commander Obama has been let down by the Green Tech secretary, Senator Reid and the Economic secretary. The stimulus that was supposed to save our high tech industry since we are in a 4 year deficit already and looking very similar to the manufacturing deficit start that last 30 years. They have failed our Chief and Commander and his wishes. If Obama will not rip their head offs, if the guards are to weak to seek criminal damages for this lack of constitutional duties to protect the US, economically and militarily. Then I will sue them. I am unemployed thus suing is free.
Let's see California State University system Chancellors office for discrimination of my culture of multiplicity, or multiple degrees, which is America's culture. As they are going the Hugo Chavez route of discriminating via Bolivian and Bolshevikian genocide which started in the education system. Just a small brush fire will not go the cultural genodice route but will go discrimination route.
Then I have the boys who have killed their own countries economics. Whether they are part of the house of I or not is not my business as the King of I, I have to check and balance our leaders when they completely neglect their duties to protect our culture of economic freedom Rider I, and cultural discrimination against any culture. Those:
Rider I, Saint Cuthbert, Royal I
Lets see, my societies that protect my cultural heritage are at an all time low of population close to genocide due to Catholician propaganda, which the communist have done a great job making their activities and wishes look like my culture of multiplicity of cultures and degrees and utmost economic freedom. They will not allow me to get my economics bachelorhood due to discrimination of my culture and not even a competitive application process for my culture to gain one seat; I am unemployed, I am losing my new car; When I went to DC I spoke with a man about my DC trip and he said aren't you worried about your strategy. I said why what is the worst they can due to me, kill me, mame, economically attack me, if they touch my family or friends and I am still alive that is war militarily, and in this country they usually take the other routes, of economic attack or other kinds of civilian uprising stopping. However, I am doing it all by paper and pen, so If they stop me I haves a first amendment claim, along with since I am the King of I's and have folks on every side in every culture, I do not think I am in any harms way for doing my duty and redressing the government following the US to economically be devastate by the communist and the bolshevikian and Bolivian agents. If they touch me then I have the government. So paper war on.
The way we change things we do not like in a free country is we write about our ideas. Then we take them to a judge and jury who then can see if we have been wronged and the facts exist for that wrong. If so then the judge applies damages and what he thinks is unconstitutional about the policy. It is a great way to run a country. It allows for people like me who have been wronged and have watched their country be wrong, through tens of thousands of dollars of collection and analysis of my theory to apply that theory in court. In which a judge can say you are bunkers kid or the jury can rule that there is enough evidence to show that my theory holds water. Thus I find characters who have allowed this theory to persist. Especially since i read that our Chief and Commander wanted to lead the world in green high technological industry, not the green tech service sector. Therefore, I have a duty under my current Chief and Commander to defend my country from domestic and international attacks on our culture of freedom in the US. Reasonable force is necessary, reasonable force for a paper war is well research and data. If there was a terrorist uprising or some other kind of anarchy (bolshevikian or Boliverian style uprising) then I would use my 2nd amendment right to help the Chief and Commander place order to our culture of freedom and mutiplicty so that no one culture can overtake the other. Balance, is something that the Communist have had trouble with. Along with Chinese rulers historically always wanted to wipe our their opposition Guardia -siochana. For the most freedom we must constantly compete between oppositions. It is kind of like a marriage, he wants that she wants this and you must find a middle ground. Relationships do not work when folks can't come to a middle ground. The reality of differences is necessary the idea that they should be genocided or stopped from being competitive against yours is not. Along with that with this communist thing there is a red line. The lose of every industrial sectors positive capital inflows to the centralized communist party is a red line and now deserves a proper 1st Amendment fight.
Rider I
Let's see California State University system Chancellors office for discrimination of my culture of multiplicity, or multiple degrees, which is America's culture. As they are going the Hugo Chavez route of discriminating via Bolivian and Bolshevikian genocide which started in the education system. Just a small brush fire will not go the cultural genodice route but will go discrimination route.
Then I have the boys who have killed their own countries economics. Whether they are part of the house of I or not is not my business as the King of I, I have to check and balance our leaders when they completely neglect their duties to protect our culture of economic freedom Rider I, and cultural discrimination against any culture. Those:
Rider I, Saint Cuthbert, Royal I
Lets see, my societies that protect my cultural heritage are at an all time low of population close to genocide due to Catholician propaganda, which the communist have done a great job making their activities and wishes look like my culture of multiplicity of cultures and degrees and utmost economic freedom. They will not allow me to get my economics bachelorhood due to discrimination of my culture and not even a competitive application process for my culture to gain one seat; I am unemployed, I am losing my new car; When I went to DC I spoke with a man about my DC trip and he said aren't you worried about your strategy. I said why what is the worst they can due to me, kill me, mame, economically attack me, if they touch my family or friends and I am still alive that is war militarily, and in this country they usually take the other routes, of economic attack or other kinds of civilian uprising stopping. However, I am doing it all by paper and pen, so If they stop me I haves a first amendment claim, along with since I am the King of I's and have folks on every side in every culture, I do not think I am in any harms way for doing my duty and redressing the government following the US to economically be devastate by the communist and the bolshevikian and Bolivian agents. If they touch me then I have the government. So paper war on.
The way we change things we do not like in a free country is we write about our ideas. Then we take them to a judge and jury who then can see if we have been wronged and the facts exist for that wrong. If so then the judge applies damages and what he thinks is unconstitutional about the policy. It is a great way to run a country. It allows for people like me who have been wronged and have watched their country be wrong, through tens of thousands of dollars of collection and analysis of my theory to apply that theory in court. In which a judge can say you are bunkers kid or the jury can rule that there is enough evidence to show that my theory holds water. Thus I find characters who have allowed this theory to persist. Especially since i read that our Chief and Commander wanted to lead the world in green high technological industry, not the green tech service sector. Therefore, I have a duty under my current Chief and Commander to defend my country from domestic and international attacks on our culture of freedom in the US. Reasonable force is necessary, reasonable force for a paper war is well research and data. If there was a terrorist uprising or some other kind of anarchy (bolshevikian or Boliverian style uprising) then I would use my 2nd amendment right to help the Chief and Commander place order to our culture of freedom and mutiplicty so that no one culture can overtake the other. Balance, is something that the Communist have had trouble with. Along with Chinese rulers historically always wanted to wipe our their opposition Guardia -siochana. For the most freedom we must constantly compete between oppositions. It is kind of like a marriage, he wants that she wants this and you must find a middle ground. Relationships do not work when folks can't come to a middle ground. The reality of differences is necessary the idea that they should be genocided or stopped from being competitive against yours is not. Along with that with this communist thing there is a red line. The lose of every industrial sectors positive capital inflows to the centralized communist party is a red line and now deserves a proper 1st Amendment fight.
Rider I
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tryants have always used communism to crutch their power.
From Moses preaching sacrifices to god, all the way to Karl Marx's and his communist ideas to Hitler and his use of Karl Mar's strategies in his German socialist party and the idea of sacrificing religion for the commune. The one's that have stuck around the longest and held power the longest have been the Bolsheviks. They have infiltrated the Illuminati, free society governments and constantly use their process of Karl Marx's extreme communal enslavement for the good of the human kind to kill mame, enslave and torture. This is reality. This is not a farce. The fact is our leaders have forgot about the Bolsheviks and their extreme view. They do not understand how the balance of politic power and economic freedom is what keeps a country from chaos and ultimately enslavement to the power of the rulers. This is more than obviously because they have allowed the international centralized party of the communist to become the richest and most powerful single dominate party in the world. With international ties to every communist party. Working as a whole to destroy economic freedom and the idea of capitalizing on what your soul perpells you to do. They would rather enslave the human soul to a few political leaders and leave it up to them on where the money should go.
It has been lost because of great works of espionage on the parts of the Bolsheviks and no that does not mean they are Russian, or Chinese. There are many Americans I have traced who are possibly part of the Bolsheviks empire's fight. These people go every day fighting to enslave their fellow humans. They prey on the poor, weak or abused and they use the idea of everyone being just as done as they are and in the same place. This is their tactics, the idea that you did not make it, or you made a bad choice, or you were hurt and did not find a warrior to fight back, so it is all freedom and free wills fault so we should take it from everyone.
Which is funny, my mother left me and abused me when I was young, I grew up with an ex hessian, my blood brother was shot in the line of duty, I was so scientific that my soul and brain make me take adventures that no one else would think of, I have been messed over by sweat shop boss after sweat shop boss, working in every field almost imaginable. I think that is because I have never understood the Bolsheviks so I wanted to see how it felt to be in the people's shoes they prey on. As most of the time no offense y'all when I worked in those places I was very much more enlightened on things than the lot. Still though I find myself never being able to understand how one person could prey on the weak and hurt and tell them they will get things for free because we will force them into slavery for you just like how you feel. I ran for president in elementary and found that is what Bolsheviks and Marxism is, it is elementary politics. Everyone wants to get something of other people's backs, it is natural we are all lazy. However, the Bolsheviks theory does not allow for maximization of individualism or cultural mutiplicty. This is because it forces a social feudalism. Now Democrats are not Bolshevikian or even communist.
There is a need for a safety net. Always there will be those who can't find their way to what they love or make such bad decisions that they are always constantly fighting an up hill battle (thats me). Therefore, the Democrats find in their hearts that necessary safety nets are needed. Along with liberal Republicans who find the same. However, their are red lines that cause undue damage to the availability of the creation of that safety net. That is what this cite is about. The idea that our leadership is so weak that it has forgotten how to compete. They have allowed the communist to compete unfairly. Thus destroying and unraveling the US's safety net for its lesser classes. This is primarily in my trace because of bolshevikian infiltration. The idea that some day the free world will collapse and enslavement of the commune will begin for the good of all. This is real, trust me as a person who is constantly fighting an up hill battle and seems to have a knack to want to get myself killed by foreign communist agents, I have traced the people who are doing this. You may call it a conspiracy. Then again you and me after you have read this just conspired to enlighten ourselves on my thoughts and individual investigations. Everything is a conspiracy. It is just those that hail my deepest darkest fears shall be national security. This is primarily because as a lower class citizen of the US. I have done a lot of studies on the communist ideas. I find that in free societies when their is a problem citizens are allowed to freely investigate and present any wrong doings against their ideas. Which causes for a more progressive ideas of laws and equality with the best safety net possible. I also find that the very root of the bolshevikian idea that the top 1% own the most wealth and the lowest 99% own the least is funny. As most of the top 1% create jobs for the others. In which the lower class ideas of wealth spreading actually make it harder for a middle class citizens to climb the ladder. As that was Karl Mar's pitch to dictators and kings, at least that is what his watchers notes state.
The idea is that to be free costs. This freedom has created the highest spread of wealth in any nation. Were most folks have a tv, enternet and a car in the US. Along with health care via medicare and school via grants and scholar ships. I should now my first degree I was so highly competitive and poor at the same time I got a full ride. However, it is my dream to someday own a farm. In which I will have many of my childhood dreams come true for my children. Freedom takes time sometimes generations for it to be found. However, if a blood line works hard does right, does little wrong and makes good decisions it is very possible to live your dreams. However, the bolsheviks do not want this to happen. As such they lobby for laws that stop the middle class from existing, stop the competition from being allowed and for most wish to crush individual ownership of industries as a whole. Which is funny because that is the same thing their complete opposites are doing in the other side. As the extreme capitalist do not want competition against them and want their massive amounts of earnings to be kept safe. That is why Senator Sherman created the Anti-trust laws. They were to be used against communist and capitalist alike. An I must keep the balance you know, even if his heart is seated on one side.
As I ramble the point is that this country has forgot to apply Senator Sherman's life long work to stop the crushing of every individual to have a fair chance to own their own business and labors. This is because we have allowed the very communist that were a blow back regulation of the anti-trust laws to have it applied too. Therefore, we find were we are today. In a country that has constant loss of safety net due to the allowance of the communist to compete unfairly. This has allowed the Communist to take their surpluses and apply them through a centralized strategy to strengthen the party. Via developing countries that want to be communist. However, the US has become the old Soviet Union. Were we are using and relying way to heavily on military power to spread democracy/republic and the idea of economic freedom along with civil rights. This is primarily due to a possible well played attack by a certain rich boy I would love to get my scope on. Osama Binladen. That rich boy and his communist handlers possibly had the idea to attack the golden dragon to get it to come back to the middle east to create a construction boom and to help free his people form economic poverty, as their infrastructure was lacking a democratic rule to push it further. Then again, we got folks looking constantly for that rich boy. This then was applied to the same theory that Dr. Wilson in his economic warfare plan. To get the Soviets to drain themselves in the war. The Communist are the same way.
With the US's weak application of Senator Sherman's life long work to stop unfair economics to the communist they are easily able to get into countries that the US and free societies help develop. As such look at Iraq some of the best mineral resources contracts went to the communist as our free enterprises could not compete with them. The communist would say we should create communist weapons too. Balance holders would say we should apply fair competition. Thus we then look at countries that the Communist are helping develop through butter, as they were not attacked via a rich boy and his right wing extremist views. The Communist are developing heavily in the footsteps of the German Socialist parties military war. They have undertook heavy economic warfare through their use of SOE weapons. While the US's free enterprises constantly lose key contracts due to mutiple SOE's controlled by the SASAC competiting as a monopsony. This then is what the communist have done. They have taken their world dominator predecessors strategies and applied them to old guard USA tactics of business take over's via helping. The thing that is missing is what we used against the Soviets and it worked so well. The Application of Anti-trust laws and cartel activities to the communist party.
However, we have communist infiltration on both the Democratic ranks and the Republican ranks. In which falsely use Adam smith's and Locke's theories of freedom of trade towards the communist. This is because Adam Smith specifically stated that a leader who controls the state economics is a leader who wishes for slavery. Not in those words but I paraphrased it. Also Locke ideas were in a vacuum without the communist. This is reality, we are erroneously allowing the communist to take over the world through economic warfare. In which is more than evident as the tens of thousands of dollars of my time spent on this research page. Along with my life long study of the Communists idea of complete communal enslavement. Which I have never thought was a good idea. Even when my constant up hill battle was kicking my butt.
Rider i
It has been lost because of great works of espionage on the parts of the Bolsheviks and no that does not mean they are Russian, or Chinese. There are many Americans I have traced who are possibly part of the Bolsheviks empire's fight. These people go every day fighting to enslave their fellow humans. They prey on the poor, weak or abused and they use the idea of everyone being just as done as they are and in the same place. This is their tactics, the idea that you did not make it, or you made a bad choice, or you were hurt and did not find a warrior to fight back, so it is all freedom and free wills fault so we should take it from everyone.
Which is funny, my mother left me and abused me when I was young, I grew up with an ex hessian, my blood brother was shot in the line of duty, I was so scientific that my soul and brain make me take adventures that no one else would think of, I have been messed over by sweat shop boss after sweat shop boss, working in every field almost imaginable. I think that is because I have never understood the Bolsheviks so I wanted to see how it felt to be in the people's shoes they prey on. As most of the time no offense y'all when I worked in those places I was very much more enlightened on things than the lot. Still though I find myself never being able to understand how one person could prey on the weak and hurt and tell them they will get things for free because we will force them into slavery for you just like how you feel. I ran for president in elementary and found that is what Bolsheviks and Marxism is, it is elementary politics. Everyone wants to get something of other people's backs, it is natural we are all lazy. However, the Bolsheviks theory does not allow for maximization of individualism or cultural mutiplicty. This is because it forces a social feudalism. Now Democrats are not Bolshevikian or even communist.
There is a need for a safety net. Always there will be those who can't find their way to what they love or make such bad decisions that they are always constantly fighting an up hill battle (thats me). Therefore, the Democrats find in their hearts that necessary safety nets are needed. Along with liberal Republicans who find the same. However, their are red lines that cause undue damage to the availability of the creation of that safety net. That is what this cite is about. The idea that our leadership is so weak that it has forgotten how to compete. They have allowed the communist to compete unfairly. Thus destroying and unraveling the US's safety net for its lesser classes. This is primarily in my trace because of bolshevikian infiltration. The idea that some day the free world will collapse and enslavement of the commune will begin for the good of all. This is real, trust me as a person who is constantly fighting an up hill battle and seems to have a knack to want to get myself killed by foreign communist agents, I have traced the people who are doing this. You may call it a conspiracy. Then again you and me after you have read this just conspired to enlighten ourselves on my thoughts and individual investigations. Everything is a conspiracy. It is just those that hail my deepest darkest fears shall be national security. This is primarily because as a lower class citizen of the US. I have done a lot of studies on the communist ideas. I find that in free societies when their is a problem citizens are allowed to freely investigate and present any wrong doings against their ideas. Which causes for a more progressive ideas of laws and equality with the best safety net possible. I also find that the very root of the bolshevikian idea that the top 1% own the most wealth and the lowest 99% own the least is funny. As most of the top 1% create jobs for the others. In which the lower class ideas of wealth spreading actually make it harder for a middle class citizens to climb the ladder. As that was Karl Mar's pitch to dictators and kings, at least that is what his watchers notes state.
The idea is that to be free costs. This freedom has created the highest spread of wealth in any nation. Were most folks have a tv, enternet and a car in the US. Along with health care via medicare and school via grants and scholar ships. I should now my first degree I was so highly competitive and poor at the same time I got a full ride. However, it is my dream to someday own a farm. In which I will have many of my childhood dreams come true for my children. Freedom takes time sometimes generations for it to be found. However, if a blood line works hard does right, does little wrong and makes good decisions it is very possible to live your dreams. However, the bolsheviks do not want this to happen. As such they lobby for laws that stop the middle class from existing, stop the competition from being allowed and for most wish to crush individual ownership of industries as a whole. Which is funny because that is the same thing their complete opposites are doing in the other side. As the extreme capitalist do not want competition against them and want their massive amounts of earnings to be kept safe. That is why Senator Sherman created the Anti-trust laws. They were to be used against communist and capitalist alike. An I must keep the balance you know, even if his heart is seated on one side.
As I ramble the point is that this country has forgot to apply Senator Sherman's life long work to stop the crushing of every individual to have a fair chance to own their own business and labors. This is because we have allowed the very communist that were a blow back regulation of the anti-trust laws to have it applied too. Therefore, we find were we are today. In a country that has constant loss of safety net due to the allowance of the communist to compete unfairly. This has allowed the Communist to take their surpluses and apply them through a centralized strategy to strengthen the party. Via developing countries that want to be communist. However, the US has become the old Soviet Union. Were we are using and relying way to heavily on military power to spread democracy/republic and the idea of economic freedom along with civil rights. This is primarily due to a possible well played attack by a certain rich boy I would love to get my scope on. Osama Binladen. That rich boy and his communist handlers possibly had the idea to attack the golden dragon to get it to come back to the middle east to create a construction boom and to help free his people form economic poverty, as their infrastructure was lacking a democratic rule to push it further. Then again, we got folks looking constantly for that rich boy. This then was applied to the same theory that Dr. Wilson in his economic warfare plan. To get the Soviets to drain themselves in the war. The Communist are the same way.
With the US's weak application of Senator Sherman's life long work to stop unfair economics to the communist they are easily able to get into countries that the US and free societies help develop. As such look at Iraq some of the best mineral resources contracts went to the communist as our free enterprises could not compete with them. The communist would say we should create communist weapons too. Balance holders would say we should apply fair competition. Thus we then look at countries that the Communist are helping develop through butter, as they were not attacked via a rich boy and his right wing extremist views. The Communist are developing heavily in the footsteps of the German Socialist parties military war. They have undertook heavy economic warfare through their use of SOE weapons. While the US's free enterprises constantly lose key contracts due to mutiple SOE's controlled by the SASAC competiting as a monopsony. This then is what the communist have done. They have taken their world dominator predecessors strategies and applied them to old guard USA tactics of business take over's via helping. The thing that is missing is what we used against the Soviets and it worked so well. The Application of Anti-trust laws and cartel activities to the communist party.
However, we have communist infiltration on both the Democratic ranks and the Republican ranks. In which falsely use Adam smith's and Locke's theories of freedom of trade towards the communist. This is because Adam Smith specifically stated that a leader who controls the state economics is a leader who wishes for slavery. Not in those words but I paraphrased it. Also Locke ideas were in a vacuum without the communist. This is reality, we are erroneously allowing the communist to take over the world through economic warfare. In which is more than evident as the tens of thousands of dollars of my time spent on this research page. Along with my life long study of the Communists idea of complete communal enslavement. Which I have never thought was a good idea. Even when my constant up hill battle was kicking my butt.
Rider i
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Here is my problem with this lot of leaders. Except the House that was just voted out.
You all take your anger out on your own people. You are to afraid to go out there and get jobs for your citizens. You cut deals with our rivals and competitors to dominat our people for a few crumb pieaces instead of getting out there and fighting for you people. You steal your people's money through squandering their pensions, retirements and taxes through inflationary spending time and time again. You have no back bone and instead of creating jobs and concentrating on where the jobs went you whip your own people and blame in on them when they try and fight for their livelyhoods. You are the type of leaders who make me sick. The pillars of this country have become tired of such weak leaders and guards. You need to fight for you people and stop stealing from them to feed our opposition, rival and competition.
Rider i
YOU MAKE ME SICK. Your weakness has caused much disaster to the social welfare of the US and its technological capabilites to defend this country.
Instead of fighting for what our people you whip them. It is time for me to start my assent so I can start chopping heads for what you weak leaders have done to the crown jewle of freedom of mutiplicty.
Rider i
YOU MAKE ME SICK. Your weakness has caused much disaster to the social welfare of the US and its technological capabilites to defend this country.
Instead of fighting for what our people you whip them. It is time for me to start my assent so I can start chopping heads for what you weak leaders have done to the crown jewle of freedom of mutiplicty.
What Hugo Chavez has done for his country during his way to long stay.
1. Comparatively to a country that has developed during the same time under a democratic rule of switching powers through proper balance. Venezuela has stolen from its people, civil rights, and economic abilities to own their own labors.
2. He has completely disabled the ability of the people to investigate then present proper reports against the political leaders like you see in most free societies. In free societies reporters love reporting on both parties and their atrocities. That is why it swings so much and it is politically balanced. This is because it is good news. His tyrannical ownership of the news is the first and foremost rule for a tyrant to do when they want to hold power for their own personal beliefs and not for the people's. It is never in the best interest of the people to have one leader for two long. As it does not matter who you are we all have biases. And the longer we hold power the more those biases become heightened and allowed as per fear to be create as a cognitive whole.
3. Hugo has lead Venezuela into its worst economics ever. They have stolen from the business people who understand international business and free enterprises and given the power to people who are enabled to take care of the business yet just use it for political power and prowess to keep their jobs. This is a huge Bolsheviks common mistake. That the worker knows better than the one who was able to climb to the top to have people work for them. They don't. It causes famine, economic collapses and worse war against those who have done it. This has happened over and over again.
4. Hugo is no different than an extreme rightist dictator who will not give up power. Because for some reason they think they are god's gift to mankind. However, none of them have the markings of any historical king. Along with that the Kings that are left that are found to still be birthed with markings allow and force democracy because even they know that they are human and they make mistakes. It is better to make mistakes that the people voted for willingly than by force of one and his ideas of law and rule.
5. Hugo is constantly attacking his neighbors with narco terrorist extreme leftist guerrillas to implement and allow proper power balance to shift from extremely to the left side.
6. Hugo is obsessed with the idea that the US will assistant him in his departure for powr. Which is hilarious. If we wanted to assassinate him we could do it easily, and much like him doing it to us there would be nothing he could do. However, we do not do that unless there is a bloody communist anarchist rule and no one can tell why someone was killed. so Hugo as long as you allow for civility and power balance shifting without war then you are ok. Stop worrying. Do the civil thing.
7. Hugo is Hugo he is not well educated in the arts of education or business. Hugo is a general who leads in war and knows how to win and not how to share. That is one of his major faults that he has not been able to overcome. Learning how to share power, not necessarily money as all tyrannical communist say they know how to share. Then they never allow anyone else with a different view to hold power or to check them. Funny.
Rider i

Three Cigarettes for Hugo Chave'z tryancy creation one for me, you and the .......
Church if Hugo allows them to puppeteer them into complete genocide of his opposition:

However, if Hugo does step down after his emergency powers and does the proper thing for his people and take a back seat as a retired president for the next leader and there is no bloody war. Then leave him be. If he keeps up the tryany against his opposition via any kind of jail or otherwise enslavement for having a different unharmfull physical view from him. Then well lets hope his opposition does not get so pissed off as to try and go to war with him again. As that is what happens when a tyrant stays in power to long. Georgy old boy new it.
I still remeber when the knights placed a hole in that demons head and merlin stoned him for remembrance of the rule of the aliens and their communal enslavement of their kind on this planet. Few know were the old alien grave yard is. What the religous call demons, pagans just call them aliens.
Basically what dicatators do not realize is that by not allowing their opposition to have a turn to lead or even a fresh leader, like some single party dictorits do. It causes them to be very upset and have no way for an outlet. This means one of two things, either the dictator has to completely crush civil freedoms or they have to go war with their opposition and kill them. Most dictators as Hugo has shown a propensity to will just kill his opposition. He thinks that he is the best thing for Venezuela yet he is destroying his countries economics through communism and he is allowing the international centralized communist party China, to dominate and rape his people. Not my business, however if he does all the communist to get him to genocide his opposition. I am willing to go in if the President and Senate ok it. Only if there is a war untouched by foreign forces, except of course the communsit will be in it. All we need is one man, I will do it. I have the training. However, only if it is deemed legal and proper.
2. He has completely disabled the ability of the people to investigate then present proper reports against the political leaders like you see in most free societies. In free societies reporters love reporting on both parties and their atrocities. That is why it swings so much and it is politically balanced. This is because it is good news. His tyrannical ownership of the news is the first and foremost rule for a tyrant to do when they want to hold power for their own personal beliefs and not for the people's. It is never in the best interest of the people to have one leader for two long. As it does not matter who you are we all have biases. And the longer we hold power the more those biases become heightened and allowed as per fear to be create as a cognitive whole.
3. Hugo has lead Venezuela into its worst economics ever. They have stolen from the business people who understand international business and free enterprises and given the power to people who are enabled to take care of the business yet just use it for political power and prowess to keep their jobs. This is a huge Bolsheviks common mistake. That the worker knows better than the one who was able to climb to the top to have people work for them. They don't. It causes famine, economic collapses and worse war against those who have done it. This has happened over and over again.
4. Hugo is no different than an extreme rightist dictator who will not give up power. Because for some reason they think they are god's gift to mankind. However, none of them have the markings of any historical king. Along with that the Kings that are left that are found to still be birthed with markings allow and force democracy because even they know that they are human and they make mistakes. It is better to make mistakes that the people voted for willingly than by force of one and his ideas of law and rule.
5. Hugo is constantly attacking his neighbors with narco terrorist extreme leftist guerrillas to implement and allow proper power balance to shift from extremely to the left side.
6. Hugo is obsessed with the idea that the US will assistant him in his departure for powr. Which is hilarious. If we wanted to assassinate him we could do it easily, and much like him doing it to us there would be nothing he could do. However, we do not do that unless there is a bloody communist anarchist rule and no one can tell why someone was killed. so Hugo as long as you allow for civility and power balance shifting without war then you are ok. Stop worrying. Do the civil thing.
7. Hugo is Hugo he is not well educated in the arts of education or business. Hugo is a general who leads in war and knows how to win and not how to share. That is one of his major faults that he has not been able to overcome. Learning how to share power, not necessarily money as all tyrannical communist say they know how to share. Then they never allow anyone else with a different view to hold power or to check them. Funny.
Rider i
Three Cigarettes for Hugo Chave'z tryancy creation one for me, you and the .......
Church if Hugo allows them to puppeteer them into complete genocide of his opposition:
However, if Hugo does step down after his emergency powers and does the proper thing for his people and take a back seat as a retired president for the next leader and there is no bloody war. Then leave him be. If he keeps up the tryany against his opposition via any kind of jail or otherwise enslavement for having a different unharmfull physical view from him. Then well lets hope his opposition does not get so pissed off as to try and go to war with him again. As that is what happens when a tyrant stays in power to long. Georgy old boy new it.
I still remeber when the knights placed a hole in that demons head and merlin stoned him for remembrance of the rule of the aliens and their communal enslavement of their kind on this planet. Few know were the old alien grave yard is. What the religous call demons, pagans just call them aliens.
Basically what dicatators do not realize is that by not allowing their opposition to have a turn to lead or even a fresh leader, like some single party dictorits do. It causes them to be very upset and have no way for an outlet. This means one of two things, either the dictator has to completely crush civil freedoms or they have to go war with their opposition and kill them. Most dictators as Hugo has shown a propensity to will just kill his opposition. He thinks that he is the best thing for Venezuela yet he is destroying his countries economics through communism and he is allowing the international centralized communist party China, to dominate and rape his people. Not my business, however if he does all the communist to get him to genocide his opposition. I am willing to go in if the President and Senate ok it. Only if there is a war untouched by foreign forces, except of course the communsit will be in it. All we need is one man, I will do it. I have the training. However, only if it is deemed legal and proper.
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